Choppski - Milking Factory |
Choppski has produced a nice neat facility here for milking semen from helpless hunks.
The extraction mechanisms vary slightly in detail, but there's a nice uniformity in the line-up
which gives a real sense of a mass production set-up.
You will observe that these three captives have produced different amounts of 'product'. It isn't clear whether that is down to the efficacy of their machines, their own genetic make-up or something else. The relatively poor performance of the youngest-looking one is rather surprising.
I like the simplicity of the restraint arrangements in this image and the artist's decision not to include any body attachments or inserts for stimulating his 'Bulls' into action. It allows their total nudity to shine through.
The arrangements for keeping the milking sleeves in place on restless milk-ees are not clear either, some sort of suction perhaps? a clamp? a claw? Whatever the technology is, the visual effect is of the machine being totally in charge of each man who needs only to be tethered to be rendered totally subservient.
Notice the suggestion of a radiation hazard on the collection device!
Alien Semen Farm (attributed to Sarander) - click to enlarge |
This sci-fi, semen farm is quite different. There's a variety of devices for controlling the humans while they are being forced to give up their seed. There isn't a strong sense of a production line. With the machines dotted around in random fashion, it seems more like an experimental lab set-up, while the Queen Bee presiding over events at the rear puts one in mind of a medieval despot's torture chamber.
These men might be the luckless, captured crew of a space-ship, so perhaps they do have a novelty value to their captors, warranting experimentation. The aliens seem to know exactly what they want from them however - and the sexiest way to get it, with no expense spared! It's a matter of conjecture whether the leather gags and blindfolds are intended to stimulate the milk-producing crew in their endeavours or the alien spectators, but it's a detail somewhat at odds with the hi-tech setting.
The three devices on the right are actually more similar than they first appear and they actually follow the same, 4-limb restraint principle as Choppski's simple stands. However, these alien constructs allow their captives more freedom to squirm and buck as they give up their loads. Whether this enlightened, 'organic' approach improves the quality of the milk, or the yields, I cannot say, but I do like the open-legged squatting pose that seems to be the standard 'rest' position for this device.
The captive on the left is just being fitted with his catheter-like tube which will channel his production into the collection tubes when he's all connected up. This restraint chair seems extravagantly over-engineered in comparison with Choppski's vision but perhaps it's multi-purpose.
I can't decide whether the captive on the far right has been temporarily disconnected while he has refreshments and is topped up with re-hydrating fluid or whether his alien attendant is priming him by hand, tickling his balls to get him going.