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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label Office suits etc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Office suits etc. Show all posts

Monday, 29 April 2024


A few hours ago he was he was hard at work, digging on a construction site,
he was looking forward to a dirty weekend with his girlfriend.
But suddenly he was grabbed and manhandled into the back of a van.
Two burly thugs stripped him of his shirt, boots and jeans.
and now he faces a very different weekend.


 Credit: Max Duran models underwear for Jessy Ares

Click on labels below for similar posts including more 'targets'

Friday, 29 December 2023

Bareass Blog no 74

 Bareass Boardroom Presentation

He'll do anything to get that contract!
Willing to pull out all the stops.

For other Bareass boys click on the label below 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Art by Alibobokk aka 'JR'

Alibobokk - Suspended and Pumped

This image is a supreme statement of total, extreme bondage with a man undergoing a uniquely personal, sensual experience under the direction and control of an unseen, external agent. He is tightly bound, face wrapped and suspended in the air, totally deprived of normal sensory stimulation leaving only that provided through the ropes compressing his body and the tubular attachments to his orifices. There also appear to be 2 electrical cables, presumably attached to his pecs. Someone unseen is in total control, but this image is not about him, it's about the bound man.

The artist who produced this striking image signs himself 'JR' on some pictures but he goes under the name 'Alibobokk' on X (previously called Twitter). His art accentuates muscle shaping within the male body sometimes approaching the style of Drtkk.

Alibobokk - Shibari

This image has similar ingredients but the addition of a leotard provides an identity and context for the viewer's fantasies to feed on. With the subject facing outwards it's more suggestive of his vulnerability to control than his inner journey (although the white spillage reveals his intense excitement). The viewer senses (as he does himself) the presence of the man who has lavished time on artistically tying him up and intends to savour the result.

Alibobokk - Aloha Chastity

There's no great indicator of age in the preceding pictures but cheery, young men like this surfer-type pop up from time to time in this artist's output, seemingly offering themselves up to us. This sporty man's provocative posing unexpectedly reveals a state of chastity. We don't know if it is a statement of self control or evidence of having submitted to it and perhaps now appealing for release. The viewer can imagine himself as the key holder (if he can keep his hands steady enough!). 

These images seems the wrong way round to western eyes, 
it's origins are Chinese so it should be read right to left.

Alibobokk - Aloha

This image provides the missing link in the sequence and gives a startling glimpse of what is crammed inside that tiny, chastity capsule. Also, one might speculate, evidence of the sort of behaviour that gave rise to its attachment in the first place. 

Apparently Black Cats are positive images in China, associated with wisdom and justice. 
This one's narrowed eyes look more judgemental than enlightened.

Alibobokk - Chastity Guys

This seems like a celebration of chastity. Two, notably muscular buddies seem to be proudly comparing their restraint equipment when once they might have been comparing cock sizes. In a sense the chastity cage is the great leveller but these two devices, though similar, are not of equal size. Older readers may recall the time when men sought out the jeans with shortest zip, perhaps a similar race to the bottom (as it were) applies in the realms of public, chastity display. 

Alibobokk - Shibari at the Office

In this image a tightly-bound office-worker seems to be floating in the air, but is posed as if still seated at his desk. It suggests an office fantasy where a much-admired co-worker is frozen in time, magically elevated, his shoes and trousers made to disappear and then invisibly enveloped in bondage. The top buttons of his shirt have been undone and pulled apart allowing the body harness to squeeze his pecs out through the gap. The reverse re-arrangement of his underpants transforms them into a minimal thong whose sole purpose is to contain his burgeoning erection. It's an extremely sexy picture.

The speech bubbles suggest he's actually a straight man being teased by subordinates who fancy him and offer him sex on account of his excited response to being bound in this provocative way. He vainly protests that he's not what they think but his ID badge lies on the floor as though it represents a vital protective barrier that has been pushed aside. Fortunately the taping of his face hides his identity as well as that of his tormentors should anyone choose to photograph the scene.

The matter of fact title of this picture is reminiscent of books about crafts like flower arranging which would devote individual chapters to the diverse places and occasions when the technique could be introduced, shibari at home, shibari in the Office, shibari in Church,....the list is endless!

Alibobokk - Sub Worked

This is a very similar image which I have included to indulge my own enjoyment of the way the clothing motifs are exploited. The inset 'photograph' seems to reiterate that sense of a man who has been admired from afar until now. His white socks suggest the object of the obsession has a sporting connection. This time it seems to have led to abduction and not just an inappropriate Office prank.

Alibobokk - On his Knees 

A pleasingly clean image featuring attractive, upper body, harness restraint. The captive has a sexy hairline and the focus on his neck continues with a chunky, chain collar and a slightly sinister, dangling cord attachment suggestive of a noose.

The lower half his body is slightly out of kilter with an exaggerated balloon butt (glowing red) and plummy balls which frame a receptive rear, expressing the artist's more earthy interests.

Alibobokk - In The Frame

That earthiness is brought to the fore here. In your face you might say. The ingenious, dual purpose restraint and display block may not be totally original but is a highly polished and convincing piece of apparatus, beautiful in it's simplicity. There's an equally multifunctional plug and probe device whose capabilities to thrill we can only imagine, but thrill they plainly do! 

This set up references the erotic characteristics of tentacle-alia but the probing tubes look to have been engineered by human hand and are suggestive of the practice of colonic irrigation which enjoyed something of a vogue in the 90's. Ball weights (possibly attached via a spring) keep the captive's tackle tidy and out of the way while also reminding him that pleasure must always be counterbalanced by pressure and pain.  

Alibobokk - Plugged and Milked

This sportsman is shown undergoing similar procedures in a slightly more comfortable and slightly less undignified position. But it reveals an expression that tells us that the experience, which might have been expected to be pleasurable, is proving to be demanding for him. It's a matter of degree I suppose and being subjected to strange, new experiences which you cannot control can be very disconcerting.

Alibobokk - Universal Soldier

This artist's interest in tubular, body attachments leads him into the murky regions of augmenting and modifying the body. Here he visualises tubes of an unspecified nature implanted into the groin of his military-looking subject. Tentacle art sometimes fantasises about ultra deep penetrations of a conventional kind but this seems to extend the idea into penetration of the body itself, perhaps in search of internal regions that can be stimulated (presumably pleasurably). 

The dumbbell fitting used to organise this man's balls are a nice detail.

This man is also fitted with a collar tube suggestive of breathing tubes fitted after a tracheostomy which gruesomely extends the niche subject of breathing control (already touched upon in the first image) into startling regions, but this artist's work suggests to me that he's interested in the level of invasiveness and threat rather than extreme experimentations themselves. 

This image seems to encapsulate a search for what you might call the ultimate erotic sensation, a secret internal source of pleasure, the Holy Grail of sex. But it's an internal search apparently, in this case realised through the agency of machines and technology. This artist's work doesn't involve other people except as hidden controllers who appear to be directing the search. Experimenting on their captives by subjecting them to ever more extreme sensations, pleasurable or otherwise. The psychology of this is interesting but I wouldn't pretend to understand or explain it. 

Friday, 9 June 2023

Art by Evinist - 2

Evinist - Venom

Evinist's take on Venom captures the confusion of Eddie Brock as he tries to comprehend the presence within him. The physical entanglement is presented more as bondage than irresistible organic intimacy with Venom cast as an unlikely seducer rather than a dominating monster. Nice colour palette.

Evinist - Batman and Wayne

This is one of the sexiest portrayals of Batman which I have seen for a while with buttocks and pecs that easily overcome my dislike of masks. The coy dialogue and smiling faces are a witty take on the suave, but brusque and sexless Bat personality that Adam West portrayed in the 1960's TV series. 

A homo-erotic relationship between Batman and his public identity Bruce Wayne isn't logically possible since they are exactly the same person in the original comics. Batman does seem to acquire a mysterious something extra when he dons his black kit he's not supposed to have super powers that would make him into a completely different entity. Still, it's an interesting fantasy and I suppose you could see it as a psychological equivalent of the Venom 'twinning' which does have physical basis. 

A superhero succumbing to seduction seems extra sexy because they personify strength and are normally supposed to be focussed on heroics and doing good. However Batman's sexuality has always been far from cut and dried with a lack of women in his life and a friendship of an unknown nature with a Boy Wonder. We can't tell if he's embarrassed by Wayne's advance or simply playing hard to get. 

Is this self-love personified or self realisation? 

Evinist - Batman and Superman

Batman tries his own luck with Superman in this picture, perhaps having come to terms with his own sexuality in the picture above. There's even a slight feminine cast to his face which is unfortunate methinks. Superman looks entirely embarrassed but suspiciously compliant. He's got a better claim to dual identity with a closet changing habit to boot. However he was always resolutely heterosexual in his everyday life with all-American looks and a pretty girlfriend whom he occasionally romanced when wearing his skin-tight Super suit - lucky Lois! That only serves to make the idea of him being susceptible to men all the more appealing.

Evinist - Batman and Robin

This image shows Batman as he is 'supposed to be', strong, mysterious and very upright with a figure, I might add, that is well constructed but entirely unappealing. It's hard to imagine this Batman ever being seduced - or leaving his over-pants at home as he has in the preceding pictures. 

The situation presented here represents an interesting double reversal of Robin's character, rescuing him from the childlike obedience and absurd mediaeval dress of the original concept and converting him into a rebellious, sulky teenager who dresses like a modern day 'agent' and yet is more under the Bat-thumb than 'red and green' Robin ever was. I suppose Robin was born to be hung out to dry, but you imagine this converting quite easily into a warmly parental hug.

Evinist - Nice Trick

In those days, superheroes used to go in for humane humiliation of villains (I assume this is a villain from his eye patch but I don't recognise him, it could be a pranked hero who's trespassed into Gotham territory). Whatever the case, this is a well-worked, homo-erotic elaboration of the concept. Obviously mature and muscled, he's not only immobilised, but forced to crouch in a humiliating (and ultimately painful) fashion with a rope round his neck like a dog's collar and lead. 'Boy Wonder' Robin is not usually credited with this amount of power over other men, his victim's bulging muscles underline the extent of his achievement. Perhaps the bulging crotch lent him extra motivation!

EVINST - Lantern Bondage 5

Black superheroes are only now starting to become part of that lexicon but they are equally rare in homoerotic art so this contribution is welcome although it's really a black version of a white character (both artistically and storywise). This superhero in bondage is one of a group and I included another in the first post about this artist. As a composition, it's similar to the picture just above, I admire the clarity of the complex bondage and the colour palette, drawn from the Green Lantern theme of course. 

Unfortunately the erotic impact is weakened by the huddled, protective stance of the figure and his bulge bondage, which doesn't express 3 dimensions, the far side of the loop should disappear behind it (as it does briefly in the picture above). To be fair, this artist doesn't usually go in for exaggerated frontal assets. Perhaps it's a deliberate emasculation, a reversal of stereotypes, so the eye avoidance in the captive's facial expression is not just about the embarrassment of capture and of being subjected to such elaborate, showy bondage. However, whilst none of us wants to be defined by stereotyping, I'm not sure that necessarily means we want it all completely taken away!

Evinist - Bruce Wayne Crop Whipped

Bruce Wayne turns up unexpectedly in this situation too which takes place in the head Office of his own successful business enterprise, judging by the logo on the draw handle to which he his strapped. The tenor of the other images above and the bulging, strapped groin suggest this is his secret, sexual peccadillo rather than a plot-related comeuppance, say at the hands of a business rival or resentful employee. Perhaps this is the way to get promotion at Wayne Enterprises! 

Evinist - Body Harness Restraint

This artist often depicts clothed bondage which can't usually be as erotic as the unclothed variety but this suited captive makes a pretty good fist of it with a startlingly sexy backside. It's accentuated by a low, waist-encircling strap and a tight, groin divider. The thigh strapping also contributes to the bubble-butt effect. The arm restraint is a very simple concept, not based on tightness but positioning and you can just tell that it's extremely effective. There is also a foot spacer, it completes the detail satisfactorily but visually is not quite as effective. Foot spacers tend to be like that. 

The harness straps are quite wide and relatively rigid looking and that adds to the sense of substantial restraint. Their brown colour distances the scene from biker style, leather fetish and probably helps the clarity of the harness arrangement. 

The underlying scenario here is something of a mystery to me. It looks like a classic villain and businessman but the agenda for their meeting is not obvious. Why would you dress a man in a total body harness and yet leave him fully clothed apart from a jacket? Why put him kneeling on top of a (comfortable!) stool? I imagine these are characters are taken from a game or comic source but I haven't identified them.
Evinist - Bed Butt
 Men displaying attractive butts is a favourite theme by this artist and this is a nice example with nice brief shaping and subtle alluring highlights atop each buttock suggestive of wet swimming trunks or shiny fabric. Stout thighs and a slender waist helpfully frame the area of interest.
This man, mature and stubbled, looks a tough cookie but you sense he knows what he's doing here!
Evinist - Ginger Hair and Bubble Butt

 There's no such ambiguity in this variation on the theme, the eyes and blushed cheeks say it all. At one time such a bulky man with a full crop of hair and generous beard would have seen as a man's man when that expression meant not just the opposite of gay, but not given to 'soft' emotions. Certainly not the sort to give coy come-and-get-me signals or flaunt his bare backside while nestling in the sheets! This image would have been very subversive then, but in a modern context it's totally unshocking but delightfully playful and his ginger colouring a rare find.

Evinist - Fantasy Pop Star

This image is at the other end of the scale with a futuristic performer showing a similar rear view to an adoring audience. In reality, this approach to Pop marketing is almost entirely the preserve of female performers with male singers rarely expressing their individuality through daring exposure or even clothing anything more fanciful than T-shirt logos or Dame Edna style glasses. Even the fanciful headgear here seems inspired by Showgirl imagery. The bangle-like, hovering belt is more masculine however and curiously alluring.
The bare butt here has similar qualities to the kneeling executive seen earlier but the bubble of the butt is emhasised differently by jock style framing rather than mid-buttock cross-strap. Ther's still separate groin divider strapping but whether it actually goes under his crotch or somewhere else is open to interpretation. The dangling key suggests a more calculating approach to seduction than the shy ginger man above. 

Evinist - Solace

This picture is not overtly erotic but there's always sexiness in expressions of gentleness between men and in men responding to it. There's a hint of inter-generational love here that gives an extra frisson to the exchange (without any hint of inappropriateness). The seated man seems to be nuzzling against that tight, muscle enhancing top (who wouldn't?).  His appearance (be he superhero or simply a fit individualist) contrasts with the casual sexiness of the other's open shirt and hairy chest, creating the impression of a sexual time-bomb ticking away.

Evinist - Aquaman and Friend

 This image of a homo-erotic relationship between a more than usually youthful Aquaman and another man of the sea (whom I haven't identified) is a nice, youthful expression of male bonding that is more representative of gay relationships than all the sex scenes put together. As ever the artist makes light of sexual matters but highlights the handholding of the characters, symbolising friendship, affection and trust. If there is not an inter-generational situatiion here, there is clearly an element of leader and follower which is organic in nature and not expected of ordinary men (contrary to everyday experience) and certainly not between superheros, who don't hold hands either, thank you very much!. This delicate issue is usually sidestepped in the heterosexual media and films by inventing military structures (The Justice League) and appointing a Commander who even the strongest hero must defer to. Yes domination is quite OK.
 This 2015 image finds an unexpected echo in D.C.s 2023 Lazarus Planet image


Thursday, 4 May 2023

Art by Evinist 1 - Men Being Undressed

Evinist - Tentacle Ripped Pants

An impatient tentacle shreds the pants of a man it has captured, in order to get inside him. It's attack has revealed smooth, twin moons gleaming with perspiration (or maybe it's some fluid the tentacles excrete themselves). Surprisingly the victim himself seems more discomforted by us turning up to have a look at him than the multi-pronged attack itself. He's even able to ignore a tentacle coiling round his neck and probing his mouth.

This dramatic and highly erotic, undressing image with a focus on the butt is typical of Evinist's work. Undressing men is a recurring theme, but ripping clothes apart is just one way, gentler methods also get much deserved attention. 

The artist's original colours here were a bit gaudy for me so I toned them down a bit.

Evinist - Dress Down Friday

This image seems to portray the fantasy of the office junior seducing the dishy boss. He looks as if he might be restrained to prevent dissent although his face doesn't express reluctance, puzzlement maybe. The unusual Ikea-style, picture speech bubble actually looks as if it might be expressing the opposite - the devoted partner sending him off to work perfectly dressed - but that's not quite as interesting as seduction!

The younger man's purple hair and elfin features are a bit left of field, Evinist always seems to have one foot in fantasy land, but you can't complain about those muscled arms and pecs. 

Evinist - Officer Undressing

A Muscular chest pushing out through an unbuttoned shirt is always a sight to set the pulse racing and there's no ambiguity about the direction of travel here. The hunky, highly decorated, 'Overwatch' Officer is being given a little encouragement to undress by an unseen companion with masculine fingers.  The sensual extraction of his neck-tie, potentially a hint of bondage kink, looks as if it is having a profound effect on him. He's eagerly loosing all his clothes simultaneously, without actually taking any of them off, not even his gloves! 

Evinist - Rising Moons

This warrior has just received a decoration for his gallantry, but since his 'uniform' doesn't actually cover his chest, the Disneyesque monarch has been obliged to attach it to his nipple ring. It's a scene reminiscent of Etienne's famous Cadet Parade where the naked soldier didn't even have a ring to fall back on (as it were). 

Understandably the performance of this tricky task by the monarch and the undeniable valour of the soldier being honoured has tempted the ruler to investigate his other qualities in more depth. However, the release of the soldier's pants and the prospect of a Royal invasion seems to have found a chink in the hero's armour. He politely resists and grits his teeth as groping, gloved hands descend on his bare ass.

This imagery with loosened trousers dropping to reveal the warrior's backside is very sexy.

Evinist - Office Grope

A similar scene plays out in our 'office' scenario, where the sexy send off kiss has sparked a reaction that's going to make the boss late for work and leave his house boy feeling slightly uncomfortable as he sets about his house-keeping chores for the day. 

Evinist - Office Bondage 1

In this storyline the boss is seduced by 'Jordan' who might be one of his workers or a window cleaner for all I know, but I suppose is probably a high flying gaming hero. The old tie-pulling routine and open shirt bait always works a treat.

This is a nicely drawn image with it's not very subtle power play a very traditional characterisation. Evinist's austere, spikey characterisations, especially in black and white, leave me wishing for something more substantial and rounded.

Evinist - Office Bondage

In this image the manipulated 'boss' belatedly reasserts his authority (as was expected by Jordan, no doubt). The suit is so excited by the impertinent manipulations that he is simultaneously trying to tie Jordan's hands together while groping him. His fingers play on the front contours of Jordan's underwear, preparing to hook into the waistband so it can be eased down his thighs, like his trousers have been.

There's more images in all these series at the link below.

Officer's Bondage strip

It's Soldier 76 here discovering the delights of being undressed while in bondage. In his case though, and judging by his expression, his captor doesn't have pleasure in mind. Not Soldier 76's pleasure anyway. Such is the life of a hero. 

His dress uniform (what's left of it) supplies a sense of military pomp and dignity but it's being stripped from him, bit by bit, mocking his pretentions. The drooping belt is all that's left below the waist, but makes a convenient cover for his unmentionable bits and at the same time forms a visual substitute for them that's actually very sexy. It's the nearest this artist gets to frontals. That loose fit around the bottom is a variation of the sagging, investiture trousers and almost as sexy.

Evanist - Cuffed and exposed

The bedsheets shown here suggest this handcuffed hero is in more imminent 'danger'.
He foolishly wore tights featuring a V-shaped, cleavage teasing, waistline design at the rear.
(Or maybe he accidentally put them on back-to-front, heroes do that too, you know!) 

Understandably his captor has given them an extra tug downwards to see more 
and hopefully instil a chilling sense of anticipation and dread in his captive's psyche.
The reward is a titillating glimpse of buttock cleavage
The jockstrap worn underneath might have come as a surprise 
(surely only a very modest hero would sport a VPL? That needs to go!) 

Evinist - Thief

This is probably my favourite undressing picture by this artist, the sense of being overwhelmed by predators is excellent and the facial characterisation is different and interesting. However, it's a perplexing image to decipher. The shoulder harness suggests that the victim is another Government Agent saving the world from villains and non-humans. However his captors appear to be showering him with money, tucking some coins into his underwear as though he were a stripper. But he is not undressing himself, they are undressing him

I suppose there's a complex sort of humiliation logic in forcing a warrior to become a stripper.
But, meanwhile the caption says 'Thief'. 
As Manuel might say, "Que?"

EVINIST - Lantern Bondage 2

Masked men don't thrill me by and large, but muscled guys in skin-tight outfits do.
Especially when their superpowers are suppressed by densely woven, tight bondage.
Suspension in this state just adds to the super-humiliation and provides an opportunity for 
the artist to showcase a passion for shapely butts (and no VPL I might add!).

The colouring is very successful here. The shibari rope patterns are neat and very clear and the roping passing between Green Lantern's crotch adds a distinctly erotic twist to the hero's predicament. I must say that the face ropes are a new idea for me.

Part 2 of this post (pending) looks at Evinist's take on hero humiliation in more depth.

Saturday, 12 November 2022

BDSM Art by Casablanca

This article presents extracts from 'Amagami no Shitsukekata' by an artist who calls himself Casablanca in English or Yuritaro. It contains some striking bdsm imagery in a highly original style. I don't have an English translation of the story, so the narrative below is my interpretation of the images. The actual text may contradict it. The title translates in Google to 'How To Train Amagami'. Wikipedia translates Amagami as 'gentle bite' and relates it to a Japanese dating computer game which has a sort of relevance to the story.
*since publication a reader of this blog has kindly provided a summary of the plot and background to the story, you can read it in the comments at the foot of the post.

It begins with an executive type entering a bar and being propositioned
 by a man with a distinctly butch, athletic persona.

His audacious flirting overwhelms the businessman's embarrassment.

He discovers his target has a military background.

It leads the muscular seducer to reveal his own interest in discipline.
The two men adjourn to the businessman's flat.

There the businessman quickly reveals a talent for domination.  
The muscular athlete is quickly stripped and prepped for sex.
Now it's the businessman's turn to seduce him with affectionate gestures.

It seems no Japanese erotic scene is complete without mini-vibrator eggs being deployed, I think the invasive action must have a significance in that culture that escapes westerners. In this scene it's doubled up and I particularly like the idea of parking the controls in the athlete's jockstrap bands.

I admire the economical, subtle style which portrays the guest's youthful, muscular physique in a way that makes it look bulky and sensual. Notice the little clues that some rough treatment is getting under way - the shred of cloth hanging over his right shoulder, the impact symbols to the left of his shoulder and buttocks plus the perspiration on his back. 

massive pecs, leather collar

With his trainee secured, the 'shy' businessman changes into something more appropriate.
The athlete looks as if he's having second thoughts about this.
His combination of sweaty, muscular pec and chunky leather collar is great.

The true nature of what is in store for him
is dramatically revealed - a leather lash.

agony of pain, blond muscleman

It's quickly put to work.
The athlete discovers that this roleplay is for real.

Notice how the wimpy businessman, progressively reveals his own muscular physique 
this image of him is particularly nice. The style is reminiscent of the great British artist, Bill Ward. It creates the impression of a brief snapshot in time, barely glimpsed before it is gone.

The flogging is severe. The Master very stern.

The businessman/master becomes more substantial here, his victim depersonalised.
There's some odd drawing in the jockstrap area which I can't decipher.

But he pauses to acknowledge the trainee's erection, looking somewhat disappointed. It's a development that ensures the session will continue of course. 

The 'Master' has become quite boyish here, but the athlete seems to have grown in stature, not just in the groin area. It's as if the punishment has made more of man of him.

Casablanca pulls off a tricky perspective here and succeeds in making the humiliating 'inspection' very erotic.

As though offended by the captive's resilience, the Master strips off another layer to reveal a clinging rubber vest which restores his intimidating appearance in an even more substantial characterisation. He matches that by ditching the lash and switching to a far more serious bullwhip. He quickly shows it's not just for show by laying into the athlete with even more determination and power. The force of his blows and the helpless vulnerability of his captive (little more than an outline by comparison) are superbly captured in this dramatic image.

An insubstantial, ghostly outline of the athlete is superimposed on the master here. It's as though his manliness has been driven out of him and he's now looking up and ready to submit to the master who towers angrily over him looking very butch indeed compared with his original appearance in the bar. Something of a monster almost. That's the fine line of bdsm.

This ghosting technique has become very popular of late, particularly as a way of  depicting penetration. I'm not sure it works for me here, the text might help, I guess!

Shockingly, the captive's ordeal continues.
It's as though the 'shy' businessman is determined to exact his complete submission.

He gets what he wants. 

I don't know how this submission fits with the characterisation of the athlete in the bar, 
where he seemed to be more of a top than a sub. Rent perhaps. That twist would be sexy.

It looks as if he's being manoeuvred into an even more unfamiliar position here.
But if he's as reluctant as his facial expression suggests, 
his dribbling libido isn't doing him any favours.
To add to the irony even more, his muscularity has reasserted itself here.

muscle guy fucked

The penetration isn't to be avoided naturally,
It lifts him into the air, helplessly succumbing to the manipulation of sensitive body parts.

To be honest, the love hearts floating around in these last two pictures suggest the athlete has thoroughly enjoyed his introduction to bdsm and discovered a new world of excitement.

Looks like a happy ending!
Which is as it should be.


I believe the artist may be Yaritaro who is on twitter with a small gallery

Great S&M art.