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Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

News of new pictures by Brick

Brick - Back To School

 After a long absence from homoerotic art, Brick has returned with two great new pictures at Metalbond. It's not the one above, I won't steal his thunder, the link below will take you there. There are now two posts with 5 pictures and others in the pipeline.

Brick - Slave Academy 2022

Metalbond is a great source of fetish inspiration and entertainment (with a dash of education). You can use his labels to find other Brick imagery there, but if you are looking, don't miss the Brick collection at mitchmen (link at bottom of post).


In the older image by Brick shown above, the writing on the door seems to mean 'milking cubicle for men' but I had difficulty translating 'satna' it so I guess it's rude or colloquial, probably both! The picture is a good example of Brick's light touch and economical way of invoking darkly erotic themes. 

The transportation of captives on bare metal trolleys has a clinical and controlling air and the hunky looking man lying on it is greeted by a great atmosphere of threat and menace as he is wheeled in. The tight, rubber garments which the captives have to wear as their uniforms cover nothing, but compress and restrict their limbs, simultaneously exposing and emphasising the erotic zones of their bodies. These particular garments have obvious feminine connections for this very purpose, which may seed additional confusion in the minds of the wearers, who are both unmistakeably masculine. 

By contrast their tormentors are clothed in anonymous military gear but with bare torsos and terrorist masks which confirm that any resemblance to a place of healing is entirely misleading. The blindfold, upside-down suspension arrangement and dangling chains make that clearer still.

If you like Brick's style be sure to read the mitchmen review of Brick's art  

Monday, 17 January 2022

Gay Spank Art Site

ISM@ - Here It Comes

 If you like spanking art it's worth looking at the new 'Gay Spank Art' gallery.


ISM@RT - It's Your Turn

Gay Spank Art is still under construction but already has an enormous collection including a comprehensive compilation of my own Mitchell spanking images and several artists I haven't come across before like ISM@ whose varied work decorates this post.


ISM@ - Bedtime (afterburn)

'Isma' does conventional spanking cartoons, but I like these relatively mature examples which have a sense of unreality and disbelief about them, very mitchmen-esq!

Visit Isma's blog and ISM@RT on Twitter

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

The Art of Baron has a new home

Baron - The Mines

Those of you who enjoy the work of Baron will be pleased to hear that he has switched his Subterranean mailing list group from the ruins of Yahoo! to Google Groups (link below)

Here some recent works of his. The title of this first one made me think of mineral mining first, a natural slave scenario, but then I realised it was the type of mine scattered indiscriminately in modern combat zones. You might see this scene as political comment!

Baron - Games of Revenge

This image reflects his often-used theme of Romans and Barbarians.

The red lines protect his copyright of the images which he offers for sale at his group

Baron - Somewhere in the North

Looks like some mucky weather up North! Not ideal for camping.
or is that lightning a potent of supernatural significance?
Notice the white wolf observing proceedings

 Visit Baron's new group: Sub-terranean 2
Contributions by Borg are also promised. 

Other articles on the Art of Baron

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Torture Central - 2

There's a selection of good photographic imagery and clips at Torture Central. My choice here is not really fully representative of the material on the blog, I have concentrated on the eye-candy, but if you like rougher stuff you'll find that as well.

 This handsome, chunky, young man sports a pair of briefs that might cause amused comment in some circles but I find them strangely beguiling as torture-wear. I can't work out of it's the vaguely historical, loincloth flavour or the off-beat, mannish fashion sense, but either way it seems to impart a feeling of a man unexpectedly plucked out of his life and exposed, unprepared, to a bizarre, pseudo-medical examination.  This model's facial expressions are marvellous and on that account I expect his images will be with us for many years to come.

 I'm drawn to this image for a similar reason, there's a sense of ordinariness about this young man's face and dismay in his expression that makes his situation seem disturbingly unplanned and weird. His body is far from ordinary of course, displaying a lean muscularity, unblemished by tattoos that is showcased by the stresses he is subjected to. This is not your typical fetish physique and that makes this image out of the ordinary too.

(photo dreamboybondage - I think)


Another refreshingly clean cut, young man about to be subjected to strange practices. He doesn't look like an obvious volunteer for the collar and ball-stretching device (improvised by coiling pink cord round his scrotum). It tells us that someone else has plans for him that go beyond admiring his good looks. The tap of a riding crop and the close proximity of an electrical circuit box are ominous signs that this beauty has fallen into the clutches of a beast.
(This studio, slaveboytraining, was new to me but seems to have disappeared off the web, I can find traces in search engines but they don't go anywhere, the tumblr blog has been taken over by parasites)

 Another Russian Boy with dodgy underwear but the cut of it suits his physique immensely. The sensible size and incongruous colours bestow an ordinariness upon him that makes you wonder whether he understands or is up to the challenge he faces. The chunky collar assigned him seems to acknowledge his bulky, potentially dangerous physique - after all you don't tether a bull with a piece of string. However his bowed head suggests that the rebellious phase may have passed.

This is a much older image from a Tom 'Ropes' McGurk video but it's no less memorable than the others. It follows the formula of the previous images with a pretty boy captive and a mean looking master (Jason Branch). However, the atmosphere here is completely different. That's partly down to the professional dungeon metalwork which tethers the captive but doesn't provide tight limb restraint. But the main difference is that this boy is facing up his captor with defiance - albeit a defiance that's not quite sure of itself.

The captive's nipple ring tells us he's not a complete greenhorn and the veiny detailing of his arm in the foreground might make you wonder about his age too! There's a reddish colour cast in this image which fortuitously highlights what looks like chafing on his neck, as though caused by attempts to find a more comfortable position for his unforgiving metal collar. 

(photo: Tom 'Ropes' McGurk)

Bondadge without rope. A still from Man at Play that is striking for it's simple composition and message of self-assured superiority and calm submission. What power has caused this strong-looking, fully adult man to strip naked like this and allow his most intimate parts to be examined so casually in a public place? He's being treated like he's a piece of livestock who has no control over what happens to his own body or indeed has no other asset than his own body. Staff assessment never used to be like this! But you can see that he accepts this fate without surrendering his pride. Like the McGurk model above who is in line for similar treatment, he seems to defiantly challenge his molester to do his worst. Which no doubt he will in due course.

(Photo:- Men at Play)

This image has a sense of drama and movement. It's as though a particularly nasty lash has just landed on this last, tasty Russian Captured Boy. This captor seems to emanate power, privilege and depraved cruelty. His fully-dressed state highlights the captive's own subordinate status. As is usual at this site, he is allowed retain his underwear, a concession to everyday mores that scarcely lessens his humiliation, stripped before the boss as it were. But it suggests that this scene is about pure punishment rather than an artificial S&M ritual with an erotic outcome.

(photo: Russian Captured Boys)


Billy Santoro has the honour of signing off this little selection, struggling manfully with the irritations of an electro butt plug for 'Men on Edge'. Billy has a very different look to the other guys performing here, very grown up and masculine, but for my money he's just as cute. His familiar face and the sophisticated bondage paraphernalia spell out pure S&M fantasy, despite the anatomical wall charts and blue fatigues his tormentors are wearing. However I never grow tired of these electro scenes, which are usually riveting visually and often prompt interesting, genuine responses from the long-suffering guinea pigs.

(Photo from Men On Edge)

If you like images like this have a look at Torture Central

Friday, 5 August 2016

Torture Central - 1

Torture Central is a relatively young blog with an interesting selection of S&M images and clips. The emphasis seems to be on quality rather than quantity so although the collection is not vast, most of the exhibits hit the button (for me at any rate) and there was plenty of stuff I hadn't seen before. This article is based on the modest collection of artwork featured there.

 Cavelo - Talk or your buddy gets it

I not totally complimentary about Cavelo's style in my A-Z article about him, but this image with a very handsome captive on the left (picturing them is surely Cavelo's greatest strength) and a classic 'buddies in a predicament' storyline certainly gets my thumbs up. That seat-less torture chair surely was inspired by 'Casino Royale' and brings all the associations of that story to the party, but Cavelo also makes the most of it's capacity to humiliate whoever sits on it.
Crucifixion - Artist - Cyrano/Mahoney?

The artist of this picture is not given an attribution at the site but it looks like Mahoney or Cyrano who I believe are the same person. Cropping out the crosspiece makes a striking image that focusses attention on the man being punished rather than the mechanics of the punishment.
Nath66 - Alien Experiment

A fantasy image featuring a human male fertilising/laying an alien egg was included in my 
A-Z article on Nath66 in 2010 but a reworked version of the idea has appeared recently showing a notable advance in technique. This is a rather nice sample (click to enlarge) borrowed from a bigger selection at Torture Central (link to Nath66 in my original article). 
Kajlet - Durst (thirst)

There are a number of examples of Kajlet's work on the Torture Central blog, this one is rather less intense than most of them and intriguing to say the least. The military overlay is stylishly done and adds greatly to the interest of the piece.

Visit Torture Central or follow my links above for more work by these artists.
There's a master index of artists on my blog here.
In my next article I will review some of the photographic imagery at the blog.  

Thursday, 7 May 2015

HeatHawk 13 - Striking Shibari Imagery

  The date that went wrong? 

It's as if the captive's right hand seeking to reach the knot in the centre of his back has been frozen there, secured tight in a supreme demonstration of his helplessness. Placing the crucial knot in this unreachable position just between and below the shoulder blades is no accident of course. 

This area of the back is celebrated as a point of ultimate (male) vulnerability in European culture too. Siegfried, the lusty hero of Germanic myths bathes in dragon's blood to make his skin invulnerable, but a leaf settles on this one place he cannot reach leaving a fatal chink in his 'armour'.

In this picture notice how tight the bindings are around his arms and body. The complex roping of Shibari is about power over the captive and this is totally nullified unless the ropes are tight. If they are not, the victim will almost certainly escape, but if he feels an unyielding grip around his body he will know he is truly trapped at his captor's pleasure.

 Date mistake part two. 

Not only are his legs immobilised now, but they are also drawn up towards the centre of his back (that place again), preventing any possibility of using them to leverage movement (if he had anywhere to go). The forced arching of his body is applying a compression to his lower back, which will become most unpleasant in due course.

This man has beautiful legs, chunky and just slightly hairy. The mounding produced by tight roping round thigh and calf produces an unexpectedly erotic shaping of his flesh, like the cut of jockstrap into buttock. Delicious.

Garish duvet covers can ruin a good bondage image but he's got it right here. The muted colours and vague impression of luxurious style throw the captive's body and his plight into striking relief in a way that is quite sinister. I think this one will become a classic.

 One removed from the naughty step. 

Where do you park a prisoner in a small flat when you want to get some sleep? We've all been there! This absurd setting complete with cat food and pasta sauce bottle relegates our hapless hero from being the centre of attention (unsought though that might have been) to the level of those awkwardly shaped, domestic appliances, so useful when needed but so difficult to store when they're not required.

His one-legged position, arms tight back position guarantees he won't get much sleep himself tonight. Tying the elbows and arms tightly together like this will prevent him from escaping too.


This is what helplessness looks like, as the captive cranes his neck to see what is happening to him. He's wondering what comes next, perhaps not anticipating that his restrictive bindings may have completely different properties if his captor chooses to raise him by the rope attached to his left leg.

The act of tying the captive in Shibari is a demonstration of power. He may accede to the first binding but as the process continues he becomes progressively less able to resist (or even to move). The increasing complexity of the rope work and the contortions into which his body is forced at his captor's whim are only made possible by his helplessness, but they reinforce and increase it. Ultimately (as in the second picture above) even the victim's personality becomes secondary to his state of bondage.

This is also a most erotic process, particularly where the artificial posture imposed on him opens up a sexual vulnerability such as opening the legs or pinning the arms back to open up the torso. The extra twist shown here, tying the arms to the ankle at one side, has produced a nice arching of the body.
(N.B.I have cropped this image)

The captive's backless briefs here showcase his beautiful fleshy buttocks far more effectively than total nudity would. His straightened leg exhibits fine erotic curves but so too in a different way does the tightly folded one. The socks and suspenders are a nice detail, a fetish in their own right for some I guess, but for me here they suggest a hasty, unplanned undressing - involuntary perhaps. A businessman snatched off the street.

Notice how the incomplete raising of his body is temporarily applying extra stress to the victim's back. The awkward, twisting tension between his left leg and right arm creates a powerful sense of frontal vulnerability for him. It's amplified by the facial roping whose purpose is not functional but to demonstrate that even his senses and his identity are no longer his to control. 

  In free suspension this unnatural position will soon become very unpleasant.

 Suspension is the ultimate demonstration of power over the captive. 

He is presented in all his helplessness at a convenient height to view and touch.
Meanwhile he suffers the discomfort of his bondage amplified by his own weight levering against the restraints, the suspension points and the contortions of his bondage. 

(N.B.I have cropped this image too)
Suspension allows the captive's body or the master's rope work
(according to preference) to be displayed and inspected at leisure.
Beyond that it creates a dismaying, insurmountable barrier to escape
If space permits, his distance from the ground can be increased to play on his fears.

See more at Heathawk13 (aka Digital Silver) but beware of female dragons!

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Gagging For It


I tried to make a 'men sharing clothes' article out of these gag pictures from Bound Guys but the subtle variations in colours they used defeated me. I'm sure there's someone out there into 'used' gags but I can't pin it on these guys!


This is quite a nice bondage picture with the virtue of simplicity
although I suppose you might grumble about the setting.
 The soccer kit looks well on the model's physique 
and his thigh to ankle, open legs restraint is always highly erotic.


The model's tight-fitting shirt creates an impression of tight bondage here,
 even though there's not a rope in sight.


The moments when the gag is secured have a special  frisson
and the model rewards us with a suitably irritated expression.
In contrast, Rex in the first picture above really does seem to be gagging for it. 

Ron Jeffries

One of the virtues of BoundGuys output is the inclusion of the whole spectrum of body shapes and ages. Mature models like Ron above are a welcome change from the young bathing beauties that adorn most sites. Ron earns our attention with a well developed physique that is only enhanced by being tightly restrained. 

Photography by Bound Guys
(Best wishes to founder Caitiff recovering from an accident)

Monday, 2 March 2015

GMBA - another resurrection

Madahv - Study for Boy on Cross

 During all the drama, while blogger was vacilating about nudity and sex, and almost unoticed, the longstanding male bondage art group, GMBA, was zapped for the umpteenth time. However, GMBA has begat more descendants than the most virlile of biblical heros and I have updated the link in the sidebar (right at the bottom!) to direct you to the latest incarnation.
 Klaus Von Brandenburg - Prisoner No2

Unfortunately every time this happens the archives are lost (and recommendations in my articles for reference material there become useless) but group members are already piling in with fresh stuff and I present a selection of the opening goodies here including Madahv's crucifixon study (top) and a splendid set by Klaus Von Brandenburg (above) whose technique seems to be advancing rapidly. 

GMBA - Essential reading for any art enthusiast
(latest link in sidebar)

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Channing Tatum - A wrestler controlled in 'Foxcatcher'

Channing Tatum in the Wrestling Arena
Those of you who enjoy my stories of hunky male stereotypes being controlled and dominated might enjoy watching the film 'Foxcatcher' which I discovered this week. A fleshy Channing Tatum plays a Gold Medal winning, Olympic amateur wrestler (above). His character is one of the US team taken under the wing of a wealthy sponsor, John Du Pont, who wants to help them win more medals for the US. As part of the deal they have to live and train in the grounds of his mansion.

Channing Oiled up

Du Pont takes a particular interest in Channing' s character, showering him with attention, using his image to promote the venture (above) and parading him to conventions to talk about it.

It soon becomes apparent that Du Pont is delusional about his abilities as a wrestling coach but the wrestling establishment is enthusiastic about the live-in workcamp arrangement and the hefty financial sponsorship he provides.

Channing in the back seat

There's a suggestion that Du Pont's interests in his sportsmen are homosexual as he repeatedly contrives encounters where Channing is partly undressed - like personally oiling him up for the photoshoot or visiting his cabin to confer on training late at night.

Channing is intimidated by the man's confidence and wealth and flattered by the attention he is getting. Anxious not to rock the boat, he accepts the offer of friendship and gradually falls under Du Pont's spell.  His increasing hero-worship and subservience also contributes to that 'is-it-gay?' theme but it's just a hint. There's no confirmation of a sexual relationship but he ends up performing personal, menial tasks for his mentor (above). 

Channing hammered in the Ring
Gradually Channing's training suffers and his performance in the ring deteriorates (above), he fails to win a second gold medal and retires to a lesser existence as a coach and Pro-wrestler (below)

Channing stripped for action

The gay angle has caused something of a spat with the author of the story, Mark Schultz, whose own real life story the film is based on. He denies having any homosexual relationship with Du Pont but this outrage seems to have been triggered mainly by the predictable insinuations of the media following release of the film. Prior to that he seems to have found the manipulations and closeness shown in the film and Channing's moody and slightly dense portrayal as acceptable. 

Channing leaves Camp
It's rather sad that Schultz believes it matters to anyone important whether he was seduced or not, or that it's a matter of shame. He certainly would not be the first young man to experiment or to fall under the control of power and wealth. Actually the film is harder on his character than his sexuality. It suggests that he was groomed and no more. He is humiliated but proudly walks away from it all at the end, explaining "You know why I can't stay". But sadly his sporting career is already in ruins. 

There's a lot more to the film than this, which I won't give away, but just as a study in mitchmen-esque grooming and control of a strong and attractive man it makes fascinating (and disturbing) viewing.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Bound and Gagged Magazine - 5

My previous posts have concentrated on straight-forward bondage imagery but Bound and Gagged also featured some memorable bondage 'furniture'. The spanking bench in post no 3 is a fairly commonplace example but there are notable others.

 'Tag' in a Spherical Cage
A marvellous image that has been posted all over. It's not just the unusual shape that makes it interesting but the suspension which makes suggestive connections with bird cages and diving bells dipped into the ocean. I once read a fantasy book where a malevolent dwarf was kept in a suspended cage, square and made of wooden slats. I always found the idea exciting (if not the dwarf!)

 Frank Guinness in a Cage

A more conventional cage. The compact size is highly practical, it's not only space saving, but also heightens the sense of confinement for the prisoner. Unlike the prison cell, it allows no refuge from those outside the bars. I enjoy cage scenes but keeping the captive in bondage while inside seems a bit unnecessary. An unfettered man struggling to escape the tiny, unyielding cage would be quite erotic for me!

 Dart in The Box
'The Box' was used to imprison many B&G models over the years. The squat design is more confining than the cage and the lid leaning against the side, threatening total enclosure is pretty intimidating. It looks like Dart is being 'mentored' by here by B&G regular, Lee.
Ryan Wagner in the Box
Ryan's projecting head is displayed humiliatingly as a coffee table ornament. It reminds me of those Westerns where the cowboy (notably Ty Hardin as Bronco!) was buried up to the neck by renegades. No ants here though. The Box offers limited erotic entertainment for on-lookers as we can't see inside, it worked better in the context of the magazine as a recurring punishment for different boys (Oh No! Not the Box!).

Tag Adams bound in the Box
In case you're wondering, Tag models the interior of the box. It's surprisingly spacious. Note the ventilation fan. These features allow for prolonged incarceration and heat games. It looks like Tag has just had a taste of such delights, you have to make 'em sweat!

Matt Grimes on the Compact Block
This restraining device is another neat, space saving design, forcing the cute model here into a suitably submissive position. The anchoring effect of the solid-looking black block needs no imagining, he ain't going anywhere.

Matt Grimes tied down
The addition of a collar tie makes no practical difference, but does make a very nice picture. If you want to see more visit Bob Wingate's blog article.

Man tied over a Keg
This is not a well-known image and something of a novelty, but I enjoy a backward-arched male body. The yoke-like arm restraint doesn't exactly co-ordinate with the keg (oil-drum?) but it all looks pretty uncomfortable. The men discussing what to do to him is characteristic of B&G's down-to-earth slant on bondage scenes and allows the viewer to feel more of a connection.


Most of these images form part of series at Bob Wingate's Blog and you can track them down using the model's name.

Read this series from the beginning