We've seen Chet's an irredeemable show-off with a ruthless streak
Sometimes he's shows he's got a naughty side too.
This attempt to embarrass Brice Moore seems rather petulant
and probably not Chet's finest hour as a ring villain.
He looks the part more when stretching the rules against Ty Alexander,
simultaneously enjoying the chance to flex his pecs for us
Unfortunately, as a true bad boy, he can't resist slipping in really underhand tricks,
here catching Biff Farrell by surprise before the fight has even begun.
He successfully uses a similar ploy against Tristan Baldwin
Previously, we've seen him giving a good account of himself against this opponent,
but it seems Chet simply can't resist resorting to skulduggery.
However, Tristan's no pussy, is Chet playing with fire?
Previously, we've seen him giving a good account of himself against this opponent,
but it seems Chet simply can't resist resorting to skulduggery.
However, Tristan's no pussy, is Chet playing with fire?
You don't need a diagram to know that Chet is up to something naughty here.
It's a great way of humiliating opponents if you can pull it off (so to speak)
It's a great way of humiliating opponents if you can pull it off (so to speak)
but is it wise to wind up two big guys like Blake Morris and Rex Lawless?
You're being a very bad boy Chet!
But every man meets his match eventually
and sometimes a bad boy can see that man coming for him
and sometimes a bad boy can see that man coming for him
In this case it's the hulk that is Danny Demented.
Chet's apprehensive look at the camera speaks volumes.
.Chet's apprehensive look at the camera speaks volumes.
At times like this you can see the cocky confidence draining away
and contrary to the usual saying, it is a very pretty sight.
Especially when his ring partner looks equally dismayed
and contrary to the usual saying, it is a very pretty sight.
Especially when his ring partner looks equally dismayed
and seems to be hanging back, pushing Chet into the firing line.
Here we see realisation dawning in mid contest after Chet's been put down.
He's looking cute and appealing, but that's not going to help him now.
Methinks this isn't going to end well for him.
Chet knew it would be hard to pull off his sneaky tricks against Man Mountain
But you can sense his sinking feeling as he is pulled in close by the hulk
Trapped, with no way to escape, he's looking out of his depth for once.
Damien Rush looks far less formidable by comparison,
so when he teaches Chet what it's like to be paraded around
like a piece of ring baggage, it's got to be a bit of a downer.
so when he teaches Chet what it's like to be paraded around
like a piece of ring baggage, it's got to be a bit of a downer.
Mark Muscle's strength also allows him to casually carry Chet over his shoulder,
Maybe he's planning to cart him off to the dressing room and showers.
You can see Chet doesn't like it, being helpless like this
Luckily (or unluckily!) Brendan Cage is happy to wait for his turn to torment Chet.
Maybe he's planning to cart him off to the dressing room and showers.
You can see Chet doesn't like it, being helpless like this
Luckily (or unluckily!) Brendan Cage is happy to wait for his turn to torment Chet.
If being helplessly lifted in a stronger man's arms is humiliating,
the tough guy act understandably wilts further when he's trapped
knowing that something nasty is coming his way from Danny Demented.
Something like this.
If Chet thought the corner padding would protect his assets,
It seems like he was wrong, Danny delivers a bouncing bomb.
Wait for it!
It ought to be a doddle for Chet to escape this telegraphed punch
But the Man Mountain has Chet so demoralised he can only stand and take it
like a rabbit trapped in the headlights, it's a great moment.
It ought to be a doddle for Chet to escape this telegraphed punch
But the Man Mountain has Chet so demoralised he can only stand and take it
like a rabbit trapped in the headlights, it's a great moment.

Mountain's follow-on lift seems to have Chet positively terrified
A cynic might think that those yellow trunks have sapped his morale.
Or perhaps it's Mountain's grip on his crotch that's triggered this grimace.

It's the moment a wrestler dreads when the legs are folded and trapped like this.
Yellow trunks are beginning to develop unpleasant associations for Chet
But his ass certainly looks pretty as Flash LaCash lines him up for a surfboard.
But his ass certainly looks pretty as Flash LaCash lines him up for a surfboard.
Flash has got Chet howling already, in another great pose for his admirers.
Sadly I don't have an image of the deadly lift.
Sadly I don't have an image of the deadly lift.
When a bad boy's down, no-one seems to care!
Not even referee Brendan Cage, who stands by watching
as Mark Muscle makes Chet (in yellowish trunks) look very puny indeed.
as Mark Muscle makes Chet (in yellowish trunks) look very puny indeed.
Chet's fortunes may be on the slide but boy does he look good!
Continued in Part 4
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