To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024
Showing posts with label crucified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crucified. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 May 2024

A Long Time Dying

Click to Enlarge

 With apologies to Atticus who did the manips

Click on the labels below for related subjects

Monday, 12 February 2024

Homoeros - Ross In Trouble

Homoeros - Ross In Trouble

This image is taken from a new Homoeros bondage series which he has turned into a slide show.

 See the full Ross In Trouble slideshow by Homoeros at Deviant Art

Homoeros - Crux 922

There's also a new blow-by-blow, new crucifixion scene
Presently it starts at page 16 of the Homoeros Gallery 
but that will increase as new material is added in front of it.

There's more fetish imagery further on in the gallery if you persevere including more crucifixions, floggings and domination scenarios. To find them you have to wade through many images of posing models and images blocked off by subscription barriers, but it's worth it. At least you can see what you will get if you decide to try the subscription.


More Homoeros at mitchmen blog

Saturday, 6 January 2024

Most Popular New Post of 2023 (MPP1)

Jordan James & Harvey Bridgestone

My annual custom of evaluating the most visited new posts of the year has given me more food for thought than usual this year after a dramatic fall in the number of recorded visits. The stats tell me that visitors are down by 25% for the blog overall but most of the entries in the table below show hit totals and a cut-off score which are just below half of the same position last year. This seems to be a continuation of a trend which I noted last year where views of new posts fell but visits overall were stable. There's an obvious message for me here about recent posts! There have been no new major reviews this year to set alongside past 'block busters' like Amalaric, the Milking Factory series and the IFNB phenomenon. I will be hoping to regain lost viewers in the New Year. 

Meanwhile I must thank all the readers who continue to show their interest in mitchmen blog!


The table below lists the most popular of the new mitchmen posts during 2023. I'm sticking with last years method of simply counting hits with a mention of other factors in the notes.

(Titles have links to the original posts, column 4 shows annualised hit rate ranking).

On mobiles the table is best viewed by turning your phone sideways

TABLE 1 - Top 20 New Posts of 2022 at mitchmen
Title (+link)
Total Hits
Hit Rate Ranking
Pub Month
Slave Training 11 - Cockaphobia (GIF)
Platoon69 by Jero
2July2, 5 
Abduction Art by ApostlXXX
Art by Shenguanlin
Most viewed post of all time (to 2022)
Kidnapped (Art by Mitchell)
16Mar 3
17Mar 2
(Stats collected on 1st January 2024) 

Top spot this year was claimed by the sexy GIF of Jordan James being handcuffed and ring-gagged by his partner. This clip was borrowed from MuscleDestroyer at Deviant Art and he also contributed No 6 in the table showing a bound muscle hunk being doused with water. This pair ranked 1 and 3 in the ranking based on hit rate (column 4). Despite this I have no plans to switch the focus of the blog away from gay fetish art, which made up the rest of the table as usual. It's only the second time a photographic entry has taken top spot in this table joining the Royale Studio 'Come and Get It!' announcement from 2021. Posts about Royale Studio have now moved to the new Royale and Hussar blog.

The winning total of 927 is the lowest since 2013 when the 'Art of Swarbrick' scored 774. 
See also 'Honourable Mentions 2' at the foot of this post for another contender for the top spot.

Jero's sexy and sensual renders took the runners up spot and also claimed 20th position. He produces great art which redefines the imagery of old and gives it new life. There were many representatives of those older, established artists in last year's chart - Brick, Kalabro, Oztangles and Gilgamesh but it was cartoonist Rob Clarke who carried that banner this year, returning in a new, ball-bustin' guise as Whiteworm. 

I suppose AnimasAnimus at 19 might also be included in this veterans group by virtue of his longevity, but his cartoons are more representative of my interest in the power and eroticism of over-developed muscle and it's containment by clothing and by fellow muscle 'beasts'. That niche was also represented this year by Paragon Illusions (see note 5 below). 

At No 3 and No 16 were two of last years 'Most Popular Posts' reports, a slightly puzzling phenomenon that I have remarked on before. They do, of course showcase the outstanding images of the year (by Brick in 2023 and IFNB in 2022) and also point casual readers to highly-rated posts they have missed. 

I appreciate visitors' interest in my analyses, but the appearance of my own drawing 'Kidnapped' at No 18 was more pleasing. It depicts my answer to the fiendish dwarves of Black Prof! I started to give more attention to my own work last year with the 'Cowboy Folio' project and experimentations with AI.


ApostleXXX also uses a traditional drawing style and his skilful, economical depictions of men are sexy indeed, but it was also his story-telling that was rightly rewarded with 10th place. I don't often post about devilry but it has proved popular in the past with the great Sean Platter

The art of Drtkk (formerly known here as Milkcow) is highly stylised by comparison but he can make a claim to be the artist of the year with three entries in the table at No 11, 13 and 17. He fares even better on hit rate at 6,7 and 8. This was despite his best images having already been presented in here in 2017 - in the first part of the series

One of Drtkk's articles was a contribution to the ever-popular 'Milking Factory' series which grabbed two places (at 7 & 17). The other was supplied by Shenguanlin who is also represented in the table with a full review of his work (at 14). I wasn't really able to give full credit to his rather extreme visions of hunk abduction and toilet service but I hope readers followed the links to bathe in the full glory of his earthy deviousness!
Artists using the latest render art and AI have a significant presence this year, headed up by Appas at No 4 with his 'bondage on a bus', a success that surprised me somewhat. Paragon Illusions was not far behind at 8, I very much like his images of mature men establishing physical control over their peers.

Waxx3D at No 9 showed that these new techniques have not extinguished interest in good, old-fashioned rendering! Also in this category is Iskan156 whose use of crucifixion imagery strikes a familiar chord at this blog (see labels below). These two revivals emulated the success of Ridley last year. 


Photo-manipulations have always been amongst the most popular posts at this blog in the past - notably Priapus of Milet and Amalaric. That torch this year was carried by two less well known artists, Beverley and Teracles (from the late, lamented Chained Muscle site). Their dramas of capture in the jungle made 15th position, a testament to the inherent appeal of putting scantily clad images of real men into unusual scenarios of danger. It's a technique that neither rendering nor AI can emulate - not yet anyway! 

Honourable Mentions 1

Chenz - Police Experimented 

There were 3 other contenders from late 2023 which did not make the cut in time, but scored impressive hit rates which and would probably have gained leading positions given more time.

Chenz-X-Chen's vivid, AI scenes of muscled captivity (Oct 23) would have taken 2nd position based on hit rate alone. DragonTattoo (also from Oct) whose built-in comforts for Astronauts are not only highly original but sexy on more than one level would have been 3rd. DGG's more conventional renders, somewhat in the style of Oztangles, (posted in Sept) would have been 4th. 

Of course these rates will not be sustained over a full year but all three were within 30 hits of making the table in their own right. It remains to be seen whether these impressive performances will continue.

Honourable Mentions 2

Black Prof - Cheated of Victory?

There were also a number of articles from the previous year, 2022, which were too late to make the cut in their own year of publication but would have scored highly in this years chart. 

Thus 'Tarzan Captured' by Black Prof (Aug 2022) has scored 1854 hits in the 15 months since publication and 1060 in 2023 alone, enough to take top spot.

Abduction Art by Jero (Nov 2022) has scored 1078 to date, 626 in 2023, worthy of 4th position at least. 

I have admitted examples like this to the table in previous years but there seems to have been a sea change in visitor patterns this year that makes it a case of comparing apples with pears and so I have decided to limit their ranking to 'might have beens'. The 'all-comers' list for 2023 will put their performances in a wider context. 


This year's table features articles based on photographs, comics, cartoons, renders, traditional art and AI. The wealth of gay, artistic talent enhances all of our lives in difficult times. Long may it continue!


Next time - The most viewed post in the entire mitchmen blog during 2022.
A big, big Thank You! 
to all my readers for your interest in my blog, 
I hope mitchmen has managed to divert you from the tribulations of the world in 2023
This png image - Fireworks Transparent Clip Art, is available for free download


from mitchmen blog


Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Art by Chenz_x_Chen


In Chenz_x_Chen's art muscular men are made captive and put on display. 

The immersion chamber is a favoured device but quite how it functions is a mystery.
It's human contents seem to be in some sort of suspended state at times,
where they don't need to breathe.

In 'Human Experimentation' they are actually near frozen. 

But even so they are still conscious enough to know what is happening to them.

The experimentations do have their more pleasant moments though.

In his 'Wheat Field' series a hooded, muscular man is compelled to endlessly endure the elements crucified as a scarecrow with wheat stalks in his penis.

He isn't bound to the cross however and is free to descend and protect the crop as a patrol 'dog'.

And he can also relax in the sun and hope to have his own stalk 'picked'.

Before obediently returning to his scarecrow station.

It's as though he has been hypnotised into this humiliating,  'ground-hog day' existence. 

Hypnosis forms the rationale for a series of images charting the humiliations of muscular cops,
who are gagged, blindfolded and loose their uniforms.

 Thus incapacitated, they are 'consoled' by their fellow citizens.
Admirers from afar take their chance to have a closer encounter.

Others take the opportunity to get anonymous revenge.

Great pec shot!

The fate of some Officers is to be publicly shamed.

For others a more private and painful humiliation awaits. 


Chenz on Twitter/X

For similar topics click on the labels below

Friday, 2 June 2023

Art by Drtkk - Part 3 (aka MilkCow)

MilkCow - White Rats 1

I discussed the features of this man-storage facility here at mitchmen in Milking Factories No 13, but MilkCow originally designed them to preserve captured POW's until they can be sold off . The title of the picture suggests that it's not expected that they will become cosseted House Boys or field workers.

This highly refined form of bondage is an ideal way of keeping them alive, under control and protected from damage in a controlled environment, whilst still being available for interested parties to view in person (although it's become more common to buy them over the internet since Covid). The captives love the safe feeling the warm liquid gives them and require minimum physical restraint in their capsules. They listen to music via implants and enjoy the gentle stimulation of nipple suckers and 'active' codpieces that comfort them and attend to their 'detoxification' needs. The cost of such a system is justified by the prices these men fetch, as shown on this man's container label.

MilkCow has drawn a handsome character demonstrating this ingenious design, he seems alluringly available and desirable as he dozes contentedly. All these captives have been shaved and show grow-back. The artist's bold, muscle delineation is less prominent in this close up view. The random arrangement of the capsules behind creates an impression of large numbers of other men being processed and on offer. One would be spoilt for choice, but few of us could afford this boy's price tag.

MilkCow - White Rats 2 - The Check

This scene shows the captive being 'checked' after being purchased by a laboratory for study. He's been delivered frozen in a cryogenic container which looks disturbingly like a coffin. MilkCow wisely skirts round the defrosting process. I suppose it might have been carried out by the container itself. Anyhow, it's barely warm when the delivery is lifted onto a table and strapped to it. 

Even before his shorts have been cut off his body, the scientists have already piled in and attached a device to his nipple and his other pectoral is being prepared for something similar. With all this haste the poor man must be struggling to understand what's happening to him. Maybe it's better that way. 

It's easy to understand the technicians enthusiasm once they saw what the new lab rat looked like. They all look very young and student-y which doesn't bode too well for procedure adherence as the check progresses (you'll remember what happened to the clipboard in the Chair of Toughness (MilkCow 2). The lab equipment at this point seems relatively unthreatening, but the universal use of eye protectors is a bit worrying. It's probably just as well one of them has a stethoscope for emergencies.

The artist has cropped the detail of what's happening on the right and re-directs our focus to two other technicians walking by and chatting as if all this uproar is nothing out of the ordinary. The nearly naked man on the table may grab our attention, but he is just another, experimental subject in Lab 169.

MilkCow - The Windmill Game

At first sight, it seems reasonably clear what's going on in this picture. The subject is lifting heavy buckets of water in a punishing position that does not allow bending of the arm. It would be well-nigh impossible for most people, so credit to him for achieving this much, but what is inducing him  to do it? 

The side frames limit his arms to moving up and down and it looks as if his wrist restraints are connected to the vertical arms with rings that can slide up and down. Since the frames also seem to be electrified it looks like this is a variation of that game of sliding a ring along an electrified, twisty wire without touching it and making the bell ring. I might be wrong but my guess is that it's his bell-end that's going to register any 'fails' since that organ is impaled by an electrified sound that is very firmly attached. His whole scrotum is trapped in the Y-fork of this assembly. 

So where do windmills come in? I think this must refer to the 4-pointed stars that are in contact with his nipples. But is he supposed to make them turn or are they spun by the technician standing behind him with a controller? This Heath Robinson complexity is puzzling but it's erotic fun analysing it.

Milk Cow - Nice Meats 1, Room 13 - Inspection

This final group of images is notable in that it features two captives undergoing the same trials and punishments alongside each other, illustrated rather nicely here by the mirror image composition.. Since they are both wearing dog tags it seems reasonable to assume that they are buddies from the same military unit. The title of the group, 'Nice Meats' suggests a fairly arbitrary, homoerotic sadism is motivating their treatment but it's supervised throughout by a uniformed figure and above them fascist style banners hang from the wall, suggestive of a more serious story line, perhaps a POW or partisan interrogation where anything goes, God help them. 

The Room Number motif references the non-specific oppression of 1984 and this carries on through the series although the banners do not. Each of the scenes takes place in a numbered room suggesting it's a carefully planned and lengthy programme but the captives do not visit the rooms in numerical order. 

In Room 13, the clip board indicates that it's a inspection but it's not obvious that any results are actually being recorded. Two keys lie on top of it, presumably for the chastity devices in which both men's manhood is locked, perhaps what passes for a uniform in this place. They are spread-eagled on crosses with an array of  electrical cables attached to their bodies, some with clinical sticker pads, some with heavyweight, industrial clips. Neither they, nor we, know if these are simply sensors or live electrical wires, but something is making them howl and the fingers of the man on the right are curled tight in tension (or agony). 

The positioning of their arms replicates a standard bodybuilder pose and this suggests that their strength is being targeted with the possibility that all these wires are manipulating their muscles to tense on demand so their physiques can be judged as bodybuilders are judged in competition. 

The Officer in the foreground looks as if he's just stepped off a Yellow Submarine or the Polar Express but he holds a wireless remote control that enables him to switch either man on or off and vary the intensity of their treatment. That seems very much like an interrogation technique. Meanwhile a steam-punk technician beavers away at his console, overseeing even more on-off switches using a curious visual feed from the pack on his back whose purpose is a complete mystery. It adds up to 'sinister'

Milk Cow - Nice Meats 2, Room 09 Whipping Makes Perfect

 This whipping scene takes place in Room 09. It's not clear whether the flippant subtitle indicates an underlying, corrective purpose behind their treatment or simply the personal opinions of their tormentors. The same could be said of the emphatic, metallic chastity devices they are still locked in, denying them their masculinity.

The two captives are depicted throughout this set as being significantly bigger than their captors. There's a similar contrast between their god-like muscularity and masculinity and their tormentors who are portrayed as either very ordinary or decidedly odd-ball. The density of weal marks and beads of perspiration covering their magnificent bodies suggest that their punishments are correspondingly intense and deliberately so. The torture technician's terrifying weapon and face mask seems to recognise danger lurking within these men. 

Milk Cow - Nice Meats 3, Room 10 - Sand Bags

In room 10 the assault intensifies and takes on an additional psychological dimension putting the men in fear of their lives as they are hoisted in nooses. It doesn't look as if they have been lifted completely off the ground at this point but the title suggests that might be part of the plan. At this point they are both being simultaneously beaten with the edges of  paddles by smartly dressed, uniformed officers. 

The supervisor watches them, enjoying a hot drink. It's a demonstration, not so much of sadism, but of indifference (or professional neutrality if we're being generous). The men have been freed from their chastity devices for this procedure but remain in cock rings. One is taking advantage of that freedom (and presumably responding to the beating). Part of the test perhaps? Is that a pass or fail?

MilkCow - Nice Meats 4 - Double Bed

Room 00 is placed at the end and it seems rather different to the others. The two boys bear the trellis marks of prolonged torture and their bodies are still covered in sweat but there are no electrical attachments here, no beating, only the more subtle pressure of the rack. Still freed from chastity they are greased up and encouraged (quite sensitively) by the attendants to produce samples which are being collected in glass jars. It's a relatively pleasant task (in moderation). 

We can't tell whether the rack is simply being used to coerce them, to encourage masochistic arousal, to wring out their last dregs or to verify a wacky theory about inducing variations in their ejaculates. What we can say is that it hurts them and the artist has used (rare) shadowing below the rib cage to emphasise their stress. 

Above them sitting on a beam are two, beautifully drawn rats, lab rats of a different hue, who if I remember correctly normally work in Room 101. This visual 'aside' neatly pairs with the facist motif in the first picture. As we know, despotic regimes are always keenly interested on what makes their opponents tick and often have pseudo-scientific beliefs that people who are different to them must be physiologically flawed and they are desperate to prove it. Of course, MilkCow himself, marks these muscular giants out as being different to ordinary folk.

Don't have nightmares chaps!

In this second batch of images MilkCow's images have not changed an awful lot in subject matter but have become more refined and more stylish. You can see the thought that has gone into his images like Nice Meats 4 but he also seems to have progressed from generic, captivity S&M to something that hits the mark more accurately. Room 13 in particular strikes me this way and White Rats 1, they make me think, yes, that's it, he's got it exactly. Veryerotic 
Check out the comment below for the artist's preferred name and website info

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Art by Iskan156

naked man carrying crucifixion cross on shoulder on a chain lead
Iskan156 - The Way-1

Two men are winding their way through the sand dunes.
One, whip in hand, is leading the other by a chain attached to a steel collar
The captive also has metal cuffs on his wrists and ankles
The soft sand drags at his feet as he trudges through it carrying a wooden cross.

Notice that his captive's crotch is shaved clean.

Naked man ordered to erect crucifixion cross collared + chained
Iskan156 - Installation 02

They arrive at a place where the cross is to be erected.
There is a metal stake there to which the slave's chain is tethered.
At the master's direction, he gets to work, setting up the cross
It's heavy work under the glaring sun, just after the wearying trek.

Naked man collared and chained kneels before cross
Iskan156 - Before 03

When he finally completes this task, 
the master generously allows him a few minutes to rest 
taking the opportunity to relax himself and smoke a cigar 

The adjustable 'sedile' on the post has a wickedly serrated, top edge.

Naked man being crucified on sea shore
Iskan156 - Suspension 2

It's time to proceed. The captive climbs onto the lower arm of the cross
He balances there, facing forwards with one foot either side of the centre post
He can only stop himself toppling off by holding on to the upright behind him.
His master begins to attach the wristlet on his free arm to the upper cross piece.

Iskan 156 - Suspension 3

The captive clings on and looks on with surprising, but creditable stoicism.

A nice rear view of the master here (my neck fetish again).

Iskan156 - Totally Ready 03

The captive's other wrist is also secured - to the opposite end of the Tee.
Only then can he be released from his collar chain, it drops down onto the sand.
The master's final adjustment, is to raise the sliding, sawtooth sedile to crotch level. 
It provokes a horrified response but he stops with it just grazing the captive's balls.

Iskan156 - Totally Ready 01

The positioning of the sedile falls just short of a being a riding wedge (see label at foot of post)
Instead it forces the captive to tense his arm and leg muscles to avoid sagging down onto it .
That stressful position is about to get much more difficult to hold.

(If you thought he is being prepared to face the incoming tide, think again.
Although that would be an interesting alternative scenario.)

Iskan156 - Whip

With his captive secure and stretched out tight in an X-spread, 
the master stands back and begins to address him with the whip. 
He has plenty of room to swing it here and the deserted dunes provide privacy,
so there's no need to gag the unfortunate creature during this torment.

Iskan 156 - Whip 02

The whip licks repeatedly across the trapped man's torso,
scoring lines with it's caress.
No one hears his cries.

Iskan 156 - Whip 03

The whip's kisses are not nasty enough to cancel out his excitement.
He retains his control and manliness under this duress.

"If you can keep a stiffie,
while all around are losing theirs, 
then  you will be a man my friend".
(taken verbatim from the original rough draft)


This series is disarmingly entitled 'A Way To The Pleasure' which I suspect has suffered a little in translation. Someone else called it 'A Journey' but the trouble is that every experience in life is called 'A Journey' these days (except when it's being called a 'Roller-Coaster Ride', that is).

Iskan has been producing images like this for some years. His style is a little basic, the characters not overly expressive but there's a genuine undercurrent of anticipation in the carefully constructed  build-up and truly dramatic imagery at the climax of the punishment. Personally, I'm not crazy about shaved heads or identification numbers (especially disfiguring ones), preferring men in predicaments like this to be allowed to keep some dignity. 
(It's also a practice too similar to historical events that shouldn't be trivialised).

Lots more at Iskan156 @DeviantArt including a final scene for this story which I have omitted.

Saturday, 26 November 2022

Abduction Art by Jero

Naked muscle hunk asleep in bed kidnapped by alien intruders at nightlked as an experiment with his own bat
Jero - Baseball Jock 1

I think this series probably ought to be entitled, 'The Baseball Jock's Dream' since it features a strikingly handsome man's intimate experiences with some little green men. I don't normally favour fetish scenarios with cartoon characters, but in this day and age these gremlin-like creatures are probably a safer bet as purveyors of mischief than the diminutive humanoids which I've featured in a couple of posts in the recent past. Anyway, this guy is so hunky I couldn't resist bringing him into the fold. Even without the invaders this image of him fast asleep in a vulnerable position with the window wide open would make a pleasing erotic statement all by itself.

Naked muscle hunk kidnapped by aliens and bound with metal, iron fetters to an X-framemilked as an experiment with his own bat
Jero - Baseball Jock 2

Jero doesn't show us how the gremlins transported their acquisition to this lab-like installation. That process might have been interesting, but that's dreams for you. The end result, with the bemused hunk spread wide and secured in an X-frame by expensive-looking stainless steel fetters, is very satisfactory, however.

The kidnappers have brought the jock's bat with them, it was leaning up against the wall in picture 1, (note the logo inscription). Now it adds an element of menace to the mystery of why they kidnapped him. 

The X-restraint arrangement is fairly familiar from other artists' renderings, but it's been given a pleasing polish-up and colour make-over that's co-ordinated with the green hue of the latest users. 
All very gay. 

Naked muscle hunk kidnapped by aliens and milked as an experiment with his own bat
Jero - Baseball Jock 3

 It turns out the LGMen only(!) want the bat as a probe. They are primarily interested in checking out the jocks plumbing (aren't we all?). The athlete proves able to accommodate the bulbous tool - with understandable difficulty but it's the results that count most in sporting endeavours and his spurt of excitement clearly delights the experimenters. It's the orgasmic arching of his body that grabs me

There are also comic versions of frames 2 and 3 with dialogue. Yes, they speak English, it is a dream after all! It ends with the kidnappers intent on making further investigations of the area as part of their scientific investigations of human physiology. Looks like a long night for the hero. 


I haven't featured Jero here before but I will show more in the future, his art not only features extremely hunky characters being put through the mill, but he also seems to capture vivid responses which convey their plight in a way that seems very real despite (or maybe it's because of) the way he blends cartoonery into more conventional images.

Jero has a gallery at Deviant Art and a Twitter page

Sunday, 15 May 2022

Art By Damo 1

Damo - Eddie Brock Milked

 This is my favourite Damo picture. It shows one of his regular subjects, Eddie Brock (of Venom fame). being overpowered by a gang of men and milked (for reasons best know to themselves). 

Eddie's hunkiness shines out through a terrific puffed out chest and tensed six pack. The sheer number of his assailants testifies to his strength and his man appeal and it makes for a great picture.

  Damo normally specialises in those multi-image series based on a single character who is progressively tweaked, gradually losing their clothes and interfered with until eruption occurs. As far as I have been able to discover, this picture is, an almost unique occurrence of men directly interacting with each other in Damo's art. And it's a great image too. There are some minor 'spatial' issues in the detail of this ambitious, crowded picture but that doesn't detract from it's dramatic impact.

Damo - The Punisher Boxed

This image of a naked man, shibari-tied and forced into a transparent box is a powerful image of subjugation but the subject's fluid response casts doubt on it's value as a punishment in this case. The character depicted is actually Marvel's 'The Punisher', so it's a neat role reversal.

This drawing looks deceptively simple but notice the beautifully crafted feet. It's also another striking 3D accomplishment, not so much in the perspective of the box itself. but in fitting the man inside it so  convincingly. He really looks like he's squeezed inside in this incredibly contorted position. I love the flattened buttocks.

Apart from the air-holes, the box seems rather unreal, almost magical. It's a bit like those flimsy perspex boxes they put Christmas cards in. More substantial walls would be nice - and a lock to keep him inside!

Damo - Off To The Pound

This is out and out cartoonery, a very severe prison regime . 
I like the idea of inmates being given jocks with convict stripes to wear.

Damo - title not known

In a world where bondage is typically depicted in dungeons and hard places, 
experiencing it in a cosy, domestic bed seems exceptionally kinky

The subject here is notably less chunky than those in the preceding images, still attractively built but more like a real world man. The bondage he's been put in here is particularly complex with multiple criss-crossing ropes, it must have taken hours to knot up!

Now gagged and sightless, left on his own, he is free to enjoy - or at any rate, experience - the sensual pleasures assigned to him without having to worry about the person who set it all up. 

Of course if he's a plumber, waylaid while dealing with a dripping tap, 
he might feel differently about it all, but he looks pretty relaxed.

Another example of comprehensive roping featuring Eddie Brock again with an exceptionally large apple-like ball gag which he appears to be contentedly chewing on, lost in a world of his own.

The physique depicted here seems to have great muscularity and bulk and the complexity and radiating form of the ropework is clearly designed to contain that power. Even his fingers are individually bound in a clenched fist.

There's some sexy detail in the nether regions, a ball-stretching tether, slapped-pink buttock cheeks which are bulging through gaps in the net of roping plus a hidden vibrator lost in his internal recesses but apparently going flat out, in the red zone.

Gabriel Reyes, Jack Morrison Bound

This is the opening image of one of Damo Dee's incremental series. 
It's not Eddie this time but Jack Morrison, aka Soldier 76 (from Overwatch) 
another handsome cove in similar, square-jawed vein. Gabriel Reyes is his unseen captor.

I've always been a fan of musclemen bulging out of their shirts and putting them in an upper body harness with under-the-pec roping is a good way of exaggerating that characteristic. Damo has extended the trick to the arms here with tight loop just below the shoulder muscles, plus short sleeves which always enhance a man's biceps. 

He's dressed Reyes in mid-length shorts that do a similar job accepting the thighs, in combination with more loops of rope. He's also roped his victim's tackle, Zeus-style, trapping it in a bag improvised from his own shorts. A connecting rope, deep between the butt cheeks, anchors the arrangement. 

Gabriel Reyes is a Marvel character

I'm also drawn to this image because of the sexy (yellow) clothing
It's also nice to see a genuine black personality.   
His persona seems refined but quite fierce.

The unusual 'yoke' cum crucifixion restraint 
is a great way to emphasise muscularity rendered impotent.

This character depicted is Luke Cage (Marvel)  
Jailed for a crime he didn't commit (where have I heard that before?), 
he acquired a bullet-proof skin from a botched operation.
That offers little defence against this threat.


This mitchmen series continues in Damo Part 2 (link pending)

Damo images seem impossible to find on search engines using his name
but I managed to unearth these links via an image search