Images of soccer players in bondage are not exactly uncommon, but they often posed either by excessively young or else overly burly men and rarely seem to embody the essence of the professional footballer that captures our interest on the field. That is, a man who is typically mid 20's with a fit, lean physique, powerful thighs and, more often than not, an eye-catching, trendy hair style. These pictures are an exception and come from an unexpected source, BreederFuckers.

The model is shown changing into (above) and (top) wearing the Argentina Football Kit which has the great advantage of being an authentic-looking and relatively traditional design, uncluttered by garish advertising logos. Argentina have the good fortune that their flag provides attractive colours for their National team to wear, colours that always flatter a man, especially one with dark skin.
As usual with this studio the model is lured by the promise of a professional modelling assignment which quickly leads to captivity and humiliating bondage. For once he is allowed to keep his clothes on as he is tied up and gagged. You can see already that his physique is a good fit for the role of footballer.
In the UK, Argentine Football is forever associated with Diego Maradona's 'Hand of God', an illegally handled goal that helped put England out of the 1986 World Cup Finals. Because of that, seeing a supposed member of that team lying on the floor of a changing room, tied up as though being kidnapped, is a not unpleasant sight and the bridle gag he has been subjected to is perhaps not inappropriate either.
It goes without saying that nipple pegging is good too, but this image featuring a torso-revealing shirt lift (Step 3 in the Amalaric lexicon of forced undressing) and invading hands groping underneath it is full of erotic triggers anyway. The shorts meanwhile are screaming to come off.
In this marvellous image Liam achieves the feat of looking submissive while he's lying on the ground.
The scrunched up half-mast shorts look a hundred times better in this position and have revealed some attractive white briefs with a very touchable lump visible. Liam's abs have also shifted into some nice shaping but, oh, those thighs! These are thighs truly worthy of a professional footballer and their bulk helps to push Liam's tackle into a more prominent position. The glimpse of stocking top further down adds further to the sense of leg bulk on this man.
The lowering of those briefs and shorts to ankle level does not disappoint us either, confirming the model's delicious man-shaping whilst adding a twist of humiliation to spice an old rivalry.
The footballer's thighs look even more impressive in this view but they can't shield his tackle from a bit of intimate anchoring and meanwhile a sneak attack is mounting him from behind. I'm glad they lifted his shirt to show his (no doubt throbbing) nipple.
There's a marvellous sense of awkward helplessness here as his discomforts multiply
I'm not the biggest fan of the 'dick on a stick' beloved by BF and, but I'm still drooling over those marvellous thighs and dishelled shorts. There's also a nice bit of under-shirt action on those tenderised nipples.
There's a shirtless sequel to the 'fully dressed' episode above, a change of direction possibly made out of respect for the expensive replica kit! Here the model submits to a more restrictive arms tie (it was just wrists before). That's augmented (below) by neck roping that adds a dark, little, extra twist alluding to slave collars and the noose.
This rerun of the capture gives the opportunity for a different shorts-lowering sequence and for me this 'forced undressing' moment is actually much more erotic than it seems to have a right to be.
That's partly because of that perilous 'nearly gone' position they've created, supplemented by waistband-manipulating hands and a glimpse of the underwear inside (Stage 8 of the Amalaric Index). It's also down to the model's tight restraint position which presents an unexpectedly fleshy torso and some sexy plunging curves accentuating the shape of his belly and disappearing 'mysteriously' inside his underpants.
The renewed attack on his nipples is a bit of a distracting, side show for me, perhaps warranting a separate closer image. The hand holding the chain here could be profitably be transferred to the abdominal area, emphasising the erotic 'reveal' and making a single point of invasion.
Underpants are always a welcome sight although, sadly, the model's previous excitement seems to have subsided. Those tugging hands play a nice supporting role (or I suppose I should say a dislodging role).

It's a good opportunity to examine the catch more closely.
I love the simplicity of this image. Nice body shaping.

Gagging the man again forces him to lower his head into a submissive
position and his hands tied behind lift, emphasising the restraint. I will
concede that the swinging nipple chain here adds to the sense of
mounting pressure on the captive, whose football socks and boots seem
deliciously incongruous.
I used this picture in a previous 'BF' post, (Taken Off The Streets 5), it's just so sexy and the sequencing following the shorts and underwear images creates a powerful sense of sudden nudity where it matters!
The cropping produces a slightly odd image, but gives it a sense of a snatched, unguarded moment not intended to be seen by vicarious spectators.
The muddy boot studs cleverly suggest that this guy's just been snatched off the pitch.
He's subjected to further new bondage and which has an increasingly ominious sense about it.
Needless to say there's an awful lot more invasive nastiness inflicted on him in the course of these proceedings which you can explore at the links below.
Afterwards, there's just time for a bit of physiotherapy.
A great naked view which casts a new perspective on the traditional 'baby on a fluffy rug pose'
This man looks far more appealing to me than any new-born baby!
The model in this set of images is called 'Liam', an Irish name that jars somewhat with the role he's playing here, but he certainly looks the part of a Latin, playboy sportsman.
He's actually of Indian descent so I've added this post to my long-running 'Asian Festival' celebrating men of Asian Heritage (see label at foot of this post).
See more of Liam at Scally Guy: Liam's Argentine Kit, or more generally Liam at Breeder Fuckers with onward links to the Studio.