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Wednesday, 9 September 2020

The Art of Amalaric, Part 4b - The Ritual Of Stripping, Stages 8 - 18

View stages 1-7

8th Stage

Initiate Jeans Slippage


415 Jeff Porter, Car Thief, Repeat offender

Once the flies are spread, the next Stage is an inevitable consequence of gravity (except for young men who favour skinnies). It's not the prettiest view, but for aficionados it's a richly erotic one since the buck is uncomfortably aware of the gradual descent of his jeans and his instinct screams at him to correct it. The sensation of them slipping down, bit by bit, feels exposing enough in itself for him but he dreads the sudden drop that will not just reveal his the state of his underwear but will also leave him looking quite foolish. It's strange that men can worry about looking silly when facing terrifying captivity and punishment.

That's only part of the story for Jeff here. He's been brought into an Institutional Correction Facility under a programme for persistent young offenders and is facing a 3 hour corrective session which will include corporal punishment with the lash. The Guards who prepared him at the post removed his belt and opened his flies, partly to ease access to the rear quarters, should the Disciplinarian require it and partly for the hell of it. Jeff's anxious twisting as he endures the prescribed period of 'reflection' has done the rest.

Image from 1st of '1001 Nights' at Aquadude


416 Steve Delgado, Drifter, Handyman

Steve Delgado's jeans seem to be even more precarious and this is a appropriate reflection of his more complex story (of which more in a future episode). Like Jeff, he's restrained (as many men are by the time they reach this point), so his ability to control descent is limited to thigh bracing and even that is subject to the whims of the attendants, who need only trigger a slight hip movement (with intimidation or direct violence, say) to initiate a further drop. Alternatively they can simply tug the jeans down themselves (although this is something of a nuclear option, likely to by-pass most of the entertaining 'edged' descent)

Image from “Steve Delgado and the Sheriff's Daughter”

(story link not presently available, more in Part ?....... future link pending)

9th Stage

Reveal The Pouch


417 Unknown Prisoner, for sale or rent

At some point the gradual descent of the open jeans starts to reveal the shape of the man's underwear pouch inside and allows it to project forward through the V-shaped opening of his flies. It's another embarrassing milestone for the wearer, whose continuing suspense about losing his jeans is supplanted by the realisation that they no longer afford him very much screening anyway.

That role has passed to the much thinner and shape-revealing, body-moist cotton of his underpants. He probably doesn't realise that the fan-shaped gap is actually accentuating and drawing attention to whatever shape he has at the moment. Big or small, everyone that passes by in this busy corridor can see it. Both possibilities have the power to humiliate him, both tempt on-lookers to touch.

Image from 'Party Animals' at Gay Bondage Fiction (subscription site)

10th Stage

Show His Thigh Tops

418 Rod Lancaster, Landscape Designer

By the time thigh flesh first appears the subject is in no doubt that he is no longer really wearing his trousers in any meaningful sense and his underwear is fully visible for all to see in all it's embarrassing complex, grubby functionality. Few men would feel comfortable to have an audience of strangers scrutinising this area but that first glimpse of flesh will draw their interest.

In this image, Rod Lancaster shrugs his trousers down after arriving at the Government Processing Centre for new slaves. Having lost his well-paid job during a recession his number came up in the annual lottery which selects men to go into the National Enslavement Programme rather than allowing them to swell the unemployment figures. Ordered to strip naked, he seems to pause at this symbolic moment, reflecting perhaps on the day he bought these trousers, his best pair, but about to be lost forever, along with all his other clothes. He's led a comfortable, happy life until now, but all that lies ahead is hard labour. His wife will take possession of all their belongings and console herself with the meagre Government bounty – but she will be able to get herself a new man once the paperworks done.

Image from 123rd of '1001 Nights' at Aquadude

(You should be getting a sense of the variety of '1001' Nights by now. This image is accompanied by a pithy storyline which neatly outlines the nature of  this fantasy enslavement scenario with an outcome you will appreciate, a recommended read)

419 Unknown American Backpacker who strayed

A few inches later clear space appears between jeans and underwear at the crotch, giving the captive a true sense of separation from his garment. Restitution is no longer simply a matter of buttoning up and those beloved, comfy jeans are beginning to transform into a useless hindrance, encircling his legs like a pair of restraining arms. His thigh thickness and leg hairiness are now tantalisingly revealed, little personal details that he never gave a thought to, but which will be important for his future it ways he cannot imagine.

This story tells of an American back-packer who strayed over a contested border in The Middle East straight into the arms of a local man, who was happy to take this unexpected gift and bring some pleasure into his life of subsistence.

Image from 126th of '1001 Nights' at Aquadude


PLUS The ever-co-operative Ryan provides another mid-thigh pose in Part 3

11th Stage

Lower His Jeans To Knee Level


420 Pete Devereaux, PE Coach

At this Stage the full glory of the subject's mid-body and underwear is finally revealed, Pete Devereaux providing a striking example. You can see his shame and resentment at being forced to display himself like this.

He feels foolish enough having to wear his pants at half mast, uncomfortably aware they are almost out of his reach (although retrieval isn't an option anyway). But he's also being subjected to close scrutiny of his body, accompanied by lustful, comments from the male audience. He's used to getting praise for his physique of course, but never for the shapely, sexy way he fills his briefs.

Image from 'Academy Thugs' at Gay Bondage Fiction(subscription site)

This Stage also encompasses jeans dropped to ankle level, but Amalaric doesn't usually show much below the knee while men still have their underwear on. 



421 Jeff, Cyber Captive

The traditional style of male underwear has other glories which are only visible from the rear and it has to be said that rears are quite rare in Amalaric's universe and (as in real life) you must grab them at every opportunity. I think I'd at least put my coffee down for this moment, but this image illustrates that strange fact than even the most modest of men are often unconcerned about their ass being viewed when clad in this way, perhaps imagining that conventional undergarments offer no cracks or contours likely to attract unwelcome interest.

I won't explain the caption, I'm covering this story too in a later episode

Image from 'The Cube' at Aquadude

12th Stage

Nothing But Underwear 


422 Damon, Prisoner

It's not the norm for men to appear in public wearing nothing but their underwear, particularly underwear that proclaims it's purpose with seams and a fly opening, so by this Stage the subject inevitably feels very under-dressed. If he's restrained and on display for a formal occasion it's doubly demeaning and you can sense the pathos in this image, capturing Damon's humiliation as he awaits some attitude adjustment. Compare with Dave McGuinness's humiliation in Part 3

Image from 41st of '1001 Nights' at Aquadude

Amalaric's oeuvre is replete with depictions of this situation and I will be reviewing the variety of his underwear (in his images that is!) in a later post.


13th Stage

Show His Pubes and Root


423 Dave McGuinness, Construction worker

In this position, the underwear waist is pushed down until the pubes and root just become visible. It's probably easier for the subject to do this himself if it's practical, but it will be a bitter pill for them to swallow. Even if he's hands-free he's quite likely to still be reluctant to expose these private areas. Firm encouragement may be required if this Stage is to show any fruits.

If the stud's hands are bound behind him, performing this task is difficult and frustrating, but it is a good test of compliance and a more aesthetically pleasing technique for some operators, who consider his extra effort well worth while.

There are also Supervisors who prefer to make this adjustment to the captive themselves, transforming him from an ordinary modest guy into a seductive sex object. It's particularly rewarding if he is still showing resentment at his handling. Like Todd in Part 3

Image from '24 Hours' (see Part 3)

14th Stage

Lower His Underwear to Thigh Height


424 Jim Dawkins, College Student

Fully uncovered at last, the acquirer can see what other trinkets the prisoner has been hiding. (See also Todd's Humiliation in Part 3). This position can be merged with Stages X or XI (as shown in this example), it depends on circumstances and the whim of the supervisor.

Captives not yet fully resigned to nudity may try and open their legs to prevent further descent of their clothing perhaps not realising that they are potentially offering openings of another sort which are far more enticing than bare legs. At best this manoeuvre merely provides entertainment for bystanders while delaying the inevitable.

Jim Dawkins (above) thought he could absent himself from his College Course work as and when he wished. Unfortunately the Institution's Policies (fully explained at a Seminar - which he missed) demanded strict attendance with disciplinary consequences for truants. There was a chance to opt out using credits gained but he missed that too and is about to discover that the Consequences will be administered using a crop (under medical supervision, naturally).

Image from 96th of '1001 Nights' at Aquadude

15th Stage

Drop His Underwear & Jeans To The Ankles

425 Tom Lauder, Construction Worker

In this position, the man's clothes cease to perform any function for him, they become makeshift hobbles, loose enough to leave only the tiniest window of escape if he is still unrestrained. They also source of merriment, not only making him feel foolish in front of this fully dressed man but becoming damning evidence of his submission to instructions - and it's not like being at the Doctor's!

But Tom is standing undressed like this because he has no choice.

(full story in a later Part of this series)

Image from City Ordinance 693B (not currently available)

16th Stage

Establish Full Nudity


426 Pete Devereaux, PE Coach

Finally, the subject has nothing but his own integrity and even that has already been eroded by the forced undress he has just undergone, not least if he faced the embarrassing difficulty of removing boots with already-lowered jeans as Tom did in the previous image. Pete was lucky, his ordeal side-stepped that humiliation, but there are more difficult moments ahead as he slips into the total embrace of captivity.

Nudity is not always visually erotic in itself, it needs clever lighting to show manly shapes and create atmosphere – or else it needs context. This image has both. In the narrative of 'Academy Thugs' it comes at the end of a long, gradual forced undressing (see Stages 3,6,11) in front of the team Pete normally coaches and occasionally disciplines if need be. Unsurprisingly they are gloating at his downfall, simultaneously relishing his unexpected attractiveness in the naked state (like those chunky sportsman's thighs!). Following that richly erotic lead-up the final fulfilment of his nudity delivers a mild shock even for seasoned cock-watchers and that's before you consider the implications of the objects of punishment poised close at hand, ready to make a closer acquaintance with him.

Amalaric teasingly poses him just in front of an escape route.

Image from 'Academy Thugs' at Gay Bondage Fiction (subscription site)

17th Stage

Apply Manacles and Collar

427 Unknown Prisoner

Perversely, the process of stripping a captive down to his essential maleness is not truly complete until he assumes the elemental trappings of captivity. Worn at neck, wrist and ankles – they are the symbols of his total subjugation. When they're worn, even if not in use, they testify that he is now owned by another man.

In 'Party Animals' attractive men are abducted 'en masse' and placed in communal cells, colloquially known as 'Lobster Tanks'. Here they are viewed and can be chosen for rental or purchase by the unseen customers who are gathered in an exclusive, unusual Night Club just adjacent. On the other side of the glass, as it were. The naming of the tank hints at dark outcomes but even if the intentions of the purchasers/renters are benign, they are unlikely to get what they want from their acquisition very easily, given the circumstances which bring them together. In addition, the illicit nature of the activity and it's grandiose premises produce lofty prices and a strong incentive to get value for money. This arrangement attracts men with fat wallets and tastes that are hard to fulfil through conventional channels. The inmates of the Lobster Tank all get the chance to be the subject of individual, flattering presentations, but it's a bleak future beckoning them beyond. 

Image from 'Party Animals' at Gay Bondage Fiction (subscription site)

The illustration for the 9th Stage also comes from this story 


18th Stage

Place Him in Full Restraint

428 Tim Sutherland, construction worker (formerly)

Time to catch up with Tim who so prettily graced the start of this dissertation. His jeans have gone, his Tee Shirt and underwear have been shredded and thrown away and now he is suspended just above the floor of the cellar with limbs spread, displayed in all his nudity. Only now, when he tastes restraint, can Tim truly begin to understand the meaning of what is happening to him. 

(Compare Todd Sander's fate in Part 3)

Even at this stage Tim might reasonably hope to be released when they grow tired of playing with him, after all, he has no idea who they are or where he is, so he can hardly set the Police on their heels. But Tim's fate was already decided before he walked off the building site for the last time those few weeks ago.

When the guests arrive to admire and marvel at the new man, he learns that even his body is no longer his to command, they can do as they wish to him and there is nothing he can do about it. You might imagine these men have come to weigh him up for purchase in an auction or private sale arrangement. Not so. Tim has been abducted to order and is awaiting handover to his 'sponsor'. The men feasting on him now are simply friends of the abductor, invited to admire his latest stock item, pending delivery. But at least Tim should be spared any immediate unpleasantness at their hands. The sort of stuff that leaves marks anyway.

Image from 203rd of 1001 Nights (Reprise) @ Aquadude Bunker

(Features a full strip sequence)

429 Pete Devereaux, PE Coach

The honour of 'bottoming' this article falls to Pete Devereaux, whose gradual reduction has provided several earlier stopping-off points on our journey (Stages 3, 6, 11, 16). And what better way for him to say goodbye than in Amalaric's traditional X-restraint?

Like Todd in Part 3, Pete, in the course of his story, undergoes the double humiliation of being ordered to strip and suffer punishment before his tormentors on two separate occasions. Unlike Todd he also experiences the humiliation at the hands of his own team, a reversal of authority brought about almost entirely by his own strict discipline, inflexibility and pride. At first he doesn't sees himself as a captive, but merely as paying a forfeit for contravening his own rules. The first phase of his ordeal consists entirely of the type of punishments he routinely dishes out to his team, though in a rather more imaginative form. By submitting to it he provides them with the ammunition to force a repeat performance.

Devreaux realises he is in a terrible trap and his mental state starts to deteriorate, resorting to a drastic solution which fails and pitches him into a second, much more intense punishment session. After this it becomes obvious to all that his captors cannot release him for fear of retribution.

In the picture, men gather to hears his pleas and decide his fate.

image from 'Academy Thugs' at Gay Bondage Fiction(subscription site)


  Read this series from Part 1

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