To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label curios. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curios. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Indoor Amusements

click to enlarge

This wacky photomanip brings together the handsome 'BukBuddies' model 'Bekim' 
with  a helplessly table tied, Roped Studs model, possibly Darin.
It showcases the muscularity of both men.


 I stumbled across this wacky photo-manip by chance and don't know who created it. His original caption was an obscure reference to small gardens but I'm happy to credit him if someone can identify him.


More of Bekim playing Pool Strip in his inimitable, 'straight-acting' fashion.

BukBuddies is long since gone but there's a good selection of galleries at 'Just Us Boys'

Monday, 3 April 2023

Be Careful What You Wish For - 10

The perils of training with steroids continue to unfold....

 We're nearly all fascinated by men's pecs and prominent nipples.
'Otherguise' photo-manips take that interest into the realms of fantasy.

I couldn't resist playing on this guy's tortured expression
Sorry Otherguise!

More Otherguise at mitchmen shortly
Visit Otherguise at Deviant art for a quick fix of Nip-Manips.

Thursday, 17 November 2022

The Elusive Slave

Photo: Roy Woodward by Bruce-Of-LA

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Monday, 10 August 2020

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Locked Out

Image by Bazz with my caption, 
Bazz original is below

Other selected Bazz at this blog see Superman (plus onward links)

Bazz has his own blog at Best of Bazz

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Grown Men Forced to wear Short Trousers

In the 'mitchish' sect men are not permitted to wear long trousers until they reach the age of 25.

This rule can be problematic for those who find work outside of the 'mitchish' community.
Getting office jobs which involve sitting behind a desk is usually no problem, but their unusual appearance inevitably attracts humourous comments on the commute and sometimes unwanted attentions of a more invasive nature from other men. For this reasons many 'mitchish' men avoid public transport and travel in pairs (like these two investment bankers resting on their way home)

For growing men the risks are compounded if their mothers refuse to buy them larger shorts as they grow older. Only mothers are allowed to buy the proper shorts which are only available in 'mitchish' shops and being a captive market it's very expensive. Most prefer to make do and mend and making do often means letting them get tighter and tighter, particularly if the age of 25 is not far off (see above). Of course these men can buy shorts and proper trousers in the big city if they want, but they will be confiscated if they wear them anywhere near their home area.

The 'mitchish' leaders send out specially trained, 'trouser-spotter' patrols to catch out any men who try to evade the rule by changing into short pants on the way home.

Tourists unfamiliar with the rules are frequently picked up by these patrols and they too have their trousers confiscated. If they are wearing jeans they are liable to get a ducking too.
'mitchish' fanatics loathe young men dressing in tight jeans.

Needless to say, walking around in wet underpants is not acceptable either. Offenders are photographed for the records and advised to turn back or else make their way to the nearest 'mitchish' shop and get themselves some decent shorts. Naturally buying restrictions are waived for the non-'mitchish'.

Young men don't like being told what to do very much
But it's not as though back-packers are completely unwelcome!

Unfortunately, the 'mitchish' community is quite remote and if it's getting late, especially in the colder months, visitors may feel they really have no choice anyway but to go on.

The 'mitchish' general store doesn't stock a wide range of sizes, but it's usually easy to find overnight accommodation in the town. It won't have all the usual facilities though, like locks on the doors, which some young men find disconcerting in the old creaky houses.

One enterprising spotter has a reputation for helping out stranded lads, he's built his own dorm in the woodshed. I'm told he's very attentive. If he keeps his hands in his pockets you know he likes you

If you ask him nicely, he'll probably let you stay for nothing.

Modelled by Mitchell Slaggert, Kit Butler, Julian Schneider

Sunday, 17 May 2020

My Fetish Wedding

Well I say 'my wedding', but it's really two of my boys 'tying the knot',
(well clicking a padlock really).

They had to ask for my consent of course which made me feel quite Fatherly.
I gave them nice, new waders as a present to wear for the ceremony.

As I am a true traditionalist I intend to be present at the consummation too.
Well someone has to untie their wrists or it won't be much fun for them!
I'll attend to any other needs and ensure it's a night to remember.
No question of removing the padlock of course, it's a lifetime commitment.
(Except when I need them)

Fabulous photo by Mr S Leather

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Game On!

I know next to nothing of the world of gaming 
but this chap's outfit caught my eye. 
A bit over-dressed perhaps with the feather boa.
This spoof on the jargon is both funny and erotic
From the Destiny 2 Game 

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Funny Things Happen at Christmas

This post is especially dedicated to anyone who is alone
 or feels alone this Christmas

photo: Snooty Fox

Jamie always likes a 'lie in' on Christmas day, keeping out of the way of the kids.
But his Mum got him out of bed this year, to take one of her puddings round to Aunt 'Lil.
Jamie decided to go in his car, deliver it, come straight back and jump into bed again,
That meant he didn't need to get properly dressed, just put on an overcoat.
Unfortunately he balanced the pud on his lap to keep it safe, while hurrying there.
and taking a speed hump too fast, resulted in a sudden close encounter with holly and cream.
It spoiled his puddings (and his new overcoat).


When Aunt 'Lil saw what a state he was in, she said it was a godsend 
that she'd bought him a nice pair of colourful pyjamas as his present. 
He could put them on to go back in and impress the neighbours.

(Aunt 'Lil' is colour-blind  and Jamie doesn't actually wear pyjamas
but his Mum will make sure he writes a proper 'Thank You' note).

Jamie wasn't exactly thrilled either, with his girlfriend's present of lacy underwear.
 She'd probably want him to wear them and nothing else when he thanked her for the gift.
But it's what might follow afterwards that really worried him.

They weren't as skimpy as the ones his last girlfriend gave him,
 they were completely open at the back.
Jamie still gets cold shivers remembering the chase round the garden
and the roasting she gave him when she caught him.
That involved holly and cream too.


Jamie's family always sit down together after dinner to listen to the Queen's speech 
After that Uncle Fred usually makes them all play party games, like charades and
 that one where you have a sticker put on your forehead and guess what it says.

Most of Jamie's family don't know their Napoleons from their Julius Caesars
and Mum got terribly embarrassed one year when she was supposed to be Madonna,
Dad started giving her rather naughty clues about cones and things.
So now they always base the game on family traits, like 'Mum's always knitting'.
It's just as embarrassing, but great fun - when it's not you with the sticker on your head.

As usual Jamie was baffled by his 'trait' and after about 100 incorrect guesses
Uncle Fred decided he ought to give him an easy clue.
He meant to say "it's what your Mum always makes you do" 
What he actually said "it's what your girlfriend always makes you do".

Well, all of a sudden it all went very quiet. 
But Jamie was thinking and suddenly thought about having to wear those lacy knickers,
so he tentatively put his hand inside his jeans and looked at GF for confirmation
She just went bright red, got up and stormed out in a huff.

Jamie was philosophical afterwards, "I wouldn't have got it anyway" he said ambiguously

and at least he wouldn't have to put on those lacy underpants that night.

After all the upset Jamie decided he'd sneak off to the annex, get rid of those lacy undies
 and have a bit of a nap to sleep off his giant Christmas Dinner with wine and pudding

photo: Luis Rafael

Needless to say, the kids soon missed their Uncle Jamie and sought him out to play.
Unable to rouse him from his alcoholic slumber they soon thought of other mischief.

The youngest girl got a face painting kit this year, the boys tried to get her to use it on Jamie.
But she took fright at his nakedness and ran off crying, leaving the boys to try it out themselves
The result was a charmingly expressed, perfectly genuine tribute to Jamie and his muscles.

photo Simon Barnes

Jamie woke up blurry-eyed two hours later and stumbled groggily into the living room.

Mum immediately laughed and told him to make himself look decent
Dad told him to get out of the way of the TV where 007 was causing mayhem.
Granny remarked that he looked just like Kevin Clifton from 'Strictly'

The boys smugly pointed out that Superman wore his pants over the top of tights

Then they kept on afterwards giggling at private jokes about telephone boxes
But Jamie didn't get it at all - not until his shower the following morning.

When the red ink started running down his chest he thought he'd cut himself.
When he realised what it was, called out to the boys
to let them know how funny he thought it was.


It's one of Jamie's Christmas jobs to take the kids out for a walk on Boxing Day.
Of course the boys kept ribbing him about being 'Super Jamie'
and he kept complaining about how the paint wouldn't come off.

When they got to the Park, they stopped to watch the models on the boating lake
Jamie was still grumbling about having to wash again, so the boys pushed him in.

photo: Luis aRfael

Jamie thought it was a hilarious joke, although the water was a bit cold.
and it was a long walk home in a biting wind too,
but Jamie didn't mind, he was a good sport And he didn't want to spoil
 the kid's traditional outing to the Pantomime that evening.

photo Simon Barnes

It's the family tradition to dress up for the panto, Mum usually gets the costumes.
But Jamie's sister did it this year, she found a cute Captain Hook outfit for him
and made him pose in it for Instagram, insisting Pirates don't wear underpants.

Jamie is used to being teased by his sister, but the messages he got back were scary.
Several people with names like Shark1958 said they wanted to eat him.
He's just hoping his girlfriend doesn't see the pictures,
she'd make him wear the tights for a role play - and probably tear them.

Instagram from Bondi Beach

One Christmas Jamie tried to get away from it all, by visiting his cousin, down under.
Of course he never thought about packing a sun hat and got burned.
Jeffrey lent him one but Jamie felt a bit foolish wearing it
'cos all the Aussies on the beach could go bare-headed.
But several guys came up to him and told him he looked really cute.
He lost count of how many asked to undo the ribbon on his Christmas package.
Jeffrey said he'd get it out and give it to him when they got home.

 NB 'Bondi' photo is Jase Dean and James Cohen, but I haven't ID'd the photographer

for more Xmas nonsense click on the label at the foot of the post


This principal model for this article's illustrations is the hunky Jase Dean.
Obviously my text is entirely fictional
It's not intended to suggest anything about his character or his family
and any resemblance to him or them is completely unintentional
but I'm hoping he is a good sport!

Jase is the subject of my latest 'Hunk Hunt' (continues in Part 2)

(click on 'hunk' label below for earlier ones)

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

The Art of Bazz

Bazz - Superman 14
One of life's unanswered questions:
"What happens to Superman's discarded street clothes, when he flies off on a mission?"

Nice to see Supes visiting the UK, he must have used his super powers
 to manage to find a public telephone box. It probably won't be working though.

I love the gentle humour of Bazz. I don't know if I can credit him with underlying image
 but whoever is responsible did a pretty good job on the paint textures and atmospheric lighting.

Bazz posts regularly at GMBA (current link in sidebar)

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

The Humour of Bazz

Bazz - Computer 01
The wicked humour of Bazz is featured regularly at GMBA 
(current link in sidebar, Google zaps it occasionally)

Be aware that some of his work is not for the squeamish
 or those averse to political incorrectness.

See also Dream 06The Job

Bazz also has a Google group 'Best of Bazz'

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Bareass Blogs No 27

Bareass Buffoonery & Bulky Buttocks on the Beach

"Does my bum look big in this?"
Go to No 28
View Bareass series from No 1

Also entered in my 'Ministry of Silly Hats' series as No 12
(click on 'Hats' in label list below)

Sunday, 27 May 2018

A Life of Pirates

Julius  seems to be imagining a sort of 'Pirates of the Caribbean', erotic theme park here
 with randy semen sorry, seamen providing entertainments for the boys.

"Get yourself kidnapped by pirates, 

authentic raping and pillaging extra".

This one seems bored with it all, he's probably missing his phone.

Actually, I quite admire Julius' Pirate in this picture.
I mocked a well known model recently for wearing head-gear like this,
Julius gets it to look OK, the size of the crown is just right.

What I don't get is the young man of dubious age, seemingly awestruck by the Pirate's Post.

Julius often positions them like this, just visible in the corner of the picture,
like the cherubs that hang around deities in medieval art.

I suppose that comparison is possibly apt, but why does Julius do this?

He obviously likes drawing mature, muscular men, in some stories there's page after page of them.
At the same time, there's not a lot of indication in Julius' art that he actually likes boys that much.
They are frequently relegated to the periphery or background of the image.
His drawing of them, even when they fully visible, does not suggest he admires boyish physiques,
nor that he's overly familiar with what they look like (unless he's being very cunning).

However his stories, are always written from the point of view of inexperienced lads
and they often portray the impressive men who they meet, as being not very nice.
They are often controlling and sometimes they force themselves upon their young protegees.
I think we can presume this Buccaneer is likely to be cast in such a mould.

Why does Julius make young men the centre of his stories, but not his artwork?
Perhaps he's reliving boyhood fantasises.

This Pirate seems equally mystified.

More on Julius

Sunday, 26 November 2017

The Ministry of Silly Hats - 9 Cowboy

Of course it's not the hat itself that's silly, the cowboy hat is a revered icon of the gay identity.

(Unfortunately this particular one bears a remarkable resemblance 
to the business end of a certain part of a man's anatomy).

Nor would anyone cast aspersions at the model, Adam Ayash,
a stalwart of underwear filling exercises,
who presents his best front for us (and UnderGear!)
in spite of the photographer's efforts to make him look silly. 

A simple tilt of the hat would suffice to redeem the situation,
I'm sure the photographer knew that.

There's a nicer shot of Adam straddling a bicycle in tiny shorts 
at my gateway blog

For other silly hats click on the hats label below