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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Grown Men Forced to wear Short Trousers

In the 'mitchish' sect men are not permitted to wear long trousers until they reach the age of 25.

This rule can be problematic for those who find work outside of the 'mitchish' community.
Getting office jobs which involve sitting behind a desk is usually no problem, but their unusual appearance inevitably attracts humourous comments on the commute and sometimes unwanted attentions of a more invasive nature from other men. For this reasons many 'mitchish' men avoid public transport and travel in pairs (like these two investment bankers resting on their way home)

For growing men the risks are compounded if their mothers refuse to buy them larger shorts as they grow older. Only mothers are allowed to buy the proper shorts which are only available in 'mitchish' shops and being a captive market it's very expensive. Most prefer to make do and mend and making do often means letting them get tighter and tighter, particularly if the age of 25 is not far off (see above). Of course these men can buy shorts and proper trousers in the big city if they want, but they will be confiscated if they wear them anywhere near their home area.

The 'mitchish' leaders send out specially trained, 'trouser-spotter' patrols to catch out any men who try to evade the rule by changing into short pants on the way home.

Tourists unfamiliar with the rules are frequently picked up by these patrols and they too have their trousers confiscated. If they are wearing jeans they are liable to get a ducking too.
'mitchish' fanatics loathe young men dressing in tight jeans.

Needless to say, walking around in wet underpants is not acceptable either. Offenders are photographed for the records and advised to turn back or else make their way to the nearest 'mitchish' shop and get themselves some decent shorts. Naturally buying restrictions are waived for the non-'mitchish'.

Young men don't like being told what to do very much
But it's not as though back-packers are completely unwelcome!

Unfortunately, the 'mitchish' community is quite remote and if it's getting late, especially in the colder months, visitors may feel they really have no choice anyway but to go on.

The 'mitchish' general store doesn't stock a wide range of sizes, but it's usually easy to find overnight accommodation in the town. It won't have all the usual facilities though, like locks on the doors, which some young men find disconcerting in the old creaky houses.

One enterprising spotter has a reputation for helping out stranded lads, he's built his own dorm in the woodshed. I'm told he's very attentive. If he keeps his hands in his pockets you know he likes you

If you ask him nicely, he'll probably let you stay for nothing.

Modelled by Mitchell Slaggert, Kit Butler, Julian Schneider

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