Alibobokk - Suspended and Pumped |
This image is a supreme statement of total, extreme bondage with a man undergoing a uniquely personal, sensual experience under the direction and control of an unseen, external agent. He is tightly bound, face wrapped and suspended in the air, totally deprived of normal sensory stimulation leaving only that provided through the ropes compressing his body and the tubular attachments to his orifices. There also appear to be 2 electrical cables, presumably attached to his pecs. Someone unseen is in total control, but this image is not about him, it's about the bound man.
The artist who produced this striking image signs himself 'JR' on some pictures but he goes under the name 'Alibobokk' on X (previously called Twitter). His art accentuates muscle shaping within the male body sometimes approaching the style of
Alibobokk - Shibari |
This image has similar ingredients but the addition of a leotard provides an identity and context for the viewer's fantasies to feed on. With the subject facing outwards it's more suggestive of his vulnerability to control than his inner journey (although the white spillage reveals his intense excitement). The viewer senses (as he does himself) the presence of the man who has lavished time on artistically tying him up and intends to savour the result.
Alibobokk - Aloha Chastity |
There's no great indicator of age in the preceding pictures but cheery, young men like this surfer-type pop up from time to time in this artist's output, seemingly offering themselves up to us. This sporty man's provocative posing unexpectedly reveals a state of chastity. We don't know if it is a statement of self control or evidence of having submitted to it and perhaps now appealing for release. The viewer can imagine himself as the key holder (if he can keep his hands steady enough!).
These images seems the wrong way round to western eyes,
it's origins are Chinese so it should be read right to left.
Alibobokk - Aloha
This image provides the missing link in the sequence and gives a startling glimpse of what is crammed inside that tiny, chastity capsule. Also, one might speculate, evidence of the sort of behaviour that gave rise to its attachment in the first place.
Apparently Black Cats are positive images in China, associated with wisdom and justice.
This one's narrowed eyes look more judgemental than enlightened.
Alibobokk - Chastity Guys |
This seems like a celebration of chastity. Two, notably muscular buddies seem to be proudly comparing their restraint equipment when once they might have been comparing cock sizes. In a sense the chastity cage is the great leveller but these two devices, though similar, are not of equal size. Older readers may recall the time when men sought out the jeans with shortest zip, perhaps a similar race to the bottom (as it were) applies in the realms of public, chastity display.
Alibobokk - Shibari at the Office |
In this image a tightly-bound office-worker seems to be floating in the air, but is posed as if still seated at his desk. It suggests an office fantasy where a much-admired co-worker is frozen in time, magically elevated, his shoes and trousers made to disappear and then invisibly enveloped in bondage. The top buttons of his shirt have been undone and pulled apart allowing the body harness to squeeze his pecs out through the gap. The reverse re-arrangement of his underpants transforms them into a minimal thong whose sole purpose is to contain his burgeoning erection. It's an extremely sexy picture.
The speech bubbles suggest he's actually a straight man being teased by subordinates who fancy him and offer him sex on account of his excited response to being bound in this provocative way. He vainly protests that he's not what they think but his ID badge lies on the floor as though it represents a vital protective barrier that has been pushed aside. Fortunately the taping of his face hides his identity as well as that of his tormentors should anyone choose to photograph the scene.
The matter of fact title of this picture is reminiscent of books about crafts like flower arranging which would devote individual chapters to the diverse places and occasions when the technique could be introduced, shibari at home, shibari in the Office, shibari in Church,....the list is endless!
Alibobokk - Sub Worked |
This is a very similar image which I have included to indulge my own enjoyment of the way the clothing motifs are exploited. The inset 'photograph' seems to reiterate that sense of a man who has been admired from afar until now. His white socks suggest the object of the obsession has a sporting connection. This time it seems to have led to abduction and not just an inappropriate Office prank.
Alibobokk - On his Knees |
A pleasingly clean image featuring attractive, upper body, harness restraint. The captive has a sexy hairline and the focus on his neck continues with a chunky, chain collar and a slightly sinister, dangling cord attachment suggestive of a noose.
The lower half his body is slightly out of kilter with an exaggerated balloon butt (glowing red) and plummy balls which frame a receptive rear, expressing the artist's more earthy interests.
Alibobokk - In The Frame |
That earthiness is brought to the fore here. In your face you might say. The ingenious, dual purpose restraint and display block may not be totally original but is a highly polished and convincing piece of apparatus, beautiful in it's simplicity. There's an equally multifunctional plug and probe device whose capabilities to thrill we can only imagine, but thrill they plainly do!
This set up references the erotic characteristics of tentacle-alia but the probing tubes look to have been engineered by human hand and are suggestive of the practice of
colonic irrigation which enjoyed something of a vogue in the 90's. Ball weights (possibly attached via a spring) keep the captive's tackle tidy and out of the way while also reminding him that pleasure must always be counterbalanced by pressure and pain.
Alibobokk - Plugged and Milked |
This sportsman is shown undergoing similar procedures in a slightly more comfortable and slightly less undignified position. But it reveals an expression that tells us that the experience, which might have been expected to be pleasurable, is proving to be demanding for him. It's a matter of degree I suppose and being subjected to strange, new experiences which you cannot control can be very disconcerting.
Alibobokk - Universal Soldier |
This artist's interest in tubular, body attachments leads him into the murky regions of augmenting and modifying the body. Here he visualises tubes of an unspecified nature implanted into the groin of his military-looking subject. Tentacle art sometimes fantasises about ultra deep penetrations of a conventional kind but this seems to extend the idea into penetration of the body itself, perhaps in search of internal regions that can be stimulated (presumably pleasurably).
The dumbbell fitting used to organise this man's balls are a nice detail.
This man is also fitted with a collar tube suggestive of breathing tubes fitted after a
tracheostomy which gruesomely extends the niche subject of breathing control (already touched upon in the first image) into startling regions, but this artist's work suggests to me that he's interested in the level of invasiveness and threat rather than extreme experimentations themselves.
This image seems to encapsulate a search for what you might call the ultimate erotic sensation, a secret internal source of pleasure, the Holy Grail of sex. But it's an internal search apparently, in this case realised through the agency of machines and technology. This artist's work doesn't involve other people except as hidden controllers who appear to be directing the search. Experimenting on their captives by subjecting them to ever more extreme sensations, pleasurable or otherwise. The psychology of this is interesting but I wouldn't pretend to understand or explain it.