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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label TT & CBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TT & CBT. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Mitchell is on holiday

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 1

Away from the pressures of daily routines,
the body can rest and the brain roam freely
But it's not advisable to fall asleep in the sun.

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 2

Beach etiquette (and parenting) are not what they used to be.
But hey! There are worse things in life than mischievous kids.
(But where did they learn about sounding?)

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 3

This lazy day at the beach is starting to become a fetish experience!
First playful burial turns out to be inescapable restraint 
and now, exotic and painful nip' nips come out of the blue 
(or should I say, the sand?)

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 4

That little blighter isn't going to let go of his succulent nipple anytime soon
and our hero's struggles have only managed to liberate his nether regions.
producing an embarrassing display of assets 

That red flag is looking more and more like one of those signs
they stick into sandwiches at a buffet, 'come and eat me' they say.
This offering knocks a curled-up ham sandwich into a cocked hat.

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 5

It isn't long before some men in search of liquid refreshments pass by.
 They gather round to investigate and quickly find this pump is fully primed.
They need no further invitation.
Like I said, beach etiquette is not what it used to be.

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 6

Surrounded by sun-tanned hunks, it's hard for a man to resist
The red flag says you shouldn't go in but they feel their way, 
and once you're in, you're in.
Watch out for grit lads! 

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 8

The wave of fun-lovers recedes as quickly as it came in
leaving him drenched with a sudden summer shower of semen.
By the time he gets his breathe back, they've all gone, feeling peckish.
Leaving the beach boy still stuck in the sand, with sand stuck to him.

It might occur to him at this point that the starfish and octopus around him imply that he's within the high tide line and unless he extracts himself from the sand, he may find himself in a dangerous situation which may be exciting but only fetishistic if it's happening to someone else. 


Kien-Bhu is on Deviant Art (a nice, big gallery, but not explicit)
If you search on his name (plus gay porn or similar) you can also find him on 
Instagram, Fur Affinity - and Patreon of course.

I have to own up to fiddling with this artist's work. No not like that! Well yes, that as well.
In his original, the kids draw cat's whiskers and a penis on the sleeping sun-bathers face, also the men who take advantage of him write 'whore' in the sand. I have edited these out because I don't like degradation of that sort, it's a step too far beyond humiliation. My apologies to the artist for debasing his art, but I hope he appreciates the free plug.

For other posts like this at mitchmen fetish blog, click on the labels below.

Friday, 15 December 2023

Domination Art by Russ 3 Cops and Leathermen

Read this series from Part 1

Russ - Cop Search

This scene is a perennial, favourite opening for a porn story, a cop searching a motorist whom he has just pulled over for some violation or another. His fingers go looking for incriminating evidence (or something) up between the suspect's legs. Cops in this era are Tom in Finland country, but for me this image has a sniff of Etienne about it, blended into Russ's eclectic but unique style. 

There's a classic video that opens like this with the subject dressed in sexy, khaki shorts which somehow make his search all the more invasive. Having established the suspect's suitability, the two men adjourn to a barn where the cop administers a fierce belting before... well, you know! I know it as The Barn but I don't know what the correct title is or who made it. Anyone know?

Russ - Cop Probe

When a cop's got you on the rack in a remote lay-by, things can happen that aren't supposed to happen - whether you like it or not. There's a trade-off in this story, just as there is in  Night Patrol by Etienne - sex in exchange for tearing up a ticket. In Night Patrol it's an act of appreciation (or a cruel joke) after the cops have had what they wanted, here it's an up-front deal, but the cop's clenched fist is a tell-tale sign that the suspect doesn't really have much choice. 

It's tempting to see the influence of Tom of Finland here, in the content and composition if not the style. His 'Highway Patrol' (Kake 22) was also published in 1980, and has a similar scene to this in it, except that it's the cop that gets some cum-uppance in Tom's story. 

It's also interesting to compare this scene with the climax of Night Patrol by Etienne. In that story the shafting of the suspect over the bonnet (hood) of the Police Car is spectacular but doesn't look quite 'right'. Russ adopts a less ambitious approach to depicting what is essentially the same scenario and while it doesn't capture the same sense of excitement, it's more convincing anatomically and sexually it's more intense. Penetration imagery in this era didn't usually show significant shaft length between the two men like this picture does. 

Russ - Cop Probe

After reneging on the ticket deal, the cop discovers his two victims are leather guys and have got teeth. Here he suffers the humiliation of being taken captive himself and having his uniform ripped open. More painful retribution will follow, but that's not all. It seems he has a evil, murderous reputation and the leather community decide to exact their own justice by taking him out of circulation. The eagle badge in this image represents their adoption of him and is a prelude to his new life of indefinite captivity and painful servitude.

Cops differ from other gay sex-icons like the Sailor, the Cowboy and the Superhero, in that they are not just figures of lust in their uniforms but threatening, all-powerful and unpredictable men to be feared. Gay porn usually provides a psychological palliative to that fear with the fantasy that they are (only) out for sex, but there's a greater satisfaction to be had in turning the tables on the truly nasty ones.

There's another of Russ's mouth-stuffing gags in this image. The moments he has chosen to illustrate for this story do not have the same energy as the earlier images in this series of mitchmen posts, but there is greater erotic intensity. He understandably uses solid black shading for the cop's uniform in these pictures and it produces marvellous effects in the cop's leather pants and boots, but is less successful elsewhere where it replaces subtle line shading and disturbs the visual balance.

Russ - Jones Beach 1

In 'Jones Beach' a young surfer becomes besotted by a vision in cut-offs and shades. This very 80's object of desire reacts aggressively to his attention, pouring homophobic abuse on the young man. However, that doesn't stop him from lingering with his admirer and coercing him into a sequence of humiliating and subservient acts that suggest a very different agenda.

Russ uses his softer, more realistic style here, capturing the open space of the beach with it's constant, lurking danger of discovery, not least by Police patrols. That threat makes the victim's predicament seem both frightening and exciting at the same time.

Russ - Jones Beach 2

Eventually, the surfer/swimmer is taken into the trees for an even more painful test of his admiration, out of sight of passers-by. It's already clear that his hero's homophobia is a front and having punished the hapless beach boy, he demonstrates that the gay ways he professes to despise are not entirely alien territory to him.

After he's taken his pleasure he leaves the surfer in the bushes, still tied up and bent over a bough. There he's visited and taken advantage of by those who haunt such places, including a cop. Eventually though, his new-found master does return to claim him in a happy ending with a twist.

Some of the detailing in this picture is quite remarkable - for example the bully's boots and the bough over which the victim is bent are graphic art of the highest quality. Notice the return also of the dangling gag.

Russ - White Water Run 1

These illustrations were provided for a story about a leather clubs motorcycle 'run' and they are focussed on the induction processes of that world. In this image a young, blonde acolyte is being trained in submission with some boot-licking practice. This is a similar scenario to the surfer training in Etienne's Road Kings. This trainee's "Gates of Hell" cock strap was a much advertised accessory in the 80's but they don't turn up in art very often, probably because they require a raging erection, but at least this cock is pointing downwards! 

The artist's depiction of the muscular, leather man here is a striking success, creating the impression of a firm, but benevolent master. There's some similarity to Tom of Finland's creations but this is a totally original and very perceptive image. The on-looker in the doorway is an existing slave in the story but you can imagine other scenarios, e.g. a buddy awaiting his turn to be trained (willingly or otherwise).

Russ - White Water Run 2

This domination image owes a lot to Macbeth with a more forceful boot worshiping scenario being enhanced by a variety of exaggerations of scale and drama. The big boots that typified Macbeth's work are given an extra cruel twist by Russ who adds pointed studs to the soles but he doesn't use the same crazy perspectives. His more conventional viewpoint produces a result that is less wild, less energetically aggressive but more intense. The heightened sexual flavouring (including the giant cock) is all his own work.

Russ - White Water Run 3

In this spit-roasting image Russ pays homage to another great artist of the 80's, the Hun. He's extracted one of that artist's typical scenarios and replicated the facial expression of the victim too, but the resemblance ends there. Russ has translated the scenario to the world of leather clubs rather than the Hun's preferred hunting ground of prisons and sleazy truckstops. Russ makes the man in the middle here more mature than the Hun's innocents too. He has used his own, more realistic figures and drawing style to recreate the erotic essence of The Hun's imagination.

Russ - Leather Man (cover for 'The Leather Journal')

This striking cover illustration is a decade on from the imagery Russ did for Larry Townsend and it's a more mature, accomplished style. I'm not 100% sure it's the same man but if it is, it shows considerable artistic growth. 

The spiky cartouche framing the subject is a modernistic, vaguely satanic expression of the fiery, hard passion (bordering on anger) that lurks within the Leather Man's soul. It's scarcely subtle but expressed  much less directly than the flailing belts and harsh domination that mark out the action pictures in this collection. There's an interesting construct where you might expect a motto to be that brackets, almost nudges, the sexual centre of gravity, depicted as a latent source of great erotic power, but temporarily restrained. This slightly mystical interpretation of the leather religion is contrasted with a meticulous depiction of his elaborate leather outfit and carefully trimmed hair, showing the more worldly, conforming, sometimes vulnerable dandy that is also part of this tribe's character. 


Russ has a unique style that draws heavily on the inspiration of the artists of his day, but the drama and passion that infuses his best images is probably better executed than any of them. There are glimpses of extremely accomplished draughtsmanship alongside more mundane imagery, but it's not easy to identify a recognisable, unifying style in an era which was rich in artists with unique signatures - The Hun, Macbeth, Sean, Cavelo, Etienne and Tom of Finland. This is perhaps why Russ has received less recognition than he deserves over the years since then.

There's no site for him as far as I know.

Read this series from Part 1

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Art by GreenzBamboo

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Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Indoor Amusements

click to enlarge

This wacky photomanip brings together the handsome 'BukBuddies' model 'Bekim' 
with  a helplessly table tied, Roped Studs model, possibly Darin.
It showcases the muscularity of both men.


 I stumbled across this wacky photo-manip by chance and don't know who created it. His original caption was an obscure reference to small gardens but I'm happy to credit him if someone can identify him.


More of Bekim playing Pool Strip in his inimitable, 'straight-acting' fashion.

BukBuddies is long since gone but there's a good selection of galleries at 'Just Us Boys'

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Art by Alibobokk aka 'JR'

Alibobokk - Suspended and Pumped

This image is a supreme statement of total, extreme bondage with a man undergoing a uniquely personal, sensual experience under the direction and control of an unseen, external agent. He is tightly bound, face wrapped and suspended in the air, totally deprived of normal sensory stimulation leaving only that provided through the ropes compressing his body and the tubular attachments to his orifices. There also appear to be 2 electrical cables, presumably attached to his pecs. Someone unseen is in total control, but this image is not about him, it's about the bound man.

The artist who produced this striking image signs himself 'JR' on some pictures but he goes under the name 'Alibobokk' on X (previously called Twitter). His art accentuates muscle shaping within the male body sometimes approaching the style of Drtkk.

Alibobokk - Shibari

This image has similar ingredients but the addition of a leotard provides an identity and context for the viewer's fantasies to feed on. With the subject facing outwards it's more suggestive of his vulnerability to control than his inner journey (although the white spillage reveals his intense excitement). The viewer senses (as he does himself) the presence of the man who has lavished time on artistically tying him up and intends to savour the result.

Alibobokk - Aloha Chastity

There's no great indicator of age in the preceding pictures but cheery, young men like this surfer-type pop up from time to time in this artist's output, seemingly offering themselves up to us. This sporty man's provocative posing unexpectedly reveals a state of chastity. We don't know if it is a statement of self control or evidence of having submitted to it and perhaps now appealing for release. The viewer can imagine himself as the key holder (if he can keep his hands steady enough!). 

These images seems the wrong way round to western eyes, 
it's origins are Chinese so it should be read right to left.

Alibobokk - Aloha

This image provides the missing link in the sequence and gives a startling glimpse of what is crammed inside that tiny, chastity capsule. Also, one might speculate, evidence of the sort of behaviour that gave rise to its attachment in the first place. 

Apparently Black Cats are positive images in China, associated with wisdom and justice. 
This one's narrowed eyes look more judgemental than enlightened.

Alibobokk - Chastity Guys

This seems like a celebration of chastity. Two, notably muscular buddies seem to be proudly comparing their restraint equipment when once they might have been comparing cock sizes. In a sense the chastity cage is the great leveller but these two devices, though similar, are not of equal size. Older readers may recall the time when men sought out the jeans with shortest zip, perhaps a similar race to the bottom (as it were) applies in the realms of public, chastity display. 

Alibobokk - Shibari at the Office

In this image a tightly-bound office-worker seems to be floating in the air, but is posed as if still seated at his desk. It suggests an office fantasy where a much-admired co-worker is frozen in time, magically elevated, his shoes and trousers made to disappear and then invisibly enveloped in bondage. The top buttons of his shirt have been undone and pulled apart allowing the body harness to squeeze his pecs out through the gap. The reverse re-arrangement of his underpants transforms them into a minimal thong whose sole purpose is to contain his burgeoning erection. It's an extremely sexy picture.

The speech bubbles suggest he's actually a straight man being teased by subordinates who fancy him and offer him sex on account of his excited response to being bound in this provocative way. He vainly protests that he's not what they think but his ID badge lies on the floor as though it represents a vital protective barrier that has been pushed aside. Fortunately the taping of his face hides his identity as well as that of his tormentors should anyone choose to photograph the scene.

The matter of fact title of this picture is reminiscent of books about crafts like flower arranging which would devote individual chapters to the diverse places and occasions when the technique could be introduced, shibari at home, shibari in the Office, shibari in Church,....the list is endless!

Alibobokk - Sub Worked

This is a very similar image which I have included to indulge my own enjoyment of the way the clothing motifs are exploited. The inset 'photograph' seems to reiterate that sense of a man who has been admired from afar until now. His white socks suggest the object of the obsession has a sporting connection. This time it seems to have led to abduction and not just an inappropriate Office prank.

Alibobokk - On his Knees 

A pleasingly clean image featuring attractive, upper body, harness restraint. The captive has a sexy hairline and the focus on his neck continues with a chunky, chain collar and a slightly sinister, dangling cord attachment suggestive of a noose.

The lower half his body is slightly out of kilter with an exaggerated balloon butt (glowing red) and plummy balls which frame a receptive rear, expressing the artist's more earthy interests.

Alibobokk - In The Frame

That earthiness is brought to the fore here. In your face you might say. The ingenious, dual purpose restraint and display block may not be totally original but is a highly polished and convincing piece of apparatus, beautiful in it's simplicity. There's an equally multifunctional plug and probe device whose capabilities to thrill we can only imagine, but thrill they plainly do! 

This set up references the erotic characteristics of tentacle-alia but the probing tubes look to have been engineered by human hand and are suggestive of the practice of colonic irrigation which enjoyed something of a vogue in the 90's. Ball weights (possibly attached via a spring) keep the captive's tackle tidy and out of the way while also reminding him that pleasure must always be counterbalanced by pressure and pain.  

Alibobokk - Plugged and Milked

This sportsman is shown undergoing similar procedures in a slightly more comfortable and slightly less undignified position. But it reveals an expression that tells us that the experience, which might have been expected to be pleasurable, is proving to be demanding for him. It's a matter of degree I suppose and being subjected to strange, new experiences which you cannot control can be very disconcerting.

Alibobokk - Universal Soldier

This artist's interest in tubular, body attachments leads him into the murky regions of augmenting and modifying the body. Here he visualises tubes of an unspecified nature implanted into the groin of his military-looking subject. Tentacle art sometimes fantasises about ultra deep penetrations of a conventional kind but this seems to extend the idea into penetration of the body itself, perhaps in search of internal regions that can be stimulated (presumably pleasurably). 

The dumbbell fitting used to organise this man's balls are a nice detail.

This man is also fitted with a collar tube suggestive of breathing tubes fitted after a tracheostomy which gruesomely extends the niche subject of breathing control (already touched upon in the first image) into startling regions, but this artist's work suggests to me that he's interested in the level of invasiveness and threat rather than extreme experimentations themselves. 

This image seems to encapsulate a search for what you might call the ultimate erotic sensation, a secret internal source of pleasure, the Holy Grail of sex. But it's an internal search apparently, in this case realised through the agency of machines and technology. This artist's work doesn't involve other people except as hidden controllers who appear to be directing the search. Experimenting on their captives by subjecting them to ever more extreme sensations, pleasurable or otherwise. The psychology of this is interesting but I wouldn't pretend to understand or explain it. 

Monday, 7 August 2023

Art by Shenguanlin 2

Shenguanlin - Sock Mummy

 This image is something of a first for this blog. Normally posts here feature conventional photographs or artwork but I suppose you'd call this an art installation - on a miniature scale. It's simply a plastic toy, a male figure, put inside a sock and bound up with tape (which looks like old cassette tape) but the end result is astonishing and it's an image I can't get out of my mind. 

The knitted body sheath itself is unique, a departure from the usual body wraps of leather, rubber and white tape. Loose fitting and soft, it's unexpectedly sexy, with the surreal overlay of actually being an old (and smelly?) sock in reality. Underneath, the outlines of the figure look uncannily realistic and Shenguanlin has contrived pockets of sexy shaping at strategic locations. 

The tape restraint is comprehensive and almost completely symmetrical (with one sexy, mid-body exception). The upper body contours are flattered by a pattern that looks immensely secure. Obscuring facial features doesn't usually work for me, but an amazing amount of personality comes through in this case. Twist of the head creates the bizarre impression that there's actually a real man inside.

The figure (and his discarded boots) are surrounded by messy, desk detritus with an unpleasant stain at head height contributing an air of casual neglect.

Shenguanlin - Boxed 4

This image has similar characteristics but with the captive subjected to more usual mummification techniques, multi-layered and supplemented by an array of straps. He's also been fitted with a selection of erotic attention-getters - Shenguanlin's, trademark, cock and ball cage, plus electrical and vibrator attachments with further secondary pain from simple nipple clips. A tube recycles the produce into his mouth. On either side, other men who are simply restrained in their boxes seem to be drawn to and perhaps excited by his special treatment. They are all struggling and complaining.

It's not clear if these men are boxed up for onward shipment or if these are simply storage cells. If you study the edges of the boxes above their heads, it looks as if the man in the middle is not in a box like the others but in a sunken area, like a drawer that will close, sliding under the one above his head to leave him enjoying his privileges in darkness and peace.

Shenguanlin - Locker Room Slave

This attractive Rugby type is stored alongside a bag of smelly rubbish. The title suggests that his teammates intend to make use of him but the multiple restraints will limit their options! I suspect the ring shape buried inside his gag is the clue to the form his 'enslavement' will take. His torn clothing suggests he didn't volunteer for this role, but the holes in his socks are more likely to be indicators of self-neglect, an attitude which may have helped bring this predicament about. He's a handsome figure though, very desirable should they choose to put him on the market.

Shenguanlin - Fantasies Come True 2

This picture looks at another widely frowned-on male phenomenon - jerking off in front of the computer. Once again the floor is strewn with possessions the man is too lazy to put away or clean. However they do reveal his active, sporting interests which have yielded him a chunky physique. 
Rolls of tape scattered around and pictures on the wall show his interest in bondage and humiliation.

He's stripped to his jock and rugby socks, suggesting he hasn't even showered and changed after his last match. He is innocently enjoying a bondage clip in the privacy of his home when an intruder enters, unheard (thanks to the earphones which he uses to keep his vice a secret from his neighbours - or so he thinks, anyway). He doesn't realise he's not alone until a wad of material is clamped over his face.

When he comes to, we can imagine his initial shock quickly giving way to a feeling of naked vulnerability, then embarrassment, fear and finally maybe, a perverse sense of excitement.

Shenguanlin - Fantasies Come True 3

The intruder is masked and clad in a (fashionably grey) skin-tight suit which showcases his highly muscular physique (etc). This character, close up, would excite most of us. We've seen him before as the preparer of captives (in Part 1 of this post) and the wall art tells us that this sportsman is familiar with Shenguanlin's work and knows what happens to his captives. What must he be thinking as the intruder ties him to his chair? The man in his video suffers a similar fate, hence the title. 

Soon his face is enveloped by layer on layer of his own soiled shorts and underwear. The intruder goes to extraordinary lengths to tape him to his office chair, tying up his arms and torso in a shibari-style harness. His nipples are clipped and a vibrator positioned to continuously sustain his erection.

The intruder only speaks to give him a sarcastic instruction.

There's a delicious ambiguity in  Shenguanlin's titling here. Is it this man's fantasy to be tied up and abused by an intruder? Or to inflict that fate on someone else? Is this his dream come true or a true nightmare? Would he perhaps have relished being abducted and put into degrading service like the men in the pictures on the wall? Unexpectedly, the ending of this series of 5 images is more prosaic.

Shenguanlin - Public Oral Sex Station

The most demanding fate a Shenguanlin captive can suffer is be bolted into a rigid body shell, perfectly moulded to his shape and used as a drainage vessel for men in need of relief. This is a particularly fiendish variant, with the unfortunate obliged to induce the means of his own humiliation. Fixed to the wall, he has a motorised piston attached to the back of his head, so that his users doesn't even have to move their hips to enjoy the sensations of his ever-open mouth. They can even adjust the speed via a control on the captives collar and enjoy a stimulating video while he sucks them off. 

The gadgetry on the wall suggests a payment is required, these facilities don't run themselves, you know! It reminds me of those service station air pumps where you pay for five minutes at which point it abruptly cuts off. I have visions of a customer, shaking with undischarged excitement, desperately fumbling for his credit card having miscalculated his timing, while at the next station a stag party have clubbed together for a session and are frantically trying to get everyone 'done' before their time runs out.

The individual service providers all have identity labels which even display their faces. It allows them the dignity of retaining their identity. Unfortunately it also means that contented customers can remember their favourites and recommend them to their friends.

The depiction of the man who is enjoying being serviced here is sexy in itself. His powerful arms and undone, sagging jeans are inviting, especially as his attention is otherwise engaged. 
A glimpse of buttock cleavage wouldn't go amiss! 

Shenguanlin - Wall of the Mummified

This captive is cruelly set the task of solving the riddle of the mummy's wall. The sight before him and the prospect of joining them would intimidate most people. His nudity makes him seem particularly fresh and unspoiled, as do the socks and shoes he's been allowed to keep on. Presumably the rest of his clothes lie in the heap in the background, never to be seen again. 

We've seen the row of mummies before, usefully employed in the Milking Factory 14 post. I find them a little over-dressed and inward-looking in purpose here but I have no doubt the artist greatly enjoyed depicting them. The glimpse of No 4's head over the guard's shoulder is tantalising .

Milk Source
Shenguanlin - Milk Source 1

Sadly, this vivid, solo image does not qualify for the Milking Factory series, but we've previously had a solo Milk Dispenser Kiosk at mitchmen blog. Shenguanlin's fantasy is altogether less wholesome. 

The provider is securely and neatly tied up as we would expect from this artist and he's suspended in the air. He's a butch number too, alluringly clad in a tight tank top/vest which (somewhat irrationally) suggests a product with a strong flavour. So far, so good. 

However it appears that you get your shot of milk strained through the pouch of his jock-strap, which doesn't look like it's seen the inside of a washing machine recently. It's a niche product you might say. Nevertheless, it appears that demand for the stuff is sufficient to warrant placing him in what looks like a smart looking bar/catering facility. The absence of a reservoir for his product suggests he's very responsive to demand. I suppose that is thanks to the encouraging vibrator and the olfactory fantasies he is enjoying from smelly trainers and used underwear.

Shenguanlin - Tied To Posts

This image shows two similarly hunky captives, teammates, tied to posts and endlessly aroused. 
Apparently this is part of their preparation before being suited up for oral services. 
In the background two plastic bags, presumably containing their clothes, await disposal.

This imagery has quite powerful connections with vintage stories of cowboys and jungle explorers taken prisoner by locals and facing extremely unpleasant endings.

Shenguanlin - In The Closet 2

This is a relatively innocuous bondage image but I like it. The characterisation of the captive as some sort of mechanic is different to this artist's usual stereotypes. His overalls are unusual with images associated with automotive repair arranged like a starburst around his crotch to give a 'restrained bulge' effect. Glimpses of skin through little holes suggest internal pressure amplifying external wear. His boots have been removed and his overalls have been opened at the top to reveal muscular shoulders and an earth-coloured vest. Propped up against a post he waits, alarmed and confused. 

Shenguanlin - In The Closet 5

Later images in this series show him fully stripped to reveal a hairy body and extraordinary steam punk tattoo. He's milked along the way of course. We are left to imagine what happens next.
I can't work out what the spike on his shoulder represents.

Read Part 1 of this post

More Shenguanlin on Twitter