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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label shorts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shorts. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Homoeros - Recent Work (2025) - 1

Regulars will know that I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with shorts, so it didn't take much effort to fall for this hunky hiker, who seems to be wearing a pair made of leather, somewhat in the style of lederhosen. His wanderings have been interrupted by an unpleasant-looking character with a gun. 
He seems to think this is his territory. Freedom to roam? Bah! Humbug! 
This story is called 'Hill-Billy Elegy', which sort of prepares you for unprovoked nastiness. The young rambler is called Leo. It's a hot day, but it probably wasn't a good idea to make such a show of his amazing physique.


Hillbilly number 1 is joined by another who looks an even more ugly character with an unhealthy lifestyle that probably hasn't done his brain much good. Leo is forced to kneel at gunpoint, presenting a delicious, submissive rear view to us. It might have caused him even more trouble if those emaciated rednecks were to catch sight of it. Luckily, they only want to grope him and make him strip naked. They take him to their camp, leaving his clothes and rucksack behind.

Surprisingly, and disappointingly for us, their leader turns out to be an unkempt woman. I suppose the fact that there is a leader, and it's not just a bunch of violent thugs, might give Leo cause to hope. Especially as she is quite taken with him, a considerable improvement on her usual entourage. Unfortunately, she also sees Leo's good looks and impressive physique as a challenge.


Leo is forced to fight her and suffers some humiliating treatment.
Great buns Leo!

It's a painful experience for Leo. 
His dick is symbolically ground into the dirt, much to the delight of the gang, looking on.

But Leo refuses to be a pushover, his muscles show their worth.
His dick also shows commendable resilience in the circumstances.

Unsurprisingly, this doesn't go down very well. It's a contest he cannot win.
The woman responds to his lively dick by rubbing it with her fanny.
Leo defiantly rejects her.

His fate is sealed anyway, they tie him to a whipping post.
You can see the gory results at Deviant Art (link below).
The woman gets sexual revenge too, in the only way she can,
(there's a clue in the image below)

When the lash of the whip and sexual humiliation is finally ended,
Leo is taken away to a shed. He soon realises that this is not the end of his torment.
You can probably guess from this picture where it is all heading.
A traditional Homoeros fate awaits him.
A Sheriff finds him traumatised but still alive.
Someone reported Leo missing, and his abandoned possessions were found on the trail. 
Great story.

I have omitted most of the imagery relating to Leo's torment, which is very explicit.
You can see much of it at 'Homoeros - Hill-Billy Elegy' at Deviant Art,
(plus more if you subscribe).
Some more interesting Homoeros titbits........

A young slave, kept naked in chains by his master, looks up,
 wondering what is going to happen to him next.

The young men of Homoeros, like Leo the Hiker in the story above, often have a slightly unreal, fragile attractiveness. Some of that is due to the blond hair and blue eyes. This young man by comparison looks startlingly real and startlingly cute as well. It would be a cold master indeed who could not feel some sort of emotion towards him.  

As is often the case, the artist has only given him a number - 941.
The fate of prisoner 941 is reserved for subscribers.


This image shows yet another young man who has been crucified in the middle of a vast yard. This is a regular situation in the world of Homoeros, but his free pages don't always reveal his inner thoughts about what is happening here. 
A man in military attire stands before the helpless victim and seems to be remonstrating with him. His arms wide pose, mirroring the victim's plight, seems full of psychological significance. Earlier pictures suggest the victim had a role as a groom and a cosy relationship was developing with this superior officer.  So this could be a distraught lover sharing his sorrow - or prolonging the anger of their break-up. It could be a friend lamenting his foolishness. A Commanding Officer justifying his hard decision. A regimental bully mocking his misfortune. Whatever the case, the inclusion of this second character makes the image so much more interesting than the isolated victim dying alone.

Here, Homoeros imitates the famous homoerotic images of "Fred with Tires", substituting a typical character of his own as the model. The mechanic in his overalls is a much-loved male sex object. It's traditionally been a strictly masculine job, and the mystery of what might lie hidden beneath the shapeless, workman's overalls is tantalising. As a second layer, the glimpses revealed if partly open are emphasised, somewhat like the cowboy's chaps. 
Homoeros has chosen a zip fastening for his Fred's overalls. It's much more convenient than buttons for revealing glimpses, but it can have a mind of its own once released. If your hands are occupied with carrying heavy tyres, it's a dilemma whether to put them down to stop it or hope for the best. We can see almost down to his mechanic's cock, and more revelations below the hip seem imminent. His face is a picture of indecision, but have to content ourselves with the amorphous bulge in his crumpled overalls.
These images acknowledge the muscularity needed to heft these heavy tyres.
Shiny perspiration and the dropped top tell us just how hot he is (as if!). 
Homoeros skates round the inconvenient reality
 of where all the material in the top half ends up, when it's dropped.


The same zip still seems to be causing problems in this, outside of work, situation.
We don't know if the lowered garment was already in this position when authority intervened. 
Men do all sorts of things in quiet back alleys, and 'Fred' looks as if he's been caught out. 
His hands are placed submissively behind his back, but they don't seem to have been cuffed yet. Modesty might have been a more appropriate response to the challenge.
Unless, he's been ordered to stand this way, that is.....
The cop's muscularity and relaxed pose is nicely captured,
but his jeans suggest he's not a cop at all.


Whatever 'Fred' was up to in the alleyway, he probably didn't anticipate this outcome.
It doesn't look like a regular Police Station, however, and Fred still doesn't look restrained. 
That suggests he's been intimidated or blackmailed into trying the horse out.
His current state might be described as 'dismayed'.
This horse doesn't have a particularly sharp 'wedge', but I'm not sure that it makes much difference after the first five minutes astride it. Having the legs raised at the back makes for a more precarious balance and shifts the discomfort forward, but probably doesn't add much to it. 
(in legs down mode, weights are sometimes attached to amplify the effect).
For more wedges at mitchmen, click on the 'Riding The Wedge' label below this post.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

More Art by Oliver Frey

This article adds to my original A-Z review of Oliver Frey's work

Frey - Tennis Victory

 This image was my first glimpse of Oliver Frey's incredible talent for portraying the energetic wrestling of men gripped by lust. The image of bare buttocks pressed against the net still sends a shiver up my spine! In 1970's Britain, visualising gay sex taking place in front of a audience and in a setting of a place like Wimbledon Tennis Club, the epitome of the Establishment, was defiant indeed. 
He also applied his imagery to the equally unlikely sports of Golf and Cricket.

Frey - Bikers in a Dark Alley 1

This image of bikers getting hot in a dark alley was closer to reality but it's frankness also struck a blow for gay freedom of expression. It was gay art of a sort never seen before - high quality and spelling out what gay means without pussy-footing innuendo.  

Frey - Bikers in a Dark Alley 2

Frey revisited the biker subject in many other images of varying degrees of raunchiness which were, astonishingly, published in glossy, top shelf gay magazines without attracting reprisals from the Police, despite the efforts of conservative pressure groups.

Frey - Leather Lube, Biker Oil

The biker persona was perfect for expressing a boisterous, roughly expressed, bursting out of the closet and entering into forbidden places that reflected the spirit of those heady days when gay men felt that even if they weren't completely free exactly, not really able to realise these fantasies in real life, they nevertheless finally had a legitimacy that would enable them to push open doors that had been closed for all those years.

Frey - Biker Elopement

Frey's pictures did not just express excitement, there was an exuberant joy in them.
Imagining the trappings of conventionality and self -restraint being ripped apart.
It was an exciting time to be gay.

Frey - Lover

But he did not just portray excitement and lust
He also showed a vision of gay love as a beautiful thing, 
performed by beautiful people, beautiful men. 

Frey (as Zack) - Splash

His artistic skills here transform the old, tentative, AMG, shower hook-ups into something much more memorable. A loving shared experience of cleansing vitality with fierce, needle-like sprays of water battering and enveloping the two lovers.

Frey - Chains Broken

Frey's character rogue set the scene for a series of gay, comic book heroes whose masculinity was unquestionable and who were assertive and comfortable in their gay sexuality. Rogue's apparent taste for young virgins seems dubious in retrospect, but at the time reflected the common experience of a youth lost to unrequiteable desire. At that time most gay men of all ages probably were virgins or not long out of it and many no doubt saw themselves as his willing victims, given the chance. 

Bill Ward's later creations - Drum and King - were able to be more balanced characters in that respect 

Frey - Hard Wrestle

Frey's depictions of hard, rough sex were about showing the inherent masculinity of gay men, 
a reaction against years of being universally labelled as effeminate and soft.

Frey - Devilry

If homosexuality was the Devil's work, Frey's men boldly embraced that identity 

Frey - Mortal Combat

That vision of gay toughness also pervades his non-gay, fantasy work.

Frey - Tribal 2

Oliver Frey 1948 - 2022

A gay hero

This article adds to my original A-Z review of Oliver Frey's work
see also Night Visitor in the 'targeted' series

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Tribute to Stan of Sweden - 2

One of the great fetish fads of the sixties was for putting muscle men in skimpy, tight, white, gym shorts. Scott of London was a memorably, sexy exponent of the genre whilst Royale Studio had a claim to be pioneers of the trend with storyettes like 'The Football Ballet' in 1957 and a number of stunning 'Sporting Hunks

Bo Johansson by Stan of Sweden

Stan was late joining this party but this contribution to the genre was typically stylish and restrained.
 Bo Johansson is seen here in a different, far from boyish light. In this rear view his shorts look satisfyingly snug, but not unnaturally tight. Their neat new appearance makes an attractive package. The subtly notched leg hem is a true connoisseur's touch.

Patrick Berglund by Stan of Sweden

Patrick Bergland's handsome, classical body-builder pose contrasts with well-worn gym shorts which hint at the hard work needed to produce such a stunning physique and the earthy qualities of the man within. The low waist, slung below the hips, halfway to his groin, trades in practicality for something sexier. The tucked-up legs accentuate the models thigh's and create radiating crease lines outlining his balls, lifted and divided by the centre seam. A surprisingly daring image for Stan.

Hartell Jukka by Stan of Sweden

 The turned-down waist and tucked in legs of this model's shorts create briefer proportions that leave no doubt about the erotic intent. Typically, Stan captures a nervous glance to one side, as if he is embarrassed to be seen making such a daring display of himself. His relatively ordinary, slightly boyish face somehow makes it seem out of character. He leans back against a reassuring pillar in contrived nonchalance, perhaps not realising quite how much his groin is pushed forwards.

Stan has shaped the model's tackle here more in the style of Scott, it's prominent but less explicit in shape (at first sight). The tight centre seam has been pulled right up into the model's groin pushing the dangling assembly to one side where the shadowed outline of his cock can be made out, curving down in front of his balls.

Sture by Stan of Sweden

Stan has also cajoled this model into a forward-thrusting pose, with hands clasped behind leaving no hiding place, not even a prop to hang on to. There's an endearing look of uncertainty in his face, a nervous smile struggling to overcome his embarrassment and the loneliness of standing naked and provocative before the camera. 

His shorts look as if they might be the same ones Bo Johansson was wearing in the first picture. The cut is already brief enough to discomfort any man accustomed to pants that hang from his waist (as was the norm back then). They are pulled high at the sides, defensively, but the waistline still dips low enough to expose a sizeable tuft of pubic hair. The bulk of the model's tackle is even more anonymous here, but the bulging shapes either side of the centre seam and straining crease lines indicate a substantial presence. A curious haze hints at even naughtier details higher up, deemed not fit for publication.  

Billy by Stan of Sweden

Stan has used the same formula here although Billy's incredible 'cut' musculature makes an extremely effective distraction from matters of sensuality. His facial expression can best be described as wary and challenging, confident of his own attractiveness, but less sure about what the photographer is doing with it. 

This image departs from the white, gym shorts formula, reflecting instead the emergence of bolder male fashions in the sixties which even reached into men's swimwear. Mmmm. These belted shorts emphasised the new, daring low waisted style, offering manly reassurance of protection from marauders and support in an emergency.

The forward thrust of the model here seems much more confident, so Stan's fiddling down below comes as something of a surprise. The tucked-up legs don't quite quite fit the glamourous, aloof aura and the massive frontal bulge seems at variance with the impression of boyish innocence. It invokes feelings of doubt and scepticism battling with optimistic desire in the viewer. A bit too perfect perhaps.

Lennart Svensson by Stan of Sweden

Stan picks up another theme of the 50's/60's, taking a leaf out of John Barrington's book with this image of Lennart Svensson wading in the sea in his jeans. It's probably chilly Baltic waters, hence the model's discomforted look, but the scenario is an admiring echo of Barrington's studies of the young men of the Cote d'Azure, like his images of Yves Grangeat, shot for Royale Studio

Friday, 20 September 2024

Royale's Football Ballet series

Royale Studio - The Football Ballet, FOBA1-19 Double Caning

Royale's Football Ballet series which contains some of Royale Studio's most memorable punishment scenes is now complete and can be viewed at the Gallery.

Friday, 24 May 2024

Matt's New Humiliation Art

I featured Matt's ear tweaking and spanking cartoons here in 2021. Like many artists he has begun to experiment with AI recently. Unlike many other artists he has managed to make an astonishing leap in picture quality with it, it's comparable to Franco's amazing  rebirth some years ago.
I've featured some examples below.

Matt - Paddle 002

The second bit of good news is that Matt's victims have grown up into splendid young men,
but still subject to old-style discipline and still clad in the briefest of school-issue grey shorts which are so tight the braces (suspenders) are scarcely needed to keep them up.

The familiar torments wielded by Matt are still in evidence. And if ear-pegging is painful and humiliating for a college-aged youngster, how much more crushing it must be for a man of mature years like this. As if being paraded in skimpy shorts, tight shirt and crazy dickie bow were not embarrassing enough. It even looks as his hands are restrained behind his back here, which Matt is not usually noted for.

Removed from the schooling context, this heroically muscular, adult figure tied up and subjected to bizarre punishment in outlandish clothes by an old man works even better for me. 

But I'll concede that young men do have special charms of their own.
The sense of movement in this picture makes it very effective.


Basil Clavering of Royale Studio, made his name in the 1950's producing  pictures similar to this with bullying and tight shorts* a speciality, except that he featured military personnel as authority figures. I think he would be amazed, as am I, by these images and green with envy at the freedom we have to view them. Oh that he could return and work this magic on his own marvellous images.
(*from The Cheat)

Thanks to JockSpank for introducing these images,
you can view the full collection there, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Saturday, 20 April 2024

More Art by Aizenhower

Read Part 1

Aizenhower - Kristoff Revealed

 I suppose I shouldn't confess to liking 'Frozen' but I was intrigued by the 'male romantic lead' in it, Kristoff. He suffered the laughable fate reserved by movie-makers for male characters - being amiable, strong and dumb but loyal to his mate. It's a negative stereotype that goes strangely unremarked by feminists in the sexism debate. 

Kristoff a la Disney

Disney's official packaging of Kristoff in heavy winter gear is unlikely to stir the senses but Aizenhower extracts and magnifies his sexual presence that simmers, neglected throughout the film. Juxtaposed against his co-stars in the film (top image, above), this first glimpse of him naked is almost as shocking to the viewer as it obviously is to the imaginary heroines. 
The reaction of the coachman at the back is harder to read!

Aizenhower - Kristoff Unveils His Feet

This image stays closer to his film persona - a man inclined to cute boyishness and out of his depth in the sumptuous extravagance of the Palace. This babyish baring of his feet is not in the film. Is it a ploy to alleviate his boredom by attracting the attention of a passing 'footman'? 
Note the hairy legs, this character is a real man.

Aizenhower - Kristoff Bares All

This doesn't actually happen in the film either, 
certainly not with Anna, his romantic counterpart.
It's no surprise to find bulk under his clothing,
though perhaps not as muscular and alluring as this.

Aizenhower - Kristoff's Best Friend

Kristoff's other dumb-male quirk is that his best friend is his reindeer, Sven.
I'm not sure whether this image is an attempt to suggest something more racy
or just a play on the ability of Nordic people to kinkily embrace their climate.
Either way it's a very sexy image.

Aizenhower - Kristoff and a Stabbington Brother

'Frozen' gives Kristoff little in the way of male interest to reciprocate his imagined gay leanings, 
so Aizenhower has transplanted him into the world of 'Tangled' for this fan image.
Here he's paired off with one of The Stabbington Brothers

According to Disney fandom, the Stabbingtons are "are twins with muscular bodies, fair skin, red hair, light blue eyes, big eyebrows, big noses, and big jaws". So far so good but they are also described as brutish thieves, the clue is in the name, I guess. That makes this encounter in a weirdly romantic setting very interesting indeed. 

Feet figure again in this picture here. 
I'm puzzled as to why they are dipped in the sparkling stream, but I can see that it is kinda sexy
Perhaps it's something that happens in 'Tangled', but I haven't seen it. (Honest!)

Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra

In Part 1 of this post I featured a number of Aizenhower's images from his 'The Legend of Korra' series and this is another, with the hapless hero, Bolin, playing top for a change. It's quite a complex image which gives the initial impression of him applying a wrestling 'Nelson' hold to persuade a reluctant partner. Closer inspection reveals a very different sort of restraint, a slightly puzzling one. 
Nevertheless, it's a powerful image of two men coming together in high excitement. 

Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra

The tables are turned on Bolin here, it seems, but I don't think he minds. 
A remarkably energetic and affecting image, considering it doesn't really show very much!

Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra

In Aizehower's world all heroes have to succumb to the villains at some point.
Here the Commander takes his medicine in a very steamy scene.

Aizenhower - Open wide!

Invasive medical inspections are another favoured topic for this artist (see Part 1). 
This one, unusually, is taking place on the floor with the medic astride his subject. It creates a marvellous impression of a reluctant patient being firmly treated by a very determined medic. 
The patient's erotic response seems to be the root of the problem and it's clearly an embarrassment.  
The medic can hardly fail to be aware of it, he appears to be enjoying every minute.

These two also featured in a spanking image in Part 1
they are protagonists who become friends in an animated film 'Yu Yu Hakusho'.

Aizenhower - Cowboy Bebop

This images features two characters, Jet Black and Spike Spiegel, who are the captain and crew of the spaceship Bebop (from Cowboy Bebop which was a controversial Japanese, TV, animated series about space bounty hunters). 

Aizenhower shows them in what seems to be a seduction, sensitively handled by Jet, the older man. Although there's a striking inter-generational gap, Spike is actually 27 years old in the context of the story - and straight! As a bounty hunter he ought to be well able to stand up for himself,  but the boredom of being cooped up on those long space flights can do things to the toughest of men.

Aizenhower - Rugby Coach

I featured another rugby cartoon by Aizenhower in Part 1. This character is less stylised and captures the sexy credentials of the Rugby sporting stereotype very well. We are presented with physical bulk (great pecs!), square-jawed manliness and a devil-may-care persona for which mooning holds no fears. How these men love to tease us! But who knows what desires lurk inside the brain of this brawny beast?

Aizenhower - Space Dandy

Aizenhower's 'Space Dandy' is a trifle too eccentric for my personal taste, but he does possess one characteristic that I would never ignore - a great ass! What's that saying about the fire and the mantlepiece? In this image it seems like a space alien has also spotted the same attraction via some sort of spying device.

Aizenhower - Space Dandy

      This picture shows the Dandy to have a pretty good physique too, but it's still put in the shade by his backside. It's amazing how the addition of two faint highlights can enhance it's shape and the allure and suggest tight, stretchy fabric at the same time. An interesting demonstration of the power of the humble cartoon (and the gay mind!)


Link information for this artist is in Part 1
for more posts on these subjects click on the labels below