Read Part 1 |
Aizenhower - Kristoff Revealed |
I suppose I shouldn't confess to liking 'Frozen' but I was intrigued by the 'male romantic lead' in it, Kristoff. He suffered the laughable fate reserved by movie-makers for male characters - being amiable, strong and dumb but loyal to his mate. It's a negative stereotype that goes strangely unremarked by feminists in the sexism debate.
Kristoff a la Disney |
Disney's official packaging of Kristoff in heavy winter gear is unlikely to stir the senses but Aizenhower extracts and magnifies his sexual presence that simmers, neglected throughout the film. Juxtaposed against his co-stars in the film (top image, above), this first glimpse of him naked is almost as shocking to the viewer as it obviously is to the imaginary heroines.
The reaction of the coachman at the back is harder to read!
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Aizenhower - Kristoff Unveils His Feet |
This image stays closer to his film persona - a man inclined to cute boyishness and out of his depth in the sumptuous extravagance of the Palace. This babyish baring of his feet is not in the film. Is it a ploy to alleviate his boredom by attracting the attention of a passing 'footman'?
Note the hairy legs, this character is a real man.
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Aizenhower - Kristoff Bares All |
This doesn't actually happen in the film either,
certainly not with Anna, his romantic counterpart.
It's no surprise to find bulk under his clothing,
though perhaps not as muscular and alluring as this.
Aizenhower - Kristoff's Best Friend |
Kristoff's other dumb-male quirk is that his best friend is his reindeer, Sven.
I'm not sure whether this image is an attempt to suggest something more racy
or just a play on the ability of Nordic people to kinkily embrace their climate.
Either way it's a very sexy image.
Aizenhower - Kristoff and a Stabbington Brother |
'Frozen' gives Kristoff little in the way of male interest to reciprocate his imagined gay leanings,
so Aizenhower has transplanted him into the world of 'Tangled' for this fan image.
According to Disney fandom, the Stabbingtons are "are twins with muscular bodies, fair skin, red
hair, light blue eyes, big eyebrows, big noses, and big jaws". So far so good but they are also described as brutish thieves, the clue is in the name, I guess. That makes this encounter in a weirdly romantic setting very interesting indeed.
Feet figure again in this picture here.
I'm puzzled as to why they are dipped in the sparkling stream, but I can see that it is kinda sexy
Perhaps it's something that happens in 'Tangled', but I haven't seen it. (Honest!)
Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra |
Part 1 of this post I featured a number of Aizenhower's images from his 'The Legend of Korra' series and this is another, with the hapless hero,
Bolin, playing top for a change. It's quite a complex image which gives the initial impression of him applying a wrestling 'Nelson' hold to persuade a reluctant partner. Closer inspection reveals a very different sort of restraint, a slightly puzzling one.
Nevertheless, it's a powerful image of two men coming together in high excitement.
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Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra |
The tables are turned on Bolin here, it seems, but I don't think he minds.
A remarkably energetic and affecting image, considering it doesn't really show very much!
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Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra |
In Aizehower's world all heroes have to succumb to the villains at some point.
Here the Commander takes his medicine in a very steamy scene.
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Aizenhower - Open wide! |
Invasive medical inspections are another favoured topic for this artist (see
Part 1).
This one, unusually, is taking place on the floor with the medic astride his subject. It creates a marvellous impression of a reluctant patient being firmly treated by a very determined medic.
The patient's erotic response seems to be the root of the problem and it's clearly an embarrassment.
The medic can hardly fail to be aware of it, he appears to be enjoying every minute.
These two also featured in a spanking image in Part 1, they are protagonists who become friends in an animated film 'Yu Yu Hakusho'.
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Aizenhower - Cowboy Bebop |
This images features two characters, Jet Black and Spike Spiegel, who are the captain and crew of the spaceship Bebop (from
Cowboy Bebop which was a controversial Japanese, TV, animated series about space bounty hunters).
Aizenhower shows them in what seems to be a seduction, sensitively handled by Jet, the older man. Although there's a striking inter-generational gap, Spike is actually 27 years old in the context of the story - and straight! As a bounty hunter he ought to be well able to stand up for himself, but the boredom of being cooped up on those long space flights can do things to the toughest of men.
Aizenhower - Rugby Coach |
I featured another
rugby cartoon by Aizenhower in Part 1. This character is less stylised and captures the sexy credentials of the Rugby sporting stereotype very well. We are presented with physical bulk (great pecs!), square-jawed manliness and a devil-may-care persona for which mooning holds no fears. How these men love to tease us! But who knows what desires lurk inside the brain of this brawny beast?
This picture shows the Dandy to have a pretty good physique too, but it's still put in the shade by his backside. It's amazing how the addition of two faint highlights can enhance it's shape and the allure and suggest tight, stretchy fabric at the same time. An interesting demonstration of the power of the humble cartoon (and the gay mind!)