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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label Inter-generational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inter-generational. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Homoeros - Recent work (2025) - 3

Start from Part 1 of this series
'Tavern' sees a young man sucked into a world of wealth and power, and in this image the historical dress conveys that background very effectively. It's combined with a convincing setting, too. This is an age when those who fell from favour might face the axeman, so this grovelling submission is perfectly understandable.

This man, Dylan, is not faced by such an extreme a punishment, but the whipping post is bad enough. 
The kneeling position is unusual, but it works visually, introducing a sense of submission.

The rear view presented to the captor is even better.

I included a 'riding the wedge' image in Part 1 of this series, It simply showed the rider and by implication focussed on the physical and mental discomfort caused by the device. The introduction of a leather clad top here, surveying the captive, brings home his vulnerability to external interference. Indeed, the restraint arrangement offers him up to such mischief, and he looks quite apprehensive about it. His relative youth and sheer cuteness suggests an experience gap which is likely to be narrowed somewhat before too long. 

 This surprising sequel opens up another dimension to his initiation. The prospect his new visitors promise seems just as scary, judging by his face, but excitement still shows elsewhere. It looks as if he's got himself into a seriously leather, gender-neutral establishment, although the setting looks like an ordinary, nightclub, out of hours. 

It was these two images that prompted me to do a Part 3 of this review. 


Didn't that guy do something to me in that S&M Club last night?

Homoeros does a lot of vanilla studies. This one, showing a jogger's chance encounter in the woods, is rather nice. Love is in the air here, not fetish.


Two men, clad in black, commit another unfortunate to the cross.
This is a compelling image of the grim moment of truth.
The technician stills the condemned man by sitting on his chest.
Producing an incongruous moment of intimacy.

The helplessness of the spread-eagled captive is apparent here.
The outstretched arm is beyond his control


When they switch to deal with his feet,
it's another significant deprivation of any sense of freedom.

Then callously stroll away without a backwards look.

This device is more humane, a display spreader, according to the artist.
Would that were all it could be used for, the incumbent might wish.


  In a Police Station near you, another Hoodlum submits.
Deprived of his clothing, it might be a long night.
A casual encounter, the locking of eyes tells a story.
It's about wills and intents, as well as attraction.
But all is not what it seemed.

Perhaps he got what he wanted anyway.
But he might look more grateful.
'The Hostage' seems to have been put on display.
His sinewy muscle made useless by the simplest of bindings.
Read the whole series from Part 1

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Spanking Art by Stonecrooze

Stonecrooze - Adrian's Ass Whuppin'

'Adrian' gets to open this collection of spanking miscellanea by Stonecrooze, chiefly because he's a chunky lad with flaming ginger hair. His knee-high socks hint at an equally interesting connection with a contact sport, meaning that he's not averse to pain and well able to look after himself.
This is not an easy physique to balance on one's knees in reality, let alone an art construct, but this depiction is pretty convincing. Stonecrooze's art is crisp and colourful, uncluttered and easy on the eye. The subject matter is familiar, with fanciful exaggerations that reveal an appreciation of meaty men. He approaches their ordeals with dry wit and humour.

Stonecrooze -Cell Mates

We tend to think of 'mates' as being friends, but the word also covers involuntary associations such as shipmates, teammates etc and both types come with boundaries and rules. Sharing a room with a complete stranger usually means 'the rules' are set by the stronger one of the pair. In prison, there's a risk of being thrown together with someone who finds that being a big fish in a tiny pond can be satisfying in ways that go beyond simply keeping good order.

This unfortunate man may have fallen foul of an unexpected housekeeping rule, like being untidy. Or he may have been indiscreet about something much more serious, like smuggling contraband. Being punished for it in such a ritualistic, humiliating way, however, is not the norm, suggesting it probably won't be the last time he goes bottom up across his cellmate's knee. Stereotypically in prisons, sex is the pitfall for the innocent, not spanking, but I wouldn't rule out that being the dessert course for him.

Stonecrooze -Cowboy Trip To The Barn

You don't expect cowboys to be easy prey for spankers either, but you do expect ranches to be populated by strong personalities. This image accommodates that viewpoint with a distinct sense of resistance and struggle on the part of the intended victim, impeding the would-be perpetrator of rough justice. Despite his determined expression, the rosy cheeks indicate that he is fighting a losing battle, which is the way it has to be in these fantasies. It shouldn't be too easy, nor so hard as to discourage a repeat performance when the opportunity arises again.

Stonecrooze -Field and Stream

An idyllic scene, one man, his dog and fishing rod, enjoying nature's bounty and getting up close and personal with it. Going commando is not without risk of discovery, even in the remotest terrain, and it looks like he and his dog have both detected an intruder. Let's hope it's a deer and not a game-keeper, because he's put himself in a tricky position if he's poaching.

You don't have to be a spanking fan to like looking at men's bums, and they often look even more attractive when they are the only part of the body that can be seen. That is, when they are bracketed by clothing, that has been raised or lowered, emphasising the incongruous absence in-between. Wading in water creates a similar, truncating, thigh-magnifying effect, with the added frisson of icy cold liquid splashing over unprotected, private parts from below. 
Stonecrooze has gone for broke here by adding in canvas waders and if you've ever experienced wading through water in such a garment (or even just in wellies) you'll know that the strange sensation it produces, of being immersed but not immersed, is justifiably part of the lexicon of erotic experiences.

Stonecrooze -House Rules

One of the delights of this artist's work is that his characters are fully grown men, which means that the spanking action takes place between equals in physical and emotional terms. But that does not necessarily mean they are complete equals in every respect. House Rules sounds rather parental, but the recipient here is clearly old enough to prevent their application to him if he chose, he could even walk away from them.
We don't know why he hasn't, but now he discovers that a hand slapping your buttock feels no less painful when you're a grown man than it did at a more tender age. The attendant humiliation of submitting to it is a hundred times worse. Stonecrooze's image catches beautifully the tide of rising misery in the victim's face, but I couldn't resist drawing that out further with my caption. Apologies to the artist if it offends!

Stonecrooze -Paddle Camp

There are a variety of possible interpretations of this scene. Taken literally, the title suggests a sort of spanking festival organised by the fraternity in a spot that's remote enough to provide privacy, with random acts of domination meted out to relatively eager campers. 
However, it reminds me irresistibly of those early pictures of Tom of Finland where a young man is caught trespassing on private land or skinny-dipping where it's not allowed and punished on the spot. In this case, I see an irregular solo camper being taken to task for pitching his tent in a picnic area. Fortunately, the Ranger spotted him before spectators arrived to make things awkward.

Stonecrooze - Playing Doctor

A Doctor who looked like this in real life would have a queue of gay patients lining up outside his door, and were it not for the steely look in his eye and the pot of lube on the table this might be taken for a perfectly innocent, professional consultation. A selection of paddles line the wall, but I've not worked out what the other objects lying on the table are. They suggest that this patient is going to get a combination of interesting therapies. He looks like he can take it.
Stonecrooze -Full Dose
These days, people are more and more inclined to take charge of their own treatment, with the assistance of Doctor Google. It must be very frustrating for their regular clinicians. We can imagine this man urging the Doctor to give him the 'full dose', perhaps not imagining that in this clinic it's not a miracle drug but a giant paddle. He should have taken more notice of what's on the wall. The Doctor's mask makes sure that no unprofessional thoughts on his part are given away, but there must be times when the chance of paying-back an awkward customer is extremely satisfying.
 Open-back surgical gowns are often unsatisfactory as erotic clothing, despite signalling a naked body hidden inside with easy access available, perhaps it's a little too easy to be sexy. Stonecrooze makes the best of it here, and arguably the revelation of tight, white underwear underneath the gown is sexier than complete nudity would be.

Stonecrooze -Set His Ass On Fire

In the AI-age, fetish imagery is getting more and more realistic, but it often produces a surreal edge that enables the cartoonist to sneak in embellishments that convey things that are felt rather than seen without it seeming incongruous. Like the fiery pain of an ass that really is being seriously paddled, not just participating in a pretence. 
The smoking bum is amusing, but the marvellous, graphic expression on the burly recipient's face here is priceless. It combines surprise with indignation and a blossoming change of mind, making it clear that it's no laughing matter as far as he is concerned. That makes it funnier of course and the burly build with a hint of sporting pedigree (rugby, I hope) somehow makes it seem like a well-deserved comeuppance even though we haven't a clue what he's done to deserve it, nor why he's agreed to take it. His red hair and flushed face make a witty connection with the unforgettable experience.
Stonecrooze -Spank him like a Ketchup Bottle

A fair amount of this artist's work simply combines sexy pictures with amusing captions. In this case, he aptly exploits the colour of the hunk's hoodie. Those white, stretchy underpants would stop most of us in our tracks anyway, but the thought of turning him upside down to empty him out, down to the last drop, is alluring indeed! I'd make him take his smelly socks off first, though.
Stonecrooze -We Can Settle This Here

The Cop who administers summary justice to offenders over the bonnet of his patrol car is a well trodden road in gay fetish art. Etienne composed a mini-series on the subject - Night Patrol, and there was a classic spanking video from the 90's (?), in which the unfortunate is taken to a barn, stripped and fiercely belted. It used to be a resident feature on sites like this. Stonecrooze's contribution to the genre is an offender with punk-like, militarily-cropped hair who does not submit willingly to the indignity of a semi-public spanking and a muscular cop (ready equipped with a thick paddle) determined to make sure he does, turning up a backside that truly deserves to be described as moon-like.

Stonecrooze - Whooped Farm Boy

When the spanking is over, the chastened farm boy corrects his dress,
 delicately avoiding abrasive contact with the seat of his jeans.
The pain will subside quicker than the humiliation.
The lesson, should last longer, but we may get lucky!
A simple adaptation of an already sexy image.

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Adults chastised at Ginch Gonch Ranch

 Jotits, one of the blog visitors, asked me about an AI version of Ginch Gonch Ranch. The AI engine I have used in the past to generate variants of my drawings is no longer available at the service I subscribe to, but I did some exploring and produced these variants using Art Guru AI. None of the results were amazing pictures and I didn't have time to develop them into better ones, but some new elements and perspectives appeared which are quite interesting and worth sharing.

Mitchell - Ginch Gonch Ranch, AI variant 1

This is the best result that came out. It changed all the characters into much older men with faces that very much suit the Ranching Cowboy scenario, giving it a modern twist of earthy, Clint Eastwood-style realism. Their skimpy underpants now look deliciously incongruous, with the middle man nervously trying to hide it by raising his knee, as though it were a secret vice.. 

Their hair-free bodies make you wonder if that grizzled old rancher has been having some fun with his cut-throat razor over the last hour leading up to this moment. Just to make them feel that little bit more exposed and humiliated, you understand. 

The background has been transformed such that it now looks like the backdrop to an amateur production of 'Oklahomo' put on for the entertainment of the other ranch hands, who will no doubt enjoy this newly discovered twist in the plot!

Mitchell - Ginch Gonch Ranch, AI variant 2

This second variant seems to transport the whole scene to some ancient civilisation where gold seems to be much in evidence, suggesting a power relationship that is more absolute. The spanker has acquired some tattoos, giving him a more earthy, sensual character. The face of the right-most captive has come out particularly nicely this time, I'd happily swap him into variant-1 or dispense with his comrade altogether for a one-on-one scene.

Mitchell - Ginch Gonch Ranch, AI variant 3

 In variant 3, the AI-engine has come up with the idea of the captives looking at each other as though realising that this punishment is going to be worse than they thought. In my original concept, the out-stretched hand of the rancher was turning the first captive round, so as to present his rear to the paddle. The captive's sudden alarm here suggests he's just announced that he's first going to relieve him of that last obstacle to the full sensory experience - his underpants. His older partner seems to be advising him to grin and bare it. The bulge in his pants gives the game away.

The AI has made a hash of their faces, this arms raised position is quite tricky to draw in any medium, simply transplanting heads doesn't work. However, what it has produced is a hint of two very characterful faces, one young, smoothly handsome in a butch way, the other older and experienced. 

The poor rancher's stiffie has got short shrift in all the variants, but his balls have bulked up nicely in this last picture. The treatment of the creases in the legs of his suit is much better than my original.


click on the labels below for more pictures on these themes

Saturday, 20 April 2024

More Art by Aizenhower

Read Part 1

Aizenhower - Kristoff Revealed

 I suppose I shouldn't confess to liking 'Frozen' but I was intrigued by the 'male romantic lead' in it, Kristoff. He suffered the laughable fate reserved by movie-makers for male characters - being amiable, strong and dumb but loyal to his mate. It's a negative stereotype that goes strangely unremarked by feminists in the sexism debate. 

Kristoff a la Disney

Disney's official packaging of Kristoff in heavy winter gear is unlikely to stir the senses but Aizenhower extracts and magnifies his sexual presence that simmers, neglected throughout the film. Juxtaposed against his co-stars in the film (top image, above), this first glimpse of him naked is almost as shocking to the viewer as it obviously is to the imaginary heroines. 
The reaction of the coachman at the back is harder to read!

Aizenhower - Kristoff Unveils His Feet

This image stays closer to his film persona - a man inclined to cute boyishness and out of his depth in the sumptuous extravagance of the Palace. This babyish baring of his feet is not in the film. Is it a ploy to alleviate his boredom by attracting the attention of a passing 'footman'? 
Note the hairy legs, this character is a real man.

Aizenhower - Kristoff Bares All

This doesn't actually happen in the film either, 
certainly not with Anna, his romantic counterpart.
It's no surprise to find bulk under his clothing,
though perhaps not as muscular and alluring as this.

Aizenhower - Kristoff's Best Friend

Kristoff's other dumb-male quirk is that his best friend is his reindeer, Sven.
I'm not sure whether this image is an attempt to suggest something more racy
or just a play on the ability of Nordic people to kinkily embrace their climate.
Either way it's a very sexy image.

Aizenhower - Kristoff and a Stabbington Brother

'Frozen' gives Kristoff little in the way of male interest to reciprocate his imagined gay leanings, 
so Aizenhower has transplanted him into the world of 'Tangled' for this fan image.
Here he's paired off with one of The Stabbington Brothers

According to Disney fandom, the Stabbingtons are "are twins with muscular bodies, fair skin, red hair, light blue eyes, big eyebrows, big noses, and big jaws". So far so good but they are also described as brutish thieves, the clue is in the name, I guess. That makes this encounter in a weirdly romantic setting very interesting indeed. 

Feet figure again in this picture here. 
I'm puzzled as to why they are dipped in the sparkling stream, but I can see that it is kinda sexy
Perhaps it's something that happens in 'Tangled', but I haven't seen it. (Honest!)

Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra

In Part 1 of this post I featured a number of Aizenhower's images from his 'The Legend of Korra' series and this is another, with the hapless hero, Bolin, playing top for a change. It's quite a complex image which gives the initial impression of him applying a wrestling 'Nelson' hold to persuade a reluctant partner. Closer inspection reveals a very different sort of restraint, a slightly puzzling one. 
Nevertheless, it's a powerful image of two men coming together in high excitement. 

Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra

The tables are turned on Bolin here, it seems, but I don't think he minds. 
A remarkably energetic and affecting image, considering it doesn't really show very much!

Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra

In Aizehower's world all heroes have to succumb to the villains at some point.
Here the Commander takes his medicine in a very steamy scene.

Aizenhower - Open wide!

Invasive medical inspections are another favoured topic for this artist (see Part 1). 
This one, unusually, is taking place on the floor with the medic astride his subject. It creates a marvellous impression of a reluctant patient being firmly treated by a very determined medic. 
The patient's erotic response seems to be the root of the problem and it's clearly an embarrassment.  
The medic can hardly fail to be aware of it, he appears to be enjoying every minute.

These two also featured in a spanking image in Part 1
they are protagonists who become friends in an animated film 'Yu Yu Hakusho'.

Aizenhower - Cowboy Bebop

This images features two characters, Jet Black and Spike Spiegel, who are the captain and crew of the spaceship Bebop (from Cowboy Bebop which was a controversial Japanese, TV, animated series about space bounty hunters). 

Aizenhower shows them in what seems to be a seduction, sensitively handled by Jet, the older man. Although there's a striking inter-generational gap, Spike is actually 27 years old in the context of the story - and straight! As a bounty hunter he ought to be well able to stand up for himself,  but the boredom of being cooped up on those long space flights can do things to the toughest of men.

Aizenhower - Rugby Coach

I featured another rugby cartoon by Aizenhower in Part 1. This character is less stylised and captures the sexy credentials of the Rugby sporting stereotype very well. We are presented with physical bulk (great pecs!), square-jawed manliness and a devil-may-care persona for which mooning holds no fears. How these men love to tease us! But who knows what desires lurk inside the brain of this brawny beast?

Aizenhower - Space Dandy

Aizenhower's 'Space Dandy' is a trifle too eccentric for my personal taste, but he does possess one characteristic that I would never ignore - a great ass! What's that saying about the fire and the mantlepiece? In this image it seems like a space alien has also spotted the same attraction via some sort of spying device.

Aizenhower - Space Dandy

      This picture shows the Dandy to have a pretty good physique too, but it's still put in the shade by his backside. It's amazing how the addition of two faint highlights can enhance it's shape and the allure and suggest tight, stretchy fabric at the same time. An interesting demonstration of the power of the humble cartoon (and the gay mind!)


Link information for this artist is in Part 1
for more posts on these subjects click on the labels below

Friday, 15 December 2023

Domination Art by Russ 3 Cops and Leathermen

Read this series from Part 1

Russ - Cop Search

This scene is a perennial, favourite opening for a porn story, a cop searching a motorist whom he has just pulled over for some violation or another. His fingers go looking for incriminating evidence (or something) up between the suspect's legs. Cops in this era are Tom in Finland country, but for me this image has a sniff of Etienne about it, blended into Russ's eclectic but unique style. 

There's a classic video that opens like this with the subject dressed in sexy, khaki shorts which somehow make his search all the more invasive. Having established the suspect's suitability, the two men adjourn to a barn where the cop administers a fierce belting before... well, you know! I know it as The Barn but I don't know what the correct title is or who made it. Anyone know?

Russ - Cop Probe

When a cop's got you on the rack in a remote lay-by, things can happen that aren't supposed to happen - whether you like it or not. There's a trade-off in this story, just as there is in  Night Patrol by Etienne - sex in exchange for tearing up a ticket. In Night Patrol it's an act of appreciation (or a cruel joke) after the cops have had what they wanted, here it's an up-front deal, but the cop's clenched fist is a tell-tale sign that the suspect doesn't really have much choice. 

It's tempting to see the influence of Tom of Finland here, in the content and composition if not the style. His 'Highway Patrol' (Kake 22) was also published in 1980, and has a similar scene to this in it, except that it's the cop that gets some cum-uppance in Tom's story. 

It's also interesting to compare this scene with the climax of Night Patrol by Etienne. In that story the shafting of the suspect over the bonnet (hood) of the Police Car is spectacular but doesn't look quite 'right'. Russ adopts a less ambitious approach to depicting what is essentially the same scenario and while it doesn't capture the same sense of excitement, it's more convincing anatomically and sexually it's more intense. Penetration imagery in this era didn't usually show significant shaft length between the two men like this picture does. 

Russ - Cop Probe

After reneging on the ticket deal, the cop discovers his two victims are leather guys and have got teeth. Here he suffers the humiliation of being taken captive himself and having his uniform ripped open. More painful retribution will follow, but that's not all. It seems he has a evil, murderous reputation and the leather community decide to exact their own justice by taking him out of circulation. The eagle badge in this image represents their adoption of him and is a prelude to his new life of indefinite captivity and painful servitude.

Cops differ from other gay sex-icons like the Sailor, the Cowboy and the Superhero, in that they are not just figures of lust in their uniforms but threatening, all-powerful and unpredictable men to be feared. Gay porn usually provides a psychological palliative to that fear with the fantasy that they are (only) out for sex, but there's a greater satisfaction to be had in turning the tables on the truly nasty ones.

There's another of Russ's mouth-stuffing gags in this image. The moments he has chosen to illustrate for this story do not have the same energy as the earlier images in this series of mitchmen posts, but there is greater erotic intensity. He understandably uses solid black shading for the cop's uniform in these pictures and it produces marvellous effects in the cop's leather pants and boots, but is less successful elsewhere where it replaces subtle line shading and disturbs the visual balance.

Russ - Jones Beach 1

In 'Jones Beach' a young surfer becomes besotted by a vision in cut-offs and shades. This very 80's object of desire reacts aggressively to his attention, pouring homophobic abuse on the young man. However, that doesn't stop him from lingering with his admirer and coercing him into a sequence of humiliating and subservient acts that suggest a very different agenda.

Russ uses his softer, more realistic style here, capturing the open space of the beach with it's constant, lurking danger of discovery, not least by Police patrols. That threat makes the victim's predicament seem both frightening and exciting at the same time.

Russ - Jones Beach 2

Eventually, the surfer/swimmer is taken into the trees for an even more painful test of his admiration, out of sight of passers-by. It's already clear that his hero's homophobia is a front and having punished the hapless beach boy, he demonstrates that the gay ways he professes to despise are not entirely alien territory to him.

After he's taken his pleasure he leaves the surfer in the bushes, still tied up and bent over a bough. There he's visited and taken advantage of by those who haunt such places, including a cop. Eventually though, his new-found master does return to claim him in a happy ending with a twist.

Some of the detailing in this picture is quite remarkable - for example the bully's boots and the bough over which the victim is bent are graphic art of the highest quality. Notice the return also of the dangling gag.

Russ - White Water Run 1

These illustrations were provided for a story about a leather clubs motorcycle 'run' and they are focussed on the induction processes of that world. In this image a young, blonde acolyte is being trained in submission with some boot-licking practice. This is a similar scenario to the surfer training in Etienne's Road Kings. This trainee's "Gates of Hell" cock strap was a much advertised accessory in the 80's but they don't turn up in art very often, probably because they require a raging erection, but at least this cock is pointing downwards! 

The artist's depiction of the muscular, leather man here is a striking success, creating the impression of a firm, but benevolent master. There's some similarity to Tom of Finland's creations but this is a totally original and very perceptive image. The on-looker in the doorway is an existing slave in the story but you can imagine other scenarios, e.g. a buddy awaiting his turn to be trained (willingly or otherwise).

Russ - White Water Run 2

This domination image owes a lot to Macbeth with a more forceful boot worshiping scenario being enhanced by a variety of exaggerations of scale and drama. The big boots that typified Macbeth's work are given an extra cruel twist by Russ who adds pointed studs to the soles but he doesn't use the same crazy perspectives. His more conventional viewpoint produces a result that is less wild, less energetically aggressive but more intense. The heightened sexual flavouring (including the giant cock) is all his own work.

Russ - White Water Run 3

In this spit-roasting image Russ pays homage to another great artist of the 80's, the Hun. He's extracted one of that artist's typical scenarios and replicated the facial expression of the victim too, but the resemblance ends there. Russ has translated the scenario to the world of leather clubs rather than the Hun's preferred hunting ground of prisons and sleazy truckstops. Russ makes the man in the middle here more mature than the Hun's innocents too. He has used his own, more realistic figures and drawing style to recreate the erotic essence of The Hun's imagination.

Russ - Leather Man (cover for 'The Leather Journal')

This striking cover illustration is a decade on from the imagery Russ did for Larry Townsend and it's a more mature, accomplished style. I'm not 100% sure it's the same man but if it is, it shows considerable artistic growth. 

The spiky cartouche framing the subject is a modernistic, vaguely satanic expression of the fiery, hard passion (bordering on anger) that lurks within the Leather Man's soul. It's scarcely subtle but expressed  much less directly than the flailing belts and harsh domination that mark out the action pictures in this collection. There's an interesting construct where you might expect a motto to be that brackets, almost nudges, the sexual centre of gravity, depicted as a latent source of great erotic power, but temporarily restrained. This slightly mystical interpretation of the leather religion is contrasted with a meticulous depiction of his elaborate leather outfit and carefully trimmed hair, showing the more worldly, conforming, sometimes vulnerable dandy that is also part of this tribe's character. 


Russ has a unique style that draws heavily on the inspiration of the artists of his day, but the drama and passion that infuses his best images is probably better executed than any of them. There are glimpses of extremely accomplished draughtsmanship alongside more mundane imagery, but it's not easy to identify a recognisable, unifying style in an era which was rich in artists with unique signatures - The Hun, Macbeth, Sean, Cavelo, Etienne and Tom of Finland. This is perhaps why Russ has received less recognition than he deserves over the years since then.

There's no site for him as far as I know.

Read this series from Part 1