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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label submission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label submission. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Leather Art by Nerone 2

Read Part 1 of this article
Nerone - Fast Drip 065
 Today's images are from Nerone's 'Fast Drip' series, it's an apt tag for this image.
There's a great sense of skin to skin contact and sexual tension.
His simple, black and white sketches are greatly enhanced by imaginative colouring 

Nerone - Fast Drip 056
This artist's characters often seem to be very clearly delineated as tops or subs,
 but for the avoidance of doubt, he's brought out the ropes here.
This image exists in another variant where the top is not bearded (below).
Nerone - Fast Drip 056 (clean-shaven)
The warm colours here enhance the sense of intimacy.
Nerone - Fast Drip 066

More delving into dark, moist places here, 
a lucky dip that's caused an element of surprise.
But if you must wear white underwear.....well...
Nerone - Fast Drip 089
 Snuggling from behind is enormously comforting,
 even though it leaves everything up front unprotected.
He's too busy to care about that, right now.

Nerone - Fast Drip 091

Sleepy lovers greet the day with closeness and warmth,
The sense of hairiness and bulk here is so masculine.
A two gun salute would seem to be in order next. 
Nerone - Fast Drip 104
There's more edge here, with a grip on the throat demanding submission.
The glimpse of boots and pants tell us this is men at play, acting out their fantasy.
Nerone - Fast Drip 114
Casual encounters are meat and drink (as it were) to gay men.  
The fallen pants here give some sense of the excitement of them.
There's normally no such thing as sub and dom in this situation, 
although you might attribute an ambition to top in the placing of the hand.
Nerone - Fast Drip 115
How different this encounter looks! 
There's a compelling sense of domination,
both in the gesture and the bulky build of the man in control.
But he isn't turned on that much it seems, it's power he craves.
Asking for a rise was never like this in my Office!
Nerone - Fast Drip 320

Hopefully this is just a token of submission, not the start of a protracted trial!
These images vary in quality, this is a good one. 
Nice characterisation, with Italian looks and a physique that looks real.
Notice that the ball looks compressed by the thumb.

Nerone - Fast Drip 351

Just a hint of apprehension. Maybe it's his first time.
The absence of leather paraphernalia might mean gentleness
 - or dangerous inexperience.
Nerone - Fast Drip 354

This rope-work is decidedly unprofessional.
An amateur DIY job? Unrequited longing to be tied up?
If you can help, please form an orderly queue
Nerone - Fast Drip 380

Just a pretty picture of an era gone by.

Read Part 1 of this article

See more Nerone at his blog (inactive)

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Sunday, 26 January 2025

To Serve Is Pleasure


From Curiosity to Submission: 

The Transformation of Fraser

SERVE-625 moved through the city streets with precision, his posture upright and controlled. Beneath the neoprene hoodie and slim athletic joggers he wore, the tight black rubber of his SERVE uniform clung to him like a second skin. Every step reminded him of his purpose, though the faint squeak of his concealed suit was audible only to his own ears.


The grocery store was crowded, but Fraser navigated it effortlessly and efficiently, picking out what he wanted and ignoring distracting offers. He had lunch to cook for a guest. As he hurriedly exited the store, bag in hand, he collided with a man who was passing by. 
“Sorry about that!” he exclaimed, glancing up. Then recognition lit his face. “Oh, hi Ricky!”

The man was a familiar face from the gym. He nodded and replied coolly,
“Acknowledged. No harm done.”

“Nice hoodie,” Fraser said, his eyes lingering on the material. “What’s it made of?”

There was a slight hesitation before Ricky replied. Almost if he was weighing his response.
“It’s a neoprene rubber composite, Fraser. Durable, comfortable, versatile”.
He sounded more friendly now.

Fraser’s eyes widened. “That’s awesome.” He stroked the material with his fingers. 
“I love it! Where did you get this?”

Ricky nodded knowingly, rubber had that effect on some men.
“It's from a nearby store. It has your size. I *will* take you.”

Fraser had intended to finish his errands quickly and go home, but Ricky spoke with such assertiveness that he didn't hesitate to follow him as he set off towards the store. As they walked, Ricky explained that his rubber clothing was an important part of who he was, almost an ideology, he laughed. It had to do with unity, precision, and purpose.

Fraser chuckled, but his curiosity grew. “You’re really selling it”, he said.

“Wearing it enhances focus and clarity”, Ricky asserted. “You *will* enjoy it.”

Fraser felt convinced that he probably would.

By the time they arrived at the store,  called 'SERVE', he was eager to see more.


The store looked like an ordinary clothes shop outlet from outside, but as they entered, Fraser marvelled at the many racks of rubber and neoprene garments he saw, his senses were assailed by the smell emanating from them. He barely registered the faint, hypnotic hum that filled the air, carrying subliminal whispering.

Fraser was immediately drawn to a display featuring neoprene garments just like Ricky's. “I have to try one of these on”, he said, his voice almost dazed. He grabbed a rubber hoodie and headed for the fitting room. Inside it, hypnotic spirals danced across the walls, accompanied by more of the soft whispers. Fraser’s breathing quickened as he tried the hoodie on and absorbed the atmosphere. But he was disappointed when he looked in the mirror. It didn't look as good on him as it had on Ricky.

When he emerged, the hoodie was forgotten and rejoining Ricky, he pointed to a full-body, rubber suit which was on display. “Can I try that instead?” he asked, his voice unsteady but eager. 
“It won't seem silly, will it?”

Without hesitation, Ricky lifted the bottom of his hoodie, revealing the glistening black surface of his rubber suit underneath. Fraser’s eyes widened, his mouth fell slightly open. “Wow. That’s incredible.”

Ricky nodded. “Affirmative. You *will* find it... transformative.” 

He picked a suit out and accompanied Fraser to the fitting rooms, where the atmosphere and visual effects immediately enveloped the young man's senses once more. He took off all of his street clothes and underwear, dropping them into a basket the store had helpfully provided. Once naked, he was eager to get into the suit, it took some effort, but once it was on, it clung to his form and wearing it felt so right for him. It was all he needed. The glossy surface reflected the transformation he felt, both physical and mental.


Minutes later, Fraser stepped back out into the shop, his lean form encased in the gleaming rubber suit. His eyes were wide, his expression one of awe. “This... this feels incredible.” he said, staring at another shopper who nodded back in agreement.

“Rubber binds us together. It is our perfection. We are all part of the Hive. You feel it now, don’t you?”

Fraser nodded, almost hypnotized. “I do. I need this.”

He did not notice the faint clunk behind him, as the basket in the changing room emptied, 
dropping his old clothes through the bottom into an underground bin.

Ricky and Fraser left the store together, with Fraser still proudly clad in his new bodysuit.
Ricky took him straight to the nearby SERVE Hive-Hub. 
Inside, he underwent the full initiation process. 
Hypnotic inductions erased his old identity, replacing it with unwavering devotion to the Hive. 



When the process was complete, Fraser emerged as SERVE-632, his body gleaming in polished black rubber, his mind a perfect extension of the Hive’s will. SERVE-625 observed the transformation with communal satisfaction.

“Welcome, SERVE-632,” Ricky said. “You are one with us now. I am SERVE-625

SERVE-632 bowed his head. “Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience. I am ready to serve.”

Together, SERVE-625 and SERVE-632 exited the hive-hub, their polished forms glinting in the sunlight. They moved as one, through the city streets, ready to spread the Hive’s perfection further. They walked with precision, their postures upright and controlled. The tight black rubber of their SERVE uniforms clung to them like a second skin. Every step reminded them of their purpose, the faint squeak of their suits audible only to their own ears. 

Another mission complete, 625 reflected, knowing that he had served the Hive well.


 I was thrilled when I found this story on tumblr, it's a new twist on the themes I often promote here and a perfect complement to the recently published article, featuring the drone imagery of Hijaden, as well as the longer term, mitchmen theme of enslavement fantasies. I have adapted the text (apologies to the author) to a slightly different perspective, that of the victim, rather than the predator. This is not intended to take anything away from his great story and images. If you like my version, I urge you to go and read his original too, it reads very differently and will fill gaps in my adaptation. In any case, you must visit his serve-625 blog at tumblr which is steeped in the unsettling ideas which form the basis for this tale.

*VISIT* SERVE-632's tumblr blog to find out what SERVE stands for and see more items in this vein

and don't forget to *READ* his, original telling of this story.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Art by Roman AI

"We have severe punishments for streakers, you know."
Front Facing Arrests are a standard AI-trope, but here's one with a difference. 
Roman authoritarianism, fab muscle hunk with spirit, in bondage, on the brink of nudity and nastiness.
What's not to like? 

"I'm naming you 'Anilingus'.
Serve me well and I will treat you well".

 AI struggles with humans in physical contact, so it's surprising that this simple expression of subjugation is not seen more often. The contrast between the muscular captive slave and his new owner, clearly refined and wealthy, is beautifully expressed. The hand he's using to emphasise his control is clever, shame it's drawn wrong. I know it's phallic, but surely there must be places in Rome that don't have a dome in the background.
"Lucky bastard! Things like that never happen to me"

And so say all of us! Official title is 'Locker Room Bully'. 
Using his own belt on him. Don't ask why. Great jeans too.

Now that's what I call humiliation
AI has brought the great gift of weather to fetish art creators.
The belt seems to think it's a crowbar, no wonder he's submitted to it!
"No good running off, Barton.
You'll still get your spanking in front of the others, next time"

Imagine! Barton's a hairy hunk, the others must be disappointed he's escaped temporarily.
Thank goodness someone put 'University' up on the wall to counteract the dubious age scenario.

"No, I'm Not Your New Valet, Signor.
The Godfathers Sent Me"

I love the wacky bath!
I imagine it having wheels and the hit man trundling it to the nearest balcony to be emptied.
The bather is in a fix since he's naked and worse might befall him if he jumps up.
Especially if he's been playing with himself under the water.
Gorgeous hairy pecs, clean too. Surely they're worth a temporary reprieve!
"Keep kissing, Luigi. Then it's the belt for you next.
No-one, but no-one, laughs at my clothes!"

 I'd keep stumm about the Teddy too, if I were you, Luigi. 
Otherwise, you might find yourself kissing below the belt.
It is decidedly odd garb for a locker room.

Oh, thank you, God. He does want help with his Project!

'This can't be happening' Department.
Right now, 'his' gaze suggests he's formulating a different, strictly ex-curriculum project.
In fact, it maybe that his 'problem' is not about his project at all, but something completely different!

I can't remember anyone like this at the educational establishments I attended.
I certainly never prayed to God about it, but each to his own.
The varied style of these images is refreshing.

"Cheer Up Spunkimus!
It's Not The End of The World!"

I suppose you're meant to imagine a poignant parting or doomed lovers. 
Great apocalyptic imagery and nice warm colours appropriately enough. 
Have you noticed how everyone always seems to be going in the opposite direction?

"OK, OK, Smartimus, So I Was Wrong.
But We Still Have Each Other."

Looks like a cruise ship just docked, carrying the undead.
Fortunately, they will all be gone in an hour (max).
These two should charge admission, that should get them back on their feet.
 AI art has its detractors. It's too prolific, lacking in individual identity, can't fit humans' together, physically or psychologically, and hasn't a clue how eyes look or work (the most important part of human identity by a mile). It's incapable of seeing a complete image as a human sees it, but has to be told that half a train does not exist in the real world. At one point, it didn't even differentiate human backs from their fronts. Worst of all, it's totally sexless, it's programmed to be so thanks to our pathetic, lowest common denominator, corporate driven society (the only plus point for Mr Musk, although I'm increasingly convinced he has his own brand of censorship lurking in his muddy depths). AI can only produce something vaguely sexy if instructed, and cascading cum is not sexy, sorry! However, it is capable of turning out some beautiful imagery at chocolate box, schmaltz level and occasionally, very occasionally it comes up with something totally original and wacky that makes a jolly good picture, sexy or otherwise.

Roman AI is one of those surfing the internet wave, and he has produced some interesting images (many of which look a lot like other producer's images). But never mind, this listing isn't an award for being better or totally original, but just having been in the right place with the right stuff to catch my eye. To be fair, he does introduce a degree of individuality by varying his style, but it's what he asks his AI engine to illustrate that qualifies him for a mention here.
More at RomanAI

Monday, 30 December 2024

The King's Mount

 The inspiring original is by muscleandboots @tumblr

For more captions click on the mitchmods label below

Monday, 25 November 2024

Mitchell's Cowboy Folio 13

Mitchell - Cowboy Buddies

This post features two drawings, never before published, which were amongst my earliest homoerotic fantasies. The first is a romantic imagining of two cowboy buddies wrestling with friendship and sexuality. The younger-looking one has a stout neck, which seems to symbolise his developing manhood. He impulsively pulls his buddy close, feeling inside his open jeans subconsciously as his libido responds to their closeness. His friend, whose stubbled jaw suggests he is slightly more mature, looks down at the hand on his waist, which is a more intimate embrace than his more casual arm around his buddy's shoulder. He seems unsure, but does not resist. His crotch bulge is already close to touching his friend's thigh, and he seems to be poised to manoeuvre round behind him. That might simply suggest he has protective feelings, but puts him in pole position to respond to further developments with those undone jeans.

Mitchell - Cowboys in the Stable Stalls

This image has a more illicit feel, with a different pair of cowboys skulking in the stables in order to explore their feelings. There's a sense of openness beyond the screen and to the left of them as well, implying a vulnerability to someone discovering them at any moment.  

The picture has an ambiguous element of bondage, with one seemingly tied to the stall screen by his wrists, presumably to prevent his interference while his buddy unbuckled and lowered his jeans. It may be just an erotic game. In any event, the bondage doesn't seem to be very demanding and the 'captive' doesn't seem to be resisting very much. He simply watches as his friend makes a frontal feint towards his dick, possibly unaware that he's simultaneously manoeuvring his thumb sneakily towards the cleft in his buttocks.

I love the sinuous figure of the captive here and the sense of an embrace (in both pictures) which is about control and desire as much as affection. Submission without domination. Both these images have been tidied up and clarified for publication, but have not been substantially altered. 


Go to Part 14 of Mitchell's Cowboy Folio (pending)
 or Read this series from Part 1,
or see all at this blog by clicking on the 'cowboy' label below.

The full Cowboy Folio can also be found at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male
You can also find The Cactus Kid story there in full or Images only

Friday, 8 November 2024

Art by Gyaku Xryona - 2

More sexy fetish fighting in Part 1 of this series 

Gyaku Xryona - Hercules Breaking Wolverine's Abs
The rack is one of the most controlling of wrestling holds, rendering the recipient helpless in a back-compressing and ab stretching position (perhaps not as severely as the title suggests though). Hercules maximises the pain by pulling the victim's head back. It is supposed to be Wolverine but a muscular guy in tight T-shirt and jeans doesn't need fantasy connections to look great when he's treated like this.  This aerial view brings out the helplessness of his position, but Wolverine's thick jeans spare him the embarrassment of parading his tackle before the audience.

Gyaku Xryona - Superman Given a Sitting Piledriver

Superman is less lucky, his tights here are in the modern, cinematic style and lack the traditional, red over-pants worn in the old days and although he's slipped a featureless box inside to protect them and hide them, it still looks like a very suggestive toolbox. In many of this artist's pictures a face embedded in a crotch is a regular humiliation but he inverts that situation here (as well as Superman himself) to create the impression of his groin being a great prize and at risk of being misused for his opponent's pleasure. It looks like he's already high on the odours. Meanwhile Supes is distracted by the pain and humiliation of hitting the canvas, head first, as his nemesis drops him down.

Gyaku Xryona - Superman Given a Nut Cracker

Johnny Cage is one of Gyaku's wrestling 'heels' and he takes delight in demonstrating to the goody-goody Superman just how nasty he can be. Supes protective arrangements can't withstand Johnny's grip and his body and face both crumple in sympathy with his mangled tackle. 
He needs to find a way of dislodging that claw grip quickly!

The characterisation of Supes here is a nice blend of the original facial appearance
 with modern sexy muscles and kit.

Gyaku Xryona - Chris Smells Those Giants

Chris Redfield, the eternal loser in this Universe, steps up to restore the normal order by sampling Johnny's crotch. That pack of equipment on his back and resting on the canvas has the effect of forcing his face upwards as Johnny sinks down on him. I can't tell you whether 'Giants' are any more noxious than run of the mill appendages.

Gyaku Xryona - Chris gets James' Armpit Sweat in his Face

Even without his backpack and sporting the latest blue-grey colourway in BSAA uniforms, Chris fares no better against James Vega, who cradles his head under his arm while applying an inverted choke hold in the standing position. This is a real back killer for as long as the victim remains on his feet and you get a good sense of that in this cleverly angled viewpoint. Collapsing the knees is difficult, it relieves the back but transfers the stress to the neck  James looks disinclined to help out by moving on to another move. A real predicament and painful enough to prevent Chris gaining  a full appreciation of the body juices on offer right under his nose. 

Gyaku Xryona - Weekend Preview

A painful predicament like this is in no way redeemed by having to share it with a partner. Indeed, sharing it removes an escape option for both of them. This monstrous masked man has applied the hold the other way round, as a dragon sleeper, which means he can enjoy the bobbing bodies of his victims as they endeavour to escape from him. He's dropped to his knees to increase their discomfort. Men subjected to embarrassment situations are usually villains in the wrestling world but you can't be so sure of that here.

 As spectators we get a less clear view of the underarm situation than before, but in any case the artist has depicted a looser, less intimate grip here. In compensation we get a double-barrelled view of the loser's crotches, with the unusual bonus for this artist of a mini-bulge on the left, full of shapeliness and highlighted in an exceptionally erotic way by the decoration of his tights - whorls which are nudging it on either side and arrow-like shapes diving down on it from above.    

I like this artist for his inventive depictions and exaggerations of  familiar predicaments,
but I do wish he'd put shadows under his character's feet to ground them! 

Gyaku Xryona - Underwear Muscle Battle 03

James Vega dominates a different opponent with this back-breaking variant of the head scissors move. The victim is forced to kneel and nuzzle his opponents crotch.

Gyaku Xryona - Underwear Muscle Battle 04

The same hold, viewed from behind James
Sadly the dark underwear deprives us of detail.

I have cropped these images to make them more viewable.

Gyaku Xryona - Piers Likes It

Erotically explicit details are rare beasts in this artist's work, mainly I imagine because he posts at Deviant Art which does not permit them. That makes this image of Chris Redfield's buddy, Piers, succumbing to a dragon sleeper and sporting a prominent erection rather note-worthy. The allegation in the title seems improbable to ordinary mortals but some sportsmen do seem to have an extraordinary affection for pain. His cumbersome military equipment gets in the way of seeing much of his body line, but there's a nice abs stretch going on.

Gyaku Xryona - Smell That 02

One of the strangest aspects of the Chris Redfield phenomenon is the sailor outfit which was included as an option in Resident Evil: Revelations. It's an unquestionably camp contrast to the military gear and butch T-shirts he was given originally. The cropped top and turned up shorts (with authentic sailor flap) are a sexy adaptation worthy of Royale Studio, but the white gloves, shades and pipe which never seems to be out of his mouth are plain weird. 

He's pitched against the same underwear opponent in this image and for once he doesn't come out second best, instead he's poised to engulf his opponent with his own crotch odours for once and lest you think I'm overly obsessed with such (un)pleasantness I can point to the direction in the artist's own title. He's depicted Chris's white shorts as being particularly grubby and probably skanky too, so I imagine the effect to be quite overwhelming.

Gyaku Xryona - Bronco Buster plus Abs

 Chris is obviously aware of the offensive power of his shorts and here is poised to inflict them on Dante. The artist's cropping leaves little doubt that face frotting is Chris's aim.

Gyaku Xryona - Hulk Smasm and Breaker

This isn't the best image by this artist but it does capture the essence of  that genre of wrestling where genuine grapplers are pitted against a giant hulk who is much bigger than them and impervious to their puny efforts to fight him. I like the way he has picked Chris up by the head here, like a rag doll. The other fighter is a character called Miguel and he is rather nicely modelled. 
In the series below he's pitted against Dante and Chris. 

Gyaku Xryona - Miguel v Two Losers

Miguel, sexily dressed in open shirt and leather pants has no trouble subduing Dante and Chris but it doesn't look as if Chris needed much urging to investigate his crotch anyway. He seems unconcerned about Dante suffering the torture rack across Miguel's shoulders.

Gyaku Xryona - Miguel Destroys Chris's Back

Miguel looks both formidable and mean in this image with a great torso.
Chis suffers helplessly, while looking cute, as is his lot in life.

Gyaku Xryona - Spine Break

Dante's respite doesn't last long as Miguel drops him onto his raised knee.
His arched body convincingly conveys the impression of extreme stress.
Great jeans imagery as well for him in this sequence.

Gyaku Xryona -  Humiliation

Chris is forced to his knees bowing his head in acknowledgement of his stronger opponent.
Confusion, misery and despair seem written across his face

Gyaku Xryona - WWE, Mason Destroys Evans

This last image is a more conventional one but has the virtue of great clarity, which creates a good impression of the height of the victim above the ground, isolated and poised to descend forcefully.
His opponent has great bulk, but it's more attractively packaged than the average, real pro.


More sexy fetish fighting in Part 1 of this series

There's a good gallery of Gyaku Xryona at Deviant Art