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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label hairy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hairy. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Dr Smith (Film 911)

Brody is visiting Dr Smith when he starts to feel a pain in his chest.
Smith is quickly onto it, undoing Brody's shirt to check him over.

In no time at all, he has Brodie on his table, stripped to his underwear.
He is ventilated and all sorts of cables are attached to his upper body. 
Brody is reassured, they look like sensors, but they are not.....
Tuco is a petty criminal, he knows what the cables do.
He was sent to Dr Smith by the local correctional facility to participate in 'experiments'.
Tuco was surprised when he was immediately ordered to strip down to his underpants.

He was even more surprised when the Doctor bolted him to a post by the neck. 
They didn't do that to him in the jail he had come from.
After that, the Doctor attached lots of those coloured cables to Tuco's torso.
Then he flicked a switch and immediately, Tuco was bombarded by electric shocks. 
The Doctor just stood and watched him.
Then he moved in, wanting the feel of the effects of treatment, hands on.

 Tuco told him it hurt, but he passed out before the experiment was ended.
When he came to, he was strapped to a gurney. 
And the Doctor was reattaching the electrodes........

 Tuco was so relieved when they sent him back to prison

This is the wacky, weird and decidedly sinister world of Dr Smith at Film 911.
He has an understandable interest in men and getting them out of their kit,
and uses a wide range of techniques for accomplishing that objective.
Drug injection, knockout drops and the like - plus hypnosis, sometimes deception.

After that it's gets strange, very strange, in many different ways. 
And no-one really knows what is real or imaginary
Except Dr Smith


Damon just came in as a model to do a shoot, he was great at simulating shocks.
But then he had an asthma attack or thought he did, fiction and reality blur so easily!.  
Damon looses consciousness, but the Doctor stays with him, giving comfort.
Anticipating further problems, he undresses him (as you do)
Then he attaches ECG electrodes as a precaution - and to pass the time.

With Damon still unconscious, the Doc drags him to the bedroom.
It's a route that many men follow without knowing it, after meeting Dr Smith 

There those nasty cables bring Damon back to consciousness, 
But there's a plug in his mouth, it restricts his breathing, but he can't spit it out.
This precipitates another asthma crisis.

Damon struggles but finds he is strapped down on the bed
He is under electrical attack and struggling to breathe
But the Doctor stays calm and delves into his underwear. 
Just checking his pulse, I suppose.

Damon's crisis grow worse, he may even be 'going',
so the Doctor brings out his defibrillator, just in case.

Predictably, he has to use it and Damon responds dramatically.
But it's not really clear by then what the Doctor is trying to do.
Nathan is a private detective who tries to find out what's going on at the Docs.
He gains entry to the Doctor's premises, but is caught by the surveillance system.
A specially designed, loud alarm has the effect of knocking him out.
Nathan too ends up in his underpants and strapped down on the gurney.
The Doctor administers discomfort to him via his air supply.
It's partly a punishment for his intrusion, and partly a tongue loosener,
but mainly to further his fascination with breath control.

It isn't long before the Doc decides he needs to apply the defibrillator.
It's very clear from Nathan's response that it's not really needed.

In the sinister world of Dr Smith at Film 911
It isn't just a matter of pain but life itself.

But there's more to him than cardiac arrests, more next time

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Jotto - Jungle Boy Excerpts

The popularity of Jotto's gay fetish art never seems to wane and these excerpts from his recent 'Jungle Boy' series demonstrate that his powers to excite are as strong as ever.

Jotto - Jungleboy Trashed

Jungleboy's captors treat him with contempt.
But they cannot diminish his aura of masculinity.

Jotto - Jungleboy Power-Washed

His physical attributes seem to win him a reprieve.

Jotto - Jungleboy slung

But only so that they can use him.

Jotto - Jungleboy Face Down

Jungleboy is cast aside and  left for dead
But the jungle is his friend, he lives to fight another day.

Jotto - Jungleboy Vengeful

But his spirit is far from extinguished.

Jotto - Jungleboy To The Rescue

Jungleboy is not alone in being abused.
He rescues another victim from the gang, Thiago.
They fall in love.

Jotto - Jungleboy Arrow Shot

But the gang pursue the escapers and corner them.
The reclaim Thiago and punish Jungleboy 'Sebastian style'.

In the historical story St Sebastian is not killed by the soldier's arrows
and so it proves here. 

Jotto - Jungleboy Walking Away

Once again Jungleboy is able to return to the shelter of the jungle.
But it's not necessarily the end.


I have tweaked Jotto's story here for presentation purposes, he gives it a surprisingly romantic ending with Jungleboy and Thiago sailing off into the wild blue yonder. In this series he dabbles with some extreme and difficult subject matter in places which I have discreetly tiptoed round in this selection although I have drawn the line at blood. You can find the omissions at the Telemachus gallery link below. However his artistry with the male physique and depictions of 'the hero in peril' are outstanding and even win over my normal aversion to long hair. Super erotic art.


 Other Jotto articles at mitchmen blog: 

There's a vast collection of gay art at Telemachus 12
see Jotto's Gallery there

Friday, 1 September 2023

Defeat and Enslavement - Art by Theurges pt3

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

This artist's depiction of human encounters with fantasy 'creatures' produces some memorable imagery (see Part 2) but this struggle between humans - Niamh and The Alpha - is the most substantial work at his  web site (link at the foot of the post) and arguably his best story-telling. 

Niamh is the ginger-haired, former hero and leader of a combat-based culture. He is recalled from retirement and marriage by the goading of his successor Buck, The Alpha, who has risen to power by ruthlessly eliminating his rivals and now wants Niamh to be his final and most valuable scalp. 

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

Forced into hand-to-hand combat, Niamh's courage and experience is no match for the overwhelming size and strength of his opponent. In this image you get the measure of the daunting imbalance as he seems to be enveloped by hairy fleshiness in an intimate, vice-like embrace which he cannot escape and prevents him fighting back.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

At one point, The Alpha upends him and pins him to the floor, gripping his throat in a suffocating grip. It's a position which seems to foreshadow the fate he has planned for the hero once he has been defeated.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

Niamh's resistance is ultimately broken when The Alpha reveals that he holds his family as hostages. Niamh is forced to kneel in an imaginative restraint apparatus (which looks like it might double up as a wallpaper pasting table when not required for sex).  Thus immobilised The Alpha allows his cronies to use the hero to satiate their brutal lusts, one after another. Niamh's family look on witnessing his degradation which climaxes (so to speak) when he is seen to be responding sexually to the assault. 

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha
This marvellous domination image is one of the highlights of the series. 
It shows Niamh voluntarily entering into The Alpha's service as his slave in order to save his family. 
He kneels at the foot of Buck's bed awaiting his new master's first instruction.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

The defeated hero is forced to service the victor. This image seems to capture his stoic resignation and passive acceptance of the humiliating role he must now perform.
It is the start of a long and varied ordeal.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

In the end Niamh seems to develop genuine feelings for his captor and responds to him.
He deceives himself into thinking it is a relationship based on mutual love.
In reality, The Alpha simply enjoys exploiting and controlling a strong and handsome man.
Inevitably, he eventually tires of the game.
Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

Niamh is cast into a dungeon and forgotten by his 'lover'. 
He becomes easy prey for all the low lives and criminals who follow The Alpha. 
But his spirit has been broken .

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha
These men use him cruelly, however they wish.
He cherishes the hope that one day his lover will return
and that his sacrifice means his family are safe and unharmed.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

Then one day the Guards come and chain him into an X-frame
Finally Buck does reappear but only to tell him that he has no use for him any more.
The poignant scene is telling depicted here.


You can see the final outcome at Theurges on pixiv

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Exotic Predators - Art by Theurges Part 2

Theurges - Brutal Defeat, Drogo v Gaston 

Much of Theurges' art shows naked combat situations and the men depicted always have outstanding physiques. This produces some sensuous imagery when their opponents get the upper hand in the encounter. Here the handsome Gaston, reeling from previous attacks provides a marvellous muscle display as his opponent readies him for an overhead swing into a hard landing. I don't think there's a term for this move in real-life combat since it requires other-worldly strength.

Theurges - Brutal Defeat, Drogo v Gaston 

The fighters' opposition is often drawn from the ranks of fantastical creatures which are depicted as brutish, beast-like, hairy humanoids. They always win and show no scruples about disposing of their defeated opponents. Gaston had the temerity to challenge this one (Drogo) in order to prove his strength, but in this arena unfortunately, the loser loses everything. Drogo, having won his victory and sated his lust at the beaten man's expense here gives him a last appreciative fondle before despatching him to his fate.  If you follow the link at the foot of the post you will see the full fight but be warned, the conclusion is not for the faint hearted.

Theurges - Hostile Moon

Giant Lizards have long been the stuff of fantasy nightmares and in 'Hostile Moon', Lieutenant Sheernan, stranded in an alien desert by an equipment malfunction finds himself being hunted by one of the moon's top predators. Quite why he wandered away from his heavily armed spacecraft completely naked apart from his boots isn't entirely clear. He did take a weapon as a precaution but it proved ineffective and now lies in the sand at his feet.

 At this point he's probably hoping this lizard has got similar genes to King Kong and sees the hairy human as being in need of his protection in this desolate land. Being ginger he's used to attracting all sorts. Unfortunately this type of attraction is a first (and last) for him. To quote the artist "Here he makes his futile last stand against the beast". He and his boots are never seen again. Welcome to planet Vore!

Theurges - Feeding Frenzy

If you've ever been fascinated by the ability of snakes to swallow and digest their victims whole, you'll appreciate the theme of this mini-series. A multiple assault on an unsuspecting swimmer produces a glorious torso image with overtones of exotic bondage and even breath control. The title speaks for itself but this is equally an exercise in pure sensuality and restraint by containment. These marshmallow pink, water-dwelling beings seem deceptively friendly, particularly the one who's gone after the creamery department. There are worse fates, but fortunately the artist doesn't show us them.

Theurges - Speared

When portraying 'beasts' that have a more human form, this artist has a knack of being able to show the intimidating effect of superior size and bringing out an erotic dimension in it with close contacts that hint at forced intimacy. Contrasting hairiness with sleek muscularity seems like depravity and experience confronting purity and innocence - with intent to taint. This image might lead you to believe that the title here is simply a euphemism for such despoilment.

Theurges - Speared

In this world, however, life is brutal. Although the 'beast' is clearly aroused by fighting this muscular and extremely handsome man, those charms do not deflect him from his determination to end his resistance first and that can only mean one outcome. As 'hero in trouble' images go, this is very straightforward but very effective You can see the full set at the link below.

Theurges - Brock and the Fatal Squeeze

After 'Feeding Frenzy (above) it's no surprise to see tentacles rearing their head and Theurges has a distinctive take on such creatures that is totally unambiguous about the phallic inspiration. 

Brock here is an undercover agent who has just escaped from captors who had stripped him in readiness for interrogation. He managed to escape into the sewers but noticed they laughed as he slid down into the man hole. It didn't take long for one of the creatures that live in these depths to detect his warm body and vibrations. Out of the water emerged a penis-tentacle and it swiftly dived between his thighs and wrapped itself around them, lifting him into the air and preventing escape. 

The thickness of the tentacle implies great strength* while it's glistening pinkness is wormlike, suggesting flexibility and agility. Brock himself is more muscular than other victims we have seen and very adult in appearance, but can he save himself?

*See also 'Snakes and Chains'

Theurges - Brock and the Fatal Squeeze

This enwrapment, essentially confined to lassoing the legs and encircling the torso and neck of the captive has a highly realistic feel. There's a tremendous sense of focussed struggle and human muscle pitted being against the undefinable brute strength of an alien being. It's as though this creature has assimilated the ring-craft of the wrestling profession and demonstrates how effectively it can be used very economically to neutralise a man. This is completely different to the normal run of tentacle-alia where the victim's every limb is assailed from every direction and it's unheard of in that genre for the victim's tender organs to be neglected during the process. This creature has other needs.

Theurges - Brock and the Fatal Squeeze

Brock eventually succumbs to unconsciousness in the snake-like constrictions leaving the 'penicle' free to demonstrate it's other similarities to our world's serpents. However, if you are well-acquainted with legends you will know that this is not necessarily the end of Brock. 
You can see the whole 'Fatal Squeeze' story at the link below.

Theurges - Xerron the Orc v Jurgen 

This story features another one-sided contest between man and fantasy beast and in this picture it has reached the point of no return where the challenger knows he has lost but the details of his demise are yet to unfold. Jurgen, described only as 'a cocky fighter' is only thinking of escape at this point. It's not hard to work out what the Orc is thinking about though as he stoops to pick up another leg. Just follow the eyes!.

Theurges - Offering

A muscular man chained to a sacrificial block writhes as his body is engulfed by wriggling worms with penis heads. This image conforms more closely to the traditions of tentacle-land with a mass attack intent on penetrating his orifices and exercising his cock. It's described simply as a 'fertility sacrifice' which seems to imply its' a one way ticket for the captive and it's not his fertility which is intended to get the benefit. The chain restraint suggests these predators are not 'swallowers' and they don't seem to have teeth like the marsh mallow attackers either. The artist does not elucidate and I think that's probably just as well.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

This marvellous domination image is one of the highlights of the struggle for supremacy between Niamh and The Alpha. It's one of the most substantial works at this artist's web site (link below). 

Niamh is another ginger hero, recalled from retirement and marriage to curb the the growing power of Buck, 'The Alpha'. Unfortunately there are no fairy tale endings in this domain. 

More of that next time

Monday, 7 August 2023

Art by Shenguanlin 2

Shenguanlin - Sock Mummy

 This image is something of a first for this blog. Normally posts here feature conventional photographs or artwork but I suppose you'd call this an art installation - on a miniature scale. It's simply a plastic toy, a male figure, put inside a sock and bound up with tape (which looks like old cassette tape) but the end result is astonishing and it's an image I can't get out of my mind. 

The knitted body sheath itself is unique, a departure from the usual body wraps of leather, rubber and white tape. Loose fitting and soft, it's unexpectedly sexy, with the surreal overlay of actually being an old (and smelly?) sock in reality. Underneath, the outlines of the figure look uncannily realistic and Shenguanlin has contrived pockets of sexy shaping at strategic locations. 

The tape restraint is comprehensive and almost completely symmetrical (with one sexy, mid-body exception). The upper body contours are flattered by a pattern that looks immensely secure. Obscuring facial features doesn't usually work for me, but an amazing amount of personality comes through in this case. Twist of the head creates the bizarre impression that there's actually a real man inside.

The figure (and his discarded boots) are surrounded by messy, desk detritus with an unpleasant stain at head height contributing an air of casual neglect.

Shenguanlin - Boxed 4

This image has similar characteristics but with the captive subjected to more usual mummification techniques, multi-layered and supplemented by an array of straps. He's also been fitted with a selection of erotic attention-getters - Shenguanlin's, trademark, cock and ball cage, plus electrical and vibrator attachments with further secondary pain from simple nipple clips. A tube recycles the produce into his mouth. On either side, other men who are simply restrained in their boxes seem to be drawn to and perhaps excited by his special treatment. They are all struggling and complaining.

It's not clear if these men are boxed up for onward shipment or if these are simply storage cells. If you study the edges of the boxes above their heads, it looks as if the man in the middle is not in a box like the others but in a sunken area, like a drawer that will close, sliding under the one above his head to leave him enjoying his privileges in darkness and peace.

Shenguanlin - Locker Room Slave

This attractive Rugby type is stored alongside a bag of smelly rubbish. The title suggests that his teammates intend to make use of him but the multiple restraints will limit their options! I suspect the ring shape buried inside his gag is the clue to the form his 'enslavement' will take. His torn clothing suggests he didn't volunteer for this role, but the holes in his socks are more likely to be indicators of self-neglect, an attitude which may have helped bring this predicament about. He's a handsome figure though, very desirable should they choose to put him on the market.

Shenguanlin - Fantasies Come True 2

This picture looks at another widely frowned-on male phenomenon - jerking off in front of the computer. Once again the floor is strewn with possessions the man is too lazy to put away or clean. However they do reveal his active, sporting interests which have yielded him a chunky physique. 
Rolls of tape scattered around and pictures on the wall show his interest in bondage and humiliation.

He's stripped to his jock and rugby socks, suggesting he hasn't even showered and changed after his last match. He is innocently enjoying a bondage clip in the privacy of his home when an intruder enters, unheard (thanks to the earphones which he uses to keep his vice a secret from his neighbours - or so he thinks, anyway). He doesn't realise he's not alone until a wad of material is clamped over his face.

When he comes to, we can imagine his initial shock quickly giving way to a feeling of naked vulnerability, then embarrassment, fear and finally maybe, a perverse sense of excitement.

Shenguanlin - Fantasies Come True 3

The intruder is masked and clad in a (fashionably grey) skin-tight suit which showcases his highly muscular physique (etc). This character, close up, would excite most of us. We've seen him before as the preparer of captives (in Part 1 of this post) and the wall art tells us that this sportsman is familiar with Shenguanlin's work and knows what happens to his captives. What must he be thinking as the intruder ties him to his chair? The man in his video suffers a similar fate, hence the title. 

Soon his face is enveloped by layer on layer of his own soiled shorts and underwear. The intruder goes to extraordinary lengths to tape him to his office chair, tying up his arms and torso in a shibari-style harness. His nipples are clipped and a vibrator positioned to continuously sustain his erection.

The intruder only speaks to give him a sarcastic instruction.

There's a delicious ambiguity in  Shenguanlin's titling here. Is it this man's fantasy to be tied up and abused by an intruder? Or to inflict that fate on someone else? Is this his dream come true or a true nightmare? Would he perhaps have relished being abducted and put into degrading service like the men in the pictures on the wall? Unexpectedly, the ending of this series of 5 images is more prosaic.

Shenguanlin - Public Oral Sex Station

The most demanding fate a Shenguanlin captive can suffer is be bolted into a rigid body shell, perfectly moulded to his shape and used as a drainage vessel for men in need of relief. This is a particularly fiendish variant, with the unfortunate obliged to induce the means of his own humiliation. Fixed to the wall, he has a motorised piston attached to the back of his head, so that his users doesn't even have to move their hips to enjoy the sensations of his ever-open mouth. They can even adjust the speed via a control on the captives collar and enjoy a stimulating video while he sucks them off. 

The gadgetry on the wall suggests a payment is required, these facilities don't run themselves, you know! It reminds me of those service station air pumps where you pay for five minutes at which point it abruptly cuts off. I have visions of a customer, shaking with undischarged excitement, desperately fumbling for his credit card having miscalculated his timing, while at the next station a stag party have clubbed together for a session and are frantically trying to get everyone 'done' before their time runs out.

The individual service providers all have identity labels which even display their faces. It allows them the dignity of retaining their identity. Unfortunately it also means that contented customers can remember their favourites and recommend them to their friends.

The depiction of the man who is enjoying being serviced here is sexy in itself. His powerful arms and undone, sagging jeans are inviting, especially as his attention is otherwise engaged. 
A glimpse of buttock cleavage wouldn't go amiss! 

Shenguanlin - Wall of the Mummified

This captive is cruelly set the task of solving the riddle of the mummy's wall. The sight before him and the prospect of joining them would intimidate most people. His nudity makes him seem particularly fresh and unspoiled, as do the socks and shoes he's been allowed to keep on. Presumably the rest of his clothes lie in the heap in the background, never to be seen again. 

We've seen the row of mummies before, usefully employed in the Milking Factory 14 post. I find them a little over-dressed and inward-looking in purpose here but I have no doubt the artist greatly enjoyed depicting them. The glimpse of No 4's head over the guard's shoulder is tantalising .

Milk Source
Shenguanlin - Milk Source 1

Sadly, this vivid, solo image does not qualify for the Milking Factory series, but we've previously had a solo Milk Dispenser Kiosk at mitchmen blog. Shenguanlin's fantasy is altogether less wholesome. 

The provider is securely and neatly tied up as we would expect from this artist and he's suspended in the air. He's a butch number too, alluringly clad in a tight tank top/vest which (somewhat irrationally) suggests a product with a strong flavour. So far, so good. 

However it appears that you get your shot of milk strained through the pouch of his jock-strap, which doesn't look like it's seen the inside of a washing machine recently. It's a niche product you might say. Nevertheless, it appears that demand for the stuff is sufficient to warrant placing him in what looks like a smart looking bar/catering facility. The absence of a reservoir for his product suggests he's very responsive to demand. I suppose that is thanks to the encouraging vibrator and the olfactory fantasies he is enjoying from smelly trainers and used underwear.

Shenguanlin - Tied To Posts

This image shows two similarly hunky captives, teammates, tied to posts and endlessly aroused. 
Apparently this is part of their preparation before being suited up for oral services. 
In the background two plastic bags, presumably containing their clothes, await disposal.

This imagery has quite powerful connections with vintage stories of cowboys and jungle explorers taken prisoner by locals and facing extremely unpleasant endings.

Shenguanlin - In The Closet 2

This is a relatively innocuous bondage image but I like it. The characterisation of the captive as some sort of mechanic is different to this artist's usual stereotypes. His overalls are unusual with images associated with automotive repair arranged like a starburst around his crotch to give a 'restrained bulge' effect. Glimpses of skin through little holes suggest internal pressure amplifying external wear. His boots have been removed and his overalls have been opened at the top to reveal muscular shoulders and an earth-coloured vest. Propped up against a post he waits, alarmed and confused. 

Shenguanlin - In The Closet 5

Later images in this series show him fully stripped to reveal a hairy body and extraordinary steam punk tattoo. He's milked along the way of course. We are left to imagine what happens next.
I can't work out what the spike on his shoulder represents.

Read Part 1 of this post

More Shenguanlin on Twitter