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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label leotards/all-in-one body suits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leotards/all-in-one body suits. Show all posts

Monday, 10 July 2023

Art by Shenguanlin

Shenguanling - Milk Farm 1

This striking image offers a harrowing glimpse into the depths of this artist's nightmarish world of abductions and crushing captivity. Men who are taken are doomed, it seems, to an existence of perpetual, suffocating, bondage, punctuated by participation in humiliating rituals involving bodily functions. This includes milking of course, but strictly speaking this particular set-up wouldn't qualify as a mitchmen Milking Factory because of the 'artisan' extraction arrangements and low volumes involved. 

The human storage cages seen in the background were also featured in the recent 'Milking Factory' contribution by this artist. They seem like a praise-worthy, humanitarian, rest and respite facility for the milked men, but a cynic might argue it's just a necessary business response to the milk production limitations of male biology and hardly represents a free range approach to keeping them. 

The bubbles seen drifting around the captivity chamber are an intriguing but unfathomable detail. Dream-like? Maybe one of my readers can decipher the symbolism.

Shenguanlin - Suspension 2

Shenguanlin's complex art is built on simple bondage imagery, like this semi-suspended hog. 
His favoured tipple seems to be Rugby Players and other butch sportsmen, 
The bindings are invariably comprehensive, neat and believable.

This image is lifted by the lifelike representation of the captive's taped eyes and face mask.
 The face covering appears to be improvised from socks, underwear or shorts (of unknown, dubious condition and origin!) These are clues to his deeper fetish leanings.

Shenguanlin - Hogtied

This hog variant puts the prisoner into real world setting, balanced on a table in an austere cell whose bare interior contrasts vividly with the vegetation seen beyond the prison bars, the lush world from which he has been removed. Stripped down to just his shorts and socks, a typically hairy physique is revealed. Since he's so tightly hogtied, the table beneath his body is the only external thing the prisoner is aware of, because a blindfold, gag and earplugs deprive him of his other senses. 

This relatively simple image is visually appealing thanks to it's colour balance and crisp detailing. There's an intriguing sense of the unknown. Who is he? Why is he here? We can almost feel his isolation and share his mystification of where all this is leading. He may not even realise that he's set upon a table which seems to imply a tactile physical inspection may well follow his sensory deprivation.

Shenguanlin - The Penalty for Losing

The same basic hog-tie image is worked up here into a dramatic, erotically-infused scene with three rugby players put on display in matching restraints, having been held responsible for the loss of a match. It must have been quite an important one!

Part of their punishment seems to have been a beating of some sort, the random angles of the red weals on their bodies suggest a 'running of the gauntlet' prior to being tied up (compare the recent Drtkk imagery). The beating, however, is just a warm-up for their real punishment. Their faces have been wrapped in a mixture of dirty jock straps and smelly trainers (no doubt provided by their team mates). I suppose it brings home to them, rather vividly, just how much sweat and toil their colleagues had put in, when they hadn't. They are sweating profusely themselves now, even if they weren't during the match.

The restraints here look a whole lot tighter and much more strenuous for the three captives than the previous examples. Their heads are pulled back tightly and connected to tightly flexed legs at the toes. They will probably be dropped from the team after their poor performances, but if they're forced to endure this much stress for long - say, the same length as the match - they aren't going to be in a fit state to play again anyway for a while. 

This picture is packed with fascinating and sometimes sleazy detail. This artist has an unusual way (to me at any rate) of depicting the struggling movement of the captives. It consists of squiggly lines drawn around the outlines of their bodies. It works better when you get used to reading it. Some of it seems more like trembling than energetic struggle - which is not an entirely inappropriate reaction! He provides sound effects as well. A (slightly incongruous) dialogue box explains the scenario.

Shenguanlin - Duct Tape Boy

You can see the 'special effects' more clearly in this rather nicely drawn image of a skater-type tied to a chair (surprisingly it's a padded one!). The trembling interpretation applies quite well here. There are virtually no erotic ingredients in this picture beyond the captivity scenario itself and the suggestive, clean-cut characterisation of the prisoner.  However, the taped-up shorts are quite intriguing and fans of trainers and chunky legs get a small treat. The heap of tapes at the prisoner's feet and the ropes lying on the floor behind him suggest he's part of a much bigger bondage operation.

Shenguanlin - Bondage Freak

Here the artist takes the same basic image and makes a spectacular transformation with some relatively small alterations. The covering of the face with noxious looking fabrics has the most immediate impact, followed by the spurting, caged cock which is a good compromise between realism and wishful thinking. But there's another, easily overlooked change that arguably has more impact overall and that is the 'doubling up' of the taping which adds body bulk and emphasises the total restraint of the prisoner. 

There's a host of fascinating detail including the introduction of an electrical box whose terminals are connected to the man's balls with crocodile clips. However, this arrangement seems designed not so much to torment him, but to stimulate his engorgement into a seriously restricting cock and balls cage which also has a head attachment improvised from twisted wires and holding a 'sound' in place. 

This isn't the same man as the previous picture, this one has hairy legs, suggesting more maturity and a greater inner strength that warrants his more demanding restraint. The crudely boarded-up cell window seems to imply he's going to need it. 

Unexpectedly, the artist's title seems to imply this arrangement is all quite voluntary.

Shenguanlin - Tonight's Boy

This tweaking of straight-forward bondage images to show extreme, earthy outcomes reflects an interest in the whole process of a man's descent into captivity and this image depicts the starting point. A very real-looking man has been entrapped, apparently in his own home. He's laid out on a settee being tied up, surrounded by items indicating his passion for playing rugby - but not for washing his clothes. This stereotypically masculine trait makes him ideal material for Shenguanlin's predators. 

The captive has been put into a shiny, black, bondage suit with his arms strapped to his sides. The suit is not particularly tight but manages to display a sizeable mound between his thighs, which looks as if it might a white undergarment (and contents) extracted from inside the suit. It's squashed into two moundlets by a very tight belt, part of an assortment of ropes, bandages and belts providing head to toe restraint. 

This looks like preparations for an abduction - the protective packaging of a prized acquisition, but the captive's legs are actually being tied to the settee which implies he isn't going anywhere just yet. The captors leave him free to voice his confusion and protests, but it's hard to see that continuing for long.

Shenguanlin - Installation of a Dungeon Urinal 1

In this image a similar looking man is being processed in a dark, undefined space. His two masked attendants are indistinctly drawn, but clad in skin-tight, dark body suits creating an eerie atmosphere of sexual menace. The title tells us more of what is to come, the smell of the place may give him that clue.

Standing erect so that the attendants can finish strapping him up, he is already fitted with  a thick, high collar that forces him to look upwards. A ring gag, attached to a whole-head harness keeps his mouth gaping open and already, his face is dripping with cum. His cock and balls, extracted from his body suit, are uncovered and forced into a multi-ring cage that squeezes tight round his balls and the base of his cock. 

Despite this multi-layered restraint, he is weeping excitedly. The artist cleverly maintains an element of ambiguity throughout the story suggesting consensuality. The photo ID card stuck on the captive's chest even suggests a club-like arrangement, recognising his individuality and tracking him. A bit like an animal passport. 

Shenguanlin - Installation of a Dungeon Urinal 2

The captors tape over his eyes and carry him to an iron cubicle where he is put inside a body-shaped casket like a mummy. It seems to fit him perfectly not allowing him to make any movements. Perfect for shipping but the casket is actually chained to the wall. In the picture the attendants move in close to make final adjustments and he can probably feel them touching and arranging him. They stroke his cock encouragingly (sympathetically?) and too late, he senses something not very nice is going to happen to him, but his gargled plea is ignored. 

Next, they will fit the other half of the casket over him. The front section is fitted with a mouth tube that will be fed through the ring of his gag, there's also an orifice for his cock and balls to be pulled out, both requiring careful fitting. Eventually his voice is silenced by the outer cases being bolted together.

Shenguanlin - Installation of a Dungeon Urinal 3

By the time the attendants have departed some time later, the outer casing is doubly clamped and chained to the walls of the cell. The incarcerated captive's mouth piece is connected to a stub of a tube in the ceiling of the cubicle. When opened it will drain waste liquids from a Basketball Team's locker room just above. 

The captive's projecting cock is now fitted with close-fitting shaft-ring which can be agitated mechanically via an electric motor. His balls will simultaneously receive electrical stimulation and this control arrangement will draw repeated orgasms from him. His own emissions will be channelled to a valve gadget that either recycles them or else dumps them onto the floor. 

The prisoner manipulation and accumulating sense of doom in this little epic (which runs to 8 pictures in all) is very effective, all the more so if you identify with the captive. The artist explores this earthy scenario repeatedly in his work and I will provide links to find more at the end of the article.

Shenguanlin - New Arrival 1

This looks like it might be the same, butch captive but his restraint is very different here. He's been clad in a tight-fitting, latex, bondage suit that shows him to have a highly muscular physique. One that deserves to be displayed. His arms are restrained in a complex, shibari style, upper body harness but his legs are simply tied together at thigh height, hobbling him. Only two parts of his body are exposed. His head is enclosed in a harness with a gag attachment (which looks rather like a ball gag but is intended, I think, to be a ring). His cock is locked into a  chastity device through which he is leaking onto the floor. 

He's been parked in a urinal and, unsurprisingly, seems to have attracted the attention of it's users. There are limits to what they can do to him in this constraint but they have left behind souvenirs of their visit. A string of cum-filled condoms round his neck seem to have been left as tips, or I suppose they may be his own handiwork (if it's possible produce handiwork without using your hands!). Other visitors have splashed their compliments over his face, since the obvious receptacle is blocked off by the ball gag. 

Ominously the captive has been labelled here with a 7-character ID code, stuck to his chest. It suggests that this period of service is not just a a passing experimentation on his part but a more lengthy commitment. It also implies that he is just a small part of a laboriously assembled team of service providers.

Shenguanlin - Semen Collection

The condom motif is seen again here. These do seem to be filled with the prisoner's own produce. He's being continuously prompted to produce more by a vibrator strapped to his thigh.

This looks like a facility where passers-by can help themselves to refreshing, cold, cum shots.
They have contemptuously discarded their drained condoms at the prisoner's feet, one has even been draped over his shoulder.

This artist likes his captives to keep their socks on (see hogs above) and I love this one's semi-hairy pecs which remind me of my adolescent attraction to a young workman who worked for a while, bare top in his dusty, black jeans, on a building site very close to where I grew up. 

Shenguanlin - Caged

This image depicts a completely different form of captivity. The prisoner is hooded and locked into a chastity device, but otherwise naked. He's been put in a cage that is only big enough to allow him to kneel, a position that has been further restricted by roping that lifts up his tied wrists behind him. The simplicity of this arrangement creates a sense of great vulnerability

A captor wearing a sinister gas mask is crouched beside him as if concerned, but the coiled whip in his hand is evidence that brutal control techniques (or sadistic pleasure seeking) are rife in this particular facility. This may account for the prisoner's trembling.

More Shenguanlin in Part 2

Friday, 9 June 2023

Art by Evinist - 2

Evinist - Venom

Evinist's take on Venom captures the confusion of Eddie Brock as he tries to comprehend the presence within him. The physical entanglement is presented more as bondage than irresistible organic intimacy with Venom cast as an unlikely seducer rather than a dominating monster. Nice colour palette.

Evinist - Batman and Wayne

This is one of the sexiest portrayals of Batman which I have seen for a while with buttocks and pecs that easily overcome my dislike of masks. The coy dialogue and smiling faces are a witty take on the suave, but brusque and sexless Bat personality that Adam West portrayed in the 1960's TV series. 

A homo-erotic relationship between Batman and his public identity Bruce Wayne isn't logically possible since they are exactly the same person in the original comics. Batman does seem to acquire a mysterious something extra when he dons his black kit he's not supposed to have super powers that would make him into a completely different entity. Still, it's an interesting fantasy and I suppose you could see it as a psychological equivalent of the Venom 'twinning' which does have physical basis. 

A superhero succumbing to seduction seems extra sexy because they personify strength and are normally supposed to be focussed on heroics and doing good. However Batman's sexuality has always been far from cut and dried with a lack of women in his life and a friendship of an unknown nature with a Boy Wonder. We can't tell if he's embarrassed by Wayne's advance or simply playing hard to get. 

Is this self-love personified or self realisation? 

Evinist - Batman and Superman

Batman tries his own luck with Superman in this picture, perhaps having come to terms with his own sexuality in the picture above. There's even a slight feminine cast to his face which is unfortunate methinks. Superman looks entirely embarrassed but suspiciously compliant. He's got a better claim to dual identity with a closet changing habit to boot. However he was always resolutely heterosexual in his everyday life with all-American looks and a pretty girlfriend whom he occasionally romanced when wearing his skin-tight Super suit - lucky Lois! That only serves to make the idea of him being susceptible to men all the more appealing.

Evinist - Batman and Robin

This image shows Batman as he is 'supposed to be', strong, mysterious and very upright with a figure, I might add, that is well constructed but entirely unappealing. It's hard to imagine this Batman ever being seduced - or leaving his over-pants at home as he has in the preceding pictures. 

The situation presented here represents an interesting double reversal of Robin's character, rescuing him from the childlike obedience and absurd mediaeval dress of the original concept and converting him into a rebellious, sulky teenager who dresses like a modern day 'agent' and yet is more under the Bat-thumb than 'red and green' Robin ever was. I suppose Robin was born to be hung out to dry, but you imagine this converting quite easily into a warmly parental hug.

Evinist - Nice Trick

In those days, superheroes used to go in for humane humiliation of villains (I assume this is a villain from his eye patch but I don't recognise him, it could be a pranked hero who's trespassed into Gotham territory). Whatever the case, this is a well-worked, homo-erotic elaboration of the concept. Obviously mature and muscled, he's not only immobilised, but forced to crouch in a humiliating (and ultimately painful) fashion with a rope round his neck like a dog's collar and lead. 'Boy Wonder' Robin is not usually credited with this amount of power over other men, his victim's bulging muscles underline the extent of his achievement. Perhaps the bulging crotch lent him extra motivation!

EVINST - Lantern Bondage 5

Black superheroes are only now starting to become part of that lexicon but they are equally rare in homoerotic art so this contribution is welcome although it's really a black version of a white character (both artistically and storywise). This superhero in bondage is one of a group and I included another in the first post about this artist. As a composition, it's similar to the picture just above, I admire the clarity of the complex bondage and the colour palette, drawn from the Green Lantern theme of course. 

Unfortunately the erotic impact is weakened by the huddled, protective stance of the figure and his bulge bondage, which doesn't express 3 dimensions, the far side of the loop should disappear behind it (as it does briefly in the picture above). To be fair, this artist doesn't usually go in for exaggerated frontal assets. Perhaps it's a deliberate emasculation, a reversal of stereotypes, so the eye avoidance in the captive's facial expression is not just about the embarrassment of capture and of being subjected to such elaborate, showy bondage. However, whilst none of us wants to be defined by stereotyping, I'm not sure that necessarily means we want it all completely taken away!

Evinist - Bruce Wayne Crop Whipped

Bruce Wayne turns up unexpectedly in this situation too which takes place in the head Office of his own successful business enterprise, judging by the logo on the draw handle to which he his strapped. The tenor of the other images above and the bulging, strapped groin suggest this is his secret, sexual peccadillo rather than a plot-related comeuppance, say at the hands of a business rival or resentful employee. Perhaps this is the way to get promotion at Wayne Enterprises! 

Evinist - Body Harness Restraint

This artist often depicts clothed bondage which can't usually be as erotic as the unclothed variety but this suited captive makes a pretty good fist of it with a startlingly sexy backside. It's accentuated by a low, waist-encircling strap and a tight, groin divider. The thigh strapping also contributes to the bubble-butt effect. The arm restraint is a very simple concept, not based on tightness but positioning and you can just tell that it's extremely effective. There is also a foot spacer, it completes the detail satisfactorily but visually is not quite as effective. Foot spacers tend to be like that. 

The harness straps are quite wide and relatively rigid looking and that adds to the sense of substantial restraint. Their brown colour distances the scene from biker style, leather fetish and probably helps the clarity of the harness arrangement. 

The underlying scenario here is something of a mystery to me. It looks like a classic villain and businessman but the agenda for their meeting is not obvious. Why would you dress a man in a total body harness and yet leave him fully clothed apart from a jacket? Why put him kneeling on top of a (comfortable!) stool? I imagine these are characters are taken from a game or comic source but I haven't identified them.
Evinist - Bed Butt
 Men displaying attractive butts is a favourite theme by this artist and this is a nice example with nice brief shaping and subtle alluring highlights atop each buttock suggestive of wet swimming trunks or shiny fabric. Stout thighs and a slender waist helpfully frame the area of interest.
This man, mature and stubbled, looks a tough cookie but you sense he knows what he's doing here!
Evinist - Ginger Hair and Bubble Butt

 There's no such ambiguity in this variation on the theme, the eyes and blushed cheeks say it all. At one time such a bulky man with a full crop of hair and generous beard would have seen as a man's man when that expression meant not just the opposite of gay, but not given to 'soft' emotions. Certainly not the sort to give coy come-and-get-me signals or flaunt his bare backside while nestling in the sheets! This image would have been very subversive then, but in a modern context it's totally unshocking but delightfully playful and his ginger colouring a rare find.

Evinist - Fantasy Pop Star

This image is at the other end of the scale with a futuristic performer showing a similar rear view to an adoring audience. In reality, this approach to Pop marketing is almost entirely the preserve of female performers with male singers rarely expressing their individuality through daring exposure or even clothing anything more fanciful than T-shirt logos or Dame Edna style glasses. Even the fanciful headgear here seems inspired by Showgirl imagery. The bangle-like, hovering belt is more masculine however and curiously alluring.
The bare butt here has similar qualities to the kneeling executive seen earlier but the bubble of the butt is emhasised differently by jock style framing rather than mid-buttock cross-strap. Ther's still separate groin divider strapping but whether it actually goes under his crotch or somewhere else is open to interpretation. The dangling key suggests a more calculating approach to seduction than the shy ginger man above. 

Evinist - Solace

This picture is not overtly erotic but there's always sexiness in expressions of gentleness between men and in men responding to it. There's a hint of inter-generational love here that gives an extra frisson to the exchange (without any hint of inappropriateness). The seated man seems to be nuzzling against that tight, muscle enhancing top (who wouldn't?).  His appearance (be he superhero or simply a fit individualist) contrasts with the casual sexiness of the other's open shirt and hairy chest, creating the impression of a sexual time-bomb ticking away.

Evinist - Aquaman and Friend

 This image of a homo-erotic relationship between a more than usually youthful Aquaman and another man of the sea (whom I haven't identified) is a nice, youthful expression of male bonding that is more representative of gay relationships than all the sex scenes put together. As ever the artist makes light of sexual matters but highlights the handholding of the characters, symbolising friendship, affection and trust. If there is not an inter-generational situatiion here, there is clearly an element of leader and follower which is organic in nature and not expected of ordinary men (contrary to everyday experience) and certainly not between superheros, who don't hold hands either, thank you very much!. This delicate issue is usually sidestepped in the heterosexual media and films by inventing military structures (The Justice League) and appointing a Commander who even the strongest hero must defer to. Yes domination is quite OK.
 This 2015 image finds an unexpected echo in D.C.s 2023 Lazarus Planet image


Thursday, 4 May 2023

Art by Evinist 1 - Men Being Undressed

Evinist - Tentacle Ripped Pants

An impatient tentacle shreds the pants of a man it has captured, in order to get inside him. It's attack has revealed smooth, twin moons gleaming with perspiration (or maybe it's some fluid the tentacles excrete themselves). Surprisingly the victim himself seems more discomforted by us turning up to have a look at him than the multi-pronged attack itself. He's even able to ignore a tentacle coiling round his neck and probing his mouth.

This dramatic and highly erotic, undressing image with a focus on the butt is typical of Evinist's work. Undressing men is a recurring theme, but ripping clothes apart is just one way, gentler methods also get much deserved attention. 

The artist's original colours here were a bit gaudy for me so I toned them down a bit.

Evinist - Dress Down Friday

This image seems to portray the fantasy of the office junior seducing the dishy boss. He looks as if he might be restrained to prevent dissent although his face doesn't express reluctance, puzzlement maybe. The unusual Ikea-style, picture speech bubble actually looks as if it might be expressing the opposite - the devoted partner sending him off to work perfectly dressed - but that's not quite as interesting as seduction!

The younger man's purple hair and elfin features are a bit left of field, Evinist always seems to have one foot in fantasy land, but you can't complain about those muscled arms and pecs. 

Evinist - Officer Undressing

A Muscular chest pushing out through an unbuttoned shirt is always a sight to set the pulse racing and there's no ambiguity about the direction of travel here. The hunky, highly decorated, 'Overwatch' Officer is being given a little encouragement to undress by an unseen companion with masculine fingers.  The sensual extraction of his neck-tie, potentially a hint of bondage kink, looks as if it is having a profound effect on him. He's eagerly loosing all his clothes simultaneously, without actually taking any of them off, not even his gloves! 

Evinist - Rising Moons

This warrior has just received a decoration for his gallantry, but since his 'uniform' doesn't actually cover his chest, the Disneyesque monarch has been obliged to attach it to his nipple ring. It's a scene reminiscent of Etienne's famous Cadet Parade where the naked soldier didn't even have a ring to fall back on (as it were). 

Understandably the performance of this tricky task by the monarch and the undeniable valour of the soldier being honoured has tempted the ruler to investigate his other qualities in more depth. However, the release of the soldier's pants and the prospect of a Royal invasion seems to have found a chink in the hero's armour. He politely resists and grits his teeth as groping, gloved hands descend on his bare ass.

This imagery with loosened trousers dropping to reveal the warrior's backside is very sexy.

Evinist - Office Grope

A similar scene plays out in our 'office' scenario, where the sexy send off kiss has sparked a reaction that's going to make the boss late for work and leave his house boy feeling slightly uncomfortable as he sets about his house-keeping chores for the day. 

Evinist - Office Bondage 1

In this storyline the boss is seduced by 'Jordan' who might be one of his workers or a window cleaner for all I know, but I suppose is probably a high flying gaming hero. The old tie-pulling routine and open shirt bait always works a treat.

This is a nicely drawn image with it's not very subtle power play a very traditional characterisation. Evinist's austere, spikey characterisations, especially in black and white, leave me wishing for something more substantial and rounded.

Evinist - Office Bondage

In this image the manipulated 'boss' belatedly reasserts his authority (as was expected by Jordan, no doubt). The suit is so excited by the impertinent manipulations that he is simultaneously trying to tie Jordan's hands together while groping him. His fingers play on the front contours of Jordan's underwear, preparing to hook into the waistband so it can be eased down his thighs, like his trousers have been.

There's more images in all these series at the link below.

Officer's Bondage strip

It's Soldier 76 here discovering the delights of being undressed while in bondage. In his case though, and judging by his expression, his captor doesn't have pleasure in mind. Not Soldier 76's pleasure anyway. Such is the life of a hero. 

His dress uniform (what's left of it) supplies a sense of military pomp and dignity but it's being stripped from him, bit by bit, mocking his pretentions. The drooping belt is all that's left below the waist, but makes a convenient cover for his unmentionable bits and at the same time forms a visual substitute for them that's actually very sexy. It's the nearest this artist gets to frontals. That loose fit around the bottom is a variation of the sagging, investiture trousers and almost as sexy.

Evanist - Cuffed and exposed

The bedsheets shown here suggest this handcuffed hero is in more imminent 'danger'.
He foolishly wore tights featuring a V-shaped, cleavage teasing, waistline design at the rear.
(Or maybe he accidentally put them on back-to-front, heroes do that too, you know!) 

Understandably his captor has given them an extra tug downwards to see more 
and hopefully instil a chilling sense of anticipation and dread in his captive's psyche.
The reward is a titillating glimpse of buttock cleavage
The jockstrap worn underneath might have come as a surprise 
(surely only a very modest hero would sport a VPL? That needs to go!) 

Evinist - Thief

This is probably my favourite undressing picture by this artist, the sense of being overwhelmed by predators is excellent and the facial characterisation is different and interesting. However, it's a perplexing image to decipher. The shoulder harness suggests that the victim is another Government Agent saving the world from villains and non-humans. However his captors appear to be showering him with money, tucking some coins into his underwear as though he were a stripper. But he is not undressing himself, they are undressing him

I suppose there's a complex sort of humiliation logic in forcing a warrior to become a stripper.
But, meanwhile the caption says 'Thief'. 
As Manuel might say, "Que?"

EVINIST - Lantern Bondage 2

Masked men don't thrill me by and large, but muscled guys in skin-tight outfits do.
Especially when their superpowers are suppressed by densely woven, tight bondage.
Suspension in this state just adds to the super-humiliation and provides an opportunity for 
the artist to showcase a passion for shapely butts (and no VPL I might add!).

The colouring is very successful here. The shibari rope patterns are neat and very clear and the roping passing between Green Lantern's crotch adds a distinctly erotic twist to the hero's predicament. I must say that the face ropes are a new idea for me.

Part 2 of this post (pending) looks at Evinist's take on hero humiliation in more depth.

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Art by Appas

Appas - Chang Chi Bound 01-01

Regulars will know I'm not enamoured of the modern fashion for iterative image series which superimpose an erotic progression on an unchanging underlying pose. But the sheer quality of these images by Appas demonstrate the power of technology to produce superb images in the right hands. 

It starts with a sexy image of man tied up in light shibari on the back seat of a bus while the man responsible hovers menacingly just off-picture. We see he has bare arms and intimidating, fingerless gloves. He's immobilised his victim with arms tied over his head and 'frog' legs, exposed his muscular torso and undone the fly of his trousers to reveal a splash of pubic grow-back.

The stretching and creasing of the captive's pants caused by the open frog legs is captured amazingly well and this detail alone makes the image worth including here but there's also an overall sense of heightened realism that is fascinating. There's a superhero film connection here so I dare say there are underlying photo images doing the groundwork here but it's an impressive result nevertheless.

Appas - Chang Chi Bound 02-10

Appas breaks with convention here by moving the captor to a different position and showing him actually interacting with the primary image of the captive. We get a glimpse of a handsome bearded man but it's unclear because of a transparency effect, whose purpose is not very clear. It does avoiding (partially) obstructing our view of the captive's face which has a wonderful expression of tense anticipation but I can't help thinking that it would be more effective do away with the transparency effect and show off the screwed-up face detail in a separate close-up image. 

The stripping of the captive has moved on considerably here, but as is usual in this genre (and porn films in general) the clothes have simply vanished into thin air so you haven't missed much! It's still a great picture though, 

Appas - Chang Chi Bound 02-15

In this final image the captor has left the victim perched on the back seat, still helplessly tied and covered with his own cum. It draws out the incongruity (and humiliation in this bondage situation) of sex being extracted in a public place. The passenger in the seat in front seems too embarrassed to even look round but that just makes thing worse for the victim. But it's a fantasy he loves.

Appas - Gabriel Reyes, Reaper 04 

Gabriel Reyes is another popular figure for fan art who's popped up (as it were) in several artists' contributions here at mitchmen. This man doesn't really need the leg up of a gaming existence to be interesting. Devilishly handsome man and clad in sexy chaps and leather gear he'd turn heads anywhere. His kneeling pose here is submissive, disarming and extremely seductive. 

That appeal is topped off for me by his cock dipping into, splashing around in the pumpkin head bowl. At least it seems like a bowl to me full of cooling, previous produce. Logically though, the cut-out eyes and other features would prevent any accumulation of fluid and it would normally contain a burning candle ....... which puts a very different complexion on his mischievous expression.

Appas - Gabriel Reyes, Reaper 21

This is the naked variant, still dipping! As you can imagine, his cock assumes all sorts of different positions and states as it progresses towards this conclusion but it's dipper that does it for me.
You can check out the links below for more.

Appas - Supes

This is straightforward fan art with Superman being given a splendidly muscular body to fit into a Hollywood, rubberised vision of his famous body suit. I rather like the idea that he has massive packing in the groin department but without it having any perceptible sexual purpose. His slightly plastic-looking facial features might be a similar wry comment on the hero's unreal, overly clean persona.

Appas - Prince Philip & Tentacles 17

Prince's (heir or spare) are not popular erotic subjects for me as a rule and this render is not comparable in quality with the others above, but I just like coiled tentacle in this image. In companion pictures Appas shows it jerking off the young man which is quite entertaining.

Appas can be found at Gumroad 
and at Patreon for those happy to buy a pig in a poke.
His Twitter site mentioned on the Superman picture is no more. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Superhero by Deon


I rather like Felix D'Eon's eclectic range of artistic styles which encompass various, traditional, 'old-fashioned' techniques, sometimes imitating them for subjects they were never intended for. These two examples of his 'vintage comic' style are good examples in a mode from a bygone era, aimed then at younger people, but here featuring mature subjects and mature men (and he makes such a good job of showing that he understands their attractions you wonder why he bothers so much with fledglings).

The superhero here is El Oso, The Bear. Hence the paw on the front of his suit. I love the way D'Eon has subverted the clean cut (American) view of  such men with the very gay iconography of a romantic, chunky 'bear' finding his mate (I nearly said cub but that would be an inappropriate word after what I said above!). He's been whisked away from danger clad, appropriately enough, in just his very traditional, white Y-fronts which are betraying his own inner feelings. It's a splendid recognition that ordinary men are admirable and sexy too.

The drawing here doesn't have to be spot-on but the perspective treatment of the fleeing arsonist down below is pretty natty (and very much in accord with the chosen style). The trail of El Oso's flight however is less impressive, suggesting that the great man is flying sideways. Maybe he is, or maybe it's an imitation of the naivety in 1950's originals, but whichever the case I'm glad I'm not the only artist who draws himself into a corner sometimes!

In the Spanish dialogue here, 'chispas' is an expression of anger, "i mi plan ha sido arruinado por el oso" simply means "and my plan has been ruined by The Bear". The shrine to the virgin on the front lawn is another Spanish feature.

This picture picks up another typical genre paired with this comic style, the western. I don't think men in union suits with plunging necklines ever featured in those original cowboy comics. It's a mode of dress that always seems deliciously seedy and earthy, thanks partly to those realist cowboy films that depict them as underwear that is never taken off or washed. I like that this cowboy has donned his best boots and hat for his morning constitutional on the front porch. 
 (I confess I'm not exactly sure what a morning 'Joe' is, J/O?). 

More Deon at mitchmen blog

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Oztangles Retrospective 4

The gay art of Oztangles
Read this mitchmen series from Part 1


man in gym is fucked in front of mirror
Oztangles - All Together

2015 seems to have been a quiet year for Oztangles art, this gym buddies series being the most interesting work. Sex in gyms seems to be a favoured subject for him but explicit images like this are relatively rare in Oztangles's work. It's a straightforward subject in erotic terms but but the mirror splattering effect (almost impossible to capture in a photograph) is a neat twist. 

This picture features some nice chunky physiques. 


Oztangles - Asana

This striking pose featuring another 'chunky' makes a great picture and despite it's academic style and spiritual undertones is unashamedly erotic. Asana is the general term for a yoga pose and that influence is seen in other pictures in this period, in fact the companion piece to gym buddies (featured just above) shows both men striking a similar pose alongside each other to create an arty double-vision effect.

Oztangles - The New Gym Manager

The artist revisited that gym sex idea in more detail in 2016, using the same setting. He produced a 6 piece series which shows a provocatively-dressed Shawn being seduced (?) by the hunky new gym manager, Phil. 

Oz's interest in unusual, erotic clothing is familiar to us now but it seems slightly naive of Shawn to wear this skimpy outfit to the gym and then look surprised when it prompts the first man who sees it to start undressing. It seems as though that Phil's hyper-masculine appearance is overwhelming him, like a dream come true. Oz has gone out of his way here to create two men who stand at almost opposite extremes of the gay spectrum of sex appeal in almost every respect and it's a surprising pairing. 

Oztangles - Going Down On Shawn

Shawn's shocked surprise continues (somewhat improbably) as Phil gets down to work. 
Another chunky physique, despite his athletic occupation.

Oztangles - Pumping Shawn*

Shawn ends up shooting the mirror just like his predecessor in 2015, but this is a more refined version of that image. The change of angle and inclusion of an embracing arm succeeds in bringing out that these men are experiencing deep sensual pleasure from coupling their bodies, not just slaking their lust.

*I've sanitised the pungent wording of the original title, but that's not to minimise the genuine lustfulness of this series.

Oztangles - Chastity Scoreboard

Earlier images in this series which featured chastity cages seemed focussed simply on crude control but this is a more thoughtful study. It uses simple symbolism to develop the subject of extended chastity. 

The clock obviously shows the passage of time. Typically, Oz chooses an impressive, antique type, perhaps intending to draw on the idea of Victorian values such as discipline, obedience and devotion to a partner. The scoreboard presumably records the number of days this man has gone without discharging his feelings (although a cynic might see it as a count of how many times he has serviced his partner without getting any similar reward himself).

You may have seen diaries of men recording their experience of wearing chastity devices for an prolonged period. It's a way of showing loyalty to a partner, I suppose, but a bit weird if not reciprocated. I suspect the practice is not so much a lifestyle choice, as an exotic form of edging.


Oztangles - The Milking Shed

I published this picture previously at mitchmen in 2020 as part of the milking factory series but make no apology for repeating it here. It the sort of arresting, composite drama that Oz is very good at but adds to his portfolio only occasionally. 

He's populated this one with an attractive range of men, all fitted with extraction tubes. The most prolific producer (right) isn't fully visible but his sexy body provides ample interest. The others watch warily as the overseer approaches with a device to stimulate production from one of the laggards. He's the most mature of the group above so it's understandable if his production capability isn't what it used to be. The nipple clips have obviously failed to do the trick so it looks like the foreman is about to try the carrot. If that doesn't work, I suppose the stick will be next.

Oztangles - Wet Nightmare

This image draws on a similar, forced milking scenario and uses the same visual construct for the mature, principal character, who we now see is sitting in another of Oztangle's sci-fi restraint frames, this one disguised as hi-tech, deck chair. 

From this angle we can see that his ejaculate is being extracted into 5 separate collection vessels but we can only guess what they represent. Perhaps it's quality is being sifted by the extraction device (which appears to be impressively powered by nuclear fuel!). My guess is that the tubes reveal his declining production over successive periods of time, hence the need to provide stimulation.

If this is a production facility, it's a more private one with a cold, more clinical atmosphere but the harness-clad operative has clearly commandeered this man for his own pleasure as much as anything else. His method for stimulating production - an electro-wand - is crueler and much more intimidating than the dildo in the preceding picture. The victim's curled toes suggest that just the sight of it has already had an encouraging effect.

Oztangles - Vampire Prince

The subject of milking is explored further with this image which has the look of another nightmare with it's victim chained to a cold, sacrificial block planted in the middle of a vast, arid, featureless plain. He looks like a fairly ordinary guy with his ginger mop and smattering of chest hair, although I suppose his endowment is exceptional. He is being molested by a rather cute vampire to the accompaniment of dramatic lightning bolts and flanked by blazing torches which add a mystical, semi-religious air to the proceedings.

The simplicity of the setting contrasts with the finely-detailed sets of other images in this period but it does create the sense of a nightmare where things are sensed rather than seen and there's a feeling of detachment from the real world.


Oztangles - Think You Can Take This?

2018 Seems to have been a quiet period for the artist as this is one of only two pictures by him which I have seen, the other being a beefcake pose of the leotard-clad 'rough trade' in the image above. Apart from his sexy characterisation and the intricately detailed (but slightly puzzling) setting, it's a relatively straightforward sexual encounter between a boastful top and a passer by who looks as if he might be a lot less experienced. The challenging words put into the top's mouth by the title represent the sort of sexually-aggressive situation that Ulf often simulates but it's not really my cup of tea. His seated position and 'come and get me' outfit don't quite chime with those forceful words.   


Oztangles - Alien Nightmare

This image might easily form the basis for an entry in the mitchmen 'Milking Factory' series but it doesn't seem as if mass production is what these elegant, highly-stylised aliens have in mind. Mass assessment clearly is however and they have built an expensive facility of, effectively, niche-like cages where men can be detained humanely and their plumbing examined. Imprisoned comrades are obliged to look on while one of their number is singled out for milking, not such a terrible fate you might think.

Oztangles - Fallen Angel

This image revives two successful Oz themes from earlier years.

Firstly the cellar like dungeon where captives are restrained to await the attentions of a master who is seen descending the steps to deal with them. This atmospheric setting was previously seen in 2009's 'Downstairs it's Playtime' (in mitchmen Oztangles retrospective Part 1).

Secondly, the character 'Angel' who was last seen running amok in a weight training gym in 'Bench Press' and other related images from that same year. Now he seems to have met his match and is obliged to await the inevitable in a humiliating and highly uncomfortable pose. It offers an erotic sight to the top that has already prompted a reaction from him and his smile perhaps reflects knowledge of Angel's romantic exploits in earlier times, maybe even a personal interest in taming him. 

Quite what caused Oz to revisit these ideas 10 years later is unknown, perhaps this was an unfinished project, but if so it's completion adds a significant entry to his portfolio. 

We have come to expect 'fashion statements' from Oz in his pictures - witness the sweeping alien garments in the preceding image - and he duly obliges here by equipping the top with gold boots.

Oztangles - The Night Clerk

This picture has a slightly unfinished feel which may account for the absence of a logo. The hotel room depicted is seedy to the point of dilapidation so the appearance of the Night Clerk at the door, knowingly dressed in ragged, denim? shorts and lured (mesmerised almost!) by the promise of cash from a chubby guest is not overly surprising. It's not a common subject for a gay artist though (in contrast to last years Rough Trade, alley sex image).

The client's appearance here is a logical development of the chunky physiques 0f 2015-6 above and it's not altogether unattractive and certainly not devoid of erotic interest, but it makes a dramatic contrast with the steely, 'cut', musculature of the God-like gigolo in the doorway. That difference in appearance and age tends to be a chasm in real life, one that can usually only be bridged by money, so there's a measure of social comment here 

Unexpectedly, there's a picture on the wall which satirises the old masters and the publicity stills of early, glamorous Hollywood stars. It's canted angle perhaps suggests that this sordid scene is the fate in store for even the most desirable sex objects as age asserts itself.

The Oztangles retrospective at mitchmen blog concludes in Part 5.

You can read the previous Oztangles articles at mitchmen from Part 1