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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label encounters with plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label encounters with plants. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Vore Art by RL Fleshwood

RLFleshwood - It's Supper Time

The Little Shop of Horrors has a lot to answer for! 

There's a good sense of dramatic action in this image with the jaws about to snap shut apparently. The plant's tendrils way-lay a young man, innocently wandering in the forest, lifting him up and depositing him head first into the gaping mouth, a technique that has a certain gourmet delicacy.

RLFleshwood - Plant Food

This unfortunate might be still be hoping that there's still hope and the strange sensations in his groin are telling him that the plant is kinky rather than carnivorous. I suspect this variety is the plant equivalent of those kids who won't eat the pizza crust, just the juicy bits. 

The glorious colours make this art hard to ignore.

RLFleshwood - Introducing the Tip Jar

This picture was used by the artist to solicit contributions to his 'tip jar' where contributors can ransom the captive from a terrible fate. I'm not sure that's what his followers really want! Deprived of that context it looks like a satirical modern inversion of the Victorian freak show idea. 

What happens when the tips stop coming is probably best not thought about.

RLFleshwood - Josh, Dressed for Dinner(my title)

I can't say I'm turned on by cannibalism so I've ditched the artist's explicit title for something more ambiguous. It's a great jeopardy imagery anyway, with tightly tucked-in bondage of a nice, grown-up captive, artistically presented on a bed of lettuce. His cut-off jeans add a boyish personality. 

The beach setting is picturesque but slightly bizarre. It suggests to me a placatory offering to those unwelcome visitors who always turn up out of the blue in castaway sagas. (I've never understood why cannibals and slavers go looking for new prospects on deserted islands.) 

RLFleshwood - Zach is The Main Course

Another marvellously enticing, richly-coloured image and another great bondage jeopardy scenario. The young captive's innocent face and upturned, saintly gaze top off a beautiful physique glowing like burnished gold in the light of the fire. The apple gag (more bite than gag actually) features often in images by this artist but I like the way the lettuce has been upgraded to a surprisingly sexy, fig-leaf. 

The assembled crowd watching his discomfort are a terrible stereotype in this day and age but I take comfort from the fact that they are far too numerous to be satisfied by a culinary outcome to this situation. The offering will go a lot further if handled with care.

RLFleshwood - Escaping The Witch

This less challenging scenario has a genuine dream-like quality, not least encapsulating the elusive nature of what actually will happen if we get caught by our fears. It's a marvellously effective and witty.  The visible feet of the witch make her flight positively comic - real-life dreams usually find a way of blurring out inconvenient detail like that. The roping of the escaper is typically AI-esque, over-stated and in reality less than secure but I don't suppose I'd quibble about that detail if this young man came hopping out of the mist towards me! 

RLFleshwood - Gator Food

Looks like the 'natives' might be the good guys here. Rescuing the foolish youth from the local wildlife. The apple (Gob-stopper?) in his mouth is probably intended to suggest otherwise, but what a waste to make the poor thing into another (probably unappreciated) offering. There's an amusing Russian doll effect however in the concatenated open mouths. 


More RL Fleshwood at Deviant Art
be warned - some images are more disturbing than those shown here

For other posts at mitchmen with these themes, click on the labels below

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Tentacle Art by ErosisSFM

This marvellous image shows hero agent, Chris Redfield surprised by a mutant plant.
Somehow in the assault his uniform has been stripped from his body.
His weapons too have disappeared, all consumed by the plant.
Only his leather boots which lie on the ground before him have been rejected.
Perhaps because they are the only thing that has a tough, organic structure.

The grip of the powerful tentacle on his arms and thighs is strangely exciting
Many strange creatures stalk this forest and if one were to find him like this, helpless....
But already he is being drawn backwards into the maw of the plant. 
He can only hope that his organic make-up will cause the plant to spare him too.

 But then he feels the maw pressing at his back, drawing him in.
He feels it's presence seeping into him, spreading inside.
The plant has saved this delicacy of living, untainted flesh for last.
The despair and the darkness of the forest close in on him.


This artist specialises in fantasies of men and monsters doing horrible things to each other (to use his words). Be warned, sex rears it's ugly head. More ErosisSFM

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Art by Appas

Appas - Chang Chi Bound 01-01

Regulars will know I'm not enamoured of the modern fashion for iterative image series which superimpose an erotic progression on an unchanging underlying pose. But the sheer quality of these images by Appas demonstrate the power of technology to produce superb images in the right hands. 

It starts with a sexy image of man tied up in light shibari on the back seat of a bus while the man responsible hovers menacingly just off-picture. We see he has bare arms and intimidating, fingerless gloves. He's immobilised his victim with arms tied over his head and 'frog' legs, exposed his muscular torso and undone the fly of his trousers to reveal a splash of pubic grow-back.

The stretching and creasing of the captive's pants caused by the open frog legs is captured amazingly well and this detail alone makes the image worth including here but there's also an overall sense of heightened realism that is fascinating. There's a superhero film connection here so I dare say there are underlying photo images doing the groundwork here but it's an impressive result nevertheless.

Appas - Chang Chi Bound 02-10

Appas breaks with convention here by moving the captor to a different position and showing him actually interacting with the primary image of the captive. We get a glimpse of a handsome bearded man but it's unclear because of a transparency effect, whose purpose is not very clear. It does avoiding (partially) obstructing our view of the captive's face which has a wonderful expression of tense anticipation but I can't help thinking that it would be more effective do away with the transparency effect and show off the screwed-up face detail in a separate close-up image. 

The stripping of the captive has moved on considerably here, but as is usual in this genre (and porn films in general) the clothes have simply vanished into thin air so you haven't missed much! It's still a great picture though, 

Appas - Chang Chi Bound 02-15

In this final image the captor has left the victim perched on the back seat, still helplessly tied and covered with his own cum. It draws out the incongruity (and humiliation in this bondage situation) of sex being extracted in a public place. The passenger in the seat in front seems too embarrassed to even look round but that just makes thing worse for the victim. But it's a fantasy he loves.

Appas - Gabriel Reyes, Reaper 04 

Gabriel Reyes is another popular figure for fan art who's popped up (as it were) in several artists' contributions here at mitchmen. This man doesn't really need the leg up of a gaming existence to be interesting. Devilishly handsome man and clad in sexy chaps and leather gear he'd turn heads anywhere. His kneeling pose here is submissive, disarming and extremely seductive. 

That appeal is topped off for me by his cock dipping into, splashing around in the pumpkin head bowl. At least it seems like a bowl to me full of cooling, previous produce. Logically though, the cut-out eyes and other features would prevent any accumulation of fluid and it would normally contain a burning candle ....... which puts a very different complexion on his mischievous expression.

Appas - Gabriel Reyes, Reaper 21

This is the naked variant, still dipping! As you can imagine, his cock assumes all sorts of different positions and states as it progresses towards this conclusion but it's dipper that does it for me.
You can check out the links below for more.

Appas - Supes

This is straightforward fan art with Superman being given a splendidly muscular body to fit into a Hollywood, rubberised vision of his famous body suit. I rather like the idea that he has massive packing in the groin department but without it having any perceptible sexual purpose. His slightly plastic-looking facial features might be a similar wry comment on the hero's unreal, overly clean persona.

Appas - Prince Philip & Tentacles 17

Prince's (heir or spare) are not popular erotic subjects for me as a rule and this render is not comparable in quality with the others above, but I just like coiled tentacle in this image. In companion pictures Appas shows it jerking off the young man which is quite entertaining.

Appas can be found at Gumroad 
and at Patreon for those happy to buy a pig in a poke.
His Twitter site mentioned on the Superman picture is no more. 

Friday, 27 January 2023

Mitchell - Army Buddies In Tentacle Trap

Naked soldiers in the jungle are captured by tentacles and probed behind
Mitchell - Tentacle Trap (after Kurosilver*)

Broadbent and Davies had been wandering in the jungle for days. Separated from the rest of their Platoon after the surprise attack on their camp, they had watched the other survivors being stripped of their uniforms and ferried away in lorries. At first they wanted to follow and rescue them but the trail soon went cold and without weapons there was little they could do. But if they made their way back to their own lines, they would have to explain how they had escaped capture and why they had been away from the camp together, without their weapons and dressed only in their jockstraps.

These worries receded as they became preoccupied with just finding food and a safe place at night. They marched during the day but it was hard, tiring and dangerous in the hot, humid jungle. Several times they had to hide from enemy patrols. At night, it was good to have each other.

On the 7th day - or was it the 8th? they came into a particularly lush part of the jungle. For once the humidity was low. Birds were singing, blue sky could be seen overhead and a scenic waterfall of cool water cascaded down allowing them to replenish their water supplies. They washed out their jocks and fell asleep by the water in the idyllic, sunny glade. 

It was late in the day when they were wakened by voices. Realising it was the enemy they fled into what looked like the deepest part of the jungle. The voices quickly faded behind them and they knew they were safe from them then, but in their haste they had left everything behind including their jocks. They couldn't go back and it would soon be dark, they had to find a place to sleep. 

As they toiled though the jungle, progress became more and more difficult with foliage draping over the trail and sometimes blocking it altogether. Undergrown caught at their ankles and brushed their thighs. A gloomy twilight began to descend and the jungle seemed to be closing in around them.

"Drat it!" Davies heard Broadbent exclaim behind him, "my ankle's caught in something again". Davies turned and saw his buddy crouching down to disentangle the offending growth. "God it's tough, this tendril could trap a small animal". Davies smiled at his discomfort but not for long. 

"Shit! It's alive!" Broadbent exclaimed, "it's crawling up my leg!" 

"It can't be" Davies scoffed, "it's just a plant".

"Well it's growing bloody quick then" Broadbent replied in alarm "it's twining round my knee now and  getting bigger, I swear it is".

"Let me see" said Davies impatiently but as he stepped towards his buddy he found his own foot was snagged on something too and trying to free himself found exactly the same thing was happening to him. In fact a fat tendril was already sliding between his thighs and encircling one. He tried to prise it away but it was too strong and when he tried to pull his leg out of it's grip he found he could not. Another tendril caught at his wrist, pulling it behind his back. 

He looked over at Broadbent and saw his arms were already immobilised and the tendrils were sliding and twining round his groin, inducing an erection despite his obvious fear. For some reason that excited Davies too and that sensation was heightened as he felt a slender tendril winding round his own balls. He felt it getting tighter and tighter lacing his own terror with sexual excitement. 

"It's pushing into my ass!" Broadbent shouted out in horror and Davies too felt one touching his ring, then pushing it open. It seemed to be coated with some slippery substance which made it's invasion irresistible. He felt it's smooth surface sliding in, getting bigger and bigger.

"What are we going to do?" Broadbent  was wailing.
But Davies had no answer for his buddy.
The tentacles were engulfing his torso.
The night noises of the jungle resounded around them


*I freely acknowledge that this picture is extensively based on an original by Kurosilver.
It's also part of my long standing unfinished tale of 'The Lost Patrol'
For more pictures by Mitchell click on the 'mitchpix' label below 
or visit the Gallery Tab at the top of the blog

Saturday, 21 January 2023

Art by Anteros

naked footballers in forest of brambles
Anteros - Careful They're Sharp! 

 At his best Anteros has produced dark, atmospheric pieces with sci-fi fantasy settings.
This one seems to be an unusual take on gay cruising but these woods are more like the hostile wilderness used to trap and protect beautiful captives in children's tales. The denizens resemble members of an American Football Team looking for dirty sex, but they don't look very inviting, Instead the caution they advise in the wording of the title, comes across like an unpleasant challenge, a dare with ambiguous meanings, rather than an expression of genuine concern. In fact there's something altogether other-worldly about them. 

Not a place for beginners to start their cruising education I would suggest.

Anteros - In Space No-one Can Hear You Moan

There's a similar irony in the humorous twist given to the title of this piece, inspired by 'Alien'. This Space Trooper is trapped on a grille and tormented by creatures emerging from the hell-like depths below. It seems likely that any sexual pleasure will prove to be a fleeting moment in a journey to an altogether more grisly fate. 

Although his gun (or blaster or whatever) still lies by his side, suggesting an interrupted military manoeuvre, we can also see his wrists have been handcuffed behind his back and virtually all his clothes have been taken from him. It suggests this is no accident of fate, but a deliberate punishment inflicted on him by an unseen, malevolent captor. 

I suppose you can't rule out a practical joke, a birthday treat,
but you sense these creatures play for keeps, so it's likely to backfire.

Anteros - Tentacles

A similar sense of lurking danger pervades this piece, which I think is rather wonderful. The unusual viewpoint provides a very sexy view of the man's hairy body and also seems to highlight the pleasurable comfort of reclining in this deep luxurious bed of living tendrils.
But at the same time the close-up give us that classic horror feeling that there's something else,
something unseen here, something which ain't quite right.

The picture is entitled simply 'Tentacles' but I imagine it originally had a more interesting title. It conjures up the vision of a traveller in a distant world succumbing to the sensual delights of the local flora (or maybe it's fauna, who knows?). Unusually, for a tentacle encounter, there doesn't seem any attempt to restrain him and there's no evidence that his clothes have been ripped off his body by these creatures, that he simply got undressed for them. For once the being toying with him isn't just intent on prodding and poking him but seems to be indulging some sensual need of it's own, inducing him, seducing him, to recline into it's bed of living organisms for some sort of mutual intimacy. 

Despite that, I can't help thinking that he's terribly vulnerable in this position. 
Will this creature eventually call on him to satisfy it's carnivorous needs?

Man trapped and aroused by tentacles
Anteros - Lust At The Water's Edge

This picture seems to supply a chilling answer to that question, having an alternative, blunt title of 'Earth Tentacles and Skulls', It suggests this rather attractive man being overwhelmed and seduced by a tentacled being is destined to remain here for ever. 

Perhaps it's a misunderstood being, it's actually not intent on digesting him but enjoys human male charms so much that it's simply unwilling to let him go. Perhaps it's physiology allows it to experience it's own orgasmic pleasure differently to men, continuing as long as it wants instead of ending prematurely in an uncontrolled crescendo. Because of that our hapless wanderer is destined to perish in an eternal amorous, draining embrace.

Despite the reference to water's edge in the title there isn't any water to be seen, but I guess it's a reference to the primordial soup from which new creatures continue to emerge to take their place in nature's order. Is this to be mankind's first predator?

These picture feature various tentacle formats ranging from the smooth, translucent, jelly-like variety to the hard-ridged, duct-like ones just above. The bramble-like ones in picture 1, would have an embrace that doesn't bear thinking about.

Anteros - Arena

This image is a much simpler concept, an expression of man-on-man domination, but Anteros' skill with earthy colours and dark, suggestive atmospheres elevates the interest. The setting of an empty Arena suggests a private argument being settled in a traditional, ritualistic, but apparently bloodless way. Both men are wearing slave collars but subtle scars and tattoos give the victor the intimidating, edge of an experienced man. The submissive kneeling stance of the loser seem to be acknowledging that much. The top appears to be wearing a chastity device which means that neither man will gain much satisfaction by normal standards, but it is human nature to make the most of what you've got.

The background setting here is not dissimilar to Oztangles' temples, with slightly more sophisticated constructs and use of colour and light perhaps. That characteristic points back to a common rendering heritage that is very obvious in Anteros' older work of which I show a sample below.

Anteros - Medical Lab 1

This might have been a Milking Factory in another life but instead seems to be a space age, laser hair removal clinic, with punters patiently waiting their turn, naked in luxurious armchairs.
It seems to be staffed by medics who don't bother with professional boundaries.
Well we can't all be 'Angels' can we?

Anteros - Breeder Aliens

It would be wrong of me to omit from this brief survey the artist's preoccupation with devils and aliens of similar cast. The 'Breeder Aliens' series is one of the most impressive manifestations of this interest. It's a simple tale of Space Troopers who foolishly go on a mission dressed in space armour and very little else. They fall into the hands of highly developed aliens of the demonic, reptilian kind and suffer the inevitable homoerotic consequences. It's not really my cup of tea but vividly imagined and marvellously executed. 

There's a whole crop of out and out devilry and temptation in many other pictures by him.

Links for more pictures

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Bulges and Tentacles

This blue-eyed boy, looking alone and lost in the jungle, 
may have been intended as a picture of Chris Redfield.
Not exactly a dead ringer, but he works just as well as a different STARS agent.
One with muscular arms to die for - oh and also he has bulging trousers.

The agent breaks a sweat and grimaces  as a tentacle rips off his T-shirt,
he cuddles his own torso as though there's been a stinging attack on it.
Meanwhile the invading tendril sneakily (snakily?) pulls down his trousers
revealing that underneath he's wearing a nice line in slinky, very skimpy briefs.
The frond cradles his balls, teasing out the trapped cock-head
which looks about to catapault outwards - nice!

Art by ArielXY

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Hasegawa Part 1

This article replaces my original A-Z entry on Hasegawa, published in June 2009

Hasegawa - Captive and Kittens

Sadao Hasagawa produced a wide range of gay art in a variety of technical and artistic styles.
 His most obvious fetish credentials stem from depictions of bondage such as that above. His pictures often include unusual, mysterious symbolism like the mischievous kittens on the right who appear to be implicated in the young man's bound-up state and have left their claw marks on his upper body*.

Meanwhile S&M clothes pegs lie unused on the floor and incense(?) smoke writhes around him
 lending an air of sexual ritual to the proceedings and suggesting that there are more trials to come.
No wonder the captive looks sweaty, confused and fearful!

Hasegawa captures herethe thrill of submitting to bondage by another another man.

His depiction of the captive man is sensual, with luscious, chunky muscularity,
somewhat in the style of Tom of Finland but more grounded in realism,
such as hair detail on his body and legs.

 * I gather that cats have great significance in Japan as cute bringers of good luck but also as creatures with a hidden capacity for great wickedness. However I hesitate to interpret their precise role in this picture, which I suspect is more complex than that! 

Hasegawa - Sailor and Kitten
This picture seems to show a man in the process of submitting to bondage - with another kitten in attendance. His face is expressionless, maybe a little sad, but the water lilies rising behind him seem to the symbolise the unmistakeable sexual excitement in the air.

The subject wears a US Sailor's cap but is unmistakeably Japanese. Westerners might relate this combination to the Madam Butterfly story or simply to the occupation of Japan after WWII. The headgear doesn't really fit with the lowered shorts but they are also somewhat Western in style. So there's a sense here of the exotic, of foreign and perhaps powerful cultural influences. His resigned face and proud posture suggests they are not necessarily welcome or considered benign.

Hasegawa - Athlete in Bondage
This is one of my favourite Hasegawa pictures. The ripped clothing and restraint to angled scaffolding conjures up the idea of a jogger waylaid on his morning run and carried off to an abandoned building site for further attention. His shorts carry the same double line motif as the sailor above, again hinting at Western branding.

Hasegawa - Swimmer

There's a similar impression of Westernisation in this splendid, Speedo-clad swimmer. This time though it has a message of modernity, reinforced by the jazzy, geometric background with it's anarchistic squiggles and paint splatters.

The model oozes youthful, puppy-fat sexuality but his seductive look is knowing, his lustful state obvious and the dangling drawstrings are openly inviting. He pinches himself too, suggesting that he's got more than romance in mind.

Hasegawa - Martyr
This image makes Hasegawa's connection with American culture much clearer. It appears to be based on a photograph that could have come straight out of AMG's 'Physique Pictorial' magazines (although the mystical symbolism in the bottom corners has a touch of Gilbert and George about it). This picture is from 1979 so the referencing of 60's imagery (when Sadao would have been around 20) suggest it was a significant formative influence.

Unlike AMG's situation, the framing of Japan's censorship laws (and the passage of time) allows Hasegawa to depict the young man's, snug-fitting, 'posing pouch' in a way that reveals almost all that is within. AMG would have labelled this image as 'The Slave', but Hasegawa elevates him to Martyrdom. He defiantly holds a blood-stained quill aloft, a possible clue to his crime.

Yuko Mishima as Saint Sebastian

Hasegawa's Martyr picture was produced shortly after the ritual suicide of Yukio Mishima, who was a famous poet and actor of the time with views which we might regard as nationalistic today. There's an obvious similarity between his memorable pose as Saint Sebastian (above) and Sadao's picture. It reflects the profound effect of that artist and his death on Japanese society and hints at a darker side to Sadao's personality.

Yuko Mishima wearing a Fundoshi
Mishima was profoundly Japanese in outlook and he is seen here holding a Samurai sword and wearing the traditional, male, underwear garment, the fundoshi, which consists of a single strand of fabric which the wearer winds round himself in a specifically defined manner. It's associated with manhood and learning the ritual is part of a young man's coming-of-age. The self-bondage implied has obvious sexual connotations. It not hard to see how the AMG posing pouch referenced in 'Martyr' might strike have struck a chord with an impressionable young Hasegawa.

Hasegawa - Impaled
In this 1980 picture, Hasegawa reworks the martyr theme with rope bondage in a more Japanese manner and the fundoshi taking centre stage. This martyr has been stabbed with the quill (à la Saint Sebastian) and the picture appears to show his final expiry with a spiritual essence emerging from his mouth, to be escorted to heaven by a hovering bird.

Hasegawa makes no secret of the eroticism he sees in this moment. The loosening of the fundoshi not only reflects that sexual tension but also represents its release from constraints, not least I suppose the constraints of what it is to be a man in Japan.

 The ingredients mentioned above, i.e. US gay culture, retrospective references and dark desires, also feature in this later, collage-like work.

It shows (left) a young man in restraint in a pose that is clearly based on the classic 70's bondage image which I have previously posted in 'My initiation'. Hasegawa's subtle alterations give the figure a 'clean' appearance, so he looks young and inexperienced. There's a sense of him submitting to the dangerous unknown (embodied by the lurking snake) and he's aroused by it. (There's also an element of that in the first picture in this article)

He is contrasted with a more mature man who is undergoing, and thoroughly enjoying, the demanding rigours and domination of a full-blown, leather scene of a later era. There seems to be a story being told in this picture, recalling a young man's passage from an immature interest in male bondage to full S&M sexual expression, with the candles signifying both his burning passion and the passage of time.

I think the creature on the right gnawing at the ropes is a rat rather than a mouse. It adds an element of basement sleaze to Western eyes, but in the East they are usually seen as clever, prudent creatures. Hasegawa has given this one sharp teeth and quite evil eyes, but it's only attacking the ropes.
The nagging of conscience, perhaps? 

Youthful yearnings and explorations are perhaps remembered too in this marvellous image. A young man has tied himself to a post and is enjoying a private fantasy of captivity. A lotus flower opens revealing it's full beauty and symbolising enlightenment and rebirth emerging from murky depths. However, it's a picture which also conjures up an impression of loneliness, accentuated by yet another cat which ignores the young man and pleasures itself.

In this picture there's a more obvious air of experimentation. It shows a young man developing his sexuality by tentatively exploring the sensation of penetration by a dildo (it's a vibrating one too, the electrical gadgetry being a touch of modernity which seems typically Japanese). I believe the picture is entitled 'Revelation' and that sentiment is reflected in the rays of light emanating from his head. These also seem to confer a god-like status on him.

This picture, like the preceding one, bears the 'yin and yang' symbol of spiritual balance and male and female in conjunction. There are more lotus flowers in attendance, they seem to cradle his nether regions in a manner that is highly suggestive of sensuality. Remarkably, Hasegawa manages to infuse this essentially, sexual imagery with a touch of artistic class.

The theme of solitary experimentation seems to reach a climax (if you'll pardon the pun) in this picture, in which pure, sexual sensuality almost succeeds in elbowing the mystical symbolism out of the way, leaving only hints of vulnerability (to prying eyes and sharp claws).

There's not a lot of artiness in this all-fours pose although this man and his sun-kissed bottom are undeniably attractive from a sexual point of view. Looking past that it's hard to avoid a feeling of self-abasement and isolation in this image. In some ways the trailing ropes and untended dildo give an impression of a departed partner. Regardless of that this young man is lost in the moment revelling in multiple erotic sensations and there's no crime in that.

More Hasegawa in Part 2 (next post)


Wednesday, 28 March 2018

The Art of Opemam77 (An7)

Opemam77 - Wild Tiger and Wolf captured
 I'm not a big fan of superhero art but these images by Opemam77 caught my eye on Deviant Art. This picture is not dissimilar to 'A New Life' by Chirenon but the superhero ingredient, if you buy into it, renders the captivity all the more pitiful. I've not come across this pair of heroes before but the facial characterisations (with facial hair no less) suggest a cross-generational situation rather more earthy and intriguing than the usual, smooth, blandness of Batman and Robin. The clingy outfits suggest all sorts of possibilities for dealing with them which are duly enacted at Opemam's Deviant Art page.

Opemam77 - Robin in Creature Bondage

This artist's renderings of Robin discard the short jerkin he is usually clothed in and substitute a leotard-like variation, an alteration which earns my approval, although I dare say it's heresy to purists. Sadly he passes up the opportunity for an enhanced bulge in this dramatic capture moment but you can see this could be a truly great picture if executed with  a slightly more fluid technique.

Opemam77 - Robin in Stocks
Robin suffers a more embarrassing fate in this series. Less refined images but
I like the idea of him being blessed with such a substantial backside.
Duly dealt with in succeeding images

opemam77 - Superheroes Zero and Nick
 This is a stock superhero image, I wonder who first created it?  
Opemam's slinky outfits add a certain je ne sais quoi, particularly Nick on the right who looks as if he's up for Captain America but has a mischievously sexy expression..
Opemam77 - Zero and Nick in captivity
 It's not hard to see why these superheroes are so sought-after as captives. 
In this case however they have fallen into the hands of malicious Christmas dwarves.....

Opemam77 - Zero and Nick get decorated
Being decorated with Christmas tree baubles must be exceptionally humiliating for a super hero and I'm sure the attachment technique will be almost as painful for them.

Opemam77 -Nightwing
 To finish, two Superhero Superasses both lovingly rendered, 
I'm sure the artist had fun with these.

Opemam77 - Wolf
Wolf again whose one-tone suit and stubbly chin I find most appealing.

Opemam77 doesn't have the most developed of techniques and CGI can be a cruel medium,
 but he explores some interesting and very sexy ideas
 and I recommend a look at his Deviant Art page.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Malex in space

I tend to think of Malex as a purveyor of teeth-gritting, snuff imagery but there's plenty of less scary fetish material from him. His Sci-Fi and Space images are particularly interesting. 

This image showing a helpless, naked captive gazing out of a space ship window where a battle seems to be in progress. It's not obvious why he is in this position, a hostage hoping for rescue perhaps. The picture makes him seem highly vulnerable, as indeed he is should a stray blast damage the air tightness of his vessel. The sense of danger is subtly erotic in quite a powerful way. 

Seeing Malex's familiar and rather austere 'black and white' technique applied in a Sci-Fi context brings out it's relationship to the style commonly used in commercial adventure and war comic books. Perhaps Malex also worked in this field.

Notice how the spaceship overhead (if that's the right expression in space) bears a striking resemblance to the Starship Enterprise. Malex often borrows from contemporary movie imagery for these pictures*

(*look out for the laser cutting scene from 'Thunderball', the half-buried Statue of Liberty from 'Planet of the Apes' and the frame whipping scene from 'Starship Troopers')


 This picture reworks the same visual idea but the scenario is even more obscure. (Some of these images come from the old Katharsis site so I dare say the there's a reader out there who knows the story line please let me know via 'comments'). Two space crew seem to have been turfed out of their bunks and tied up naked. Once again a (vaguely phallic) spacecraft hovers overhead seeming to pose an ominous threat which the blackness of the sky seems to accentuate. 

It seems to be the 'situation' that interests Malex most here, the two captives in this image seem fairly tokenistic representations of men, lightly built and relatively ordinary looking, you don't get a strong idea of their personalities or emotions in this situation, even their erotic state seems ambiguous. It seems that it's their nudity, vulnerability and captivity that is important.

It this image the unspoken threat is realised but not fully resolved as the captive is carted off by heavily-armed, robotic dinosaurs to face some further unknown fate. The method of transport invokes the representations of primitive natives in 20th century exploration/jungle stories, Tarzan being a regular 'customer' of the technique in that genre. The captive's suspension is reversed by Malex to make a more erotic display of him and incidentally give him a much more exacting ride to his destination. Whilst the captors here seem to be impersonal, clumsy automatons, the phallic log from which he is suspended hints at more organic tests ahead.

In this picture, the naked captive is not tethered to anything but is completely immobilised and unable to move. Tightly bound and hooded he's placed in a kneeling position that immediately suggests a sacrifice or execution. Surrounded by a bleak wilderness, his body is covered in perspiration indicative of his fearful anticipation. 

One threat to him appears to be from below, underground where a strange alien creature can be glimpsed possibly able to burst out of the ground and and consume the hapless spaceman. Materialising imaginary creatures is a risky business in terms of credibility (as the images below and tentacle art generally illustrates). The partial cropping here helps perpetuate the sense of an ill-defined menace

The starbursts in the background may be meteors, raising the possibilty that this man's fate is to endure a meteor shower out in the open and exposed while his captors hide safely underground. A sort of extra-terrestrial stoning.


 In this picture the castaway astronaut is being spread out and tied down in a similarly bare landscape by a fearsome-looking, horned, spider-like creature. We finally get a decent glimpse of the victim's face. He looks up in awe at a plant-like entity which looms over him with fluid dripping ominously from it's tendrils. Notice how the shadow of the plant seems to suggest a threat to the young man's neck. 

The background geology here is quite intriguing. What we initially take to be weird rock formations bear a striking resemblance to crashing waves and the more you look at it the more it looks like sea. Perhaps it's a petrified sea.

This unfortunate traveller faces a threat of a different sort, that of medical experimentation by curious humanoid aliens. In all of these images it seems these inhospitable distant planets have a perfectly breathable air for humans but not apparently for these creatures who are suited up as full blown astronauts rather than medical technicians. 

The human's face is covered by what looks like a tentacled creature inspired by the movie, 'Alien'. It's tail is wrapped round the guinea pig's neck making a none-too-subtle suggestion of suffocation or some other deeply invasive coupling. I use the word coupling deliberately, because at this point the captive seems to be quite excited by the experience. Of course that doesn't mean he is going to survive it. The unpleasant threat posed by this creature may explain the protective suiting worn by the observers and it may be that these are humans too, with a warped sense of scientific curiosity. 

It's interesting to compare the tentacled creature here to the ones that took Harry Chess and Mickey prisoner in my Ajay article (Part 3). Humour aside, these images are exploring similar ideas of being totally taken over, engulfed by a more powerful being, one not constrained by normal human rules.

This scenario too would be worthy of a Harry Chess tale for it's sheer outlandish complexity. The image of a terrified, tied up man dangerously balanced above a pit containing a tentacled creature is fair enough. Quite why the caterpillar-like captor is using this contrived method of 'delivery' requiring considerable dexterity to set up and quite how it managed to capture and tie up the human in the first place is baffling. That said, the danger ingredients here are quite compelling. It seems unlikely that the creature in the pit is planning to tickle it's captive and the caterpillar 'feeder' is suitably powerful and repellent. It's another example of inter-species collaboration like the spider and plant above. Malex's drawing of the captive is one of his more realistic and physically attractive human creations.

At one time, these bleak landscapes were standard sci-fi territory but I think Malex's folio is unique in terms of fetish art. Modern artists, helped by the power of computers, seem to have moved on to more fantastical worlds and creatures in lusher settings more akin to earth.

Malex's spacemen all appear totally naked, ramping up the hostile threat of alien worlds and airless space. He doesn't appear to have explored the erotic power of tight-fitting spacesuits which have always interested me. I have published two astronaut pictures here 'Astronaut by Mitchell
and 'Space Cadet Chastised' by Mitchell

I don't think there's any decent repository for the work of Malex, 
visit my original A-Z article on Malex for search advice and more about the artist's other work.