To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label astronauts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astronauts. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Art by Dragontattoo

Futuristic Space Pilot

I have always thought close fitting Astronaut suits with wide open necks that accommodate globe-shaped helmets make a sexy combination. Dragontattoo takes a completely different direction with this naked, muscular, Space Pilot. His idea for an erotic component of the life support system seems equally unconventional and on the face of it more likely to distract the Pilot than enhance his performance. The girth of these fittings is testament to the qualities expected of space men in this era. There's a splendid curved line uniting the front and rear fittings.

Battle Deck (Spaceship)

Sexual excitement seems to be the driving force behind this Spaceship's combat capability. One can readily understand the latent power of that, if not the means by which it is being harnessed. The whole crew are giving their all here with the man in the background somehow managing to direct it against the enemy, despite the distractions around him.

Martian Lab Rat

These frantic efforts at sexual distraction are understandable in the light of the electrifying fate that befalls those captured by the Martians. This image gives a new meaning to 'turning up the juice'. The green men must appreciate their victims arriving already undressed and in a febrile state.

Space Driver 2

This variation on the Space Piloting arrangement keeps the frontal draining arrangement discreetly hidden and puts the 'driver' in a more dynamic pose, like an athlete in the starting blocks. One wonders what purpose the tube attached to the face mask has!

Cum Buster

This image transforms the piloting console into an entertainment arrangement. It's not explicitly linked to the other space images, except by the boots and goggles but it's easy to image the Space troopers turning to this machine after a heavy turn of duty thrusting in the cockpit. I'm assuming the machine only rewards them if they score a kill. It's intriguing how they have to be strapped into these devices. It must give quite a heady experience! 

Gay Space

Thankfully the guys can still get together in the old fashioned way. Nothing beats the wonderful warmth of enclosing human flesh.  No kissing though!


Link information for this artist in the comments section below

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

More Art by Rent-A-Dude

 Read Part 1 of this mitchmen post on Rent-A-Dude's encasement art

Rent -A-Dude - Statue 25

Trapping men in a glass container is a well-trodden path in gay erotic art.
Often it's for brain-washing or milking purposes.
This variation seems to involve some kind of hi-tech gold plating process too
Luckily it doesn't involve immersion in a bath of chemicals. 
A small compensation though, for being turned into a statue.

Rent -A-Dude - Statue 90

Clear perspex or resin is a perfect encasement medium for display. 
The setting time here is clearly short enough to prevent escape
but slow enough to catch and preserve that last frantic lunge.

Rent -A-Dude - Bot 58

An unconscious male subject is laid out on a bare metal table
for examination by semi-organic, robotic arms prior to his bot 'transformation'.
You might think those feelers look as if they are burrowing inside him.
I couldn't possibly comment!

Rent -A-Dude - Bot 64

That sense of disturbing processes going on continues here
with more conventional technology and scalpel wielding arms this time.
What's more the subject is awake and aware.
A predicament that's not for the faint-hearted.

Rent -A-Dude - Bot 68

If you are not aware of Rent-A-Dude's male-transformation agenda, this looks like a clumsy alien assessment programme is in progress on an unfortunate astronaut or abductee from earth.
However creating a bot poses issues of accommodating and integrating the robotics 
This installation seems to involve a somewhat perverse brand of keyhole engineering

Rent -A-Dude - Bot 79

This scanner technology skirts round the practicalities in favour of unfathomable tech wizardry.
Seemingly it's capable of brain re-programming to adapt the human to his new purpose.
The contribution of the impressive circuitry in the arches and bed is less obvious.
This device would not have looked out of place in a 50's Marvel comic.

Rent -A-Dude - Bot 91

It looks as if an entire crew of a spaceship is being processed here.
It's only their bodies being processed, by a similar non-contact transformation technology.
Their individual containment is erotic in it's own right
They don't seem unhappy about it!

Rent -A-Dude - Doll 05

Rent-A-Dude revisits his encasement techniques in the 'Toy' series.
The medium looks like latex but it becomes rigid plastic as it suddenly 'cures'.
It looks like you can use it in your own home and it doesn't stick to upholstery.
Spray-on plastic would be ideal for restraining an unruly boyfriend, 
or detaining the cute workman who came to fix the leak.
But only if you get him to take his clothes off first!

Rent -A-Dude - Doll 37

This image visualises total encasement within a mannequin.
A perfectly fitting outer skin that includes a new head.
I suppose the last detail is to throw the Police off the scent 
if they come looking for that handsome jogger who disappeared nearby

Rent -A-Dude - Doll 42

It's nice to have, but what can you do with such a doll?
Put him it on display of course.

These images are ca 2010 and I have note in my records suggesting the artist may be 'Brian'
No links I'm afraid. The web site referenced in these pictures no longer exists and I can't find the name in search engines (which isn't unusual these days with old material, sadly)

Read Part 1 of this mitchmen post on Rent-A-Dude's encasement art

Monday, 6 June 2022

Art inspired by Fallout 4 - 1 Bodywork

The artwork in this article was inspired by the computer game Fallout 4 which is set in a post-apocalyptic world. The game surrounds a survivor of the devastation in search of his abducted child and vengeance for a murdered wife. So far, so clichéd and oh so hetero, but the styling of the official game artwork (above and below) featuring blue, ass-revealing uniforms has inspired a great deal of homo-erotic fan art.

Another feature of the game which has driven much gay creativity was the Power Armour which could be used for especially difficult tasks and protection in hostile environments i.e. Fallout from the holocaust.

Naurdor - Bernard, The Engineer

Naurdor's splendid re-imagining of the armour here has a gloriously steam-punk feel, reflecting the fact that the only men still capable of servicing these monstrous gadgets are quirky, old-fashioned engineers like Bernard here. 

SavrenX - Power Armour

This contribution by SavrenX demonstrates the sheer bulk of the outfit. 
How can a man still look sexy in all that gear?
Note the sinister mist.

Iamnotavirgin - Power Armour 1

The bulky armour also inspired this more fanciful imagining from Iamnotavirgin. 
His catwalk-style modelling pays tribute to the versatility of the armour's power system. 

The breast plate here does not quite cover the warrior's pecs - admittedly they would need a lot of covering up - but it looks like his muscles are out-growing the armour. Maybe that's down to mutations wrought by the radiation and pollution (hinted at here by the pink sky).

We also discover (unsurprisingly) that it's sensible to wear as little clothing as possible underneath the armour.  Even in this bikini combo you can see he's sweating profusely. He's wisely retained the armoured jock plate and I'm sure the knee pads will come in useful too.

Iamnotavirgin - Power Armour 2

Seen from the rear the coverage is even more sparse, 
The thong avoids VPL when he's in his tight blue uniform (see top picture).


SavrenX - Dwarfed by his Armour

SavrenX shows a man dwarfed by his armour. 
The wry logo on it's breast plate pops up periodically in this art. 
A black joke on the disaster that has befallen this world. 

The under-armour gear is shown as a lightweight alternative - helmet and jock essentially, 
plus the essential impedimenta of soldiering - harness, gun belt, gloves and boots.

Sit - Personal Protection

Both SavrenX (above) and Sit (here) show men wearing astronaut helmets.
They give protection from the sometimes poisonous nature of the atmosphere
evidenced here by a pea-souper hue. 

Apparently bare skin offers adequate protection from the gloopy stuff on his arm,
It seems to permeate the air here and deposit itself on passers by. 
Perhaps it's that substance that has eaten away his suit.

Sit - A Clear Day

If so it's been highly effective.
I've always thought Astronaut helmets look sexy.
Pairing them with a metal groin protector is inspired.

Even this world looks a better place on a clear day,
But walking to the pub must be pretty depressing.

Sit - An Evening in the Bar 1

But when you get there, this happens!
This world is populated by some very odd characters.

Sit - An Evening in the Bar 2

I'm not sure if this Military/Chippendale combination counts as mutation.
But there's something quite sinister about this character in his shades and peaked cap.

Sit - An Evening in the Bar 1

The reveal when he jettisons his jock does not dispel that strange feeling.
Submissive-Aggressive? Or just up front and open?
The gleaming highlights are quite clever.
Suggestive of magical properties.

These pictures were found on a Fallout 4 artists forum.

Continued at mitchmen blog in Part 2 - The Punishment of Paladin Danse by Sit

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

The Muscle Art of Stefan

I only have two posts at this blog reviewing body-builder photo-morphs - IFNB (2018) and 'Built By Tall Steve' (2017) but they are amongst the most popular articles here. Back in the mid 2000's the artist 'Stefan' was experimenting with similar ideas, putting beefy posers into richly erotic situations and clothing them in costumes that were skimpy to the point of downright rudeness. 

Stefan - Out and About
I love this image showing a mature and highly masculine-looking man squeezing himself into a sexy, near-transparent G-string on the beach and finding himself being observed by two younger muscle guys who are more conventionally dressed and watch him with serious, enigmatic faces. 
It's as though they are shocked and he himself is embarrassed by his desire to be an exhibitionist.   

Stefan - Check This!

Body builders are exhibitionists almost by definition and not necessarily modest in this day and age. 
Many flirt with the audience on stage wearing skimpy costumes made from exotic, glamorous materials.
Stefan's take on that imagines a smug-looking competitor showing-off the daunting girth of his love muscle as well, which matches the meaty bulk of the rest of his body. It seems as if there might be an equally impressive length dimension, but it's held back, compressed even, by the material of his G-string. Not quite enough to fully cover the root, however, leaving one to imagine a concertina-like expansion on release.

Stefan - Dream Ass

In this picture the overall bulk of the competitor's body is emphasised rather than his muscle detail.
Stefan re-imagines this chunky man in a backless thong with sexy side-strings which seem to cry out for a fan to creep in from the wings and give them a sharp tug to see what will spring out.

The garment gives extra exposure to the impressive gluteal development mentioned in the title.
It's front pouch looks tiny by comparison and is even cut away at the sides for added (revealing!) brevity.
It's rubbery look and bulbous, rounded shape give an impression of serious containment.

Stefan - Beach Routine
This man's garment is reduced further to condom-like proportions, with a serious risk of side-spillage.
That concern seems to be reflected in the beach hunk's face and inhibiting his outdoors work-out.
Dismayingly, his exercise excitement has lifted the pouch away from his body, giving a glimpse of an abdomen area which is normally hidden behind it. It's a very sexy moment.

Stefan - Come Closer

Despite the near-nakedness of body builder displays, they are normally safely separated from their admirers by a stage or a camera, set apart like the Gods of masculinity they hope they truly are.
The caption suggests the muscle man is drawing in the camera (which is the principal channel for the love affair with the fans) so that he might be admired in intimate close up. The skimpy, root-revealing Gee-string is clearly not excluded from that invite.

The image suggests an appealing desire to loved by the multitude of faceless followers, coupled with the equally attractive confidence to permit it and enjoy it. A slightly different take on the voyeuristic, adoring relationship between body-builders and their fans.
There is an alternative reading of this image, equally evocative to those of a 'mitchmen' turn of mind. You can imagine this exceptionally bulky, gym fanatic looking down at the tiny pouch, perhaps not quite realising just how inadequate it actually is, and exclaiming "do I really have to wear this thing?"

The camera man of course has a repertoire of persuasive arguments to quell any real rebellion.
Controlling a strong man for pervy pictures by manipulating his vanity is perhaps a more exciting challenge than getting models (who really need the money) to reveal more than they intended.

Stefan - Teaser

This man has a very nice body indeed, with beautiful proportions and competition-standard muscularity, mellowed by a modest layer of fattiness that sensualises the skin texture by concealing the veiny, gritty detail deemed essential by true BB enthusiasts. Set against this perfection, the prodigious bulk of his poorly-hidden cock is almost shocking, the elephant in the room you might say.

   Stefan's title here seems to suggest that these hunky chaps are deliberately being provocative when posing, as though their desire to be admired is not fully fulfilled by their success in developing their bodies. Simply by substituting minimalist posing outfits for the more conventional clothing he draws attention to a hidden vein of earthier needs. In this particular image Stefan cleverly dips the top line of the pouch just that little bit further to give the bearer generous credit for his good fortune in the reproductive department and a warning to would-be beneficiaries.

Stefan - Muscle 21

In this delicious image he even conjectures a desire to shock and intimidate the other competitors.
Challenging by example their courage to go the extra mile (or extra inches perhaps I should say).

He's also intimidating them with the possibility that the judges might be tempted to add that final, crowning part of the male body to their Competition marking sheets (a la IFNB). In which case they might be found wanting in comparison with the mighty beast flaunting himself in front of them.

Competitor 104 certainly looks as though that thought might be in his head.
Number 108 already looks a no-hoper in that department, and seems genuinely impressed,
perhaps he's thinking about accepting a different sort of challenge.
Stefan - Untitled
Stefan is adept a choosing evocative images to manipulate - not just ones showing a man with a great body, but ones that catch a sense of personality or here a reaction to a significant moment.

This hardy character has entered the gym dressed in a typical Stefan gee-string of fairly conventional design but made of a lycra-like material that leaves nothing to the imagination. At least it doesn't now after a few vigorous exercises have got the blood flowing and sweat pores open.

It's a garment that would create a stir in the average gym at the best of times, although you can see in the background that trunks are acceptable here. I suspect our hunk might have gone too far with this little number and has been approached by a member of staff or fellow user who is unhappy about it offending other users or leading to unacceptable soiling of the apparatus.

Thus we get the image of a mature man of intimidating proportions looking cowed like a schoolboy as he is being told off for wearing gear more appropriate for someone half his age. At any rate his face and the out-of-balance pose suggests he's being told something he doesn't like and is at that delicate moment when he has to decide whether to accept gracefully and retire in humiliation or erupt in a bullying, steroid fit of anger.

Of course the explanation may be more prosaic. The next user asking him to get a move on or an admirer asking how he gets that lower body definition, or a lurker asking if he can buy his pants.

Stefan - Get Ready
This is a slightly softer variation of the themes we have seen above. The body-builder seems to be preparing to remove his pouch for the photographer to record evidence of his amazing dimensions. His look of concentration and fumbling is sweet, he's human underneath all the muscle tissue.

The photographer is already poised for his shot as though wary that the moment of exposure may be too fleeting. After all, the beach is deserted at the moment, but this modest chap might be spooked if any dirty old men or jealous body-builders notice what's going on and close in for a better look.

Stefan - Soviet Spaceman
Stefan's flair for putting real naked men into interesting and sexy fantasy situations finds a rather more artistic expression in this image combining a beefcake pose from the sixties with iconography relating to the great scientific adventures of that era. I'm pretty sure that body and sexy posing pouch (which has not been altered) belongs to the great Vic Siepke. The face does not however and it's possible it belongs to a real Russian astronaut. They briefly enjoyed the status of global, heroic pin-up celebrity in that era, although it's hard to believe such a thing could ever have happened now.

Deconstruction of uniforms and working gear usually yields sexy results and I have a weakness for sexy astronauts and their discipline myself. It's no surprise to see Stefan pairing astronaut kit with one of the briefest, legal Gee-strings ever seen. However in doing so he's making a quite profound connection between being gay (in an era of oppression) and having - and achieving- the highest human aspirations. It's not clear whether he's elaborating on that and encouraging young gay aspirants or cocking a snoop at the whole idea by putting a toy rocket into the  cosmonaut's hand.

You get a glimpse in this image of Stefan's wider abilities in artistry, design and style and I will explore this further in another article soon.

 This image doesn't have Stefan's signature and it's more grainy than his usual style, but it's a neat postscript, drawing on the same themes, arguably more emphatically. This body-builder seems to be hot with embarrassment and almost on the verge of tears as he struts his stuff in incredibly revealing posing briefs before an enthusiastic audience of men and women. The artist has tweaked his facial features to create a slightly awkward, geeky effect although the models chin, lips and nose are actually very sensually shaped. This has the side benefit of obscuring the identity of the original model, which is probably for the best.

Reinaldo Angra
I'm not sure if this is a morph at all, the model's endowment seems too modest for that
(although miniaturising is a sexy joke an artist might play on a muscle head).
His smooth, shaved abdomen accentuates the diminution, but real or not I find it sexy.

The slightly out-of- focus effect suggests some age for this photo 
but I can't find any trace of the model under the name given in the image details.


Stefan is still active on Deviant Art but seems to have left this type of art behind

Monday, 19 February 2018

Malex in space

I tend to think of Malex as a purveyor of teeth-gritting, snuff imagery but there's plenty of less scary fetish material from him. His Sci-Fi and Space images are particularly interesting. 

This image showing a helpless, naked captive gazing out of a space ship window where a battle seems to be in progress. It's not obvious why he is in this position, a hostage hoping for rescue perhaps. The picture makes him seem highly vulnerable, as indeed he is should a stray blast damage the air tightness of his vessel. The sense of danger is subtly erotic in quite a powerful way. 

Seeing Malex's familiar and rather austere 'black and white' technique applied in a Sci-Fi context brings out it's relationship to the style commonly used in commercial adventure and war comic books. Perhaps Malex also worked in this field.

Notice how the spaceship overhead (if that's the right expression in space) bears a striking resemblance to the Starship Enterprise. Malex often borrows from contemporary movie imagery for these pictures*

(*look out for the laser cutting scene from 'Thunderball', the half-buried Statue of Liberty from 'Planet of the Apes' and the frame whipping scene from 'Starship Troopers')


 This picture reworks the same visual idea but the scenario is even more obscure. (Some of these images come from the old Katharsis site so I dare say the there's a reader out there who knows the story line please let me know via 'comments'). Two space crew seem to have been turfed out of their bunks and tied up naked. Once again a (vaguely phallic) spacecraft hovers overhead seeming to pose an ominous threat which the blackness of the sky seems to accentuate. 

It seems to be the 'situation' that interests Malex most here, the two captives in this image seem fairly tokenistic representations of men, lightly built and relatively ordinary looking, you don't get a strong idea of their personalities or emotions in this situation, even their erotic state seems ambiguous. It seems that it's their nudity, vulnerability and captivity that is important.

It this image the unspoken threat is realised but not fully resolved as the captive is carted off by heavily-armed, robotic dinosaurs to face some further unknown fate. The method of transport invokes the representations of primitive natives in 20th century exploration/jungle stories, Tarzan being a regular 'customer' of the technique in that genre. The captive's suspension is reversed by Malex to make a more erotic display of him and incidentally give him a much more exacting ride to his destination. Whilst the captors here seem to be impersonal, clumsy automatons, the phallic log from which he is suspended hints at more organic tests ahead.

In this picture, the naked captive is not tethered to anything but is completely immobilised and unable to move. Tightly bound and hooded he's placed in a kneeling position that immediately suggests a sacrifice or execution. Surrounded by a bleak wilderness, his body is covered in perspiration indicative of his fearful anticipation. 

One threat to him appears to be from below, underground where a strange alien creature can be glimpsed possibly able to burst out of the ground and and consume the hapless spaceman. Materialising imaginary creatures is a risky business in terms of credibility (as the images below and tentacle art generally illustrates). The partial cropping here helps perpetuate the sense of an ill-defined menace

The starbursts in the background may be meteors, raising the possibilty that this man's fate is to endure a meteor shower out in the open and exposed while his captors hide safely underground. A sort of extra-terrestrial stoning.


 In this picture the castaway astronaut is being spread out and tied down in a similarly bare landscape by a fearsome-looking, horned, spider-like creature. We finally get a decent glimpse of the victim's face. He looks up in awe at a plant-like entity which looms over him with fluid dripping ominously from it's tendrils. Notice how the shadow of the plant seems to suggest a threat to the young man's neck. 

The background geology here is quite intriguing. What we initially take to be weird rock formations bear a striking resemblance to crashing waves and the more you look at it the more it looks like sea. Perhaps it's a petrified sea.

This unfortunate traveller faces a threat of a different sort, that of medical experimentation by curious humanoid aliens. In all of these images it seems these inhospitable distant planets have a perfectly breathable air for humans but not apparently for these creatures who are suited up as full blown astronauts rather than medical technicians. 

The human's face is covered by what looks like a tentacled creature inspired by the movie, 'Alien'. It's tail is wrapped round the guinea pig's neck making a none-too-subtle suggestion of suffocation or some other deeply invasive coupling. I use the word coupling deliberately, because at this point the captive seems to be quite excited by the experience. Of course that doesn't mean he is going to survive it. The unpleasant threat posed by this creature may explain the protective suiting worn by the observers and it may be that these are humans too, with a warped sense of scientific curiosity. 

It's interesting to compare the tentacled creature here to the ones that took Harry Chess and Mickey prisoner in my Ajay article (Part 3). Humour aside, these images are exploring similar ideas of being totally taken over, engulfed by a more powerful being, one not constrained by normal human rules.

This scenario too would be worthy of a Harry Chess tale for it's sheer outlandish complexity. The image of a terrified, tied up man dangerously balanced above a pit containing a tentacled creature is fair enough. Quite why the caterpillar-like captor is using this contrived method of 'delivery' requiring considerable dexterity to set up and quite how it managed to capture and tie up the human in the first place is baffling. That said, the danger ingredients here are quite compelling. It seems unlikely that the creature in the pit is planning to tickle it's captive and the caterpillar 'feeder' is suitably powerful and repellent. It's another example of inter-species collaboration like the spider and plant above. Malex's drawing of the captive is one of his more realistic and physically attractive human creations.

At one time, these bleak landscapes were standard sci-fi territory but I think Malex's folio is unique in terms of fetish art. Modern artists, helped by the power of computers, seem to have moved on to more fantastical worlds and creatures in lusher settings more akin to earth.

Malex's spacemen all appear totally naked, ramping up the hostile threat of alien worlds and airless space. He doesn't appear to have explored the erotic power of tight-fitting spacesuits which have always interested me. I have published two astronaut pictures here 'Astronaut by Mitchell
and 'Space Cadet Chastised' by Mitchell

I don't think there's any decent repository for the work of Malex, 
visit my original A-Z article on Malex for search advice and more about the artist's other work.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

A Space Cadet is Chastised

Space Cadet Chastised by Mitchell Gay Art

In a far distant Galaxy that time had forgotten, 
a Space Cadet from the visiting Starship 'Mantopia'
 is arrested  by the locals for not concealing his offensive hair.
He is sentenced to 5,000 pulses of Laser Tit Augmentation Torture.
The rest of the crew (all brunettes) look on in envy. 

I rarely do Spacemen in my art, but there's another example in this blog - The Astronaut
which uses similar designs.

Click on the 'mitchpix' label below for more of Mitchell's artwork

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Jayse

Jayse draws pictures of impossibly muscular young men having their male organs stretched and attacked by all manner of crushing and cutting devices and plants. Jayse carries on the genital punishment tradition of Falkon (see earlier A-Z article) but with extra explicitness. The examples included here are amongst the less alarming examples!
The drawing style is very simple cartooning for the most part but cleanly done. The 'hero's' face is always the same, square jaw, blond hair, cute nose and sometimes a little stubble for extra manliness. The classic All American Jock in other words although he can take on the persona of a GI or astronaut, for example, to invoke additional fetish themes. His physique is muscleman plus, everything is enormous but roughly in proportion (by the standards of musclemen) – except for the male organs which are excessively gigantic ('Gargantuan Gonads' as Jayse terms them). This artistic device enables their punishment and destruction to be presented in graphic detail.
Jayse - Pushing the Final Inch
Sometimes the Jock is depicted as a body-builder using the gym machines to punish himself - as in 'Pushing the Final Inch'. There is sense of fond mockery of body obsessed athletes in this. This is made explicit in 'The Cruelest Cut of All' (not shown here), where a body-builder smugly preens himself in front of a mirror enhancing his erection by pulling on his own balls whilst, unnoticed behind, a hooded intruder has inserted a wicked pair of shears between his legs and is about to detach them.
More often the Jock is a captive. Jayse's favoured bondage position is 'the spread' with arms and legs stretched out as far as possible from the target area. Jayse spells out the worst nightmare consequences of that vulnerable position.Jayse - Neuron WhipsHis suspended arching bodies are both artistic and erotic. Neuron whips is successful both as an artistic composition as well as an invocation of the eroticism of pain. Generally the assailant is unseen except for those parts (hands, tendrils, tools etc) used for carrying out the attack. Jayse leaves no stone unturned (literally!) in seeking out new and horrific techniques for emasculating his victims who nevertheless meet their fate with serene expressions on their faces. They are usually permitted one last compensatory ejaculation to reassure us that it's not as bad as it looks and they're enjoying it - really.
These drawings are whimsical but quite vicious and disturbing....and yet surprisingly erotic if you can get past the initial shock. Jayse's work isn't great art but it's simple intensity is the undistilled essence of S&M erotica.
See more at Jayse's blog (added April 2015).
For earlier articles in this series click on the label A-Z below.