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Guys out on the town? Rowdy tourists embarrassing their friend?
Or is this a 'crack abduction' team scooping up fresh meat for the Black Market?
(Quite a chunky piece of meat at that)
There's a touch of affection in the rubbing of cheeks, which fits both scenarios.
You can decide for yourself because hongd542 doesn't give his pictures titles.
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There's no such ambiguity in this image, despite the AI-misspelling.
You might wonder, though, if it means 'lonely slave' or 'lone slave'. 'Loan slave' even?
He doesn't look entirely dismayed by all the uncertainty about his future.
Or the complete lack of interest in him from passers-by, for that matter.
The combination of modern shoes and lowly loin cloth implies a modern man put in his place
So, be careful what you wish for!
(Those unusual tit tags look as if they might be painful - decorative or labels?)
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The theme of public humiliation continues with a guy getting a spanking in the park
Or perhaps he's just telling his muscular buddy about last night's date that went wrong.
If so, there's a small impact 'flash' that suggests he's getting in on the fun.
The direction of the hand prints suggests a wheel-barrow position at some point.
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Is this a romantic night in for a bondage-loving couple?
Or is it another example of an unexpected outcome to a casual pick-up - or for a burglar?
In the latter case, the romantic treatment might feel decidedly spooky.
Perhaps the guy has simply just been 'purchased'
and needed a good bath after all the handling he got in the saleroom.
The packaging of the captive's tackle in a net for his dip is sexy,
although it's uncomfortably reminiscent of brussels sprouts in the Supermarket.
The red ribbon completes a Christmassy feel about this image*.
*Perhaps an idea for 'A Christmas Criminal, Mark2', when the hapless villain returns to the scene of his unsuccessful crime, hoping to do better and not get spanked again. As if I'd allow that!
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I suppose this might be called 'You're in the Army Now'
Teaching an inexperienced man how to shoot does entail a semi-intimate phase when the instructor gets down beside the novice to show him how to hold and aim his weapon. I have to say that this particular weapon seems to require a very unorthodox sighting position - at the side rather than in line, so a good deal of advice might well be needed.
The instructor might 'sign off' innocently with a friendly buttock touch or a tap to show his approval of the soldier's progress. However, but his splayed fingers here don't really fall into the 'chummy' encouragement category. The look on the instructor's face suggests they weren't meant to be, either. Presumably those splayed fingers are moving. The recruit's expression is a sort of shocked surprise, but his lifted foot, slightly girly, might be taken as an indication that he's getting a kick out of the attention and personal instruction and all it implies.
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Hong revisits the 'Take Your Aim' theme in a number of army images. This one seems to show the moment when the greenhorn realises that the Sergeant's friendly encouragement was not just about his prowess with an automatic rifle, but about his openness to other forms of shooting with his bullseye being the prime target. This area of the male body is of great interest to this artist and features in a good many of his images, but not to the exclusion of other, private parts.
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This anime-style variation on the 'target' theme takes a humorous track, with the shooter resting his weapon on his captive's buttocks. Ideally it would rest in his V-crack, but AI isn't always that obliging. The prisoner looks conscious of his obligation to hold his buttocks steady, or maybe he's worrying about being first in the line of fire.
You might well ask why he's been stripped naked by his captor, this doesn't seem an ideal spot for a bit of creative, bondage fun or for a severe interrogation. But perhaps he isn't a prisoner of war at all, but an escaped hostage who will be eager to show his gratitude to his rescuer at a convenient pause in hostilities.
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AI has an ability to fortuitously deliver sexy results with physically impossible imagery. The great Tom of Finland was a master of this technique. Here AI has created the impression of the physician standing between the patient's legs, even though he's lying on a bed or couch of some sort. However, no-one could complain about the result of a cock brushing against his groin.
The standard opening remark of a Doctor, 'What can I do for you?' has all sorts of possibilities here, although I suppose there isn't too much doubt about where the problem is. In real life the patient might wish for a downsizing, but in porn his problem is one that the Doctor would be eager to accommodate.
AI has gifted us a strikingly sexy patient here, the creases of his wet-looking T-shirt are fascinating although the pink nipple showing through is overkill. His amazing bush of pubic hair sends a male message too, although it cries out for shaving to me, maybe that's what they are discussing!
More Hong in my next post