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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label Fire (ordeal by). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fire (ordeal by). Show all posts

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Cowboy fun with cartoonizer and hot irons

 I recently discovered an 'AI-cartoonizer' and was amazed and delighted with the results it generated when fed with my recently published 'Cowboy Branding' image, an early picture which I've never been totally happy with. This app unexpectedly revealed the essence of it's drama in a most sensual way. 

M159 Talk or be Branded (cartoonized variant 1)

This result arbitrarily put modern, fashionably-coiffured heads on the two characters, but that was an improvement on my original (reproduced below) where the two faces don't really match stylistically. The software also decided to clothe the victim below the waist but I actually find those plunging, low-rise pants rather sexy! The colourisation of his skin has also brought out the captive's sexy neck-tie which looks old fashioned and showy now but bowled me over when I first saw one on Ty Hardin.

The AI hadn't a clue, though, what to do with the glimpse of thigh seen through the hole in the stall wall, nor the discontinuity in the brander's left arm and in fact the whole branding paraphernalia has gone out of the window leaving a background that resembles the clutter of a bathroom plus an amusing manifestation of a hand emerging from behind the stall wall holding I don't know what!

 The overall simplification has not resulted in any loss of the sense of menace.

M159 Talk or be Branded (Original drawing, Darkened version)

This software offers the choice of male and female 'interpretations 'but I must say I wasn't expecting the emasculation operation which it performed on my lovely men in the second variant below. It also stripped them both naked, which might account for the brander's expression, as though it's dawning on him that we can see their little secret! You might conclude that this choice - male = clothed, female = nude suggests good old fashioned, politically incorrect, stereotyping is built into this particular Artificial Intelligence! Shame there's not a car bonnet (US = hood) handy for draping purposes.

M159 Talk or be Branded (cartoonized variant 2)

The same stereotyping might account for the mysterious hand from behind the stall transforming from a balls cupping shape to an rather evil claw here and also the re-interpretation of the branding iron as a more feminine, paint brush. Shades of Ken Dodd with his tickling stick! This AI is decidedly kinky and if the Doddy connection is anything to go by, it's going to be a very long night for the captive ending with a numb bottom .

This variant made a better fist of that glimpse of thigh, but unaccountably fails (like No 1) to spot that the captive's left arm does not stop at the elbow.

M159 Talk or be Branded (cartoonized variant 3)

This variant is closest to the original in some ways. The branding iron is there and it's even tinted orange although the software surely doesn't know that it's meant to be hot. The captive's grimace is more pronounced suggesting he's either felt it's kiss already or else has a vivid imagination. Either way he still seems to be gamely sticking out his butt to the torturer.

 The AI can't quite make up it's mind here whether the men are clothed or not and has settled for cut-off jeans on the brander and a sort of translucent, posing pouch on the captive that suggests that any sexual excitement he may have had, has (understandably) evaporated after experiencing the reality. 

This choice of clothes is uncannily contemporary with the drawing itself.

The half-coloured arm is now complete but that weird groping hand now looks like barbecued cock as if the programme has learnt to join the game. Spooky!

M159 Talk or be Branded (cartoonized variant 4)

In this version, the whole image is tinted in a warm glow suggesting the heat in the barn as coals do their evil work. The victim is now clothed in tights which will produce interesting results when the iron makes contact. In fact it looks as if they are already smoking - unless that's the captive steaming. 

M159 Talk or be Branded (cartoonized variant 5)

This last variant is very similar except that the brander is no longer thrusting with his branding iron but holding a cigarette instead, while he takes time out from his hot work. It's possibly a joint judging by his facial expression, a dangerous combination in these circumstances. The captive has that 'Uh Ah' look that says 'this isn't looking good' having spotted, quite correctly, that the cigarette, while less of a blunt instrument, is equally capable of causing distress - over a wider area and over a much longer period. 


I think I'll be experimenting more with this technique!

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Art by ED Draws

ED Draws - Cobweb Crawler

A sequel to my last post featuring a different predatory creature after his dinner. It's a spider and he's already got his victim sewn up in the tightest bondage you will ever see outside of a pyramid. The eroticism of this predicament is very much in the mind and doesn't really rely on fear of spiders.

Another web victim (aren't we all?) is depicted by the great Hasegawa in another mitchmen. He gives the situation more overtly erotic twist by having the victim naked and binding him in threads that look translucent and silky. His spiders however don't look as nasty as this one. In Malex's take on the subject, the spider passes his captive on to a carnivorous plant, like a religious offering (in Malex in Space also at mitchmen)

Click on the 'encounters-with-creatures' label at the foot of this post to explore other mitchmen posts related to this subject.


ED Draws - Satanic Cornfield

The artist invokes a selection of horror movie themes here to create a deadly threat of a different kind. The blindfolded victim is stark naked and showing a delicious glimpse of root to tease us. It suggests that this Satanic rite is driven by sexual desire as much as declaring allegiance to the Devil. The victim has a touch of the comic about him in both senses of the word, seeming surprisingly unconcerned considering he's just had his chest carved up. It's almost as if he's looking forward to meeting the demonic guest of honour at this party. His torso is seductively portrayed with clever shadowing and highlights and no doubt the Devil will enjoy him.

The Guard cum Priest is attired in a strange cross between religious robe, star trek uniform and bondage suit, but it gives him an intimidating, faceless presence. The evidence of extensive sewing repairs suggests the garment has great age, in keeping with the ancient rite but might also indicate that proceedings such as these tend to get quite boisterous later on. On the other hand it might simply be a rebellious punk statement. Compare the design with 'The Captor of The Young Knight' in the recent mitchmen update on Brosfate's Art

The Priest's knife, with it's unpleasant serrated edge, is the stuff of classic horror, as is the full moon and Cornfield setting although the latter seems a surprising venue for a supposedly secret rite. The undulating corn leaves behind them resemble flickering flames and also give an impression of a haunted wood or a petrified forest. 

 Jotto invokes the more traditional role of The Cornfield in the mitchmen post 'The Red Barn'.

ED Draws - Satanic Ritual

The Devil himself appears in puff of writhing smoke in this ritual, looking rather neat and stylish. It's not the same ceremony as the preceding image and this celebrant is clearly not being forced to take part. There's a sense that he might be sleepwalking or 'under the influence' but he's awake enough to be pretty excited about it and to have taken the precaution of bringing a crucifix with him. That might make any intended intimacy a bit difficult, if legends are to be believed. The sideways look that the devil is giving us suggests he's thinking the same thing. 

I'm no expert on demonic matters but I believe the circle around the pentagram is also a boundary which creatures of the other world can't cross, not even with their tongues I presume, so this man is less exposed than it appears, but nevertheless he's looking quite wary and taking no chances. Presumably he's just getting off on the weirdness and pondering the possibility that the legends got it all wrong. 

Contrast this with the imminent horror of LeoArt's recent image at mitchmen - Devil's Toy.

See also Platter's demons which are not to be trifled with lightly either.

ED Draws - St Patrick's Bondage

 There's a touch of the sinister too about this image, but of a more down to earth variety. A comprehensively tied up and rather attractive red-head is being milked by a leather man who has a slightly disturbing look in his eye. The red-head seems to have picked that up as well and looks as if he might be regretting his impulsive decision to submit to bondage with a man he's never met before.

I like the shiny nipples here in the style of Tom of Finland, but I haven't a clue why the St Partick theme is given such prominence, maybe there's an autobiographical element to this scene, a reminiscence of a memorable pick-up, but which one is Ed?

ED Draws - Pet Dog

Full-on doggy-fication involving the use of masks is a notable feature of this artist's work and he does it rather well. I prefer to see men's faces, but I do like the dildo/tail device simply as a symbol of domination and humiliation and it seems particularly effective here, exploiting the gap at the back of a jockstrap (which I imagine to belong to a sportsman). The bondage and submissive pose in this image make it's inclusion a must anyway.


ED Draws - Cyclops and Wolverine

 The male domination theme is even more explicit in this image but more simply expressed and more powerful on that account. Bringing such a strikingly masculine man to heel with a simple collar and lead is humiliation enough for him without any need to resort to more showy dog accessories. His kneeling position is not totally submissive, an attempt to preserve a modicum of male dignity. The top's grip on his hair, forcing him to receive his ejaculation is an acknowledgement his reluctance to do so. It underlines his power but gives respect to his captive's manliness even as he submits.  

The superhero connections of this pair add another layer of humiliation for those steeped in the genre, converting the customary playful rivalry of these men into something more intense.


ED Draws - Fiery Hero

This looks as if this might be another superhero like 'The Human Torch' but I've not seen him depicted with a beard before. There is an element of fetish interest in the proximity of fire to naked male bodies (see label at the foot of this post for other examples) but a more earthy attraction here lies in the ripped pants/trousers which suggest a particularly lustful opponent has just been encountered. The flames might therefore be construed as the aftermath of subsiding passion. 

Notice that the attribution on the picture is Edward, I presume it's an earlier identity. The style is slightly less refined but nevertheless the hairy abdomen descending beneath the hero's waistband is highly erotic. 


ED Draws - Superhero Feat

I have a similar ID problem with this picture, it came with a 'Super' title which is not particulalry helpful but what's going on here is heroic by anybody's standards. This simple beefcake image is utterly transformed by the presence of a raging fire into something that is visually and dramatically exciting. There's something about the neatly trimmed beard here which accentuates the hero's nudity and the sense of danger creates an erotic tang. With an uncut cock looming in our faces, the urge to offer help is almost irresistible! It's just a great picture.


ED Draws uses a nice clean modern style and depicts highly masculine men. Examples of his pictures are quite easy to find with search engines, he seems to have several sites (e.g. ED Draws on Only Fans), but I haven't found a 'flagship' location with significant numbers of posts.

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Art of Roa - 1. The Conquered Hero


Roa - Graham (Conquered Hero)

At first sight this marvellous image might easily be mistaken for the work of Homoeros, a noted creator of crucufixion imagery whose work often features outside settings like this bathed in bright, Mediterranean light. But Roa spares this defeated warrior from agonising death on the cross, instead using the construct to parade him in their victory march. The prolonged suspension is painful and the forced nudity humbles him, but this spectacular exhibition they have arranged for him also pays tribute to his heroic qualities which have made him highly-prized as a captive.  


Roa - Graham (In captivity)

Soon enough though the lauded hero is despatched to a dank dungeon to await a grisly fate. His modesty has been temporarily restored with a flimsy loin cloth but the widely spaced restraints continue to draw attention to his muscular physique. They suppress his physical strength and place unnatural stresses on his body. He can be in little doubt that his captors are preparing him for further suffering.

Roa portrays 'Graham' as a well-developed adult with a ginger, buzz haircut which serves as a tribal badge in historical fantasy but also seems to convey a man with lingering youthfulness and a rebellious, unconventional character. 

The suggestively dangling loin cloth suggests there might be a nude version of this image and his wistful contemplation of that area may reflect a resignation to that area being a focus of his captor's attention. 

Roa - Graham (Nipple Torture)

So it proves. Once his real ordeal begins the modesty afforded by the loin cloth is soon forfeit and his limbs are subjected to even more severe restraint. It starts with mild but invasive manipulations that impress upon him how vulnerable his body now is to painful assault. However the heavy chains that hold him and the torturer's formal hood indicate that far worse is to come. 

Graham's slightly chubby face, stubble and body hair are representative of a particular form of rather earthy, natural manhood that you might associate with big rugby players and construction workers.

Roa - Graham (facing hot irons)

Graham's manly qualities are severely tested in a series of trials including being chained to a stone block and tortured with hot irons, one of the most extreme torments imaginable. His face in this image is a great study in mature masculinity and stoic endurance. Roa bestows on him a muscular back, which are one of the glories of his work but an inviting target for his subject's captors. 

Graham's pain in this predicament is not merely physical, he is forced to endure it in front of his lover, Alphons, who happens to be the Prince of his realm. Graham's unconventional (not to say tricky) relationship with Alphons forms the backbone of this story. Roa depicts with great sensitivity how the young Prince falls in love with his finest warrior, a man who is old enough to be his father. It's a classic realisation of adolescent hero worship and lust fantasy.

He goes on to seduce Graham him in some beautifully romantic scenes. Later, the two men are seen fighting alongside each other in battle, implying he is of an age, but unfortunately, for me, he just looks too young and the renders of him (and other characters seen in this example) don't achieve the same maleness and individuality of Graham and his tormentors.

More Roa Art in Part 2 next time at mitchmen

Roa seemed to vanish a few years back, I can't find him anywhere on the net including pixiv and Patreon. Roanovel on Deviant Art is still there but empty apart from some interesting pieces by other artists, his Tumbr site is gone. If you know more please leave a comment.

Friday, 17 July 2020

The Art Of Richie San Lucas

Stop And Search - Oh Officer!

Much of Richie's work is fluffy fanart but this is nicely suggestive.
The cops hidden left hand is doing most of the talking
but there's also a nice juxtaposition of trouser creases, cuffed hands and juicy butt.

Release Your Passion

Vaguely fetishistic with chains and fiery torments,
but the symbolism seems a bit confused
would that the image itself had more passion.

Richie - Maor Luz

Tsunami Season in Paradise?
Deliciously cute.
Some interesting photos at Maoz Luz website

Richie - Model, Bibbi Deg

Soccer players have ravishing thighs which their kit usually hides
but knee length sports socks help.

Poses like this always make me thing of abduction scenarios,
"Soccer star stripped and kidnapped from the training field!"

The real Bibbi Deg is worth a spot of his own.
Dig those speedos!

Pepe Brandford

There's a sense of lurking menace in these images that doesn't quite break free of publishing conventions and fan worship. Compare Richie's style with Eddie Chin and Paul Richmond

Monday, 15 June 2020

Priapus of Milet - Shooting The Past 2

Read Part 1 of this article

Shooting The Past 1 - image 44

When the photographer moves on to Workman No 2, he appears to be made of sterner stuff than his colleague at first sight. Yet he too is persuaded to strip off his shirt and perform a series of butch poses paying tribute to Herb Ritt's famous 'Hunk with Tyres' image*. Despite his massive bulk he's dwarfed by the engineering behind him and his muddy tyres seem slightly incongruous in comparison.
Both musclemen are pretty much cast as minions of 'The Great Machine'.

(*Coincidentally I also posted a picture here recently showing Jase Dean recreating this image)

Shooting The Past 1 - image 62

That all changes when he strips off completely and sparks fly. It's a magical moment. The industrial process shown here is typically associated with iron and steel making but the cascading stream of molten metal is the colour of liquid gold. It seems to fall at his feet like a tribute. Even the pouring bucket seems to be bowing in deference to him.

The pouring stream forms a pleasing inverted-triangle shape with his legs. It's dangerous convergence is not without erotic ambiguity either. In the next picture in the series (not included here), it seems to pour directly into his body and groin like an energising force.

This is a very clever and memorable picture. It casts the model's natural grandeur in a doubly heroic light by drawing on the gigantic scale and raw, dangerous, energy of the plant around him. It's also the climax of his own teasing flirtation with the photographer.

Shooting The Past 2 - image 03

The two, naked workmen join forces to create a memorable Blacksmith, forging moment. This could easily be the Smith and his apprentice from an old legend restoring a magical weapon.  The background has become murkier and more distant and has changed to a more complex, smaller scale, almost creating the illusion of an ancient, sacred temple. What better for hosting this most manly and ancient of rites? A channelling of raw, human strength into metal.

As they work, the sparks fly even closer to their sensitive areas and the suggestive positioning of the forging workman's tong handles plus the assistant's hand nearby, reaching out and gripping his own, chunky, hammer handle seem to be heading us in an equally sizzling direction. But the men themselves seem to be unaware of it, preoccupied with the chain they are making (or repairing).

Even without the coded sexual signals this is a great erotic picture in a much broader sense. There's a marvellous feeling of unselfconscious, shared purpose and working together and their nudity makes it an intimate moment and compelling to watch. The lighting of the scene, particularly the left hand figure is simply beautiful and adds to that sense of intimacy. But there's no question who's in charge here and it's entirely consistent with the character development we've seen up to this point,
but the flying sparks hint at simmering rivalry.

This depiction of the cult of bodybuilding expressed through 'real' men working in a relatively primitive, heavy industrial context gives the scenario a spine-tingling dimension of swirling natural forces and barely-controlled danger. Fantasy and superhero scenarios often seek to create this too but for most of us lack the credibility to do it successfully.

Shooting The Past 2 - image 06

Having established in Part 1 that the first workman had a youthful streak of daring, this lassoing prank is not entirely unexpected and a 'tug of war' is a predictable form of play for two muscular friends. But the trapping of the Smith with the chain he has just himself made, escalates the playful challenge from a simple battle of strength, into a struggle with overtones of domination. You can read in their expressions that it's not so very light-hearted. Perhaps there is a rivalry for the attentions of the photographer. The smoke behind the mischief maker hints at serious intentions while the red hot, open furnace raging behind the 'captive' seems to express the heat of his embarrassment.

Shooting The Past 2 - image 07

The upstart seems to chain the newly-proclaimed hero to the block or is it just muscle-play? In previous images these chains can be seen attached to either end of the block for lifting so this would be a natural way to show off muscularity. But the fetishistic ambiguity of capture and threat is made more real by the purposeful, challenging pose of the 'captor' and the apparent frustration of his captive.

Shooting The Past 2 - image 08

The pulling pose here is magnificent, full of determination and power. Appropriately enough the fire now highlights the muscles in his tensioned back. The 'captive' is helpless to prevent his arms being pulled aloft by the stronger man. The hanging pipe in the background offers the faintest of clues to erotic thoughts which are also beginning to show in their  bodies but they are not long in materialising anyway. 

Shooting The Past 2 - image 13

You could hardly better this as an expression of passion. The furnace behind them seems to explode, forcing the captive to arch his body forward in an offering to his lustful captor, he's also seemingly drawn forward by the chain between his legs as though it's trapping his manhood. But it's clear that the pleasure in this captivity game is entirely mutual. If these are rivals, it's a very friendly rivalry!

Shooting The Past 2 - image 17

The fetish element recedes, the captive surrenders, the fire settles to a steady blaze and a gentler body worship begins. Meanwhile the photographer, unseen, watches all this with amazement
(but doesn't miss a shot even so!)

Shooting The Past 2 - image 31

Now he is drawn directly into the rite, deprived of the shield of his camera and his clothes too. The 'cheeky boy' snaps this moment of initiation, the climax of a lengthy seduction on his part. At this point his colleague, the 'serious' workman, has shown that he is seriously sexy too and it shows as he settles to undressing the latecomer. The drifting smoke seems to reflect the photographer's uncertainty and intensifying sexual tension.

(I must admit I'm a bit surprised at the photographer's muscularity, I imagined that his relative boyishness was part of his attraction to the muscle-guys - but then it's not my story to tell!)

Shooting The Past 2 - image 52

Having worshipped the beefcake boys from a distance the photographer finds bonus fulfilment as the meat in their sandwich. The recently-chained (chastised?) top resumes his leadership role by encouraging the romance which seemed to develop between the other two in Part 1. But while the boys lie embracing each other and getting intimate, he proves his animal credentials (and celebrates his freedom) by topping them both with a triumphant, wolf-like cry of  orgasmic pleasure, a great image. The stairs rising behind him and the swirling smoke/steam make a witty comment on his ecstasy.

A lengthy, happy 'end' game follows this moment after which the studs gather round the flames of the furnace like Boy Scouts at camp. I've largely skipped this most sexual section in the interests of brevity and focussing on the fetish but there are dozens of other images which I urge you to seek out using the links below.

Read Part 1 of this article


Priapus of Milet has produced many great works now but this is one of his best creations showing gay men in the way we would all like them to be:- strong, seductive,and passionate, sometimes forceful, mysterious and magical, but ultimately comradely and loving. There's a gentle edge to the flirtation with fetish here which might make you wish for more but still leaves a warm glow.

You can see this series displayed at Priapus @ Telemachus12 (132 images in all). Some of the images presented there are incomplete, typically with the lower half removed, the full images can only be seen by subscribing to Priapus @ Patreon. The Patreon version also has extra images (making 172 in all).

The Priapus Gallery @ Telemachus12 has a number of other series by Priapus.
There's also a selection (not completely the same) at his own Priapus' blog.

You can find an overview of the Patreon projects on The Patreon Index page
together with a description of the subscription arrangements.

Saturday, 28 April 2018

The Art of SparkieShock

As you might guess from his name, SparkieShock is an artist with a flair for portraying electro-torture. There are many visual treats in his output for fetish fans.

click to enlarge

One of SparkieShock's marketing titles is 'Basement of Pain' and this complex scene certainly seems to qualify for that title. It appears to be something of a circuit training course for torturers and their victims, with a selection of useful restraint furniture on display. The canted frame forming the focal point of the composition is an electrified grid and it's one of SparkieShock's favourite devices, recurring in other scenes in different guises. One of the strengths of CGI art is that elements can easily be re-used for other pictures without having to recreate them as a conventional artist would have to do and Sparkieshock makes full use of that capability.

I don't think many conventional artists would set out to create a grand scene like this with it's elevated viewpoint and loose scattering of figures, although I suppose the work of Hieronymous Bosch is an apt comparator. The nearest modern, fetish equivalent I can think of is this dungeon scene by Les Farnak but in his example the crowded torture floor simply forms an intimidating background, welcoming a new arrival, portrayed in the foreground. SparkieShock's image is a prelude to giving us a tour and close up inspection of the individual torments.

A tour of the exhibits is exactly what these gentlemen seem to be engaged in. Their level of interest in the spreadeagled captive is very apparent but their casual manner and attire gives the scene a chilling emotional dimension totally absent from the panoramic view above. Notice the realistic quality of their faces, a welcome improvement on the doll-like creations often seen in CGI art. It helps to promote the striking sense of connection between the three main protagonists.

Our viewpoint shows how the hapless, frame victim is not only being treated to electric currents whenever his body lapses back against the netting, but is simultaneously being 'grilled' from behind by a gas fire, a novel, modern upgrade of the camp fire, feet-toasting sometimes seen in Western-themed fetish scenes. The artist has used the power of his software to add suitable warming colours and hot highlights to the captive's erotically-detailed rear.

 The unattended man in the left background, alone and sweatily dancing on an electrified grid, is an odd and slightly distracting element, stylistically different from the rest of the picture. You can see him in the top picture and rotating the viewpoint has automatically brought him into view. It seems to have been a deliberate editing decision to include him in this image. His neglected state, distinctly separate to the main group, amplifies the sense of casual mass cruelty. He probably wouldn't envy all the attention that the smouldering blond is getting.

This character can also be seen in the background of the big view (top picture). He has an audience of one for his squirming responses to the electricity discharging through his metal chair. The pose seems to owe something to the creations of Jotto, another electro-enthusiast whose influence SparkieShock acknowledges. However, the accentuated, stressed position of the captive elevates it's impact to a remarkable degree in comparison to the original inspiration. With a little more detailing to eliminate the 'doll effect' it would become most impressive.

In this and other pictures SparkieShock shows his interest in long hair, which is where he and I part company. It can be used as shorthand for rebellious youth (above?) or traditional masculine strength (below) but non-dangling behaviour here illustrated shows how CGI has cruel traps for the unwary.

This is a more developed version of the electrified frame idea. The introduction of visible sparking (also seen in Jotto's work) greatly adds to the sense of terrible torment being inflicted, graphically reflected also in the captive's face. The presence of uniformed attendants gives this picture a more conventional, interrogation rationale. Once again the artist creates a sense of close communion between tormentors and their victim with a compacted, overlapping composition pulling together the more obvious visual clues - like the delicate dial adjustment and the far guard's fascinated expression. There's a hint in the positioning of his hand that his interest verges on the sexual. We can sense the victim's inner strength in this image but his subjugation and helpless position is cleverly accentuated by positioning him at a lower height than his captors.

Here the guards stand aside to reveal the full extent  of the captive's agony with a baton-like attachment focusing the current on intimate regions. But his firmly braced feet and 'strong arms' pose, not to mention his defiant erotic response tells of continuing resistance. The crotch level shot of the guard is suggestive but once again the artist declines to give explicit confirmation of any inner tensions he may have.

This image comes from a series recounting the (apparently arbitrary) maltreatment of a kidnapped muscle boy (published as a series at dream boy bondage). Swapping the angled frame for an ordinary bed makes for a less formal, improvisatory atmosphere. But with the absence of bedding and the cold, sanitary tiles on the surrounding walls it's no more comforting. In fact the bed is a more formidable challenge in it's own way, for the captive in this horizontal position, can only gain relief from the earthing effect of the metal frame by lifting his body, which becomes progressively more exhausting. 

This is a very private encounter in a small, intimate cell with the torturer himself the only witness. He sits up close, as though attending a sick bed, carefully tuning the electrical controls and observing the involuntary responses of his 'patient'. He demonstrates his total control over him and his own nudity makes clear that the ultimate purpose is erotic although, once again we cannot see anything explicit. We can only speculate how long the foreplay will last and what form his final satisfaction will take.

In this image pretty much the same scene is being enacted but it's actually from a different series. It's the same cell, which now assumes the role of institutional detention rather than kidnap victim concealment. The ostensible purpose of the torture becomes interrogation or punishment and the tormentor here is properly dressed, in full military uniform. His calmly purposeful, almost disinterested actions are a dramatic contrast to the wet, sweaty, writhing of the naked inmate, whose arched pose momentarily highlights the red wiring terminals of his torment.  

The power of CGI to envisage dramatic perspectives like this is very impressive and the ability to  reproduce details such as these immaculately detailed bed springs is enviable (that receding pattern would be a daunting chore for a conventional artist). There are some odd-looking perspective effects at the top end of the bed here and in other pictures I have presented but I don't know enough about the science to comment on that.

SparkieShock combines the restraining bed with familiar, Bound God's style, suspension zapping in this 'buddy' episode and the bed itself temporarily transitions from an austere torture frame to the more usual role of allowing it's occupant to rest. His relative comfort as he awaits his own special attentions from the guard might add an element of guilt to his emotional pain as he is obliged to watch the suffering of his friend. The military guard's semi-clad state suggests a serious level of commitment to energetically conducting their punishment as much as any sexual purpose.

This final group of pictures is another bed interrogation scene but I've included it because the captive here has a more mature appearance than other of this artist's 'models' and there's a nice introduction sequence, kicked off here as he is manhandled into the torture cell and sees what the future holds for him.

In this image the bed's electrical accessories are revealed to us. The muscular victim, unsurprisingly, is requiring forceful persuasion to take his place on the springs. The right hand assailant is a character I recognise from other artists work but this dreadlocked captive (confusingly named Sparkie) is an interesting, novel creation to me. His appearance probably invokes different associations in the US compared with the UK where this hairstyle has distinct ethnic overtones.

Finally secured and wired up for his interrogation, SparkieShock captures another moment of connection as Sparkie's eyes meet those of his interrogator. 
What are they thinking? A final appeal? A thrill of anticipation?

I have not presented the full breath of SparkieShock's work here which encompasses demonology, sci-fi and cross-generational domination. In his fetish output however he returns to favourite torture devices over and over again making full use of the ability gifted by the 3D CGI medium to view a scene and it's participants from a variety of positions and angles and experiment with it to create more spectacular imagery. At it's best it is spectacularly successful, original, arousing and comparable in quality to the best practitioners of the craft. But ignoring the electronic jiggery-pokery, he shows an instinct for capturing key moments in S&M scenes, both dramatic and emotional where his subjects connect and become more than mere objects.


SparkieShock has many posting sites including Patreon (pay site), Deviant Art and Tumblr

He only publishes tit-bits and teasers on free sites (fair enough) but in exploring his work you may find the recycling of scenes and their settings for multiple story-lines somewhat confusing. The situation is further complicated an apparent aversion to recognisable titles. He sometimes uses character names to label stories (e.g. Ryan in Trouble), sometimes he just uses episode numbers of 'Sparkie Comics' and in general the samples posted are liberally sprinkled with phrases like 'Teen Shock' and 'Basement of Pain' which don't appear to designate any specific scenes or series. Good hunting!

Friday, 26 May 2017

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Yamato

Also known as Yamato Saimon but I've listed him under Y because he signs his pictures as Yamato
He's also known under the name Fuwa

Yamato - Copulation

 We're in the realm of bondage here but not Yamato shows it in public places (a building site in this case) not hidden away in dungeons. The participants are muscular but with fleshy, chunky builds. Yamato's Japanese background comes through strongly in the facial features and clothing. In this picture there's also some striking similarities with the style of Hasegawa, in the strong diagonal line of the composition for example and the sensual shading technique (which ultimately descends from Tom of Finland). The foreground face is delicious for lovers of chunkies. The half-hidden character at the back, with his drooping cigarette and slightly angular features could have been transplanted directly from one of Hasegawa's works.

Yamato - He was the Object of Everyone's Anger

 You can tell from the title that Yamato is trying to tell a story in his pictures and it's a tale of the humiliation of a strong man, symbolised by the judo outfit which ties him into strong Japanese traditions of warrior manliness. The colouring of the dildo on the other hand suggests links to the theatrical imagery, which we also find in Hasegawa's work - masks, batons etc. I imagine that also brings specific meanings and flavours into this situation which a Japanese person would recognise but I'm afraid I'm not knowledgeable enough to pronounce on it here (information welcome from readers).

Yamato - Laying Eggs
 Yamato is flirting with niche fetishes here but keeping it clean I'm glad to say and it's a nicely balanced composition. Body tattoos are another typical feature of Japanese homoerotic imagery and I believe that it signifies a sort of rough masculinity (but not necessarily connected to social class). So in this picture there's a sense of self-abasement in front of un-tattooed, ordinary guys.

Yamato - The Light Through The Darkness

The influence of Tom of Finland is quite explicit in this work, not only are the trees and park bench a sterotypical Tom cruising location, Yamato has drawn them exactly as Tom would have done and indeed there's a very similar scene in Kake 5 (Nasty Nature Trail) reviewed here. In Tom's version a cop is seen approaching the helpless captive, whereas here we just see a light through the trees, someone drawn to the beacon provided by the burning candles. The symbolism of this scenario, like fireflies finding each other in order to mate, is rather more sophisticated, deep even, than Tom's work and very Japanese. Also while Tom did depict encounters between strangers with the possibility of unpredictable outcomes, they usually turned out to be very predictable, i.e. wham, bang, thank you mam. He rarely showed anything as explicit as this situation, where the S&M bondage adds rather intense possibilities to the forthcoming encounter with a person whose proclivities and limits are completely unknown. We can only speculate whether he will leave the victim to his fate with the burning candles or substitute something more personal for them or even assume more extreme trials are in order for the helpless man he finds.

You might like to look back at the second picture at this point and see a similar scenario which you might have missed first time round.

I haven't found a website for Yamato's work but there must be more around for an artist of this calibre. Unfortunately Yamato is a common name in Japan.

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Wednesday, 1 June 2016

A-Z of Fetish Artists - DF Ward

Today's artist is one whose work you may have seen in spanking collections without being aware of his name. I have seen some of these images listed as being by 'Johnson' but I don't know if that moniker has any truth behind it.  This one showing a man being held down on a bed and subjected to a severe belting is quite well known. One is immediately struck by the angular, serious faces and somewhat scrawny-looking limbs which suggest realism rather than idealisation was the objective. This is the exercise of power and control rather than mutual pleasure, a stance which to some extent may be accounted for by the censorship restraints of it's time - the luxuriant hair styles position this piece around the 1960's. The parallel lines method of shading of the muscles is also typical of this time, you will see it in early 'Superman' comics.

Humiliation and punishment is the name of the game in this piece too. The younger man is no boy but he's being caned in the nude for some misdemeanour by an older father-figure type whom the artist has characterised as old, unattractive and slovenly. It's a case of 'you may not like me but I'm the boss'.

 The idea of a punisher whose power does not derive from his own personality is encapsulated here. The fascist-style uniform is not intended to make the him attractive, just more powerful. His lean build and awkward pose conjure up a sense of doubtful motives too. There's an intensity to the thrashing and the victim's pain which is quite stark and uncomfortable, but this time there is a mild suggestion of eroticism in his hitched-up shorts and revealing projection.

 In this example the artist seems to come out of the closet and shows us the punishers seeking enjoyment, but if you look at the enlarged image you can see that every penis  has been clumsily added by someone else and the paddle-wielding character in the background barely seems male.
The angle of the table victim's head has been changed too (look at his ear area).
Only the lowered trousers in the foreground  have a degree of authenticity,
 admitting sexual pleasure as an element in the picture.

I find this final image intriguing not least because it chimes with the part played by the fire in my Christmas Criminal series. The brightness (and heat) of the fire which would normally radiate out in every direction is shown as focused downwards on the victim's upturned ass. This shows no signs of having been spanked, suggesting this might be a tenderising prelude for him (as in Christmas Criminal). The inclusion of a hole and pucker looks original and makes this a homo-erotic pose in anybody's language but there has been some tampering in this area. The seams of the planking just to the left are not continuous with those on the right and you can see a couple of vertical joins where something has been pasted in. The strange chunky device attached to his cock actually looks a bit like a hand on close inspection and further afield the knot-holes in the floor in front of the fire are clearly replicated. The alterations around the captive's body have been quite skilfully disguised but this image is not a very useful guide to Ward's art.


The majority of Ward's work actually involves both sexes with the women drawn as voluptuous, scantily-dressed creatures who may either be monstrous amazons dominating their down-trodden men or alluring fruit ripe for plucking as in this link:-  Ward's male-female imagery. There's no doubt about erotic intentions in these pictures and funnily enough, his men seem to acquire more masculinity and attractiveness in these images. 

However this hetero-predilection and the evidence of tampering in some of these pictures makes you wonder about the authenticity of all of them. The mysterious hand in picture 5 could easily be a woman's. In picture 4, there's a figure wielding a spanking paddle in the background, but take away the penis and is it really a man? Is the person on the table a man either with that bottom? 

In picture 2, the composition is oddly unbalanced and there is a blank area above the victim's back. It's obviously a double bed, you can see two pillow corners just by his right hand, but the further pillow is incomplete. I suspect that there's a lady that has been edited out of this picture and it's her father administering the punishment. This also explains the young man's nudity, caught in the act!.

It's easy to find Ward's pictures on-line via search engines and a few of them are genuine man on man action but you may find the lack of erotic commitment in these examples limits your pleasure. 
You can also find articles but I haven't found a definitive source for him.

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