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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Jotto's Mystery of the Red Barn

The Murder in the Red Barn was a notorious case in 1827 in England .
The victim disappeared and the body was only discovered a year later,
 buried in the 'Red Barn', after her mother dreamt about it.  

Jotto's Red Barn series is quite different,
ambiguous but equally mysterious and spooky

Jotto - Scarecrow in the Heat
 There's always a place for a scarecrow in a horror scenario.
 Usually lurking in the distance, emanating mysterious darkness
as though seeing all, but revealing nothing.
Jotto - Best Scarecrow Ever
It all begins with a Nature Lover 
venturing out naked, alone
aiming to get closer to nature.

Jotto - MacDonald Had A Farm
A Farmer with an interest in innovation  - and young men.

Prime Beef or Prime Milker?
There's only one way to find out.

One might wonder about those young men who disappeared.
Surely not hidden in plain view, in sight of the homestead?
The crows and the insects could tell a story.

Jotto - Scarecrow in the Storm
The summer storm drenches the soil and the corn grows higher,
Gradually submerging the scarecrow in a sea of green.
Soon it will be Harvest and the land cleared for Winter.

Jotto - Hi
When Spring returns a young man thoughts
turn to adventure and thrill-seeking.......
Who knows what awaits him?

Read my A-Z article which surveys Jotto's art

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