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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

The Russians Are Coming - 2

Read this series from Part 1
Danila Undresses
 Another hunky bodybuilder arrives at the Russian Guys studio aiming to impress with his physique. 
I'm impressed already with this unconventional back view, showing his attractive body shaping.
He's an aspiring model completely unaware of what is planned for him.

The background used in this picture and the next one give the appearance of a credible photo studio with plain, modern 'industrial' walling and accessories beloved of edgy photographers.
No dungeons or hotel bedrooms here!

Danila Overpowered
No sooner has Danila shed his T-shirt than he's pounced on by a hooded thug who KO's him.
We get a nice preview of the physique that's just been requisitioned for examination.
The bad guys here always wear hoods or sun shades that make them look gangsterish

Danila Hogtied
Unconscious, the bodybuilder is stripped to underwear and tied up with rope.
The hog-tie is an unusual concession to tradition at Russian Guys,
it's a position that makes the most of his muscles.

The floor he's lying on looks dry and clean.
It creates a disturbing sense of clinical purpose.


Other new arrivals at the 'studio' loose their clothes more crudely.
Stas is described as a football hooligan, a skinny thug.
That means its quite OK to destroy his vest/singlet before getting started.

Zhenya Undressed
This soldier's clothes get more respect and consideration during removal.
 Zhenya's fine military physique is well worthy of a gradual unveiling,
It really would be a waste to simply rip his gear off.
This approach is only feasible if he's unconscious of course.

Konstantin Debagged

Konstantin is also out for the count unaware as his jeans are undone and tugged off his legs.
He thought he was in for a medical, but the comfort of this couch will be fleeting

Vitaly tamed

By contrast, Vitalys 'Bully Guy' persona earns him an overpowering by force,
attacked by two hooded thugs he remains conscious, able to wonder why
as his T-shirt and jeans are ripped and pulled off his body

 Vitaly's attackers dangle him by his wrists, with ankles tied together, toes just touching the ground.
The yawning door of that container must look an ominous sight to him in this predicament.
 The cheery yellow of his trunks makes an incongruous contrast to the bleak surroundings

When the preliminaries of restraint are done and all is secure, 
there's time for the model to reflect on what might be to come.
I featured this man in Part 1 and previously in a review of Torture Central a few years ago.
I love his orange shorts, not cool but they suggest an individualistic, cheerful personality
Possibly a man who will find the demands of his captors difficult and shocking.

We already saw the bewilderment of the 'swimmer' in Part 1, when he realised where he was.
But 'he doth protest too much' and his reward is a mouthful of the ubiquitous bamboo pole
It's not overly effective as a silencer, but it will render his protestations unintelligible 
and deliver an aching jaw that he will remember before he speaks in future.

'The Stallion' is another bewildered man, he volunteered for something completely different to this.
He's described as a stripper and his artfully edgy hair style indicates someone who likes to be noticed.
Probably in a more flattering pose than this, I imagine.
  But then what sort of man describes himself as a stallion, for heavens sake? 
Admittedly his body warrants attention and puts on a fine display in this position.

I'm not always a fan of ball gags, they tend to distort the face but they've chosen a sensible colour for him and he wears it well. It seems to fit in nicely in with the suggestion of an arrogant man brought down to earth with a bump, his situation exemplified by his being taped to a concrete block. 
Humiliating but also flattering his strength in a weird way!

Occasionally at Russian Guys, captives are delivered into total nudity.
This model is designated simply as the 'New Employee', what an induction!

It's perhaps the harshest way to lose your clothing as a captive, to have the garments cut off you.
It's a more drastic loss than simple undressing, which at least offers the hope of their eventual return.
Cutting is more clinical and calculating than the shock tactic of ripping them away, 
Having to watch them slowly being destroyed on your body, seeing them mutilated and made useless
is a heart-breaking loss and comes with the added scare of blades manoeuvring close to the skin.

For Zhenya, having been stripped totally naked by his captors there is the further humiliation
 of being posed on a precarious, display pedestal in a curtained off, private room, 
there to be inspected by a succession of evil-looking men,

Close by, hang a selection of intimidating instruments of punishment
which he can peruse as he is waiting....... and imagine what they might feel like.

Vasily on his knees

It's even more confusing when they dress you in black latex and oil you up.
Allocating to you a role that is darkly mysterious and sexual even.
Perhaps the time to really start worrying though
 is when they chain you to a concrete block.

 Vasily looks suitably hot under the collar and wondering what's coming next.

There's another image of Vasily in his original, dodgy underwear in my review of Torture Central

more in Part 3
Read this series from Part 1

The Russian Captured Boys site provides a limited free archive of their most recent offerings.
There's a good retrospective collection of Russian Captured Boys highlights at Metalbondnyc

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