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Ain Postolos - Locked Until Christmas |
Gay bdsm art by 'mitchmen' Mitchell and other artists featuring male erotic sexy fetish, S&M, men tied up, male bondage, domination, humiliation and spanking. Vintage photographs of men in uniform, Royale & Hussar Studios, humourous captions, gay pride articles
To my readers......
Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar
Monday, 25 December 2023
The Season of Chastity
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Decorate Me With Candles
Sunday, 30 April 2023
Domination Art by ClydeChristie
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This image sums up fairly succinctly the domination theme that pervades ClydeChristie's fantasy fan art (and it's clean enough to head up the post!) .
The beaten man is stripped of his armour and dominated and there's a slight suggestion that he'll be called upon to provide a very special service shortly, when the dust has settled. The victor is actually chained and collared like a criminal, and it seems, has vented his rage on an intruder who has stumbled into his reach.
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This image gets us even closer to the nub of his art with the top using his boots to trample the very manhood of the unfortunate loser who's been stripped down to his underwear. There are more explicit images in this chain if you follow the links at the foot of the post.
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These less fantastical, more real settings pack more punch for me although the dominant top here, Darius, with his prominent facial scar is still a classic gaming character.
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ClydeChristie also draws on the unbridled, ruthless power of a pirate captain to amplify the sense of crushing power over lesser mortals. This particular unfortunate is seemingly the loser in a tavern brawl or maybe a deserter brought to book. He's tied up for this humiliation, suggesting it will be protracted and may be followed by transfer to the Pirate's ship..
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The artist also uses the idea of a 'human mat' in this image. It's a more private encounter, possibly located on board the ship where the Captain's power definitely is absolute.
The gag here suggests that the naked victim may be the Pirate's booty, carried off against his will in a dawn raid. Possibly something like the previous picture. However you get the sense that he is not entirely dismayed by this plight!
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Here the trampling seems to have evolved into an elaborate sexual ritual
involving members of the crew too.
It's just a shame that pirates have a nasty reputation for 'letting crew members go'
in the middle of the ocean. I'm just saying!
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This image takes in the world of leather fetish. The extensive selection of stinging flails lining the walls seem to have already been used to stimulate the prisoner, judging by his pinked skin. However they take second place to the booted foot when it comes to the final intimidating coup. At least this prisoner is accorded the dignity of being chained up to receive his punishment.
There's a sense of anticipation here which his very erotic.
Visit the links to witness his squashing.
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This is possibly my favourite with the helplessness of the victim firmly established by the use of open-legged, feet-off-the-ground restraint. There's a nice extra detail of dressing him in a simple, rope, upper-body harness.
We can see that the threat to his well-being has been progressively demonstrated to him - by undoing his pants and exposing of his cock - by the foot placed between his thighs, menacingly nudging his balls - and the thumb invading his mouth and tipping his head back so he can't see what is coming next.
Very clever.
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Despite the Christmassy reference I like the use of red ribbon used to restrain this naked 'slave'.
The image takes a different slant on the foot fetish theme with the sub contributing more directly, acknowledging, possibly embracing, his domination rather than being the passive recipient.
Perhaps he's a 'Christmas Criminal' who hoped to steal the presents from under the tree and ended up being one himself (there's a link to my spanking take on this scenario in the sidebar).
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Darius, the scarred protagonist in may of these pictures, likes to throw his weight around in the gym too. His bound victim here has a pretty muscular body but looks suitably dismayed at his humiliation
Embarrassed too perhaps that his cock has shown a weakness he's rather not advertise quite so publicly!
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Is this the nerd's revenge?
It looks like the culprit has stolen one of Darius' trainers, to savour the memory in private.
With the tables turned, Darius reveals his own fetish response to bondage.
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This final image is another model of artistic restraint. In some ways it's the modern equivalent of the dominated warrior, the motorcyclist with his flashy motor bike and high performance, very eye-catching white suit being humiliated by a more traditionally attired biker. One imagines the show-off dandy finally exhausting the patience of his fellow bikers. His humiliation does not require the elaboration of sexual humiliation, well not yet anyway.
The use of chains to bind him are a very nice, fitting detail.
This is a very refined view of S&M with exquisite artwork.
Check out ClydeChristie on Twitter
and if you like what you see there's a pay site ClydeChristie on Patreon
Sunday, 25 December 2022
Planet Gay's bdsm Christmas
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Planet Gay - Waiting For Christmas |
I already expressed my admiration for the artwork produced by Planet Gay and the delicious hunks he's populated them with in several articles this year, but I couldn't resist making this image the centrepiece of my Christmas Day offering, which as usual is dedicated to anyone who is alone or who feels alone at this time of year when everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves.
I suppose this image of togetherness with a gay couple gazing out of a window at the winter wonderland might seem an odd choice in that context but gays don't have to be in a relationship to share such pleasures and you don't have to be in a relationship to appreciate the joy sharing brings. Besides, looking out for Santa's sleigh is a cute allusion to happy childhood memories.
For me, this is also a normalising image that gives gay men a legitimate place of their own in a festival that is resolutely 'family' oriented in our society (for 'family' read 'heterosexual'). Hence I've tagged this post with my 'Pride' label at the bottom.
If, on the other hand, you think this picture is far too slushy
and hardly in keeping with this blog's fetish credentials, well, read on.....
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Planet Gay - Who's Not Been A Good Boy |
It turns out the two young men are waiting for Santa to arrive and the light in the first picture signals the approach of his gift-laden sleigh. (It looks like Rudolph's nose has been upgraded up this year or else he's been replaced by a lighting system borrowed from a Pop Festival). The fact that the pair seemed to have stripped off in readiness for Santa's arrival suggests they haven't put a train set or an Action Man at the top of their Christmas list.
We all know that boys who haven't been good during the year don't get a present from Santa. Unfortunately gay men have a talent for being naughty even if they do have skills with dressing and décor (witness the authentic Victorian chaise). I'm not sure whether getting spanked by Santa counts as a present or a punishment, but I'm glad to see the pink-cheeked recipient looks genuinely discomforted.
I suppose he'll be getting a consolation gift from Santa's sack afterwards - I'm talking about the one sitting on the floor of course, filled with nutritious fruits, nuts and gingerbread men. Yum!
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Planet Gay - We Heard You Weren't a Good Boy |
In this picture his partner already has his gingerbread man, so he may have been spanked already.
The roaring fire in the background could be a clue to the fiery heat that he's feeling.
Unfortunately the way Santa is weighing up his backside doesn't suggest he's finished with it yet.
Hence the telling look of dread on his face.
Perhaps the biscuit is a bribe to comfort him in readiness for
the blunt end of the chunky candy cane being brandished by the elvish assistant.
It's not clear whether the gym horse that the young man has been set astride is a piece of equipment the couple keep in their living room for daily exercises or has been brought along by Santa on the luggage rack of his sleigh for this express purpose.
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Planet Gay - Vaxxi-Claus |
Friday, 12 November 2021
Strip Poker 2 - Get 'em Off!
I depicted the Strip Poker scenario in my own 'mitchmen' way in one of my earliest pictures.
It was part of the mitchmen series "This Christmas....will be different" which takes an irreverent look at some of the British traditions for that season of the year
Mitchell @ mitchmen - Strip Rummy |
Tradition No 9 - Playing Cards
Christmas, my sister is bringing her hunky new boyfriend, Darren, to
Granny Edna's Christmas 'do'. Granny Edna won't come to the main family
get-together, because she doesn't get on with Uncle Charlie. So, to keep
the peace, Sis' and I go and have a turkey roast with her (yes another one) on Boxing Day
Afterwards we always settle down to what Granny calls' a nice game of Rummy'. It should be more interesting than usual this year, because I've spiked Granny's 'New Berry Fruits' and Sis's Elderberry Wine. They can doze in front of the fire while Jake and I introduce Darren to'Strip Rummy'.
Oh yes, I've marked the cards. You guessed didn't you?
Saturday, 3 July 2021
The Art of Absolutbleu 6 - You've Got Milk!
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Absolutbleu - A Visit To The Doctor |
The Doctor's Surgery only qualifies as a 'gay haunt' in the annals of porn fantasies, but as you might expect, the Absolutbleu-Flirt will find cause to attend one with an intimate problem. He smirks at us in satisfaction as his ballooning physique meets with the usual awed and lustful response. For once, touching is in order but the Medics show an unprofessional eagerness to start examining him.
Absolutbleu has used a slightly different style here, colouring a semi-refined drawing with a watercolour effect, the treatment of shadowing is bold and confident (e.g. the gloves). The veins in the A-Flirt's arms are a detail that underlines his genuine interest in real muscle.
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Absolutbleu - A Medical Phenomenon |
This diptych tells the story of a different medical patient. He's a stereotypical American Muscle Jock with square jaw and buzz haircut topping off an amazing (almost feminine) hourglass figure. We see him (left) getting joyously laid in his purple muscle thong, but a few months later strange things have started happening to his body (right)! The Doctor celebrates a discovery which will transform his career but the pregnant and lactating jock is dismayed by the changes in his body. He's probably dreading having to tell the father.
Pregnant men are not a new idea but I can't recall having seen milk-spurting pecs illustrated like this anywhere else in gay erotica . You'd think it would connect to an interest in the fetish of nipple sucking. Admiration of voluptuous breasts obviously lies at the core of Absolutbleu's art and they often get handled in his images - cupped, squeezed or used as a place to park heads and cocks. Strangely, though, lips and nipples sometimes get close but never seem to touch.
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Absolutbleu - Animal Milk |
I suspect this image may be a clue to the evolution of the artist's thought processes, with an ox-like 'manimal' giving up milk from his pec-udder instead of the usual style of male ejaculation. I imagine this fantasy creature is inspired by a computer game character but haven't identified him. Game-inspired scenarios form a significant chunk of Absolutbleu's output, but it's not a subject I know much about so I don't try to cover it in any depth in these articles.
Games aside, Man-Bull morphs (minotaurs) have a long history, having been used to express the animal sexuality and strength of males since ancient times and were notably revived by Picasso in the 1930's. Absolutbleu concentrates on the bulk of the creature rather than it's earthier characteristics such as hair and animal features. The beast might easily be a captive although we can't see any restraints. If it has a male organ, it isn't visible, the erotic power lies in his (apparent) exploitation by the smaller characters, a theme that we've seen in other images.
One man here tries to catch the spurting milk in his mouth (almost as though it had magical properties) but he doesn't get close enough to suck from the source. In fact, despite the explicit coupling that's implied, the two men seem oddly detached from the beast as though they were completing a serious task or challenge (like the Labours of Hercules), rather than indulging in a forbidden lust. For me, the milk-catchers' sensuously-shaded G-string cum loin cloth is the sexiest part of this image (and the only explicit evidence of a cock) .
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Absolutbleu - Blank Milked |
In this extraordinary image, a highly stylised, muscle bunny is hung up by his thong, plugged in the butt and left to have his pecs milked by an unseen, suction machine. This picture draws parallels between pec milking and the cock-centred kind shown in the mitchmen milking factory series, including an element of forcible restraint and the replacement of human interaction by a mechanical extraction device. Despite that connection, the eroticism here is muted. This image primarily seems to gently mock muscle folk's obsession with their own pec size.
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Absolutbleu - Beach Milk Fest |
There's no lack of human interaction in this picture which celebrates mighty pecs and their bearers (barer's?). It looks like a group of beach bunnies (from Bulges Bar?) have had their gossip interrupted by a mischievous group of passing lads who grab their tits and squeeze them, causing milk to spray out, drenching each other. It's what you might call a 'white shower' orgy (as opposed to a golden one). Somewhat surprisingly, the erotic effect of pec-milk cascading over muscular bodies is much the same, but more wholesome, obviously!
The matching, skimpy tops of the muscle-hunks reiterate that sense of muscle club exclusivity seen in other images, but nevertheless this energetic invasion seems to be welcomed by the members of this clique, who perhaps see it as flattery, due reward for their efforts in the gym.
Like other images in this group there are no male organs in sight although the poses here suggest coupling might be taking place out of sight, down below. This feature may be a result of self-censorship for publication reasons, this particular image looks as if it might have been cropped.
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Absolutbleu - Christmas Milk and Cookies |
This artist is so prolific in producing Christmas images that it's impossible to ignore them and this one is quite a good example of our pec-milking theme anyway, with a muscle hunk condemned to selling cookies from a tray, completely nude, and also being used as a walking milk dispenser. His ultra-strong spray has produced embarrassing results, but his discomfort is also be due to the erotic arousal that all this handling by strangers has induced. He seems to using his tiny tray to hold down his enlarging organ, it can barely hide it.
Compare with the humiliated Cafe Waiter in Part 5
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Absolutbleu - Angel Milked |
The fallen angel is a fantasy stereotype that has much appeal for gay artists, providing an opportunity to combine erotic themes with a traditional, serious art construct (e.g. see Luxuris). Succumbing to temptation is a universal gay experience anyway but this context also allows us to poke fun at religious hypocrisy. Absolutbleu also seems to see it as another vehicle for breaking down the barrier that muscle hunks seem to hide behind. By characterising this one as an angel falling from grace, he seems to be linking their aloofness with old-fashioned religious 'goodness' and sexual abstinence, which is also traditionally a prerequisite for athletic prowess.
That apartness only serves to make the angel's 'essence' all the more desirable, venerated even, by the demons of this universe (which I guess means the rest of us!). They capture him, induce him into sexual arousal and milk him into a golden chalice. He is clearly humiliated by their handling of his body, fearfully enlightened too perhaps about the joys of forceful sex, but the classical connotations seem to imply that he may ultimately be cast out of his clique for this lapse.
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Absolutbleu - Heroes ina Barren World |
This image seems to echo those sentiments of purity with two (computer game?) heroes helping each other to negotiate a grey, barren landscape littered with phallic erections. A fragment of bright sky promises a happy future for the two buddies if they stick together. That's a message that wouldn't be out of place in a teen comic (and indeed, the War Comics that I periodically feature at mitchmen do sometimes include phallic rocks, but that's a different subject for another day!).
It's quite hard to read the symbolism here. The caution of the heroes seems to imply that the rocks are dangerous and poised to sully the unwary. But they look quite dead and it may be that they are the remains of previous heroes who failed to negotiate this obstacle. It may be just a matter of context but there's a curious, niggling negativity or reserve about sex in this image and to some extent in the preceding one, but it's heightened by the dark tones here. It's quite different to the usual joyous work of this artist and yet seems significant in a way I cannot fathom (is it about good sex and bad sex?) .
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Absolutbleu - Santa's Grotto |
There's obviously no sexual reserve here as three lads take it (literally) in turns to make a wish in Santa's (rather opulent) Grotto. Of course, Santa turns out to be a muscle hunk, but the artist also creates an association with the 'Daddy' phenomenon that's not evident elsewhere in his work. Perhaps the disguise allows him the freedom to cross the divide and indulge himself with ordinary men. This understated but convincing depiction of sex as a simple, mutual pleasure and indeed as a reward for being good, is actually one of this artist's more notable works. I like the idea of 'bottom icing', very festive! Notice also the suggestive detailing of the gift at Santa's feet.
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Absolutbleu - Reinhardt-vs-Vampire-Killer |
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Absolutbleu - Kitten and Wool |
Tuesday, 8 June 2021
The Art of Absolutbleu 1 - Icons
The love-struck comic character in the background is another example of the cartoon commentary device I talked about in my article on Nickie
I've published images by Absolutbleu here twice before : A randy snowman in 'It Must Be Winter' and a Pirate kidnapping a Merman in 'Summer Booty' (both in 2019). Both these images and the sportsman above have central characters with a strong identity, either cultural or homoerotic. I've labelled them as iconic for this post (although it's a fashionable, much abused word in these days of vagueness).
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Absolutbleu - Cop, Ticket Stop* |
"I'll do whatever you say, Officer!" The simple device of an opened car window in the foreground draws us personally into this image imagining the erotic aura pouring into the car. This is the cop as a desirable man as well as a figure of authority, a lethal combination. His swollen pecs are a trademark of this artist's work.
The sportsman above is a reasonably authentic imagining of the hunky footballer icon but Absolutbleu doesn't allow conventional attire to confine his re-imaginings. The upper body of this cop is not so very far removed from the muscular types seen in American cities but his scanty, mankini-like thong certainly is. Absolutbleu transforms a ludicrous garment into something very sexy, attracting our aroused interest rather than ridicule (who would dare?). The pouch design is similar to that used by Stefan in his muscle art. The badge and it's subdued, co-ordinated colouring are nice touches.
*indicates my title not the artist's
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Absolutblue - A Small Present (Cowboy*) |
The cowboy gets a similar makeover with a cow-hide pouch by the look of it. Interesting! No gun in his holster though, which might lead you to think the phallic column in the background is more his thing. Or perhaps he's making his way home after being waylaid by a bandit who took everything he had. If so he doesn't look too upset about it.
This artist's faces are quite expressive and this one is decidedly cute in a manly way.
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Absolutbleu - Nathan Drake (adventurer*) |
Absolutbleu - Sea Food (preliminary sketch) |
This sketch for a beached merman shows similar characteristics of stylishness and delicacy. This creature's muscularity is conveyed mainly by a sense of bulk, rather than detailed line work or shading. Both these sketches illustrate another prominent feature of this artist's work - subjects who flirt with the viewer, inviting us to admire their bottoms (and so on).
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Absolutbleu - Xmas Drive Aid |
It's the wrong time of year in the Northern Hemisphere but I can't leave this selection of Absolutbleu icons without mentioning Father Christmas. One for the boys down-under! This artist's output of Xmas-themed images is phenomenal and this sexy Santa (who is not the real thing but a regular humpy guy who's dressed up for charity) is a worthy representative of them. He's seen braving the cold snow with no apparent adverse consequences for his ding-a-ling. I like the skilful ribbon arrangement, covering and clinging to his elevated nipples. Meanwhile the potential for unravelling that bow boggles the imagination!
There will be some more icons next time......
Bleuboys blogspot (not updated since 2014)
Bleuboys @Twitter (still active at the time of publication, it will link you to his Patreon account)
Absolutbleu Gallery on Rule 34
Absolutbleu @Tumbex (not updated since 2019)
Thursday, 22 April 2021
Mitchell's Fetish Art - Another Day, Another Kidnap
Mitchell - Sorry About The Noise Officer |
This image uses the same idea as 'False Hopes' in the previous post. A Cop comes calling to investigate reports of unusual noises and unwittingly interrupts an enslavement scenario- but only temporarily. This one though imagines a less sinister context - a Milkman (say no more!) getting an unusual 'treat' instead of his customary Christmas tip (or his Christmas Box as it used to be called).
It's not clear how the Milkman was persuaded to submit to being stripped naked and tied up. Perhaps he'd already had a celebratory sherry too many with other customers on his delivery round. Perhaps he was lured (Czech Hunter fashion) by the promise of an even bigger tip than usual. Whatever the case, he appears to be embarrassed and hiding from the Cop rather than struggling to to alert him to his predicament. Oh, the shame of being seduced into deviant practices!
This hairy prisoner is one of my more mature subjects and there's a distinctly adult, inter-generational flavour to the encounter that echoes recent postings of PapaCon pictures here at mitchmen. A single, slowly burning candle gives the scene a spooky, ritualistic atmosphere.
Mitchell - Careful With The Candles |
In the sequel, the Cop has been satisfied and sent away with a convincing explanation and perhaps, a tip of his own. The Milkman's unexpected introduction to Festive Fetish Fun has continued and has evidently included a total body shave over the knees of his mentor at this point, which tells us that it must be some time later. Now comes the candle dripping hot, stinging wax onto freshly razor-burned skin. It may sound painful and he may be protesting, but it's evident that he's aroused by it all. An unorthodox, but interesting way of obtaining extra double cream to serve with on the Christmas Pudding.
Of course, this doesn't have to be a Milkman. He might equally be any tradesman who visits your home to do his work -
a plumber, electrician, decorator or the ever-alluring, bare-top gardener beloved of
soft drink advertisers! The only qualification needed is a curious, adventurous mind and willingness to be persuaded.
These images are both part of a series by Mitchell published in 2011 and entitled "This Christmas ....Will Be Different". It's a collection of mitchmen-style twists on traditional, UK, Yuletide customs. You can view the entire "This Christmas..." series in the permanent mitchmen archive at Adonis Male (free membership). Other Mitchell pictures at mitchmen blog are tagged with the 'mitchpix' label, click on the one at the foot of this post to see them all.
Saturday, 26 December 2020
Be Careful What You Wish For - 3
The Day After Christmas
(See 'The Day Before Christmas' )
For other 'Wishes' click on the label below
See also 'The Day Before Christmas, Crazy Cop Caps No 6
For other 'Crazy Cop Caps', Read series from No 1
For other 'Wishes' click on the label below
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Saturday, 4 April 2020
The Art of RW Richards - 2 Bruises and Boyfriends
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RW Richards - Rage 04 |
The man bears a stereotypical resemblance to the blue 'Dangerous Guy' in Part 1, giving an impression of toughness and that is reinforced by the skull tattoo on his chest, which is obviously not just a naturalistic adornment. It's very interesting to see this butch number using his mouth to unravel his hand bandages in a distinctly sensual fashion. It's yet another example of RWR's fascination with this part of the male anatomy as a fetishistic indicator of personality. Intriguingly, the boxer's action also unexpectedly highlights the element of 'bondage restraint' which (unintentionally) accompanies the use of bandaging to protect hands in the boxing ring.
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RW Richards - Rage 01 |
Not that this man's masculinity is any less evident than the boxer's, quite the reverse (and in a remarkably powerful detail, the tiny glimpse of neckline suggests he has significant body strength too). His rage would be frightening to confront, but the vulnerability exposed by it has a very appealing quality that is also highly erotic. I scarcely need to point out the care that RWR has lavished on this man's mouth and it's not hard to imagine him mentally making love to his creation as he labours over the tiny details of those luscious lips.
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RW Richards - Rage 06 |
His frustration doesn't necessarily have a sexual basis. but given the 'stripping' element of the picture it's not unreasonable to suppose that it might be reflecting RWR's situation, both as a gay man and as a worker in the image-conscious fashion industry.
Having said that, there are other interpretations - it's possible that the black tie is significant, giving the image a wider meaning, a tragic rage about the cruelty of life and loss.
Alternatively the green tint on the left side could be an indicator of jealousy at work.
I imagine RWR would be amused by my confusion!
It seems there's an 'Incredible Hulk' trapped within this Adonis, perhaps one with less refined tastes than appear on the surface. His clothes look modest enough and down-to-earth, but in view of his well groomed, artfully 'wild' appearance, we might suppose that they are actually expensive, 'designer' versions of commonplace gear. The economical sketching of his garments hints at that superficiality and lack of substance, contrasting it with the 'real' physicality and bulk of his naked self.
The depiction of the man's face here is magnificent, again showing him to be on the verge of tears in his frustration, a situation that stokes our schaden freude given his enviable natural assets.
This detail shows that the kinship with the later 'Rage' series is not entirely superficial.
Explicitly sexual situations are not common in RWR's work and this is one of only two instances of anal sex which I'm aware of - and neither of them are fully explicit. This might reflect a personal reticence or simply the restrictions of publishing in the heyday of gay magazines. However, this particular picture shows no inherent squeamishness about man sex and is notable for it's forcefulness and passion which pretty much nullifies the absence of explicit detail.
The patchy body highlights which suggest both bulk and hot sensuality for an erotically motivated audience are characteristic of RWR's early work and eventually translate into the more subtle, emotional effects in the Rage pictures above. The beginnings of that sensitive observation can be seen even here, in the blissful face of the blond.
Notice the traditional stereotyping of the top and bottom (possibly dictated by the storyline)
and the array of fashion underwear displayed at the back, that trophy thing again (see Part 1).
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RW Richards - Marine Allure (my title) |
I don't know this story but the bottom appears to be the intimidating Marine shown directly above them, so there is an interesting 'role' story going on here. In the picture, however, the sex scene plays second fiddle to Richards' marvellous depiction of the stern Marine wearing his dress cap. To me it seems to completely capture the very essence of this particular gay icon, without even referencing the full uniform! On a technical level there's some impressive detailing in the cap badge and fittings but as for the mouth and lips, my word, they almost qualify for the word, 'divine'.
How did Richards ever manage to finish painting them?
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RW Richards - Santa's Gift |
RW Richards - Lovers |
one that's about a genuine physical attraction to your partner, rather than 'just getting off'.
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RW Richards - Lover kiss |
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RW Richards - Down Time |
Of course the youthfulness of these two might have something to do with that!
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RW Richards & Mike Ruiz - No 2 |
The Mike Ruiz foreground photo incorporates Richards' iconography of stylish spiky hair and painted eyes with luxuriant lashes and eyebrows. Richards has painted an echo of it just beyond.
The 'collar' made of multiple belt loops is a most emphatic 'sub-dom' statement
and there's something very similar in one of his Rage pictures which I've not included here.
It's application to what appears to be a self-confident (dare I say 'cocky'?) fashion model
represents a cross fertilisation of RWR 'themes' which I haven't seen elsewhere.
I get a sense of the Colt that needs to be tamed in this picture
as if a battle of wills is about to commence. Nice.
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RW Richards - Allure |
This character seems the very antithesis of that. His allure seems to depend on 'poor boy', emotional manipulation rather than genuine, sexual desirability. In the coy pose, Richards seems to be borrowing from an old heterosexual stereotype, (imagine this as a woman dressed like a farm yokel and you'll see what I mean). There's a touch of Eve's Apple about it and that's not an easy cross-fit for most perceptions of masculinity, even modern ones. For me the addition of dishevelled hair and torn vest, perhaps intended to create that yokel connection, introduces a worrying hint of abuse which is not dispelled by the dark rings under the eyes. I suggested in relation to Rage 01 above that male vulnerability can be appealing, this picture has that in spades, but then again........
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RW Richards - Dangerous Guys 02 |
Colour in this image is largely reserved for the man's discarded clothes and on the wall: blood, fire and endings (a diagonal red line = end of). The man himself is almost entirely painted in greyscale tones, save only for a touch of pink on the cheek, like a fading bruise. It's as though we are watching his life slipping away in despair. You don't need to be a mind-reader to detect a simmering anger in this picture and interestingly Richards suggests it also has a more personal significance by adding the 'Make Art' message. It's tempting to relate it to the 'Rage' series if only in terms of Richards psyche. The inclusion of 'Obey' may also represent something more than it's straight-forward military meaning, but I can't speculate about that.
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RW Richards - Rage 05 |
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RW Richards - Self Portrait |
RWR's Facebook page
Read Part 1 of this article