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The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label night visitor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label night visitor. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Targeted - Night Visitor by Oliver Frey

Night Visitor by Oliver Frey

 Oliver Frey's comic strips pound with sexy excitement but the individual images are often out of kilter when looked at as stand alone pictures. This image is an impressive exception and has a very different feel, calm but simmering with menace.

see also mitchmen A-Z of fetish artists - Oliver Frey 
For Mitchell's 'Night Visitor' or 'targeted' images click on the label below

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Another Night Visitor by Mitchell

Gay BDSM Art by Mitchell of mitchmen blog
and a story about domination and being dominated

muscle man overpowered by intruder in bed in his pyjamas
Mitchell - Night Visitor

Greg woke up with a start, realising someone was in his bed with him.

He had felt the sudden sag as it gave beneath their weight.

A hand began scrabbling with his pyjamas, releasing the waist tie.
He tried to stop them, but his wrist was grabbed, pulled back, twisted up his back.
An arm snaked round his neck jerking it backwards.

"Not a sound!" a vaguely familiar voice hissed in his ear.

Then he was rolled forwards on to his chest.
His arm forced up between his shoulder blades.
His face pushed down into the pillow, muffling his protests

He felt his pyjama bottoms being roughly tugged down and off.
Then the intruder lay on top of him trapping him beneath his weight
He could feel the warmth of his body, the press of his skin

"What is this? Who are you?" Greg whimpered.

The man stirred and his body hair brushed Greg's shoulders
as he leaned forward to touch his lips to Greg's ear

"I am your innermost desire", he whispered darkly

Greg felt his legs being slowly spread apart.


For other pictures in the Mitchell Mitchmen 'Night Visitor' series,
click on the label at the foot of this post

For other drawings by Mitchell at mitchmen
click on the 'mitchpix' label at the foot of this post
or visit the mitchmen Gallery Hub

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Mitchell's Fetish Art - Kyle's Night Visitor

Mitchell - Night Visitor in Hood

 Kyle emerged from a weird dream of enveloping darkness to find someone in his bed with him and peeling down his pyjamas. It was almost impossible in the darkness to see the intruder since he was clad in black from head to toe, including a tight-fitting hood which hid nearly all of his face. However,  it was very obvious to Kyle that he was big and he was strong. Kyle was too frightened to do anything as the stranger slid an arm between his legs and lifted his body off the bedsheet, but when he felt warm nuzzling pressure between his thighs, his body did the talking for him. 


Another of my series featuring the mysterious 'Night Visitor'. 

Is it a burglar who broke into the wrong room and decided to make the best of it;
or has he specifically come for Kyle?


For other mitchmen Night Visitors. click on the label at the foot of this post.

For other pictures by Mitchell at mitchmen blog. click on the 'mitchpix' label 

Visit the Gallery Hub (tab at top of page) for directions to all the Mitchell 'mitchmen' galleries

Sunday, 30 May 2021

The Art of Robby Cop

Robby Cop - Locked Up*

 I'm always extolling the virtue of visual simplicity in methods of bondage, Robby Cop applies that virtue in his art, hovering deceptively in the middle ground between pure comic cartoonery and stark realism. His striking images explore the world of those who like to submit to a masterful man. It's not portrayed as a pastime for wimps, however. This man is muscular, his cropped hair and blue beard are suggestive of inner hardness, his piercings and ironmongery an expression of confidence. Yet here he is, stripped and kneeling submissively, caged in a cell and encased in a chastity device, the captive of another man. 

We don't know if this is the moment of incarceration or of liberation. His expression seems thoughtful, uncertain, as though this wasn't what he intended when he started that conversation in a seedy bar.  He grips and tests his chastity belt as though he can't believe it's real. 

A dangling key symbolises his entrapment.

 N.B. The picture titles with asterisks in this post are mine not the artist's

Robber Copper - Splattered*

 This captive's world seems much darker. It's as if the initial excitement, the novelty of captivity has palled. He's just given pleasure to his captor, but his own reward seems pretty paltry and it's cold comfort as the door closes, leaving him alone in the darkness. This man looks less experienced and maybe this is his first time of being locked up. Maybe the reality of being totally dependent on another man for his basic needs, let alone any pleasures, is just dawning on him. As the hours go by, he wonders about his freedom too, doubts begin to niggle.


Robby Cop - The Pick Up*

Was this how it all began? The excitement of visiting his first leather bar, the daredevil fun of stripping off to mingle. The heady smells, the music, the lights.....

And then the men - mysterious, strong, reeking of masculinity, supremely confident. Surrounding him with admiring looks and words. Touching him, taking hold of him, pressing close with their warm skin. The men of his erotic day-dreams are here, but they are intimidating and some downright strange in the flesh. 

It's disconcerting until he spots 'The One'. He looks the part and talks the talk, but he's warmer and his bristles tickle. He seems real. The young man feels safe in his embrace. His talk of rope and chains rekindles the excitement....


Robby Cop - The Kiss*

For many a young man the possibility of kissing someone older, someone who is big, hairy and overpoweringly masculine, well, it's prize they never have imagined they might win. When that man wants to be dominated as well, it's likely to be enough to bring out the devil in him. The cool flesh tones and sharply defined features here suggest exactly that. 

The hairy sub here is a very nice image of hairiness and tenderness, a man that many would like to ensnare. 


Robby Cop - Who's A Good Boy?

It's also the hairiness of the subject that makes this image attractive for me, the contrast between his manly physical traits (albeit of a youthful nature) and his uncharacteristic, submissive behaviour. I don't really 'get' the doggie role play thing, but the collar and lead certainly work and that is one sexy jock. The visible evidence of an anal plug is sexy, the rear equivalent of a chastity cage, but it doesn't have to be a tail and it certainly doesn't have to wag - and please, no dog masks!

Robby clearly doesn't share my view, he has done a number of doggie-themed images like this.


Robby Cop - Biting The Bullet*

Indulging in Foot Fetish is an acquired taste, but the imagery has a wider appeal simply as a statement of submissiveness. It allows the vicarious pleasure of being able to imagine intoxicating, manly odours and intimate, tickling sensations without having to run the risk of encountering a less pleasant reality.

That reality is what seems to be what is going on here. Those boots look ominously like stink factories and the sub's expression as he chews off the socks looks like a man having second thoughts and wishing he was somewhere else - like the dance floor of the club where he met this guy. I suppose the risk of encountering over-pungency is a thrill in itself for some and sheer choking, repulsiveness a delicacy for true specialists. You get the impression that this chap is a man of some experience, someone who knows what's what, but perhaps has discovered that he's not that much of an enthusiast.

Of course his anguished look may have more to do with the chunky, rubber tread that's grinding into his crotch, another facet of the rainbow world of feet, but not necessarily conducive to a bumper climax.

Robby Cop - Toe Time*

This simple image with it's hints of an inter-generational pairing seems to show a more gentle initiation into the practice. There's even a hint of affection in those hair-fondling toes, even though the pressure of the foot is itself coercive. This is a less austere introduction to subbing than the cold cages at the top of this post. 

I like the idea of a toe with an erection, I don't think many could achieve the degree of toe-dexterity illustrated here. A rare and sought-after skill I imagine.

Robby Cop - Waste Specialist*

 If you're put off by the taste of sweaty socks......

This fantasy pops up fairly regularly in fetish art, I've done a 'mitchmen' version of it myself somewhere. The idea poses a challenge for the artist in sorting out the mechanics of the flow and the demands of gravity which necessitate different levels and usually visual separation of the participants. In some versions the plumbing seems to take precedence over the erotic interest. Robby has made a decent effort here but you can see the problem of achieving a satisfying integration. 

I like his idea of the tank-like enclosure for the sub and giving him the option of drinking the stuff or just being soaked by it. Judging by the dry floor (which has no waste outlet), he's either just come on duty or else he's got a raging thirst for the amber nectar. One can only imagine the scene in an hour's time.

Robby's drawing of the man providing the waste has a nice feeling of casual swagger and attractive maleness. Quite an achievement considering the economy of line. We can't see his face, he could be any man off the street, a regular guy. For that matter, the urinal might be situated in any office block, a gym, the possibilities are endless. The anonymity of this sort of arrangement is part of the thrill, the inability to pick and choose who the donor is, instead the sub can only imagine.

Robby Cop - Milking*

In this image, the sub himself is the donor, engaged in a much more pleasant duty (for most of us). 

This doesn't look like a milking factory at first sight but the bar code on his chest suggests there are many other milkers in the barn and that their produce is subject to sophisticated quality control and tracing techniques. Having a dedicated collection vessel might indicate that each man's output is sold separately, packaged like a luxury delicacy. However, the size of the vessel suggests that demand is high, I don't envy this man the task of filling it. Fortunately this farmer seems to be kind to his stock, relying on the pulsing sleeve to extract product, with no sign of the customary fetish 'stimulants'.

Robby Cop - Don't Move, it'll be over in a second

Robby's disarmingly light style disguises some serious subjects so don't try this at home! 

This is clearly not meant to be torture, but a fanciful musing on the far reaches of the chastity fetish where a mere lock and key is not deemed to provide sufficient security for a partner's prized organs. As always, getting into restraint is easier than getting out of it! Now the frustrated sub faces Hobson's choice and a supreme test of his trust in his partner skills with a welding torch. 

The trouble is, you can see how the application of a (modest) amount of heat to his metal sleeve might create an erotic sensation. It might seem a tempting game to the daring. The sub's face suggests he might be making just that sort of calculation, but as my mother used to say, "there's a difference between scratching your ass and tearing it to pieces".

Robby Cop - Night Raid*

There's an element of underlying menace in this image too although it's clearly a recollection of a youthful fantasy about a bedroom invader. The tattooed cop has the appearance of a night club stripper, a man of experience, but it's hard to read his face - is he a benign or a malign 'night visitor'? It certainly looks as if he expects the naive captive in his night attire to deliver more than these tentative pec kisses. The tantalising convergence of their respective bulges seems to be another indication of tentative sexual awakening which is quite nice. However, the rubber truncheon the cop's got in his hand is a fearsome thing (however you imagine he might use it). I fear his patience may run out soon. I'm sure you've been there.

Robby Cop - Cell Mating*

If you thought Robby's S&M cages looked like fun you might take a different view of this situation. The sexual exploitation of prisoners by alpha male inmates is an urban legend not entirely without foundation. This is a pretty uncompromising take on the subject. The black eye and tally markers on his chest tell us that this man has not been seduced by the manly charm of his cell-mate, although the beast looks perfectly capable of it. It's clearly a long running affair but you can decide for yourselves whether he was 'that way inclined' before he was sent down. 

There's more jail art at mitchmen blog in "You're Going Down!"


 Robby Cop goes by a number of similar names - Robber Copper, CopperRobert,
he posts regularly as RobbyCop @Twitter

* denotes my titles, not Robby's

Friday, 19 March 2021

Mitchell's Gay Fetish Art - Night Visitor

Mitchell - What's He Gonna Do To Me?

 Another in my 'Night Visitor' series, a theme I'm slightly obsessed with. 

Roughly awakened from a deep sleep, the newly-crowned Swimming Champion could not understand what was happening. The bed coverings had been jerked off him and he'd been suddenly engulfed by the sheer physical presence of a man who had somehow invaded his bedroom in the middle of the night. Already, he had him in a tight grip, pulling him tight into his own fleshy torso. The swimmer's bed-warm skin felt the coolness of his clothing and he smelled too of the freshness of the night air outside, a scent that was mingled with the warmer odours of sweaty exertion. 

The swimmer felt his pyjama bottoms inexplicably falling away and the roughness of cold jeans brushed his thighs, the sharp chill of a belt buckle pressed against his naked abdomen. He was awake enough now to resist - or try to - but his muscular assailant was able to foil every move he made, his hands seemed to be everywhere and his unrelenting grip seemed to be draining away what meagre strength the fogginess of the swimmer's brain was able to muster. 

Then suddenly he was released, but almost immediately a hand closed round the back of his head pulling him back in, the intruder's face pressed against his in a stubble-scratching intimacy. "Now listen to this" he hissed menacingly, "Do not utter a word. Turn and kneel on the bed. Put your hands behind your back. Do it!"

The grip was released. The naked swimmer stood feeling very small and weak, trying to make out the shadowy giant whose bulk loomed over him. Part of his brain was screaming "This is your chance. Shout! Fight! Run!" but he was too shocked, too mesmerised to hear it, too intimidated to act on it. He stood still for a few seconds, slightly shaking, struggling with himself, then he bowed his head and slowly he turned and knelt on the bed. 


The modest cut-off of the naked victim's tackle is not intended as censorship, I think the glimpse of root is a very erotic device, suggestive of treats that lie in store for the intruder when he's got the chance to take advantage of them. You can see he's already savouring his catch.

For more 'Night Visitors' click on the label below.

For other images by Mitchell at mitchmen click on the 'mitchpix' label

You can also visit my Gallery Hub for links to other sites

Friday, 13 March 2020

Franco Swimmer Spanking and Night Visitors

Franco - Spanking My Pool Boy
I have expressed my admiration for Franco's new photo-manip style at length in Part 2 of his A-Z article here, but in this recent posting at Telemachus12 he seems to have moved to a different level.

He has found an uncanny ability to capture the handsomest of men and enhance their masculine credentials to the level of what can only be called 'sex on legs'. The attractive body hair on this rather grown-up 'pool boy' is accentuated by a slightly grainy texture in the picture and whilst we don't know what offence he has committed, his enhanced rump makes him eminently spankable. In fact he might be in the process of earning another punishment by soiling the bedding.

There's an extra ingredient in this image that for me lifts it to another level and that is those swimming trunks, relegated to half mast for the purpose of ensuring a good tanning. How often has this poor pool owner had to watch those buns, sheathed in shiny, blue Speedos, bobbing up and down in his pool? It's crime against sexual moderation.

Franco - Gloating
He's created a similar effect with this image, with sagging jeans this time adding that extra ingredient of identity for the handsome offender and making a daring sexual allusion in the pose. The student setting stretches credibility a bit, but the odd-ball appearance of the professor certainly adds to his humiliation.  I can also visualise this character surrounded by burly workmen who might be rather more interested in following up on that scorched, tempting rear.

Franco - Oh That's Amazing!
 Franco has moved into new territory recently, adding tentacle creatures to his imagery, benign beings it seems, with a liking for male body fluids and the ability to groom their favourites into leaving their bedroom windows open at night. This variation on the classic Dracula theme provides a neat solution to the knotty problem of defining what one of these creatures actually looks like. They can still lurk unseen outside, while reaching in to tantalise and feast on their subjects, a scenario that's realistic enough to be (almost) believable. I love this man's sexy hair-style which suggests he might have a liking for unusual sensual experiences.

Franco - The Alien Tentacle Feeds
The twining tentacles in these pictures make an allusion to bondage imagery which is much to my liking too although for Franco it's purely in the interests of added pleasure. This image with it's relatively youthful subject links the tentacle fantasy to sexual exploration and self discovery in the privacy of one's bedroom which might be regarded as the real meaning of the tentacle phenomenon

Franco - Midnight Visit
Those ideas also link together in this image which features the Pool 'Boy' we started with playing host to an equally inexplicable midnight visitor. The billowing curtains make you think of Dracula again and you might see a superficial resemblance to the movie characterisation in his face but he seems to be totally uninterested in this poor man's neck (I really can't call him a boy!). I've explored this scenario myself in my 'Night Visitor' series which includes a spanking outcome in one case, so this picture really warms my cockles.

Franco - Harvesting
 Franco's popular lab rats are also benefiting from his new inspirations and this one caught my eye because of the nicely grown up 'rat' but also because of it's striking perspective, which is inherently more dramatic of course, but also creates an immediate visual pathway (you might say) from the man's face directly to the milking device whose workings seem exceptionally easy to understand. It has a substantial size and standing in between the subject's spread legs you get a real sense that it's a powerful device and it's totally in control of him.

These new images are very exciting and I'm looking forward to what he comes up with next!

See many more Franco images at Telemachus12, Franco gallery

Monday, 24 February 2020

Mitchell's Fetish Art for February - Rogue Intruder

captured burglar, over-powered, ripped, torn underwear
Mitchell - Intruder and Gay Pride

This picture features a gay couple who have been living together for years.
Like many modern men they are active and fit, which lends spice to their lovemaking.
It also gives them the confidence to stand up for themselves and their lifestyle.
They are out and proud and not afraid to defend their hard won 'freedom'.

So woe betide any ruffian who chooses to invade and despoil their cosy nest
especially one who, when caught, reviles them as weak and effeminate.

Rob had a theory that homophobes are really men with gay feelings they can't handle.
So when he caught one brazenly vandalising his home in the middle of the night,
it seemed like a golden opportunity to prove his thesis, to suck it and see as it were.

Jeff was happy to help, since he liked having a spunky lad struggling in his grip.
Also he had a grandstand view of the experiments Rob was making.

The villain soon changed his attitude when he found these men were stronger,
although, let's face it, having your jeans taken off is always a great equaliser.

He knew there was a certain rough justice in having his underpants trashed 
considering what he'd just done to their home.

In the end there was no need to get the Police involved.
The last I heard, enquiries were still continuing
.......and the suspect was cooperating.

For more 'mitchpix' click on the label below, or visit my Galley Hub

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Mitchell's Fetish Art for September - Bondage Dreamer

Mitchell - Bondage Dreamer (Night Visitor)
Daniel dreamed he was being bound and gagged 
by a man who had entered his bedroom at night.

 This is another of my 'Night Visitor' series where men awake 
 to find themselves the object of the attentions of an univited guest.

For other pictures by Mitchell at mitchmen click on the 'mitchpix' label below.
click on 'night visitor' for other postings in this series

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

The Art of Turquine (An Update) 1

I recently stumbled across Turquine's spanking blog again after a gap of some years and was very impressed by his latest offerings. I thought it was time to give an update on my previous articles - Turquine's CG Spanking art and, at my gateway blog, Turquine's faces (both 2011).

Turquine - Rude Awakening
This atmospheric image shows how much Turquine's technique has evolved. The use of light and shade and tangled sheet detail are a far cry from the cheery, jock spankings of old. The simplicity of this uncluttered composition focusses the dark emotional drama of this confrontation. 
There's a bonus dose of erotic pleasure for 'neck fanciers' like me!
Turquine - Midnight Tanning
In these pictures Turquine is ploughing a similar furrow to my recent 'night visitor' posts. A man's bed is normally his place of refuge and to invade it at night is a traumatic violation - made all the worse for nude sleepers. The victim's indignation is well observed here but even so he still submits to the other man's superiority.

Turquine's young men have started to acquire fashionable beards now, confirmation of their maturity, masculinity and self assurance. It serves to make their subjugation all the more humiliating for them.
(These characters are a refreshing change in an arena littered with inappropriate ages by other artists).
Turquine's latest posts feature lengthy series of pictures illustrating classic spanking tales. He creates a universe in which the spanking of adults is normal, but still subject to the traditional pecking orders of age, rank etc. The latest story, 'Greg', features a student who is tricked into getting a spanking by mischievous older men who switch his alarm clock off so they can accuse him of making them late for a (ficticious) early morning meeting. Roused from his sleep, he's too dazed to question the offence - or resist the arbirary punishment, which starts on him before he can recover his wits.

The two men take it in turns to spank him before they leave and here Turquine captures a nice moment as Greg realises he's in for an extra dose of punishment from a man who's never spanked him before.

The new punisher doesn't hold back either! A bit of comic book technique adds emphasis.

 This story, Greg, is still on-going at Turqines blog at present.


In 'Late Night' the spanking seduction (if that is the right word) is rather more subtle.
A step father sets a curfew for his (fully grown) stepson. Improbable perhaps but not impossible. Inevitably the young man arrives home late from his date and finds his step-parent waiting for him. Turquine depicts a lengthy, conventional parental exchange between the two men in which the step-father persuades his adult son that he has erred and deserves the traditional punishment,
but it culminates in a frank admission (below).

It's a delicate moment, will the young man submit or refuse?
His appearance shows us his flowering adulthood and independence
His step parent even reminds him of it, giving him permission to refuse.

We can imagine the boy's ego battling with his innate respect for his parent
 and the reality of his material dependence on him at this point in his life.

The step father is clearly confident of the outcome
he seems to be savouring victory with a slightly unpleasant smirk.

This is a fabulous picture but the sequel is priceless....

Game, set and match. Wily experience trumps youthful bravado.

 Every spanking tale has a moment like this where the victim submits, willingly or not.
But I've never seen the power play laid out so erotically, so intimately, as this.

Turquines face's are the glory of his work and this is a great example
The crest-fallen young man, freshly returned from a sexual conquest, is put in his place.

 Turquine has fun with the shower sequence that follows and this is another highlight for me.
If his plots are basic, his illustrations are not.
There's a simplicity about these images that makes them striking and memorable.

You'll need to visit Turquine's blog to see the spanking denouement of Late Night Out

To be continued in Part 2

See more at Turquine's blog

Friday, 5 April 2019

Mitchell's Fetish Art for April Updated - Coloured + Stripped

Mitchell - Sports Star Abducted
I took a fancy to colourising this image.
In this version our hero looses his modesty-preserving underwear
and reveals his true feelings about being tied up.

View the original

For previous 'Night Visitors' click on the label below

For other pictures by me, Mitchell, click on the 'mitchpix' label below 
or visit my Gallery Hub which is one of the tabs at the top of the page

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Mitchell's Fetish Art for April - Sports Star Captured

Mitchell - Sports Star Kidnapped in Y-Front Underwear
Another picture from my 'Night Visitor' series. 
This time the target is a hunky, prize-winning, sports star 
who foolishly left his window open while he slept. 
He awakes to find a ruffian securing his wrists with rope.
Looks like he's going to miss the Championships tomorrow!

While this young man has rebellious long hair, the fact that he sleeps in his underwear, 
especially the very traditional, classic Y-front style, tells us he may not be very adventurous.
Probably he's been totally focussed on his sporting endeavours - until now.

View colourised version

For previous 'Night Visitors' click on the label below

For other pictures by me, Mitchell, click on the 'mitchpix' label below 
or visit my Gallery Hub which is one of the tabs at the top of the page

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Mitchell's Fetish Art for March - Pyjama Party

Mitchell - Night Visitor - Pyjama Party
Steve grunted as the mysterious intruder squeezed his nipple again.
The stranger was teasing him, skillfully transitioning the pressure
 from the realms of warm pleasure to sharp pain, and then back again.

The burly workman had been seized from slumber as his pyjamas were stripped off.
Before he could resist, his limbs had been folded and secured with wound bandages,
putting him into a baby-like helplessness he had never even imagined for himself.

More bandage wrapped tightly round his scrotum had erotically primed him. 
Now he nestled against his captor's warm body, held firmly by neck and nipple
 bewildered and squirming, turned on and off, becoming rock hard.


The Night Visitor has near-magical powers of calming his 'victims'
who always succumb without coercion and never make a noise.
If there are any other occupants of the house they never disturb them
Though they may get the task of freeing the victim in the morning.
For other pictures by me, Mitchell, click on the 'mitchpix' label below 
or visit my Gallery Hub which is one of the tabs at the top of the page

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Mitchell's Fetish Art for February - The Night Visitor

Mitchell - The Night Visitor, The Gag
 Jamie had been alarmed at first, but the intruder had a calming manner.
He had gently removed Jamie's pyjama bottoms and turned him over face down,
before carefully tying his wrists and his ankles together with rope.
Now he had a long piece of cloth in his hands and Jamie felt a thrill of the unknown. 

Throughout my adult life my drawings have returned, over and over again, to a theme I have labelled 'The Night Visitor'. This mysterious man enters the bedrooms of sleeping men and introduces them to new experiences, then steals away again leaving them bewildered, enlightened, though sometimes smarting a little.

For this young man, the Night Visitor has come dressed in a G-string. It's a garment much despised, considered old fashioned and silly by some, but I think most of us, if confronted by one in this situation, one that fitted the Night Visitor's generous proportions snugly, neatly and revealingly and if it was inches from our faces, well I for one probably wouldn't laugh!

For other pictures by me, Mitchell, click on the 'mitchpix' label below 
or visit my Gallery Hub which is one of the tabs at the top of the page

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Room 666 - The Night Visitor

Eddie is working far away from home.
His car breaks down in small town, miles from anywhere.












 The room floods with light
With apologies to the actors, it's dun 4 fun
Based on original photos from
Use their free membership option to see the original video trailer (with sexy moments)
They also do a good line in sexy stills also viewable with free membership option.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Attacked in the night

I do not know who the artist responsible for this gloriously erotic, little epic. I particularly love the arched torso of the naked victim as he recoils in horror from the gun. There's a reflection of this in the curve of the gunman's body, two curves that have a hidden conjunction at their groins with results we can only speculate about.

It's the sort of gratuitously homo-erotic scene that would be slipped into a Hollywood gangster movie as the 'squealer' get his reward. Attacked in his bed while sleeping - the ultimate time of vulnerability.

Here the attacker is stripped to the waist and his trousers have a slight sheen, suggesting that they might be silky, pyjama bottoms (an incidental treat to stoke the imagination of fabric enthusiasts!). This may mean that it is the captive who is the visitor - a pick-up lured into a trap - or a burglar getting an unexpectedly personal welcome.

The characterisation of the two men adds to the story. The 'top' is a slender man, lean and mean judging by the coarse way he casually smokes his cigarette while taunting the tattooed, muscular hunk who has fallen into his hands (and into his bed!) - and who now squirms and trembles fearfully between his legs. Superb!

If you know the artist please let me know.