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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label Speedo bondage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speedo bondage. Show all posts

Monday, 23 September 2024

Washed Up

Mitchell is on holiday but I have lined up intermittent posts until I return in late October.
If anyone finds my lost slave, please hand him in at the Rescue Centre.

I don't have an attribution, I got this from the Bdgmuscle Collective

Another idea for an unconventional holiday below.
An AI reinterpretation of the same image.

Modern Pirates aren't much different from their historical predecessors.
Desert islands probably are. I hope so for his sake!
The Captain has already lost his super tanker and his uniform.
He's taken precautions against losing his hi-vis trunks.


For more captions click the mitchmods label below

Monday, 27 June 2022

Tacitus abducts a swimming team

Tacitus - Swimming Team Abducted 1

A selection of extracts from a recent series by Tacitus who last featured at mitchmen in 2015.
It features some sexy Speedos as well as comprehensive mass bondage.
It's a shame it's not colourised.

These extracts focus on what happens to Kevin and Brian.

Tacitus - Swimming Team Abducted 2

It's clear that these kidnappers have a more than passing interest in the art of ropework.
They must have spent quite a bit of time tying up these two, depending on how compliant they were.
And they are just part of their total catch.

It looks as if the men are sitting in a pool of water here, to add to their discomfort!

Tacitus - Swimming Team Abducted 3 (detail)

Tacitus' art seems to recall the innocent style of days gone but with a sexy flourish.
Like Kevin's bottom here (foreground).

However, as ever, there's a darker side here.
Brian's Shibari (right) includes a short noose-like, neck-to-knee tether. 
It forces him to sit in an unnatural bent-forward position.
Kevin's ultra-tight hog-tie stresses his back the reverse way. 
Both these guys are going to suffer if they stay like this for long.

(This is detail of a bigger image.)

Tacitus - Swimming Team Abducted 8 

A spectacular result. All that burgeoning testosterone crammed into one space.
I'm reminded here of the mass kidnap of the Raytown Softball Team by Amalaric.

The kneeling figure of forlorn Kevin on the left is excellent.

Tacitus - Swimming Team Abducted 8 (detail of Kevin)

 See the full set at Tacitus (@DeviantArt)

Friday, 31 December 2021

Four Sportsmen in Bondage by Rai - 1


A rare subject for bondage fantasy

Rai - Athlete A1

Great image, I love the sweep of the athlete's neck  in this submissive bow

Rai - Athlete A2

This traditional athletics kit, is refreshingly free of ads. 
The split side in the shorts has always been an erotic trigger.
The glimpse of inner lining a more subtle treat.

Rai - Athlete A3

Shibari-style leg bindings accentuate the thighs.
A rope harness shapes 'Linford's lunchbox'.

Rai - Athlete A4

 A classic tight hog-tie with cheeky embellishment.
Our captive athlete bites the pillow.

One of my favourite sporting stereotypes

Rai - Rugby Player RB1
Rugby Players are a more common erotic uniform,
but usually young models are substituted for the real life hunks 
and they rarely look as chunky as this man!
His arms look great in the modern type of snug fitting top
(an innovation that has added pecography to the evergreen lust appeal of dinky shorts).

Rai - Rugby Player RB2
A roll-call of Rugby iconography
Muscular arms - tick! 
Thick thighs -tick!, 
Lumpy Jockstrap - tick!, 
Knee high socks - tick!
This open legged, chair restraint is a great fantasy feeder.

Rai - Rugby Player RB3

 This shot homes in on those fleshy thighs


Rai - Soccer Player SCW1
Rai finds another pleasingly chunky man to model as a footballer captive.
The appeal of soccer players resided in sexy, truly brief shorts at one time
But the international playboy image has focussed attention on handsome faces.
Modern soccer styles have stubbornly refused to go down the tight, brief route,
but the flimsy clinging material does have it's moments front (above) and rear.

Rai - Soccer Player SCW2
We all know that footballers have well developed thighs from their explosive sprinting.
Rai gives us a rare treat by stripping the curtaining shorts away to reveal all
even to the reproductive parts, an equally elusive, legendary attribute of these men.

Rai - Soccer Player SCW3
We have a better idea of how soccer player's rear's are shaped by their training.
Rai makes the fantasy of stripping one bare a reality.
The captive's, submissive and receptive kneeling pose speaks for itself.


Rai - Swimmer SWC1

A lean rangy body and skimpy, tight trunks are the essence of the swimmer's appeal.
We rarely get to see them packed out like this though.
Rai - Swimmer SWC2
In recent years, it seems to have dawned on media types
that swimmers look much more interesting when they are out of the water.
This has created something of a vogue for the diving branch of aquatics.
This shibari semi-suspension seems to pick up on the artistic shaping involved.

Rai - Swimmer SWC3

Swimmer's slender bodies seem an appropriate subject for contorted positions.
This one is very open and receptive in nature.
Something for the captive to ponder as he waits.
All these images supplied by Rai's Playroom where you will find more eplicit sequels
More Rai in the mitchmen Speedo Bondage post 
or click on the sport of your choice in the mitchmen label list below

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Swimmers Suspended and Synchronised

Swimmers with lean, rangy bodies in skimpy, competition Speedo's have an irresistable homoerotic appeal. In recent years synchronised diving competitions have provided double helpings of these hunks in erotically interesting poses, albeit fleetingly. This suspension image seems to freeze one of those diving moments as a captive swimmer in authentic trunks awaits his fate. Notice the drainage hole beneath his feet. There will be wetness!



This image which seems to be an adaption from the same source envisages a darker outcome for a different abductee in a darker, danker dungeon.  Somehow the addition of ankle shackles seems to demonstrate a more serious intent on the part of the abductor and that's reflected in sweaty highlights and streaks of grime on the athlete's body. The black and white treatment disguises the alterations and casts a veil over the dubious nature of some of those marks but produces a very nice shape in the poor man's trunks!


I've no idea where these images originated from, I don't recognise the studio setting or the style.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Classic Speedo Bondage with Marcus

Marcus stars in this classic 'Speedo Swimmer Bondage' shoot from

His white swimsuit is actually by Arena and not a true Speedo, but it has a stylish design and a brief 'competition cut', showing off the model's thighs particularly well in this charming shot.



Here it seems like we've interrupted something!
The capturer returns perhaps to carry on where he left off?

The white swimsuit (with matching gag) shows off the model's skin colouring very well
and it suggests cleanliness and purity - and innocence?


The bold back seam seems a natural complement to bondage ropes.

This attempt by Marcus to extricate his wrists produces a great submissive pose.
His bindings are as neat and compact as his trunks,
the product of a thoughtful rope master who likes his slave to look good.

Swimming is obviously good for glutes!

The brevity of his swimsuit shows why the hog-tie is such a great form of restraint. 

Searching for the lightbulb moment?

The muscle shadows disappearing into his trunks are so sexy!

It's a nice moment for fans of feet too.

The model's lean physique produces a marvellous, sinuous, body line here

and there's a beautiful curve of the trunks around his buttock.

You glimpse some desperation by the captive in this pose as he forgets the camera and strains to see how he can set himself free. The sinews in his neck stand out and his torso thrusts towards us showing delightful, subtle definition. The lump in his trunks is indistinct but softly bulky.


Marcus shows a more tantalising outline in this arching pose as though he's summoning his testosterone to help him burst out of this constraint.

That tight-fitting sports garment suddenly seems very skimpy indeed
and it's easy to imagine it just dissolving away into nudity. 


 Classic Speedo Bondage starring Marcus at

Lots more to see at that site 


You might also enjoy other mitchmen articles on Asian Speedo Bondage, Synchronised Speedo Bondage, The Captured Swimmer and Swimmer Worship for example

or just click on the Speedo Bondage label below

Friday, 27 March 2020

Asian Speedo Bondage 2 - Rai's Playroom

In this article I present a selection of images from ' Rai's Playroom' which explore the eroticism of Speedo-style swimming trunks in the context of shibari style Japanese bondage.

A swimmer surveys his domain of the pool wearing skimpy, snug-fitting swimming trunks.
He adopts confident pose that's intended to attract attention and impress. 
This sort of man provides the inspiration for Speedo bondage enthusiasts.


The trunks are no less attractive when the wearer 
is enmeshed in a complex network of rope restraints.
Carefully sited loops around the buttocks accentuate their shape.

In the Locker Room a story of captivity is also unfolding for this muscular specimen.
His purple trunks are a delightful, bold adornment for a body that has bulk and shape
without being excessively defined. 


This more slender swimmer finds himself in a luxurious flat.
Minimally bound, the full beauty of his body can be viewed,
and his hands prevented from obscuring or (protecting) his trunks.  

It's the same story here with slightly tighter arm restraint but nothing below the chest
but this man's arms are squeezed behind him by the restricting sides of the bucket chair.
So, his torso pushes forward, creating a dipping, inviting, sling shape in his Speedos. 

It's not just the pouch at the front that that's the source of Speedo man's allure!
The ropework here immobilises the subject's arms most emphatically,
leaving his skimpy and very tight trunks to tease and tempt.
They are shamelessly designed to accentuate the shape of his rear
with the colour contrast creating an erotic 'double cup' effect.

His submissive kneeling pose is a beauty.
You can see additional ropes snake inside the trunks, to lodge in intimate places.
Their insertion has further depressed his waistband, opening up the teasing cavity.

This tight-fitting rascal has brought another young man into the limelight.
Out in the real world pants as tight as this would be a fashion faux-pas.
In this domain it's a form of restraint in itself, doubling up on the ropework.

The Speedos bunch the flesh into succulent shapes
that can be examined and enjoyed without hindrance. 

Here the bondage master demonstrates his control by lightly touching the Speedos.
There's an extra twist in this image, normally the trunks on this site are shiny and immaculate.
Look closer here and you'll see this man's turned up in a very old, worn pair.

The master rips them open to ensure it won't happen again.
I'm quite glad he did.

But for these plain, white 'Asics' there's no need for such crudeness.
The removal of the inner lining and a splash of water ensures all can be seen.

This picture pairs with the first image in Part 1 of this article.
The scene starts out with an upper body, ropework 'harness'.
It's beautifully formed around the man's pecs, 
both sympathetic and flattering to their shape.

Rai's fantasy unfolds with the captive appearing in a hotel room, now wearing a hood.
It's as though he's been brought to some strange appointment at a secret location
and with a person whom he is not permitted to see.
The hood deprives him of his sight and identity
and he bows his head in a gesture of submission.

His fate is to be tied down awkwardly on the bed
 with legs secured in an immobilising doubled-back position.
His thighs are held open by side ropes
showcasing his wet 'Asics -' and their clinging fit.

Unencumbered by any ropework, the trunks seems to gain added prominence and accessibility,
like a sort of clothed nudity, especially crafted for a purist who likes his Speedos served up 'straight'.

Rai's site has a significant emphasis on this highly complex style of bondage 'art'
It's often more decorative and psychological rather than strictly functional.
This lower body harness seems to create a wasp-like narrowing of the waist
whilst broadening the hips and thighs and highlighting the hairless lower abdomen .

The binding of this captive is further embellished by leg entwinements anchored by the toe.
The practical effect is to create discomfort and make movement more difficult for him.
Visually though it adds bulk and the impression of strength being restrained.
The red 'Mizuna' Speedos stand out enticingly through a cleverly shaped 'window'.

In these sorts of settings, the Speedos seem incongruous and inherently ritualistic.
Their briefness and tightness impart a sense of vulnerability and exposure to the wearer
so that the simplest of holds here creates a powerful sense of subjugation and peril.

Shibari can be a very dark art which manifests as highly stylised bondage for this man
It goes beyond mere restraint and body wrapping into forced poses and contortions.
as though he is entering a mysteriously threatening rite.

In this darker context, the Speedos shine out through the complex of ropes
 like a beacon of innocence and athleticism belonging to a different world.

The pole here anchors the arms and restricts the posture,
the captive is drawn into a tight, testing, compression position
harking back to the origins of the art as a punishment for captured enemies.

 A manly sport indeed for those with the courage and flexibility.

By contrast, this equally comprehensive roping has a child-like innocence about it.
 But the leg-bindings, which seemed like simple adornments in an earlier picture,
transform into restraining sleeves and anchors for complex meshes of restraint. 
The face taping starts to seem part of an integrated neutralisation.
Even the Speedo identity starts to disappear into the spiders web.

This amazing image keeps the Speedos centre-stage.
It's a more open pose but equally immobilising.
Although it is highly erotic there is nothing explicitly sexual in the picture.

This raised, 'stork' leg constraint is more suggestive and puts the spotlight back on the trunks.
In a strange way, the sheer proliferation of ropes impies a presumed strength in the prisoner.

The shower floor scenario here draws on the athletic and watery connections of swimsuits to create a nice air of authenticity, but makes the swimmer's plight seem all the more extraordinary.


Rai's Playroom focusses on a particular style of Speedo bondage, peculiar to Japan. It encompasses a wide range of other masculine iconography as well as swiming trunks. The imagery straddles the line between the sexual and the merely erotic and even if you are not attracted to the extremes of shibari, some of his imagery is amazingly powerful and exciting.

I'm planning follow up articles that spotlight the Western view of Speedo men in bondage.

See lots more pictures like this and lengthier sequences at
Rai's Playroom.

This article forms part of my 'Asian Festival'
click on the label below for others