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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label Riding the Wedge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Riding the Wedge. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Homoeros - Recent work (2025) - 3

Start from Part 1 of this series
'Tavern' sees a young man sucked into a world of wealth and power, and in this image the historical dress conveys that background very effectively. It's combined with a convincing setting, too. This is an age when those who fell from favour might face the axeman, so this grovelling submission is perfectly understandable.

This man, Dylan, is not faced by such an extreme a punishment, but the whipping post is bad enough. 
The kneeling position is unusual, but it works visually, introducing a sense of submission.

The rear view presented to the captor is even better.

I included a 'riding the wedge' image in Part 1 of this series, It simply showed the rider and by implication focussed on the physical and mental discomfort caused by the device. The introduction of a leather clad top here, surveying the captive, brings home his vulnerability to external interference. Indeed, the restraint arrangement offers him up to such mischief, and he looks quite apprehensive about it. His relative youth and sheer cuteness suggests an experience gap which is likely to be narrowed somewhat before too long. 

 This surprising sequel opens up another dimension to his initiation. The prospect his new visitors promise seems just as scary, judging by his face, but excitement still shows elsewhere. It looks as if he's got himself into a seriously leather, gender-neutral establishment, although the setting looks like an ordinary, nightclub, out of hours. 

It was these two images that prompted me to do a Part 3 of this review. 


Didn't that guy do something to me in that S&M Club last night?

Homoeros does a lot of vanilla studies. This one, showing a jogger's chance encounter in the woods, is rather nice. Love is in the air here, not fetish.


Two men, clad in black, commit another unfortunate to the cross.
This is a compelling image of the grim moment of truth.
The technician stills the condemned man by sitting on his chest.
Producing an incongruous moment of intimacy.

The helplessness of the spread-eagled captive is apparent here.
The outstretched arm is beyond his control


When they switch to deal with his feet,
it's another significant deprivation of any sense of freedom.

Then callously stroll away without a backwards look.

This device is more humane, a display spreader, according to the artist.
Would that were all it could be used for, the incumbent might wish.


  In a Police Station near you, another Hoodlum submits.
Deprived of his clothing, it might be a long night.
A casual encounter, the locking of eyes tells a story.
It's about wills and intents, as well as attraction.
But all is not what it seemed.

Perhaps he got what he wanted anyway.
But he might look more grateful.
'The Hostage' seems to have been put on display.
His sinewy muscle made useless by the simplest of bindings.
Read the whole series from Part 1

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Homoeros - Recent Work (2025) - 1

Regulars will know that I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with shorts, so it didn't take much effort to fall for this hunky hiker, who seems to be wearing a pair made of leather, somewhat in the style of lederhosen. His wanderings have been interrupted by an unpleasant-looking character with a gun. 
He seems to think this is his territory. Freedom to roam? Bah! Humbug! 
This story is called 'Hill-Billy Elegy', which sort of prepares you for unprovoked nastiness. The young rambler is called Leo. It's a hot day, but it probably wasn't a good idea to make such a show of his amazing physique.


Hillbilly number 1 is joined by another who looks an even more ugly character with an unhealthy lifestyle that probably hasn't done his brain much good. Leo is forced to kneel at gunpoint, presenting a delicious, submissive rear view to us. It might have caused him even more trouble if those emaciated rednecks were to catch sight of it. Luckily, they only want to grope him and make him strip naked. They take him to their camp, leaving his clothes and rucksack behind.

Surprisingly, and disappointingly for us, their leader turns out to be an unkempt woman. I suppose the fact that there is a leader, and it's not just a bunch of violent thugs, might give Leo cause to hope. Especially as she is quite taken with him, a considerable improvement on her usual entourage. Unfortunately, she also sees Leo's good looks and impressive physique as a challenge.


Leo is forced to fight her and suffers some humiliating treatment.
Great buns Leo!

It's a painful experience for Leo. 
His dick is symbolically ground into the dirt, much to the delight of the gang, looking on.

But Leo refuses to be a pushover, his muscles show their worth.
His dick also shows commendable resilience in the circumstances.

Unsurprisingly, this doesn't go down very well. It's a contest he cannot win.
The woman responds to his lively dick by rubbing it with her fanny.
Leo defiantly rejects her.

His fate is sealed anyway, they tie him to a whipping post.
You can see the gory results at Deviant Art (link below).
The woman gets sexual revenge too, in the only way she can,
(there's a clue in the image below)

When the lash of the whip and sexual humiliation is finally ended,
Leo is taken away to a shed. He soon realises that this is not the end of his torment.
You can probably guess from this picture where it is all heading.
A traditional Homoeros fate awaits him.
A Sheriff finds him traumatised but still alive.
Someone reported Leo missing, and his abandoned possessions were found on the trail. 
Great story.

I have omitted most of the imagery relating to Leo's torment, which is very explicit.
You can see much of it at 'Homoeros - Hill-Billy Elegy' at Deviant Art,
(plus more if you subscribe).
Some more interesting Homoeros titbits........

A young slave, kept naked in chains by his master, looks up,
 wondering what is going to happen to him next.

The young men of Homoeros, like Leo the Hiker in the story above, often have a slightly unreal, fragile attractiveness. Some of that is due to the blond hair and blue eyes. This young man by comparison looks startlingly real and startlingly cute as well. It would be a cold master indeed who could not feel some sort of emotion towards him.  

As is often the case, the artist has only given him a number - 941.
The fate of prisoner 941 is reserved for subscribers.


This image shows yet another young man who has been crucified in the middle of a vast yard. This is a regular situation in the world of Homoeros, but his free pages don't always reveal his inner thoughts about what is happening here. 
A man in military attire stands before the helpless victim and seems to be remonstrating with him. His arms wide pose, mirroring the victim's plight, seems full of psychological significance. Earlier pictures suggest the victim had a role as a groom and a cosy relationship was developing with this superior officer.  So this could be a distraught lover sharing his sorrow - or prolonging the anger of their break-up. It could be a friend lamenting his foolishness. A Commanding Officer justifying his hard decision. A regimental bully mocking his misfortune. Whatever the case, the inclusion of this second character makes the image so much more interesting than the isolated victim dying alone.

Here, Homoeros imitates the famous homoerotic images of "Fred with Tires", substituting a typical character of his own as the model. The mechanic in his overalls is a much-loved male sex object. It's traditionally been a strictly masculine job, and the mystery of what might lie hidden beneath the shapeless, workman's overalls is tantalising. As a second layer, the glimpses revealed if partly open are emphasised, somewhat like the cowboy's chaps. 
Homoeros has chosen a zip fastening for his Fred's overalls. It's much more convenient than buttons for revealing glimpses, but it can have a mind of its own once released. If your hands are occupied with carrying heavy tyres, it's a dilemma whether to put them down to stop it or hope for the best. We can see almost down to his mechanic's cock, and more revelations below the hip seem imminent. His face is a picture of indecision, but have to content ourselves with the amorphous bulge in his crumpled overalls.
These images acknowledge the muscularity needed to heft these heavy tyres.
Shiny perspiration and the dropped top tell us just how hot he is (as if!). 
Homoeros skates round the inconvenient reality
 of where all the material in the top half ends up, when it's dropped.


The same zip still seems to be causing problems in this, outside of work, situation.
We don't know if the lowered garment was already in this position when authority intervened. 
Men do all sorts of things in quiet back alleys, and 'Fred' looks as if he's been caught out. 
His hands are placed submissively behind his back, but they don't seem to have been cuffed yet. Modesty might have been a more appropriate response to the challenge.
Unless, he's been ordered to stand this way, that is.....
The cop's muscularity and relaxed pose is nicely captured,
but his jeans suggest he's not a cop at all.


Whatever 'Fred' was up to in the alleyway, he probably didn't anticipate this outcome.
It doesn't look like a regular Police Station, however, and Fred still doesn't look restrained. 
That suggests he's been intimidated or blackmailed into trying the horse out.
His current state might be described as 'dismayed'.
This horse doesn't have a particularly sharp 'wedge', but I'm not sure that it makes much difference after the first five minutes astride it. Having the legs raised at the back makes for a more precarious balance and shifts the discomfort forward, but probably doesn't add much to it. 
(in legs down mode, weights are sometimes attached to amplify the effect).
For more wedges at mitchmen, click on the 'Riding The Wedge' label below this post.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Under The Lash

The Wooden Horse

An illustration from 'Under The Lash', a book about corporal punishment in the UK armed forces in years gone by. This punishment device was called 'The Wooden Horse', but effectively was a narrow or pointed board on which the offender was compelled to sit for long periods. It was not only painful, but ultimately could be medically damaging, so don't try it at home chaps. The idea has now become part of the vocabulary of S&M and is documented extensively here at mitchmen through the series called 'Riding The Wedge'. Contributions include various artists interpretations of the ordeal and some real life attempts to recreate it (sanely). Click on the link or the label at the foot of the post to see them all.

The author of  'Under the Lash' was Basil Clavering, the creator behind the famed Royale and Hussar Studios in the 1950s and 60s. He was assisted (improbably) by another luminary of that era, John Barrington, who helped to edit the book for publication. The book describes a range of military punishments in excruciating detail, and there are a number of illustrations like that above. Clavering actually recreated some of these arcane practices in his storyettes which are still treasured for their spanking and CP content. There's an illustrated review of the book and its Royale legacy at the Royale blog.
See Under the Lash reviewed at the mitchmen Royale Studio blog

Friday, 31 January 2025

Mitchell's Cowboy Folio 14

Mitchell - Corral Chastisement (sanitised*)

 The latest addition to the Cowboy Folio illustrates that the fun of the Bunkhouse is not without its downside. Jake thought he'd ridden into heaven when he met the boys of the Double Horseshoe Ranch. But the foreman took a dim view of some of his night-time antics and brought him down to earth.

*Google's been on my case a bit recently, so I've censored this image,
but you can view it in full at 'X' or by joining the Google Group


Go to Part 15 of Mitchell's Cowboy Folio (pending)
 or Read this series from Part 1,
or see all at this blog by clicking on the 'cowboy' label below.

The full Cowboy Folio can also be found at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male
You can also find The Cactus Kid story there in full or Images only

Friday, 1 November 2024

Reitorachi - Riding The Wedge

It's a while since I added to this series but I stumbled across these images 
and thought them worthy of inclusion.

Reitorachi - Man On The Horse

This artist departs from the conventional method of weighting the feet to give the rider the best experience between the legs. Instead his legs are hitched up behind him with the ankles tied together. A linkage to his wrists creates a sort of flying hog-tie. I don't know what that feels like, less pressured perhaps, but it looks good. 

He's also taken advantage of the forward body inclination induced by the bondage to insert a enema tube in the young man's rectum, with predictable results that won't appeal to everyone.

Reitorachi - On The Horse

In this, more sketchy example, the hog tie is omitted, the wrists being restrained in a higher, coupled position with the feet tucked in close behind. This means that the captive is obliged to arch his body himself, in order to maintain his balance. His reward is a catheter 'drip' to complement the anal insertion. There's a risk of him enjoying all this!

Also by this artist:-

Reitorachi - Cock Party

The artist's title scarcely does justice to this splendid suspension image. 
The imposed, forward arching stance looks very uncomfortable but sexy.
 The body harness with it's interwoven rope strands is superbly realised.
Despite the tricky perspective there's an almost 3D sense of enwrapment. 
It looks as if it might tighten up further, under the weight of trapped captive.

Reitorachi - Alien Adventure

Well I don't know about adventure. 
When someone waves a religious reliquary under your nose gushing with purple smoke, you know it's not gonna be fun. Especially when disembodied hands are approaching your orifices with leech-like creatures of the brrowing kind. The pillory restraint is a practical precaution but the tongs seem a bit prissy in the circumstances. Unless this is a remake of The Terror of the Tongs!

More by this artist at pixiv, where his name is 冷凍ライチ (Frozen lychee)
his gallery includes another wedge image, classically styled.

For other mitchmen posts on related subjects, please click on the labels below 

Sunday, 11 August 2024

The Art of Uruonurun - 2

 Read Part 1 of this post

Uruonurun - Ninja 02

Uruonurun's 'Ninja' series depicts the capture of a young warrior by two determined-looking men. Ninjas are men to be feared but they strip him of the ceremonial clothing that defines his calling and hides his identity. He's revealed as a man like any other man, dressed only in a curious shirt of net-like material and a scanty loincloth, his 'Fundoshi'. Then, as if to mock him, they tie him up, shibari-style. with one leg raised and doubled back, the other stretched out behind, suspending him in that, uncomfortable, position. In Western eyes this pose suggests a mythical hero (or his modern day, 'super' equivalent) about to take flight. This man is going nowhere. His tight loincloth gleams as though it is wet and the outline revealed betrays feelings that do not entirely chime with the embarrassed, angry look on the humbled Ninja's face.  

The characterisation of the two 'villains' here is contrasting. One is portrayed like a malevolent, uncouth torturer - overweight, masked and scantily dressed - the latter a device to intimidate the captive but also to protect his clothing from any mess as he goes about his unpleasant task. His pleasure as he tightens the ropes on the protesting captive is evident in his face and even more so further down. 

By contrast, the other captor appears cultured and well dressed, a person of some standing - he might even be the Ninja's mentor, training him to be more resilient. However, what we can see of his face suggests dark intentions indeed. The only clue to his inner feelings is his hand, resting on top of the captive's tensed thigh, emphasising his control and maybe something more. 

Uruonurun - Ninja 06

If this is simply about training, it's going to be tough indeed for the young acolyte. The rope man has revised his restraint to incorporate the highly decorative, repeating diamond pattern (hishi), running from the neck down to the crotch. But it's not just decorative, when tightened up, it's compressive, restricting the captive's breathing. 

Red wax drips from candles, ceremoniously suspended above and around the Ninja, it stings his skin with an intensity determined by the melting point of the wax (red has a wicked reputation) and the distance it has to fall. It solidifies on contact, cooling into blobs that remain attached to his skin and mar his beauty after the pain has passed. 

The captive has also been seated astride a wooden 'wedge' or horse, which mocks his pretensions to the status of a Samurai. It will increasingly torment his groin with the passage of time, especially if his feet have been weighted down. (Don't try it at home!)

In the face of all these challenges, the Ninja's torso cascades with perspiration 
his pouch is translucent with spilling desire.

A number of posts at mitchmen blog feature the 'wedge', 
click on the label 'Riding The Wedge' at the foot of this post to view them

Uruonurun - Bandana Ryoushi 08

Uruonurun reaches back into Japanese artistic tradition for this group of images showing a fisherman menaced by a giant octopus that he has unwittingly caught in his net. Although he's still clinging onto the net ropes here, it's obvious the octopus must have climbed aboard under it's own steam. One of it's tentacles is draped over Ryoushi's* knee (compare with the top image). The remains of the net encircling the creature seem to have assumed the shape of a bikini pouch, as though attributing human characteristics to it (in that particular department anyway).

Notice the artful, traditional styling of the water, now calm. 
Ryoushi is a well-known anime character, bandana is as in English 

Uruonurun - Bandana Ryoushi 09

The creature's tentacles turn out to be surprisingly dextrous. It's able to undo the fisherman's trouser flies which part to reveal a interesting shape in his underwear. Another tentacle slides inside his tank-top vest. The fisherman, we can see is exceptionally well-muscled underneath. Perhaps he did haul the octopus aboard after all! He responds to the creature's groping with red-faced surprise, embarrassment and a certain amount of trepidation.

Uruonurun - Bandana Ryoushi 12

In the images that follow, all of Ryoushi clothes (except his bandana, gloves and boots) are removed by the creature. At any rate they all disappear. It's tentacles become increasingly intimate.

This sexual intimacy parallels the famous artwork of 'The Dream of The Fisherman's Wife', but the narrative of Uruonurun's picture is almost the exact opposite, this is not a subconscious fantasy but a real assault that appears to be entirely unwelcome. It's not a dream, it's a nightmare.

Uruonurun - Bandana Ryoushi 16

The nightmare deepens as the creature completely entwines the naked fisherman with it's tentacles, lifting him up but still holding on to his dick (now spent). This raises the terrible possibility that it intends to return to the sea (as eventually it must) but taking the terrified Ryoushi with it. In the final image of the series however the creature seems to dissolve away as though it really has been just a dream. There's a similar conclusion to the 'Hero's End' in Part 1 of this post.

There are many other posts at mitchmen that depict Octopi capturing men, it's a branch of the tentacle genre, but usually carries more menacing overtones because of the well known strength of the creature and the risk of drowning for those that cavort with them.

Uruonurun - Omawari-San 02

This cheery fellow is an Uniformed Officer of some sort, possibly a policeman. The imagery that follows suggests this is the case, but the happy, relaxed pose here does not conjure up the law enforcement aspect of that role. 

Uruonurun - Omawari-San 03

The artist shows the cop to us in various states of undress. This is one of the most interesting, conjuring up the sense of a very physical man, despite the wide eyes which seem to belong to someone much younger - and more naïve.

Uruonurun - Omawari-San 10

This image shows him with an erotic awareness and confidence that is endearing. 
The dissolving table is (I think) an augury of the nightmare that is about to descend
 on this inoffensive young man.

Uruonurun - Omawari-San 22

In the sequence that follows the Officer is taken prisoner by two hooded criminals. He is beaten and given a full lesson in dark desires. The dramatic picture above showing him suspended in shibari ropework is the culmination of the incident and best image in the set. The others are to graphic for this blog but you should have no problem finding them via the links below.

Uruonurun - Shoubou-san (Fireman) 02

All the series mentioned previously in this post consist of 4 or so images which are subjected to variations to create a storyline in which the main character is confronted with challenges from a variety of other beings. The Fireman, has a simpler storyline - a single character subjected to bondage and clothes removal by an unseen captor. This image shows him in full rescue regalia, hard at work, strapped up and training with ropes. He's a picture of manliness, grit and determination. Confidence bordering on arrogance.

Uruonurun - Shoubou-san (Fireman) 03

The artist re-imagines this hero without his trousers on. His projection of manliness is undiminished, rather, his shorts bulge with excitement. The seams of his underpants seem to simulate his loins being trapped in complex, shibari ropework. This strip sequence continues to nudity.

Uruonurun - Shoubou-san (Fireman) 09

 In the second sequence we see him gagged and and tape-bound, hot from an incendiary incident with all his rescue kit on - overalls, boots and harness. His cocky confidence seems to have drained away, replaced by puzzlement as he sees the array of strange items around him. Equipment that is foreign to him, more suited to starting fires rather than extinguishing them.

Uruonurun - Shoubou-san (Fireman) 10

The Fireman is a modern day successor to the Sailor and Cowboy of yesteryear in the pantheon of homoerotic iconography and the tight-fitting, blue T-shirt, showing off his musculature and usually sporting a professional badge is perhaps the most indispensable element of his signature outfit. Our captive's manly frame seems to be well up to the task of filling it.

Uruonurun - Shoubou-san (Fireman) 11

His clothes melt away demonstrating that the muscularity beneath them is genuine.
Classic white underwear is all that remains. It projects through the strapping of his harness.
It's as if the wearer is dimly aware of what those strange items represent.

Uruonurun - Shoubou-san (Fireman) 13

His captor eliminates his underpants and demonstrates the kit to him.
Plastic discs cup his muscular pecs, his nipples begin to tingle.
Seven blue balls (coloured to match his shirt) are squeezed inside him, 
one after another, they accumulate inside, packing his ass.
By then his hose is ready, nay eager, to slide into the lubricated sleeve.
He gives himself up to heavy breathing and ecstasy.

Uruonurun - Shoubou-san (Fireman) 17

When next we see him he is completely naked.
All the clothing and gear that represented his proud profession are gone.
The restraining tapes have also disappeared, no longer needed.
He's a different animal now, focussed on the fiery pleasures of the flesh.


Artist Links: Uruonurun on 'X'

Uronururun at My Reading Manga