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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Friday, 1 November 2024

Reitorachi - Riding The Wedge

It's a while since I added to this series but I stumbled across these images 
and thought them worthy of inclusion.

Reitorachi - Man On The Horse

This artist departs from the conventional method of weighting the feet to give the rider the best experience between the legs. Instead his legs are hitched up behind him with the ankles tied together. A linkage to his wrists creates a sort of flying hog-tie. I don't know what that feels like, less pressured perhaps, but it looks good. 

He's also taken advantage of the forward body inclination induced by the bondage to insert a enema tube in the young man's rectum, with predictable results that won't appeal to everyone.

Reitorachi - On The Horse

In this, more sketchy example, the hog tie is omitted, the wrists being restrained in a higher, coupled position with the feet tucked in close behind. This means that the captive is obliged to arch his body himself, in order to maintain his balance. His reward is a catheter 'drip' to complement the anal insertion. There's a risk of him enjoying all this!

Also by this artist:-

Reitorachi - Cock Party

The artist's title scarcely does justice to this splendid suspension image. 
The imposed, forward arching stance looks very uncomfortable but sexy.
 The body harness with it's interwoven rope strands is superbly realised.
Despite the tricky perspective there's an almost 3D sense of enwrapment. 
It looks as if it might tighten up further, under the weight of trapped captive.

Reitorachi - Alien Adventure

Well I don't know about adventure. 
When someone waves a religious reliquary under your nose gushing with purple smoke, you know it's not gonna be fun. Especially when disembodied hands are approaching your orifices with leech-like creatures of the brrowing kind. The pillory restraint is a practical precaution but the tongs seem a bit prissy in the circumstances. Unless this is a remake of The Terror of the Tongs!

More by this artist at pixiv, where his name is 冷凍ライチ (Frozen lychee)
his gallery includes another wedge image, classically styled.

For other mitchmen posts on related subjects, please click on the labels below 

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