To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label GIU/Royale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GIU/Royale. Show all posts

Monday, 4 November 2024

Royale's Stolen Motorcycle

Royale's Stolen Motorcycle Storyette

 The addition of Royale's 'Stolen Motorcycle' Storyette
to the Open Archive created by mitchmen is now completed.

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Hussar Entrance Exam

Hussar Entrance Exam

 It's hard to get into the elite Royale Hussars Regiment.
Applicants must show an aptitude for spending hours jogging in the saddle.
Plus blind obedience to orders, of course.


Based on an image from Royale Studio's storyette 'The Stolen Motorcycle'
which I have started to post at the Royale Gallery.
The original story is rather different to this interpretation!

Friday, 20 September 2024

Royale's Football Ballet series

Royale Studio - The Football Ballet, FOBA1-19 Double Caning

Royale's Football Ballet series which contains some of Royale Studio's most memorable punishment scenes is now complete and can be viewed at the Gallery.

Monday, 29 July 2024

Recent additions to the Royale Studio Archive

A Scene From Royale Studio's 'Whip Duel' (AI-Idealised)

The dramatic 'Whip Duel' storyette by Royale Studio has now been added to the Archive.
There's an interesting background to this set which is described at the Whip Duel index page
It was inspired by a whip fight in the 1948 film 'Song of Scheherazade'.

Also new at the Royale Studio Gallery, a curio featuring the German Army helmet seen earlier modelled by Brian Lamprill, it looks somewhat less flattering on Ray Bridges head.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Art by Holzman

Holzman - Merchant Navy 1

This Hussar advert in Fizeek magazine in 1963 introduced a new artist to the gay scene, Holzman, with a 'playlet' about a nautical thief. The illustration shown is one of the opening images of the series showing the 'toughie' arriving with his kit bag. You can tell he's tough because he's got a torso-revealing, open jacket (leather?) and a cigarette drooping from his mouth. You sense he's a man with attitude although the cant of his head here is what smokers do to keep their cigarette smoke out of their own eyes. In that respect this is a neat little piece of observation by Holzman, documenting a practice that's gradually dying out. The tough is thoughtfully examining something that he's found, his seaman's papers perhaps although I suspect it's a bottle  (see below). 

I don't have all 16 images in this story or any information about their sequence and have therefore  simply numbered them in what seems to be the logical sequence

Holzman - Merchant Navy 2

The new boy climbs on board with a long, butt enhancing stride and a determined look on his face. 
The texturing of his jacket and jeans suggests they might be leather, which in the 60's was thought of as the uniform of wild bikers. However, the presence of turn-ups and the styling of the jacket with visible seams is more suggestive of denim, a more suitable material for working on a boat.

Holzman - Merchant Navy 3

Below decks, the toughie examines a bottle of alcohol which has a label promising serious gut rot. It's enough to make him drop his cigarette, which apart from being a breach of good manners, is liable to start a fire on a boat, a danger to life and limb. 

Despite these shortcomings in character we are learning about, he's portrayed as a sexy beast. The 'Latin look' was quite common iconography at the time and very exotic to UK eyes. The exaggerated fleshy lips and dark-rimmed eyes seem to be borrowed from female notions of sexual allure (unfortunately for the image of gay men). A distinctive vocabulary for the male equivalent had yet to be developed (and probably wouldn't have been accepted by society at large anyway).

The straw-clad carafe of wine in the cupboard behind him is a nostalgic image from a less sophisticated era in the UK. You might also recognise the 'Heinz 57 Varieties' label on the tin on the bar, amazingly it hasn't dated in 60 years and I suppose the same is true of his fashion wear.

Holzman - Merchant Navy 4

In this image it seems that the new crewman has removed various articles to his cabin and is about to hide them in his kit bag, furtively concealing his actions from a member of the crew working on the deck just outside. It must be a hot day because everyone seems to be undressing. The enticing glimpse of flesh through the porthole is the calf of a crewman walking towards the left of the picture. 

You could be forgiven for thinking here that the thievery entailed drinking the liquor and then topping up the bottle to hide the theft. However I can imagine this clever 'hidden eroticism' probably escaped the attentions of the censor and deservedly so, because it's very nicely drawn, a neglected classic. 

The villain has become more Anglo-Saxon-looking in this image, but I think it is the same character. judging mainly by the turn-ups (image 2) and the presence of the two tins. The Latin look does return later but only in one special example.

The smoky effect at the left, by the way, is not the result of his dropped cigarette but a scanning effect. It has fortuitously added a nice texture of dappled light to an otherwise 'flat' image.

Holzman - Merchant Navy 5

The villain's activities are disturbed by the arrival of a 3rd crewman (also apparently wearing a leather jacket). He too starts to undress, whistling as though routinely changing into his work clothes, which judging by the porthole vision in the previous picture might consist of very few clothes indeed. The thief is horrified, presumably imagining he's about to be exposed - as a thief, according to the story line, or, in the more subversive sub-text, as a man who has problems with naked male flesh. 

Holzman's picture here copies classic, film noir imagery, with the unsuspecting innocent making himself ever more vulnerable to a hidden threat of which he's unaware. The hidden eroticism in this image surrounds the ambiguous interpretation of the bottle, angled just right to suggest the villain is getting other ideas about dealing with this new arrival. The coat hook just above his head provides a more graphic hint of what he might have in mind with the backing plate suggesting a tight fit. 

Holzman - Merchant Navy 6

The crisis seems to be precipitated by the arrival of a third man. He appears to be the skipper of the vessel, previously glimpsed through the porthole in picture 3 and now revealed to be dressed only in a cap, skimpy slip and sea boots (the last a worrying link to the contents of the bottle!). At this point the undressing crewman has lowered his underpants. In fact they are nowhere to be seen, presumably lost in the folds of his jeans, unless they're ripped to pieces on the floor.  

The villain's reaction seems a bit over the top. In the story plotline he seems to think that his exposure as a thief is imminent and so goes into self-defence mode, smashing the bottle to use as a weapon 
(or it could be that he's suddenly revolted by the thought of sampling it's contents!) 

Alternatively, in the delicious ambiguity that pervades this story, the young skipper's sexy appearance here offers an explanation of the actions of the villain back in picture 3. His panicky reaction now is triggered by the rapidly accumulating male nudity and the sudden prospect that he might be about to witness something unspeakable going on between these two men, whom, we should remember, didn't know he was there until he announced himself by smashing the bottle.

There used to be a accepted legal principle of 'homosexual panic', i.e. a fear of being in imminent danger of being raped by a homosexual. This was advanced as a legitimate excuse for assaulting gay men and even killing them. In some cases the reaction hid the fear of having his own, secret, homosexual leanings exposed. This concept perversely confers a power on gay men over straights that is erotically appealing, if entirely fanciful.

 Holzman's rendering of the hunky skipper is masterly but some severe cropping seems has gone on, spoiling the depiction of his crewmate. The villain's aggressive act has been converted into a disembodied eerie 'manifestation'. This may have been intentional, to amplify the sense of panic and the shock to the sailors. It might even allude to an explosion of a different kind. However, it was also common practice in this period to publish incomplete images in order to encourage viewers to buy the full artwork.

Holzman - Merchant Navy 7

Somewhat surprisingly, the villain chooses to confront the defenceless, nearly naked seaman with the bottle rather than the Captain. It's him (or his nudity) that he finds most threatening, or it could be that this crewman has challenged him or is attempting to calm him*. Interestingly, his jeans have now dropped round his ankles and the villain is suddenly sporting a recognisable manifestation of excitement in his jeans rather than the generalised bulge seen occasionally in the preceding pictures. 

*Perhaps Holzman simply thought it made a better picture. Whatever the case it's a great image using a challenging viewpoint. The quality of these pictures in both technical and dramatic terms is certainly on a par with the emerging stars of this era - Tom of Finland and Etienne.

Holzman - Merchant Navy 8

The captain intervenes with a mighty upper cut. By this time, his half-undressed crewmate is down on the floor, on his knees (and with bare ass raised in a classic, passive pose). The broken bottle is nowhere to be seen, suggesting that he managed to disarm the villain before he could do any damage with it.

Holzman has included the coat hook (from picture 4) in this image, positioning it a short distance from the villain's half-open mouth. It sort of matches the sweep of the Captain's fist and suggests there's an erotic consequence in store for him, but is slightly off-piste in the circumstances.

I don't have a satisfactory copy of this picture but it's too important to leave out. 
The cartoonised version below gives a neater sense of how the original might have looked.

Holzman - Merchant Navy 8 (AI variant)

This more balanced variant gives a better sense of the drama of the moment. It also brings out the nudity of the fallen sailor, almost seeming to suggest that the other men are fighting over him (hence, I suppose, the presence of the phallic coat hook, which, in a bizarre AI tweak, is suddenly dripping!). 

However, we can also see more clearly that the fallen sailor's arm is entwined with the villain's foot, confirming his active role in overpowering him. 

Holzman - Merchant Navy 9

The thief is down but not yet out as the crewmates pile onto him. The captain's hands are clasped tightly together round the villain's neck and he is struggling manfully to detach them. The second crew member, having disentangled himself completely from his jeans and underpants, has grabbed the villain's free arm and is pulling it into his uncovered crotch, where it can't cause any mischief but feels nice. 

Ominously for the villain, his flies have come undone and his Y-fronts are pushing up through the gap and being nuzzled by the skipper's shin (entirely accidentally, I dare say). His choice of underwear makes the bulge in picture 6 improbable, although the picture below shows they are not a very tight fit, so maybe it was an escaper.

Holzman - Merchant Navy 10

The sailors turn the villain upside down, perhaps hoping to see what will fall out of his pockets, which is the traditional way of exposing a thief in kids' comics. It has the effect here of pulling his jeans off anyway, which will enable them to conduct a more thorough search (or something like that). Losing his pants also makes it a tad more difficult for him to run off, but I suspect that being undressed by these men is only going to intensify that instinct.

You may think you've seen this picture before and you'd be right if you're a regular visitor to this blog, because exactly the same picture appears in my article on the Art of Cas. The same that is, except that it is signed there by Cas. Cas and Holzman are the same person.

Another Cas-Holzman picture can be seen at the mitchmen Royale Studio blog in the 'Timeline' post section 63.1. It's in an ad, emblazoned with the Cas logo, but a contact address has been positioned on top of the original Holzman signature. The background to this name changing is a mystery. Perhaps something to do with publisher's exclusivity.

Holzman - Merchant Navy 11

Finally the villain seems to have collapsed, or at any rate he has stopped resisting. The crewmen lift him bodily almost as if intending to pitch him overboard. Their bulging trunks symbolically almost touch in a sort of low five (or three) you might call it . Apparently the stripper has managed to put his underpants back on. The enhancement and clarification of this image has brought the villain's underpants into stark relief, stretched tight round his buttocks and deep between them. 

The clues to what is actually about to happen to him can be seen behind them.  

This picture and 13 below have both been retrieved from small thumbnails in Hussar ads, hence the inferior, fuzzy quality. They suffice to allow us to understand what is going on, however. 
If any reader can supply better versions, please get in touch!

Holzman - Merchant Navy 12

The sailors hold the would-be thief down over a barrel, which can be seen standing against the wall in the previous picture. The captain takes the lead in punishing him, flogging him with a knotted rope. His crewmate sits on the villain's head to hold him down (with his balls resting on his shoulders where they can monitor the villain's movements as he reacts to the thrashing). His pose here, with the characteristic turning of the head is reminiscent of Spartacus.

The skipper's fleshy physique does not disappoint in this picture but his face has now transformed rather unpleasantly into an appearance similar to that of the villain when he arrives at the boat. This seems to be a look chosen by Cas to represent nastiness and it's been gradually developing in the Captain in the preceding pictures, like something out of Dorian Gray

Cas seems to be playing with a very dubious stereotype of foreignness here and unnecessarily so since it would perfectly OK for the cute, hunky, young man in picture 6 to maintain order on his own boat without turning into a demon. I suppose there's a certain satisfaction in the villain being 'out-nastied', having underestimated his intended victims. The crewmate steps up for his own crack of the whip next.

Holzman - Merchant Navy 13

The villain must have struggled energetically during the Captain's assault because the two sailors have now tied him down over the barrel with his arms and legs spread wide. The sailor who was earlier threatened with the broken bottle stands astride him with the miscreant's head between his legs. He pulls it up by the hair so it's snugly wedged in his crotch, almost face upwards here so it gets the fullest experience. He proceeds to flog him himself with the knotted rope, no doubt enjoying the villain's struggling movements between his thighs which seem to be dislodging his already skimpy trunks.

The skipper watches them, flexing his muscles triumphantly. He even seems to be rubbing his packet with his left hand, but that may be wishful thinking on my part!

Holzman - Merchant Navy 14

In this final image, again recovered from an advert thumbnail, the punishment seems to finished. The scene has shifted to a bedroom with a washbasin in the corner and the chastised villain meekly seeks the comfort of a cushion to sit on, on the bed. He's now without any underpants at all and there's a faint suggestion of criss-cross weals on his buttocks. It's possible that a bare-ass final spanking was the subject of one of the two missing images.

His two adversaries stand, lording it over him, with undisguised enlargements on their pants. One of them is resting his arm on a long pole which faintly suggests the punishment may even have reached into internal regions in some shape or form. The Captain, restored to normal handsomeness, breaks out the liquor that seems to have been the root cause of the problem. The villain hasn't got much to celebrate but it doesn't look like he's free to go just yet . You sense the affair is not yet over.


These images were obtained from the internet and some from TimInVermont
and enhanced by mitchmen where my logo has been added.  


more about artists featured by Royale and Hussar

Monday, 1 April 2024

'The Cheat' punishment added to Royale Gallery

The Cheat 02 by Royale Studio

Popular classic spanking images are included in 'The Cheat' storyette
which has just been added to the Royale Studio Archive.
This image shows the unsuspecting target.

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Shanghaid Sailor is complete

Enslaved Forever

 Posting of the new Royale Studio storyette, 'Shanghaid Sailor' is now complete at the Royale Blog

It culminates in an astonishing fetish climax, cartooned in the extracts above and below.

Stripped of his Uniform

Read Shanghaid Sailor

with 19 original images in all

Sold to the Highest Bidder

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Shanghai'd Sailor Sold - at the Royale Gallery

Shanghai'd Sailor - 11 (AI-Cartoonized)

 The posting of Royale Studio's storyette, 'Shanghai'd Sailor' at the Royale blog/gallery is now about two thirds complete. It's a story that has largely been forgotten in the last 40 years or so but recovered now from vintage beefcake magazines. It tells of the kidnapping and enslavement of a British Sailor in the West Indies. I'm progressively adding images every few days as I clean them up.

The image above is a cartoonised version of image 11 from the series depicting the slave auction which seals the Sailor's fate. I'm somewhat obsessed with this gadget at the moment but it does create interesting imagery. In this case it has given the participants better physiques and clothing and paradoxically, it has a slightly more realistic feel, bringing it to life, albeit in a very arty way.

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Royale's 'Escape' Storyette Joins the Archive

 The process of listing Royale's 'Escape' storyette at the Archive Gallery is now complete. 

You can read the background and introduction to the set at the 'Escape' index page.

'Escapers' by Mitchell (mitchmen) after Royale Studio

A cartooniser's interpretation of Royale's classic 'Escape' image . 
The software doesn't seem to know the difference between a torso's front and rear
But showing one of the men with dropped pants, revealing his under-shorts, is an interesting improvement!

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

New at the Royale Studio Open Archive

The latest addition to the Archive
features smacked bottoms in tight white shorts

Gym Instructor

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

'Unapproved School' on display at the Royale Studio Archive


A scene from 'Unapproved School' by Royale Studio.

Fred Collins (left) and David Reid go on the run from brutal Guards.

The full set is now on display at the Archive. 

Read 'Unapproved School'

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Recent Posts at the Royale Studio blog

 Recent additions to the Royale Studio Open Archive:

Naked wrestling vintage British homoerotic gay photos by Basil Clavering
Brian Lamprill and Tibor Urgay in a sexy stalemate for Royale

I've now completed the full post of Royale Studio's set from 1959 showing Brian Lamprill and Tibor Urgay wrestling in the nude. Well, sort of wrestling, but it's sexy stuff. The men are genuinely nude and the contortions required to avoid frontal exposure are sexy in themselves.  To the best of my knowledge this group has never been assembled since Royale folded.

There's also a slightly controversial set showing Lamprill posing solo in a WW2 German helmet. You can locate it by clicking on Lamprill's 'model index' link in the right sidebar of the Royale Studio blog.

The old Royale Studio favourite, 'Unapproved School', is the latest upgrade to articles previously posted at the mitchmen blog. It's No 8 in the storyette list. Again it's an interim post covering Part 1 only. The rest to follow shortly.

If you are interested in the history and background of Royale Studio, there have also been updates to the 'Royale Studio Timeline' post at the blog which charts how it all started, how Hussar studio was spun off and when it all ended after a short but spectacular career. There's a new article about 110 Denbigh St which is where Royale was based for it's whole existence and a discussion of the location of the garden used for shots in 'Unapproved School' and other early Royale sets.

Visit the Royale Studio Open Archive blog

Monday, 5 June 2023

Saint Sebastian at the Royale Gallery


This image of Royale model, Ron Wiltshire, tied to a column as Saint Sebastian
 is amongst a number of recent posts at the Royale Archive.

This picture wasn't actually taken by Royale, but probably by Domenique.
He had a reputation in his day for coming on to his models,
Maybe this is how he did it!

For those into the background of Royale's operation, a catalogue sheet from the Hussar period which I recently discovered has filled in information about this later period, notably the 'Sailors in the Rigging' sets which have been very elusive up until now. 

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Spanking at the Royale Studio Open Archive


The Toughening of a Rocker by mitchmen (after Royale Studio)

'The Toughening' is the latest addition to the mitchmen Royale Studio archive.
It inspired me to create the imaginary painful moment above during the shoot

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Recent additions at the Royale blog

 Recent updates at the mitchmen Royale Studio Open Archive include:

Soldier, Hussar, Guardsman in tights + boots tied to tripod for punishment in bondage
Royale Studio's 'Regency Punishment'?

An imagining of the 'Regency Punishment' segment of 'The Captive'
starring Peter George and Ron Wiltshire

Fragments of the sets of 'Alan and Harry'
including the rare 'Limey and Yankee', sailors fraternising set

The first post of Ron Wiltshire's solo sets

Plus a further iteration of the Royale Studio Timeline post


Visit the Royale Studio blog

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Latest Royale Blog Updates

Roman Centurion, gladiator, whips naked nude captive's back
Royale Studio - Ron Wiltshire Whips Peter George in 'The Captive'


Since my last update, several new articles have been added to the Royale Studio Archive and blog being created by mitchmen. The most notable is 'The Captive' illustrated above, starring Ron Wiltshire as a Roman Centurion who whips his naked captive, played by the delicious Peter George. Almost all of the images of muscular confrontation in this post have not seen the light of day for many years. 
The Captive is No 40 in the Royale Archive list of photo sets

Also added to the archive is 'The Scout' in which Cliff Smith squeezes himself into a tight fitting uniform with spectacular erotic results. 'The Scout' is No 81 in the Royale Archive Listing 

Linked to both these posts are new Index pages for two of the Models who haven't been covered before - Ron Wiltshire and Cliff Smith. The pages outline their respective careers, their CV's with Royale and with it's successors and contemporaries. Both are in embryo form at present but will be built up and updated as additional photo sets are added to the Archive. The Index page for Peter George is already well established of course.

All these new pages can be accessed via the links in the right hand column of the Royale Studio Blog 

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

New Image Quality at Royale Studio Blog

  I have updated several posts at the Royale Studio blog with the old grainy images replaced by AI-enhanced versions which I think improves the presentation, also some new pictures of Peter George.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Stanley Free Laid Bare

Basil Clavering's Hussar Studio also showed him nude, in posing pouch and as a military sailor in tight uniform

Stan Free, sailor star of Royale's TEDS storyette now has an index page at the Royale Studio blog. It gives a link to his storyettes and a new article published in the gallery section with images from his solo career, posing nude in pouch and as a seductive cowboy. Includes new pictures not seen on the internet for many years if ever!

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Tom Of Finland's Thieving Cowboy and Royale Studio

Royale Studio TOF Leather Biker in tight jeans bubble butt
Dolphin Photography launched with Tom of Finland's 'Thieving Cowboy' (1960) 

 The 'Thieving Cowboy' is one of Tom of Finland's earliest works and will be familiar to many of the readers of this blog, not least for its memorable spanking content. It's probably less well known that the series was originally commissioned by our friends at Royale Studio. That was in 1957, according to the Colville Gallery, the year Royale itself was launched (see Timeline article at the new Royale blog). 

Coincidentally 1957 was also the year that Tom's pictures first 'came out' in AMG's Physique Pictorial (according to Hooven, Tom of Finland, His Life and Times, Chap 8, see also Tom of Finland Foundation, "How Tom went from belittled pornographer to iconic artist"). 

Hooven remarks that Royale was one of Tom's best customers and that he did 'several' series for them. 
I confess I don't know what the others were. 

The Tom of Finland Retrospective (Gay Men's Press, 1988) included one image from the 'Thieving Cowboy' series on page 14 and dated it as 1958. However, the earliest independently documented reference I can find for it in relation to Royale is an advert in 'Tomorrows Man' beefcake mag in August 1960 marking the launch of Royale's offshoot studio 'Dolphin Photography (reproduced above). 

This advertisement describes it as a 16-picture 'playlet' but a later ad in 'Manifique' in Spring 1961 revised the total upwards to 17. More recently JW Anderson claimed there were 26 images in the set altogether and since he was working with the Tom of Finland Foundation at the time he ought to know. However,  the evidence available to me suggests that 17 is probably right for the Royale set at any rate, although it is an unusual number, not amenable to fitting neatly into a sheet of thumbnails. It's possible Tom produced a longer version for publication elsewhere or that Royale commissioned a subset, perhaps with some new illustrations, thereby enabling them to claim exclusivity. The end of the story (next post) does offer more evidence on this. 

For this article, I have been able to assemble 15 images belonging to the set although 2 of them are incomplete. They come from the following web sources.

    • Jock Spank has an article 'Cowboy Thief' with 12 pictures from the set. These images are reasonable quality but have been 'enhanced' and don't have the subtle detail of original drawings. Their numbering doesn't match my larger group.
    • Recently 4 images of good original quality appeared on art auction sites purporting to be Numbers 2, 3, 12 and 13 in the series (original numbering). I have used all of them, sticking to their numbering and some replacing Jock Spank images.
    • I have two images with numbers in the corners (from I don't know where). They have obviously been cut from Royale thumbnail sheets and show what Nos 14 and 16 depicted, but I have only used 16 for this article.
    • To these I have added 4 images found embedded in Dolphin Photography adverts during my recent searches of vintage beefcake mags. Two were easy to extract from the advertising blurb (12 & 17) but the other two were tangled up with other imagery so I have (crudely) extracted them. They are therefore incomplete, mostly lacking backgrounds and definition, but they temporarily fill gaps in the sequence quite usefully. These are included as numbers 6 and 7.
I have guessed where the unnumbered ones fit based on the image narrative.

The next post will feature the full set of pictures as far as I have been able to go with it.
Below, one of the images after photographic enhancement.

Biker in tight jeans, leather jacket, cute ass, bubble butt, surprised stealing from cowboy art drawing 1950's
Tom of Finland - 'The Thieving Cowboy' - 3, Caught In The Act