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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label milking factory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milking factory. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Julius Milk Collection

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Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Most Popular mitchmen Posts - Summary of previous winners

As a postscript to my annual mitchmen awards for popular posts, 
here is the updated list of the previous winners, with links to the winning articles.


 Most Popular Post During The Year 
at mitchmen (Table MPP 2)

Kalabro - Milking Factory

Above, Kalabro's benchmark contribution to the winner in 2024, 2023 and 2022

2024 The Milking Factory - No 1

2023 The Milking Factory - No 1

2022 The Milking Factory - No 1

2021 IFNB A Fantasy World of BodyBuilders

2020 Etienne/Stephen - Index to Articles (i.e. articles at mitchmen)

2019 IFNB A Fantasy World of BodyBuilders

2018 A-Z of Fetish Artists - Cavelo

2017  Priapus of Milet - 1

2016 A-Z of Fetish Artists - Cavelo

2015 A-Z of Fetish Artists – Mike Carcel

2014 My Initiation



 New Post of the Year
at mitchmen (table MPP 1)

Brick - Slave Academy

Brick was the winner in 2022

2024 Ain Postolos - Recruiting Workers for the Milking Factory

2023 Slave Training 11 - Cockaphobia (GIF)

2022 New 'Slave Academy' Pictures by Brick

2021 Come and Get It! (Royale Studio Archive)

2020 The Art of Amalaric – 1 A Slave To Passion

2019 Milking Factories – 4

2018 IFNB A Fantasy World of BodyBuilders

2017 The Milking Factory (No1)

2016 A-Z of Fetish Artists - WooDunArt

2015 The Art of Eddie Chin

2014 A-Z of Fetish Artists - Tagame (Part 3)


Most Popular mitchmen Post of All Time
(cumulative totals, table MPP 3)

A trainer, dripping with dick champagne, proudly shows off his protégé.
From IFNB, winner of this category three times running.

2024 IFNB – A Fantasy World of Bodybuilders

2023 IFNB – A Fantasy World of Bodybuilders

2022 IFNB – A Fantasy World of Bodybuilders

2021 Priapus of Milet - 1

2020 Priapus of Milet - 1

2019 Priapus of Milet - 1

2018 A-Z of Fetish Artists – Mike Carcel

2017 A-Z of Fetish Artists – Mike Carcel

2016 A-Z of Fetish Artists – Mike Carcel

2015 A-Z of Fetish Artists – Mike Carcel

2014 A-Z of Fetish Artists – Mike Carcel

2013 A-Z of Fetish Artists – Mike Carcel


1829 @end 2024 1480 @end2023, 1144 @end2022, 542 visits @end 2021

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Most Popular Post of 2024 (MPP2)

KW - The Farm

Above: KW's 'The Farm' headlined the first 'Milking Factory' article,
which was the most visited of all the posts at mitchmen in 2024. 

 The table below lists the top 20. Commentary notes follow. 
(Titles have links to the original posts ).

TABLE 1 - Top 20 Posts at mitchmen (in 2024)
Rank (last yr)
Title (+link)
Total Hits
Last year
Pub Date
1 (1)
2 (2)
 1, 5b
3 (3)
4 (6)
 5 (5)
6 (12)
1, 4
7 (4)
8 (9)
5 a
Ain Postolos - Milking Factory Recruits
2 ,5
9 (8)
10 (10)
11 (-)
12 (11)
13 (19)
14 (13)
15 (18)
16 (-)
2, 5b
17 (-)
Etienne/Stephen – Index to Articles
18 (-)
Art by Shenguanlin
19 (15)
20 (-)
The Art of Homoeros -1 (Beefcake Boys)
(Stats collected on 31st December 2024) 

Since this table covers all 2000 posts at mitchmen, you would expect it to be quite volatile with new visitors bringing different interests to the fore, but in recent years it has been remarkably stable. In 2024 the 3 most visited posts were exactly the same as last year, with the first two well ahead of everyone else.
The rest of the top 10 were also the same but shuffled positions, except for 'Homoeros - Art of Crucifixion' which entered the top 10, rising six places to No 6. It replaced The Art of 'Muscle' Matt -1 which dramatically dropped out of the top 20 altogether after a run of popularity in the last couple of years. 
Amazingly, two of the top 10 articles date from as far back as 2008 and none are more recent than 2020. This blog is retrospective in character but it's remarkable that so many of the classic fetish artists, like Brick, Cavelo and Mike Carcel, remain more popular than the many accomplished, newer ones. They share the same characteristic of being 'old-fashioned' art created by hand, not a keyboard. Computer techniques but don't seem able yet to capture that elusive element of authenticity and personality that creates lasting appeal. At the same time the repetition is a little depressing, I don't want this blog to become stale and fossilised!

As usual, I have hived off 2024's new posts into a table of their own (MPP1) because their initial flush of visits can mask the wider picture. I have shown where they would have appeared, however, with entries in orange. Onlt two qualified, 'Ain Postolos - Milking Factory Recruits' would have taken 9th position leaving 'IFNB Newsletter' to share a revised 17th spot with Chirenon's enslaved Air Force Boys. It's hits in the second year and onwards that separate the new wheat from the chaff  but, encouragingly, last year's winner of the new post category - 'Slave Training 11 – Cockaphobia' did well again, finishing just outside the top 20. The 2022 winner 'Brick's Slave Academy' also finished in the top 30.


In this sea of tranquillity, Shenguanlin managed to make a splash with two new entries at 11 and 18. His articles from 2023 were the only ones in the top 20 more recent than 2020. The first of his them probably got an extra boost from being part of the popular milking factory series (see 5 below). His art is high fetish and hits the button in the earthiest way imaginable. His brand of domination might not be everyone's cup of tea (if I may use that expression) but it's welcome here.

 The other 3 'new' entries were actually returning to former glories. 'Etienne's Article Index' at 17 dates from 2016 and was unexpectedly top of this chart in 2020. It's resurgence is probably attributable to the flurry of articles at the blog related to his 'Sailor Beware' story, notably Planet Gay's re-interpretation of the desert trek inflicted on the captive, Navy boys. 
Planet Gay's article also helped to pull Chirenon's Air Force boys back into the top 20 for the first time since 2020 (at 16). I used his image to promote the subject of desert abductions on 'X' and it seems to have drawn some new admirers. More about 'X' in the summary at the end of this post.
Homoeros' crucifixion images have an enduring popularity but his more vanilla work in the 'Beefcake Boys' post was last in this chart in 2020. It's the lead article for my series about him so it will tend to attract readers with an general interest in his work, they were prompted this year by the sexy 'Ross in Trouble' images that I featured in January.
The 'Milking Factory' series has been hugely popular at this blog for several years now, so much so that it's hard to find something new to say about it! No 1 in the series finished in top spot again this year. It benefits from being the entry point for the whole series, but other MF articles claimed 4 more positions in their own right and together they made up 25% of the table. That's not even counting the new article (featuring AI images for the first time) by Ain Postolos.

The IFNB series is smaller, only 3 articles, so claiming 2 places in the chart (again not counting the newest one) is arguably an even greater achievement. It's in the nature of this field for talented artists to disappear without trace (having shot their load you might say), but this one, with his dry, witty commentaries is particularly missed. I attempted to emulate his style in IFNB3, but it's not the same.

Amalaric shouldn't be forgotten either with 2 articles steady in the top 10 reflecting the continued popularity of his photo manipulations. 


The table is completed by a trio of talented artists with very different styles. Priapus of Milet is a familiar name here, a long time champion in the 'all time' table. He has moved with the times and it's hard to credit that his very modern style originated back in 2012. He's probably the greatest story-teller since Tagame, but with a more sophisticated, almost cosy line in threat and sexuality.

Brosfate at one time was the great rival to Amalaric in this table. He has slipped behind a little this year but his art too has evolved considerably and it's continued, deep-rooted popularity is well attested by 2 entries in the separate New Post category (MPP1).

Black Prof is a relative new boy but his cartoon-based bondage imagery is a visual delight. He exploits the medium to add drama and clarity. It's not really 'gay' art at all but he has the clever knack of making it seem so.
9 different years are represented in this year's table. There are no  photographic entries this year, but 5 are by photo-manipulators. 6 are by renderers, 7 by traditional artists (I have included Shenguanlin here)  and 2 cartoonists. Together they represent the usual, eclectic range of interests.  

The mitchmen 'Index of Artists' page recorded 11710 hits in 2024, up 16% on 2023,but in line with the long term average. It would have easily taken top place in the top 20 table. I'm glad visitors are still finding the index useful and hope it will lead many more newcomers to a fantastic heritage of gay art they didn't know about. Perhaps reflecting that phenomenon, the 77 individual articles which registered increased hits reads like a revival of all the old classics:- Naomichi (+283%), Manflesh, Etienne (Sailor Beware), Nath66, Ehrlich, Rex, Homoeros, Quaintance, Teddy of Paris, Tom of Finland, Tagame, Sabian and Ulf. They were interspersed with a gaggle of my own captioned images.
  Overall hit counts at the blog, however, declined further this year by 20%. I believe this is mainly due to Google imposing sign-in barriers and also perhaps to the rising popularity of other outlets. I suppose my opening comments might also be taken as implying that recent articles may not as interesting or original as they used to be. 
The decline prompted me to engage in some promotional activity by starting to post 'tasters' regularly on 'X', which has become a haven for fetish artists of late. I was surprised by the traffic levels there and initial results gave me much food for thought. The captioned image, 'After The Parade', which I posted on both platforms in December has presently attracted 85 hits on blogger and 1,300 on 'X'. An image from 'Cowboy folio No 8' has 136 hits on blogger and 403 (plus 4 'likes') on 'X'.  
Posting at X requires a lot less effort and it's a good exercise in brevity for me, but it's format is not suitable for in-depth articles like this, so I don't envisage defecting there completely. There is some evidence that my posting there has improved footfall at this blog where visitors face exactly the same entry barriers as X. Hopefully the superior image display of blogger will keep them interested once they find me. Only time will tell. There's now a growing trend now, for artists to move on from 'X' to BSky Social which is a similar platform without the uninvited political views. I'll wait and see in that department.

 Next time I will reveal the most popular mitchmen post of all time, based on cumulative hits,

To look at other charts for earlier years just click on the MPP label at the foot of this post.

Thanks to all of you for your continuing interest and support of mitchmen blog.

Keep the restraint tight in 2024!

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Milking Factories by Hijaden2

Hijaden2 - Milk Collection 1
The artist does not describe this hall as a milking factory, but it seems to be set-up for collecting the stuff on a substantial scale, albeit in individual jars, not carried away in pipes. That suggests a focus on quality and traceability. The building architecture resembles the futuristic designs of Sci-fi sagas* and one could easily visualise robots periodically emptying and taking away the contents of the collection cylinders for processing. That would account for the spacious aisles.
*I suppose this might be the crew of a giant spacecraft in some sort of stasis during an interstellar voyage, but I can't recall the authors of such stories identifying an ability to produce milk in such a state. It might be a useful function if their mission is to found a human colony on a distant world. But if that is the case, I'm thankful that we are spared the sight of eggs being harvested from their female opposite numbers.

Hijaden2 - Milk Collection 2

This, more detailed, view reveals that the conditions for the donors in this place are pretty austere. They are totally naked and vacuum-packed inside rubber sacks. They sacks have a degree of transparency, which is useful for monitoring the condition of the donors, but perhaps discomforting for them. It certainly keeps the place tidy, but severely limits their movement, and you might think that the inability to feel any sort of sensual, skin contact might inhibit a man's ability to produce. However, I have observed that mummified men do have a disturbing ability to weep without very much stimulation. I imagine the extraction device is able to render assistance to them. 

An overhead feed line provides air and, I dare say, water and essential nutrients too. You'll observe in picture 1 that the men seem to share these arrangements in pairs. It's not clear how this works, but one can imagine 'buddying up' being beneficial for the milkers The full cylinders and presence of a good, old-fashioned pump on the output tube implies that decent quantities are in fact produced. The control panel on the left even seems to have options for an external operator to make adjustments to optimise output further.


Hijaden2 - Milking Drones

In this installation, the produce is carried away by a communal pipeline, implying that output volume is what matters most. The men are clad in tight-fitting latex suits and described as drones, with no visible individual identities. The men in the first facility seem to have allowed to choose their own positions before being sealed inside the vac pack. These drones are not afforded that, they cannot even move their heads because of the rigid feeder tube to which their helmets are attached. Their kneeling positions seem to imply that they are not passively extracted, but are expected to actively promote their own output. Fortunately, their helmets look as if they have the capability to assist, with visual stimulation.


Hijaden2 - Storage Facility

 In our enthusiasm for seeing men harnessed to the thankless task of producing milk for their masters, it's easy to overlook the biological fact that they have to rest and recover sometimes. A short pause 'on the job' can enable younger milkers to come back surprisingly quickly -  given the right incentives and diet. But ultimately, even they will run out of steam and post-orgasm disinterest will take hold. I don't think there's a drug for that yet, but no doubt it will come one day.

Hijaden gives us a look behind the scenes with this storage facility for drones who need such a holiday from their endeavours. Chillingly, a rest does not mean that they can take off their suits, clean up and exercise as we would do. However, I imagine their owners have thought of that need and catered for it in some other part of the factory. This is the equivalent of bedtime for the men. We see them, still tightly packaged, being delivered by a robot transporter and stored away in an underground bunker to recover in comfort for the next shift.

Hijaden2 posts at 'X' and (it's Musk-free equivalent)

This is Milking Factor No 20, go to Milking Factor 21 (link pending)

Click on the 'Milking Factory' label below 
for all other posts on the subject at mitchmen blog

or the 'milking' label for all posts with milking imagery.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Milk Outlets by Doodlefish

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Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Milking Factory 19 - Ain Postolos

Ain Postolos - 'Bred For The Finest Milk'

I hear Ain Postolos is setting up in the Milking Factory business, with a retro advertising slogan promising top quality milk. Judging by the press release image (above) he's going for a low tech operation compared with other establishments we've visited in this series. That'll keep his start-up costs low of course and artisan milk, produced the old fashioned way, has come into vogue recently. Factory conditions look a mite crowded but he reckons that keeping the men in close contact promotes production. 

It looks like he's assembled a formidable herd of studs anyway with a wide range of breeds seen in this image. The blend should produce a fascinating flavour experience with the blond supplying the cream on the top.

He calls his product 'Moonlight Milk' and it looks like he's taken that connection to heart in the production process. The full moon is known to influence men's moods, but if it's a necessary element of the production process, output will be limited to one night a month. What a night though, if the men are locked in chastity for the rest of the time! No 2 in the line-up seems to bear out that 'liberation' theory. Those anal stim-plugs surely won't be needed!  

The wags in this office reckon the name means his milkers are moonlighting from from their regular jobs, but it's hard to imagine this lot being allowed to just clock off and go home at the end of their 'night shifting'.

This is Milking Factor 19, view Milking Factor 20 (link pending)

Click on the 'Milking Factory' label below 
for all other posts on the subject at mitchmen blog

or the 'milking' label for all posts with milking imagery.

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Milking Factory R&D

Buzzter - Milked for Science

 It's not clear what exactly is the 'Science' being investigated in this image. The Science of Mechanical Milking perhaps or the Science of a man's ability to repeatedly produce endless amounts of it. Both branches are of great interest for the milk production industry and the man who can find the key to optimising output and taste stands to become very rich indeed. 

The milk provider here is being forced to sustain a very uncomfortable position for a prolonged period. Perhaps the scientist is investigating whether that improves the taste. The backwards arching stance, with hands kept well away from the machinery is probably beneficial to purity anyway. It's equally possible that the Scientist, preoccupied with his experiment, simply hasn't given the matter of producer comfort any thought. He seems more interested in his test schedule than the erotic sight being acted out before him which would cause most of us to ditch our clipboards. His hint of a repeat performance being required does at least acknowledge that the subject has biological limitations. It also seems to imply he has some hold over him or else that he is actually holding him captive.

This is a very original interpretation of the mechanical milking brief, notable for it's simplicity and unusual, upward looking viewpoint. The caricaturing of the scientist contrasts with the realistic treatment of the subject of the experiment, but some clever arty styling blends them together. Technically, it's very accomplished but I can't find any other examples of his current work (see foot of post)

 There's a certain similarity of mood to Franco's classic - 'Milking The Bull' picture, shown below. 

Franco - Milk The Bull
I have put Franco's original through simple AI enhancement 

Franco's imagining is very different, with a monolithic stimulation and milking machine 
and a Scientist who has a distinct air of sadistic pleasure.

This image has always seemed to me to be not so much about extracting milk,
 but rather as an elaborate, sexy way to manipulate a hunky, young sportsman. 

Interestingly, neither of these set ups rely on anal stimulation to promote milk flow which seems a refreshing realism considering both boffins seem to be using inexperienced men who might struggle to respond to such an invasive technique. Franco's machine does include a sliding, blunt 'wedge' between the Bull's legs, which strokes the Bull's crotch, his inner thighs and his balls as it moves in and out. Buzzter's approach seems to rely entirely on (unseen) dick manipulation and stimulation.


I have come across the name Buzzter before, on a group of renders from 20 years ago. 
Stylistically it's completely different but then 20 years is a long time!
I can't find a current location for the artist.


This is Milking Factor 18, view Milking Factor 19 (link pending)

Click on the 'Milking Factory' label below 
for all other posts on the subject at mitchmen blog

or the 'milking' label for all posts with milking imagery.

Friday, 12 July 2024

Ain Postolos - Recruiting Workers for the Milking Factory

AIN POSTOLOS - Enhancing Milk Production Efficiency

Adding young men to the Milking Factory production line is always likely to boost output. They have usually have few problems with repeated draining, often achieving high rates of ejaculation without the need for anal encouragement. Just the idea of it is enough, as this image from a recruitment open day demonstrates. 

As a result, applications to join the milking workforce from this age group are often processed on the spot and if successful, which they generally are, the boys find themselves harnessed to the production line on a 12 months contract without even having the chance to celebrate their success with their loved ones.

The vivid art of Ain Postolos doesn't pretend to be anything but AI but it's undeniably sexy, often graphicly so and too much for this humble blog. The men in this image have come out of the AI mincer with a delicious 'puppy fat' character which I imagine is fortuitous.

AIN POSTOLOS - Milk Production (test)

The testing of new donors is stringently conducted. It simulates the intensity of the production line so as to leave the men in no doubt of what is required of them. The novelty of serial, induced orgasms under restraint is an eye watering baptism to your average jock. Not that they have much chance of changing their minds and withdrawing (as it were) at this stage. Not if the recruitment staff have decided they want them, as many a prankster on a dare from his team-mates has discovered to his dismay. 

Cross-eyed men is one of the recurring features of the present generation of AI, showing the software's inability to assess it's own output as a rational image. Interestingly, traditional artists also find it hard to look at their work with 'new' eyes and spot flaws like this. Luckily it suits my narrative in this case and is quite cute if you appreciate inexperience in a man. Or two men for that matter, the 'buddy' ingredient here amplifies the effect.

AIN POSTOLOS - Test Subject's Responding

The milk of young men does not have the same intense body as that of older donors, it has a light, subtle, freshness that is much sought after by connoisseurs. Promising applicants are therefore sent into a store room to give a test sample which will determine their suitability to join the famous 'Nouveau Milk' production line, which gave rise to the famous Nouveau Milk Race. 

The privacy of the cubicle helps men who experience hesitation, but they are also provided with a one-size-fits-all anal post. This which has caused many a virgin tear to be shed. Interesting responses such as these are captured by hidden cameras and suitable images may be used for that year's bottle label. This young man became the face of the highly successful 'Babe's Tears' milk brand.

AIN POSTOLOS - Cumtrubute

It's not unknown for men from the same family to come forward to give milk and these present the opportunity for producing special family editions if the taste is right. The two Edwards twins were sent to the Factory by the local Job Centre last year. They despaired of getting them into useful work placement but to everyone's surprise they produced a best-selling youth blend. 

Sadly, youth is fleeting. The products are constantly monitored to  make sure they are worthy of 'Nouveau' status. A man's milk tells no lies. The Edwards now serve on the main production line alongside the old hands.

AIN POSTOLOS - Super Soldier Serum

The prestige of being selected for a special edition can also be offered to some older men whose milk has unusual qualities or simply because they have celebrity status. Super Soldier's milk (dubbed as Serum by the marketing bods) enjoyed a certain vogue a few years back.  Now he's just a regular guy pumping it out on the shop floor. But who knows? There's always scope for a special retro edition.

AIN POSTOLOS - Bound Gagged and Milked

Strange as it may seem, there are men who turn up at Open Days expecting to be able to jerk off a load or two and collect a wad of money to fund their gym habit or pay off their debts. It's quite a shock when they learn they have signed up for a full time job. However, they usually change their tune when told that they first  have to prove that they can produce milk of the requisite quality  Their indignation at being conscripted is suddenly replaced by an overwhelming need to not be found wanting. 

The rigours of providing a test sample under clinical conditions can also strain their egos.  Restraint is the norm of course since all men are incapable of keeping their hands off their dicks during arousal and this could contaminate the sample. A good many fidget and have to be fitted with cages to keep the nozzle in place throughout the extraction process. Highly strung individuals and those who have overdone their Dutch Courage may warrant a gag too.

The gag and cage design depicted in this image are brilliant. 
Ideally suited the butch, muscular character of the subject.


More Ain Postolos: 'The Season of Chastity' on mitchmen blog

also at Blue Sky Social (no, me neither!) and AP on Instagram.
There's some adult stuff at AP on 'X'
Of course, all the latest raunchy stuff is at AP on Patreon (subscription).


This is Milking Factory 17, view Milking Factory 18

Click on the 'Milking Factory' label below for other posts on the subject at mitchmen blog
or the 'milking' label for all posts with milking imagery.


Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Milking Factory 16 by Gorounaoki

Gorounaoki - Black vs Villain (h-d)

Gorounaoki's milking factory features a hygienically sealed enclosed chamber. It is kept chilled to keep the product fresh, the temperature is low enough to cause the milk producers' breath to condense. I dare say it also stimulates their lungs and encourages them to stay active, rather than allowing themselves to be passively milked, which must be a temptation after a few hours in the saddle. 

This artist subscribes to the theory that men's nipples can be milked too, perhaps by introducing some mutated hormones into their feed. True or not, it is a sexy embellishment that shows up well here at the 'green' station at the end of the line. Attachment of the nipple tubes is helped by the tight fitting suits the men are wearing, their nipples are squeezed out through holes to form tingling, sensitive peaks, highly receptive to suction caps. The body fitting rubber also promotes a heightened sense of sexuality in them, an encouragement to produce plentiful, good quality volumes.

The milkers are all wearing dark goggles which conceal from them the mechanistic nature of the extraction, allowing them to fantasise about human stimulation. I suspect this futuristic set up may even include some sort of virtual reality delivered through the goggles and tuned to their individual tastes in J/O material.

The other original feature of this set up is the suspension arrangement. Five straps are attached, one to each of their elbows and ankles with one to the body harness at the back of the neck. This keeps their limbs from interfering with the process while still allowing considerable freedom of movement, not least during orgasm. As a result they remain aware of the proximity of their fellow milkers, promoting an unspoken camaraderie and sense of shared purpose. Their 'uniforms' also contribute to this and lend dignity to the conscripts.  

Gorounaoki - Black vs Villain (h-c)

The glass wall enables the chamber to double up as an entertainment exhibit for visitors when the men are 'off-line'. Some guests strip off as they enjoy the vicarious illusion of being drenched by the studs, perhaps imagining that they are responsible for it, but the reality is that, even when disconnected from the collection tubes, the men find it hard to stop producing, much like their bovine equivalents who are become programmed to be milked at a certain time every day. This display chamber produces a significant income stream for the factory and (surprisingly) a steady stream of applicants keen to experience being part of the production line. In fact it's no longer necessary to 'conscript' new beasts when replacements are needed.

See unobstructed variant of this picture

Gorounaoki (or Gorou Naoki) usually provides a comprehensive range of variants of his images featuring the characters in various states of undress but disappointingly he hasn't given us a naked equivalent of the top, 'connected' image as far as I have been able to discover. In his original scenario, the captives are actually four heroes who have been captured by 'Villain', hence their colour coded 'super-hero suits'. They are relentlessly milked to expose their susceptibility to sexual pleasure while their Commander, 'Black', is forced to watch from outside. 

View this whole series at hentaiera
 More of this artist at Gorounaki Gallery and My Reading Manga
pay site: GorouNaoki on Patreon


Read the mitchmen Milking Factory series from the start

click on the 'milking' label below for more milking situations

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Milking Factories 15

Sarander - Milk Farm 2

Sarander actually calls this a Milk Farm but it meets all the requirements for inclusion in the mitchmen Milking Factory series. There are multiple milk producers being extracted by machines in a uniform manner. If you look closely, it even has orderly production lines, which isn't  always the case. Some of the men have their heads encased in helmets which may be punishment devices, but if this is a more enlightened employer*, they could be providing sensory experiences for males who don't get excited by watching other men being pumped out. (*I use the word employer in the sense of using, as in 'employing a tool', I don't suppose for a minute that these men are being paid!)

At the back a couple of new arrivals are being manoeuvred into their places on the line by robots, an admirable investment in keeping the line clinically free from contamination. It also avoids unseemly struggles with operatives within sight of the other beasts while connecting them up. Judging by the look on the face of the nearest one it's a sensible precaution. Another robot (right foreground) seems to be carrying out a quality control check, or it could be an on-the-spot pasteurisation using heat treatment.

These owners have obviously chosen to extract from both mature and younger plums. If they have perfected the ancient art of blending juices then a refined and complex palate pleaser may await us in the tasting room after our tour of the shop floor. Of course you may prefer to avoid sampling their produce on the premises, there's a rumour going round that likely lads are sometimes 'recruited' that way by adding a little extra to their glasses - and it looks like age is not a bar to serving either.

Sarander often shows aliens in images like this, beam me up, Scotty! None are visible here but it's certainly an unconventional, psychedelic sort of environment. Of course that may just be highly sophisticated form of conditioning, perhaps to convince the subjects that they are in a nightclub with the man of their dreams lurking somewhere in the crowd.

Sarander - Milk Farm 1

This earlier variant of the image seems only to differ in the lack of an extraction device for the young man at the front and also in the overall colour treatment.

 I have featured a Sarander milking picture here briefly before in an end of year Hit Survey. He 's done a lot of images in this vein and this is one of the best I have seen. 

I can't locate a site for him, info from you via comments is welcome


Read The Milking Factory series from the start

click on the 'milking' label below for more milking situations