To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Come And Get It! (UPDATED March 2023)

bondage, tight clothes, ass, implied spanking, Corporal punishment, uniform CP military gay sexy homoerotic
Royale Studio - Solo Sailor Tied in the Rigging 1

My on-going revision of the 2010 series of mitchmen articles about the images of the vintage, British 'Royale Studio' has now transferred to the new Royale Studio Blog and Gallery. You can see which series available there by reference to the Storyette and Model indexes in the right hand sidebar.

Next Storyette to be added: The Captive



The latest addition to the Open Archive on Google Drive is 'TEDS' (Teddy Boy and Sailor)
and a folder covering the star of that storyette, Stan Free.

You can access the complete mitchmen photo collection for the following series at

The Royale Studio Open Archive at mitchmen blog

Royale Studio 91 - Sailors in the Rigging (v4, Updated March 15th 2023) 

Royale Studio 02 - Navy Romeo (v1, Oct 11th 2021)

Royale Studio 03 - Navy Gash, (v1 Jan 22nd 2022)

Royale Studio 04 - Bullies (v1 May 27th 2022)

Royale Studio 05 - Airman's Gym Training (v1 Oct 12th 2022)

NEW!  Royale Studio 06 - TEDS (v1 Mar 20th 2023)

Royale Studio 99 - Misc Fragments of Storyettes
featuring: The Test and Why-Y? (v1 May 27th 2022)

plus a new series on Royale Models

David Reid (v3 March 10th 2023)

NEW!  Stan Free (v1 March 20th 2023)

I would encourage you to access the archive and let me know if you have any comments or difficulty with the download option. If you have images of your own to add or link in I would be glad to hear from you too. You can contact me via comments most easily but only an e-mail via my profile page address will enable me to message you back. 


You can also read posts about 'Guys in Uniform' Studio, a direct descendent of Royale, still at mitchmen.
(none of them have been revised or archived yet)

I've deliberately included this nice torso image with the 'Guys In Uniform' logo in the corner. Many of their images circulate with the tag 'MIU' (men in uniform) presumably because someone didn't know 'Guys' was the real ID and thought 'Men' sounded better. Sadly both options are virtually useless for internet search purposes, being too commonplace as expressions, so maybe it's just as well that GIU is often confused with Royale Studio, even though they were 10 years apart.

The mitchmen GIU series starts at

Guys In Uniform 1 - Cane Stripes (none revised yet)

All these articles (old and new) can be retrieved for individual selection by clicking the 'GIU/Royale' label below


Anonymous said...

Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing this. So sad that they are difficult to find online today.