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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label domination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label domination. Show all posts

Monday, 24 March 2025

Wrestling Captions

Dual domination. Pure fiction, of course!
Ty Alexander humiliatingly head-scissored by Lobo Gris, 
while Ethan Andrews is painfully racked by Gabe Steele.

Rexx and Cameron really go for it.
Dig those saucy panties, Cam!

Photo's above courtesy of Wrestler4Hire  

 Chase Lundquist lifted in a bearhug (or bare hug) by TannerHill
At 88Wrestling 


Thursday, 20 March 2025

Homoeros - Recent work (2025) - 3

Start from Part 1 of this series
'Tavern' sees a young man sucked into a world of wealth and power, and in this image the historical dress conveys that background very effectively. It's combined with a convincing setting, too. This is an age when those who fell from favour might face the axeman, so this grovelling submission is perfectly understandable.

This man, Dylan, is not faced by such an extreme a punishment, but the whipping post is bad enough. 
The kneeling position is unusual, but it works visually, introducing a sense of submission.

The rear view presented to the captor is even better.

I included a 'riding the wedge' image in Part 1 of this series, It simply showed the rider and by implication focussed on the physical and mental discomfort caused by the device. The introduction of a leather clad top here, surveying the captive, brings home his vulnerability to external interference. Indeed, the restraint arrangement offers him up to such mischief, and he looks quite apprehensive about it. His relative youth and sheer cuteness suggests an experience gap which is likely to be narrowed somewhat before too long. 

 This surprising sequel opens up another dimension to his initiation. The prospect his new visitors promise seems just as scary, judging by his face, but excitement still shows elsewhere. It looks as if he's got himself into a seriously leather, gender-neutral establishment, although the setting looks like an ordinary, nightclub, out of hours. 

It was these two images that prompted me to do a Part 3 of this review. 


Didn't that guy do something to me in that S&M Club last night?

Homoeros does a lot of vanilla studies. This one, showing a jogger's chance encounter in the woods, is rather nice. Love is in the air here, not fetish.


Two men, clad in black, commit another unfortunate to the cross.
This is a compelling image of the grim moment of truth.
The technician stills the condemned man by sitting on his chest.
Producing an incongruous moment of intimacy.

The helplessness of the spread-eagled captive is apparent here.
The outstretched arm is beyond his control


When they switch to deal with his feet,
it's another significant deprivation of any sense of freedom.

Then callously stroll away without a backwards look.

This device is more humane, a display spreader, according to the artist.
Would that were all it could be used for, the incumbent might wish.


  In a Police Station near you, another Hoodlum submits.
Deprived of his clothing, it might be a long night.
A casual encounter, the locking of eyes tells a story.
It's about wills and intents, as well as attraction.
But all is not what it seemed.

Perhaps he got what he wanted anyway.
But he might look more grateful.
'The Hostage' seems to have been put on display.
His sinewy muscle made useless by the simplest of bindings.
Read the whole series from Part 1

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Leather Art by Nerone - 3

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Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Leather Art by Nerone 2

Read Part 1 of this article
Nerone - Fast Drip 065
 Today's images are from Nerone's 'Fast Drip' series, it's an apt tag for this image.
There's a great sense of skin to skin contact and sexual tension.
His simple, black and white sketches are greatly enhanced by imaginative colouring 

Nerone - Fast Drip 056
This artist's characters often seem to be very clearly delineated as tops or subs,
 but for the avoidance of doubt, he's brought out the ropes here.
This image exists in another variant where the top is not bearded (below).
Nerone - Fast Drip 056 (clean-shaven)
The warm colours here enhance the sense of intimacy.
Nerone - Fast Drip 066

More delving into dark, moist places here, 
a lucky dip that's caused an element of surprise.
But if you must wear white underwear.....well...
Nerone - Fast Drip 089
 Snuggling from behind is enormously comforting,
 even though it leaves everything up front unprotected.
He's too busy to care about that, right now.

Nerone - Fast Drip 091

Sleepy lovers greet the day with closeness and warmth,
The sense of hairiness and bulk here is so masculine.
A two gun salute would seem to be in order next. 
Nerone - Fast Drip 104
There's more edge here, with a grip on the throat demanding submission.
The glimpse of boots and pants tell us this is men at play, acting out their fantasy.
Nerone - Fast Drip 114
Casual encounters are meat and drink (as it were) to gay men.  
The fallen pants here give some sense of the excitement of them.
There's normally no such thing as sub and dom in this situation, 
although you might attribute an ambition to top in the placing of the hand.
Nerone - Fast Drip 115
How different this encounter looks! 
There's a compelling sense of domination,
both in the gesture and the bulky build of the man in control.
But he isn't turned on that much it seems, it's power he craves.
Asking for a rise was never like this in my Office!
Nerone - Fast Drip 320

Hopefully this is just a token of submission, not the start of a protracted trial!
These images vary in quality, this is a good one. 
Nice characterisation, with Italian looks and a physique that looks real.
Notice that the ball looks compressed by the thumb.

Nerone - Fast Drip 351

Just a hint of apprehension. Maybe it's his first time.
The absence of leather paraphernalia might mean gentleness
 - or dangerous inexperience.
Nerone - Fast Drip 354

This rope-work is decidedly unprofessional.
An amateur DIY job? Unrequited longing to be tied up?
If you can help, please form an orderly queue
Nerone - Fast Drip 380

Just a pretty picture of an era gone by.

Read Part 1 of this article

See more Nerone at his blog (inactive)

Saturday, 11 May 2024

James Seely's naked encounters

James Seely and Dave Hodge (AMG)

James Seely didn't only pose for Kris, he was also photographed by AMG using the name John Selig. This is from a duo session with Dave Hodge with both men fully naked at this point. James face is as expressive as ever. He looks here like the rookie learning some uncomfortable facts of life from a pro. It looks like a genuine reaction to something Hodge has said in a casual conversation, rather than being staged.  

James Seely and Dave Hodge (AMG)

A similar spontaneity can be seen in this unusual image, seemingly taken between formal poses. This series does not simmer with the same sexuality as the Kris set but seems a more relaxed affair with a naïve-looking James being here put at ease (or being chatted up) by his studio partner in a charming, unguarded moment, deftly caught by Bob Mizer.

James Seely and Dave Hodge (AMG) Wrestling

It wouldn't be AMG without a wrestling scene. James hams it up for the camera here but his body does genuinely convey a sense of great, dominating strength. His military tattoo adds a bit of extra edge. His partner's passive reaction is disappointing and tells us he is not really applying painful leverage, but it's still a great image.

James Seely and Dave Hodge (AMG)

Seely projects assertiveness more subtly in this photo from a 'biker' sequence (also with Dave Hodge). This set up is a trademark AMG image, much repeated with other biker duos. Some models carry it off better than others but this image certainly showcases Seely's built physique, contrasting it with Hodge's who appears to be the bigger man in the previous pictures. 

The scrunched-up sliver of pouch fabric emerging from between Seely's cute cheeks is a sexy detail, but more than a little incongruous.

James Seely and John Manning (AMG) - distracted

James also posed with AMG's well-established physique star, John Manning. Here they seem like jungle playmates, just out of the pool with wet pouches in evidence and suddenly surprised by an unseen threat (white hunters, I hope, but they are actually posed as if a body-building judge is lurking in the bushes).

Seely is dwarfed by this partner and there's a big difference in muscle definition between them (and pouch mass too if you're interested!). Nevertheless, James's natural looking physique comes across well, assisted by an alluring sheen of oil. Mizer has caught his face looking at it's boy-next-door best. 

Seely seems to be recoiling here, but Manning is confidently thrusting himself forward, almost as though armed with a javelin. His left hand hovers protectively just behind Seely's head as though seeking to make a connection.

James Seely and John Manning (AMG) - 

In this photoset, the two men spend a lot of time not looking at each other directly, or rather, James spends a lot of time looking away wistfully to the side while John, who presumably is supposed to be doing the same, sneaks furtive (and dare I say lustful?) glances at his new playmate. In this photo you can sense he likes what he sees and is inching closer, trying to make contact.

James Seely and John Manning (AMG)

This is a slightly bizarre way to compare physiques, with both men down on their knees.
However, it does show Seely's biceps to be more than a match for Manning's. 
John seems unimpressed, but intrigued by the infectious personality of the new boy.
Their forearms brush together.

Manning has actually settled his buttocks right down onto the mat, here, and is leaning back in a passively inviting position that creates an erotic display at his groin. Seely, less experienced and less relaxed enjoys the fun of participating and the illusion of being in charge, but he's matched with a man here who knows that sexual presence is more telling than bravado.

James Seely and John Manning (AMG) Wrestling

Seely's Marine Corps background seems to earn him ascendency in the wrestling.
As with Hodges he puts plenty of effort into making it look convincing, 
but, like Hodges, Manning looks like his mind is on something entirely different.

James Seely and John Manning (AMG) - bewitched

When the men are told to take off their pouches, the atmosphere changes
The full majesty of Manning's physique is revealed.
Propriety is satisfied by maintaining formal body-building poses, distanced apart.
but arm flexing leaves no place for modesty and it's only natural to be curious.
John seems to be openly eying up his partner's 'form'.
James suddenly looks like a rabbit caught in car headlights.

A curious object has appeared at James' feet in this sequence, 
an invaluable continuity aid, but what is it?

James Seely and John Manning (AMG) - Intimidated

As they inch closer together, Seely's confidence seems to drain away.
We get a great view of Manning's sweeping back 
but James, who has a glorious back himself, seems to shrink.
The joker has met his match.

Next time: fun in the shower