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The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label caged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caged. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 December 2024

The Art of Gilgamesh 4 - Zahir Captured 1

You can also start reading about Gilgamesh from Part 1 of this mitchmen series
click on pictures to enlarge


Zahir is looking for his friend, Jeff, who has been captured and taken to the castle.
Under cover of darkness he enters the place to investigate Jeff's whereabouts.


Seeing that the entrance is guarded by two warriors, he decides to look for another way to enter.
He finds a sewer that takes him to a vault which seems to be deserted.


He decides to explore the tunnels. They seem to be very big and complex.
Suddenly he hears footsteps in the distance. He decides to stop and stealthily observe.
He doesn't realise he has been seen and is being stalked himself as he wanders the vault.


Zahir sees there is a huge, muscular guard patrolling and decides to wait for him to pass.
But his own stalker is creeping ever closer, waiting for the right moment to attack.


He hits Zahir with a huge cudgel, knocking him out.


Hearing the commotion, the other guard comes to see what is happening


They gloat over Zahir's fallen body and decide to strip him of his clothes.


They lift Zahir between them and drag him away.
Zahir is now naked and without a weapon.


It needs two of them to support the mighty Zahir on his shaky legs,
So they have to wade through the central drainage channel, splashing through the murky water .


They drag him to a cell where the Guard unlocks and opens the door.


They push Zahir inside and he collapses onto the floor in a pool of water
One captor scratches his head wondering why any man would be so foolish as to enter the vault.


The lock the door, leaving Zahir lying in the dirty water.
Then they go and report his capture to their master.


Has Zahir's rescue attempt ended in ignominious failure?

More of Zahir next time, read the full story of  Zahir, (all 99 images) at pixiv


Gilgamesh Gallery Links (updated Jul 2024)

Gilgamesh on Pixiv

Pixiv has a comprehensive and well organised collection of his work with helpful narratives that add colour and background to the stories he tells. It's the most accessible gallery but recent releases (2024) have censored cocks, the explicit versions are posted on 'X' aka Twitter

Gilgamesh on Deviantart

There's a limited selection on DeviantArt including some older images which are not in the pixiv collection. They have escaped being censored somehow but tend to lack explanatory titles or narrative information, however, this site does provide an easily scannable overview of it's contents.

Gilgamesh on 'X'

The X, ex-Twitter gallery appears to mirror the pixiv one but has explicit versions of recent images which are censored on pixiv. There's no overview, just sequential postings with the stories spread across them, broken up into four images per post. Gilgamesh has gone to the trouble of making sure they come out in the right order. There are slightly different comments, I haven't explored the site in great depth so it's possible there are works there that don't appear anywhere else.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Milk Outlets by Doodlefish

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Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Vore Art by RL Fleshwood

RLFleshwood - It's Supper Time

The Little Shop of Horrors has a lot to answer for! 

There's a good sense of dramatic action in this image with the jaws about to snap shut apparently. The plant's tendrils way-lay a young man, innocently wandering in the forest, lifting him up and depositing him head first into the gaping mouth, a technique that has a certain gourmet delicacy.

RLFleshwood - Plant Food

This unfortunate might be still be hoping that there's still hope and the strange sensations in his groin are telling him that the plant is kinky rather than carnivorous. I suspect this variety is the plant equivalent of those kids who won't eat the pizza crust, just the juicy bits. 

The glorious colours make this art hard to ignore.

RLFleshwood - Introducing the Tip Jar

This picture was used by the artist to solicit contributions to his 'tip jar' where contributors can ransom the captive from a terrible fate. I'm not sure that's what his followers really want! Deprived of that context it looks like a satirical modern inversion of the Victorian freak show idea. 

What happens when the tips stop coming is probably best not thought about.

RLFleshwood - Josh, Dressed for Dinner(my title)

I can't say I'm turned on by cannibalism so I've ditched the artist's explicit title for something more ambiguous. It's a great jeopardy imagery anyway, with tightly tucked-in bondage of a nice, grown-up captive, artistically presented on a bed of lettuce. His cut-off jeans add a boyish personality. 

The beach setting is picturesque but slightly bizarre. It suggests to me a placatory offering to those unwelcome visitors who always turn up out of the blue in castaway sagas. (I've never understood why cannibals and slavers go looking for new prospects on deserted islands.) 

RLFleshwood - Zach is The Main Course

Another marvellously enticing, richly-coloured image and another great bondage jeopardy scenario. The young captive's innocent face and upturned, saintly gaze top off a beautiful physique glowing like burnished gold in the light of the fire. The apple gag (more bite than gag actually) features often in images by this artist but I like the way the lettuce has been upgraded to a surprisingly sexy, fig-leaf. 

The assembled crowd watching his discomfort are a terrible stereotype in this day and age but I take comfort from the fact that they are far too numerous to be satisfied by a culinary outcome to this situation. The offering will go a lot further if handled with care.

RLFleshwood - Escaping The Witch

This less challenging scenario has a genuine dream-like quality, not least encapsulating the elusive nature of what actually will happen if we get caught by our fears. It's a marvellously effective and witty.  The visible feet of the witch make her flight positively comic - real-life dreams usually find a way of blurring out inconvenient detail like that. The roping of the escaper is typically AI-esque, over-stated and in reality less than secure but I don't suppose I'd quibble about that detail if this young man came hopping out of the mist towards me! 

RLFleshwood - Gator Food

Looks like the 'natives' might be the good guys here. Rescuing the foolish youth from the local wildlife. The apple (Gob-stopper?) in his mouth is probably intended to suggest otherwise, but what a waste to make the poor thing into another (probably unappreciated) offering. There's an amusing Russian doll effect however in the concatenated open mouths. 


More RL Fleshwood at Deviant Art
be warned - some images are more disturbing than those shown here

For other posts at mitchmen with these themes, click on the labels below

Monday, 10 July 2023

Art by Shenguanlin

Shenguanling - Milk Farm 1

This striking image offers a harrowing glimpse into the depths of this artist's nightmarish world of abductions and crushing captivity. Men who are taken are doomed, it seems, to an existence of perpetual, suffocating, bondage, punctuated by participation in humiliating rituals involving bodily functions. This includes milking of course, but strictly speaking this particular set-up wouldn't qualify as a mitchmen Milking Factory because of the 'artisan' extraction arrangements and low volumes involved. 

The human storage cages seen in the background were also featured in the recent 'Milking Factory' contribution by this artist. They seem like a praise-worthy, humanitarian, rest and respite facility for the milked men, but a cynic might argue it's just a necessary business response to the milk production limitations of male biology and hardly represents a free range approach to keeping them. 

The bubbles seen drifting around the captivity chamber are an intriguing but unfathomable detail. Dream-like? Maybe one of my readers can decipher the symbolism.

Shenguanlin - Suspension 2

Shenguanlin's complex art is built on simple bondage imagery, like this semi-suspended hog. 
His favoured tipple seems to be Rugby Players and other butch sportsmen, 
The bindings are invariably comprehensive, neat and believable.

This image is lifted by the lifelike representation of the captive's taped eyes and face mask.
 The face covering appears to be improvised from socks, underwear or shorts (of unknown, dubious condition and origin!) These are clues to his deeper fetish leanings.

Shenguanlin - Hogtied

This hog variant puts the prisoner into real world setting, balanced on a table in an austere cell whose bare interior contrasts vividly with the vegetation seen beyond the prison bars, the lush world from which he has been removed. Stripped down to just his shorts and socks, a typically hairy physique is revealed. Since he's so tightly hogtied, the table beneath his body is the only external thing the prisoner is aware of, because a blindfold, gag and earplugs deprive him of his other senses. 

This relatively simple image is visually appealing thanks to it's colour balance and crisp detailing. There's an intriguing sense of the unknown. Who is he? Why is he here? We can almost feel his isolation and share his mystification of where all this is leading. He may not even realise that he's set upon a table which seems to imply a tactile physical inspection may well follow his sensory deprivation.

Shenguanlin - The Penalty for Losing

The same basic hog-tie image is worked up here into a dramatic, erotically-infused scene with three rugby players put on display in matching restraints, having been held responsible for the loss of a match. It must have been quite an important one!

Part of their punishment seems to have been a beating of some sort, the random angles of the red weals on their bodies suggest a 'running of the gauntlet' prior to being tied up (compare the recent Drtkk imagery). The beating, however, is just a warm-up for their real punishment. Their faces have been wrapped in a mixture of dirty jock straps and smelly trainers (no doubt provided by their team mates). I suppose it brings home to them, rather vividly, just how much sweat and toil their colleagues had put in, when they hadn't. They are sweating profusely themselves now, even if they weren't during the match.

The restraints here look a whole lot tighter and much more strenuous for the three captives than the previous examples. Their heads are pulled back tightly and connected to tightly flexed legs at the toes. They will probably be dropped from the team after their poor performances, but if they're forced to endure this much stress for long - say, the same length as the match - they aren't going to be in a fit state to play again anyway for a while. 

This picture is packed with fascinating and sometimes sleazy detail. This artist has an unusual way (to me at any rate) of depicting the struggling movement of the captives. It consists of squiggly lines drawn around the outlines of their bodies. It works better when you get used to reading it. Some of it seems more like trembling than energetic struggle - which is not an entirely inappropriate reaction! He provides sound effects as well. A (slightly incongruous) dialogue box explains the scenario.

Shenguanlin - Duct Tape Boy

You can see the 'special effects' more clearly in this rather nicely drawn image of a skater-type tied to a chair (surprisingly it's a padded one!). The trembling interpretation applies quite well here. There are virtually no erotic ingredients in this picture beyond the captivity scenario itself and the suggestive, clean-cut characterisation of the prisoner.  However, the taped-up shorts are quite intriguing and fans of trainers and chunky legs get a small treat. The heap of tapes at the prisoner's feet and the ropes lying on the floor behind him suggest he's part of a much bigger bondage operation.

Shenguanlin - Bondage Freak

Here the artist takes the same basic image and makes a spectacular transformation with some relatively small alterations. The covering of the face with noxious looking fabrics has the most immediate impact, followed by the spurting, caged cock which is a good compromise between realism and wishful thinking. But there's another, easily overlooked change that arguably has more impact overall and that is the 'doubling up' of the taping which adds body bulk and emphasises the total restraint of the prisoner. 

There's a host of fascinating detail including the introduction of an electrical box whose terminals are connected to the man's balls with crocodile clips. However, this arrangement seems designed not so much to torment him, but to stimulate his engorgement into a seriously restricting cock and balls cage which also has a head attachment improvised from twisted wires and holding a 'sound' in place. 

This isn't the same man as the previous picture, this one has hairy legs, suggesting more maturity and a greater inner strength that warrants his more demanding restraint. The crudely boarded-up cell window seems to imply he's going to need it. 

Unexpectedly, the artist's title seems to imply this arrangement is all quite voluntary.

Shenguanlin - Tonight's Boy

This tweaking of straight-forward bondage images to show extreme, earthy outcomes reflects an interest in the whole process of a man's descent into captivity and this image depicts the starting point. A very real-looking man has been entrapped, apparently in his own home. He's laid out on a settee being tied up, surrounded by items indicating his passion for playing rugby - but not for washing his clothes. This stereotypically masculine trait makes him ideal material for Shenguanlin's predators. 

The captive has been put into a shiny, black, bondage suit with his arms strapped to his sides. The suit is not particularly tight but manages to display a sizeable mound between his thighs, which looks as if it might a white undergarment (and contents) extracted from inside the suit. It's squashed into two moundlets by a very tight belt, part of an assortment of ropes, bandages and belts providing head to toe restraint. 

This looks like preparations for an abduction - the protective packaging of a prized acquisition, but the captive's legs are actually being tied to the settee which implies he isn't going anywhere just yet. The captors leave him free to voice his confusion and protests, but it's hard to see that continuing for long.

Shenguanlin - Installation of a Dungeon Urinal 1

In this image a similar looking man is being processed in a dark, undefined space. His two masked attendants are indistinctly drawn, but clad in skin-tight, dark body suits creating an eerie atmosphere of sexual menace. The title tells us more of what is to come, the smell of the place may give him that clue.

Standing erect so that the attendants can finish strapping him up, he is already fitted with  a thick, high collar that forces him to look upwards. A ring gag, attached to a whole-head harness keeps his mouth gaping open and already, his face is dripping with cum. His cock and balls, extracted from his body suit, are uncovered and forced into a multi-ring cage that squeezes tight round his balls and the base of his cock. 

Despite this multi-layered restraint, he is weeping excitedly. The artist cleverly maintains an element of ambiguity throughout the story suggesting consensuality. The photo ID card stuck on the captive's chest even suggests a club-like arrangement, recognising his individuality and tracking him. A bit like an animal passport. 

Shenguanlin - Installation of a Dungeon Urinal 2

The captors tape over his eyes and carry him to an iron cubicle where he is put inside a body-shaped casket like a mummy. It seems to fit him perfectly not allowing him to make any movements. Perfect for shipping but the casket is actually chained to the wall. In the picture the attendants move in close to make final adjustments and he can probably feel them touching and arranging him. They stroke his cock encouragingly (sympathetically?) and too late, he senses something not very nice is going to happen to him, but his gargled plea is ignored. 

Next, they will fit the other half of the casket over him. The front section is fitted with a mouth tube that will be fed through the ring of his gag, there's also an orifice for his cock and balls to be pulled out, both requiring careful fitting. Eventually his voice is silenced by the outer cases being bolted together.

Shenguanlin - Installation of a Dungeon Urinal 3

By the time the attendants have departed some time later, the outer casing is doubly clamped and chained to the walls of the cell. The incarcerated captive's mouth piece is connected to a stub of a tube in the ceiling of the cubicle. When opened it will drain waste liquids from a Basketball Team's locker room just above. 

The captive's projecting cock is now fitted with close-fitting shaft-ring which can be agitated mechanically via an electric motor. His balls will simultaneously receive electrical stimulation and this control arrangement will draw repeated orgasms from him. His own emissions will be channelled to a valve gadget that either recycles them or else dumps them onto the floor. 

The prisoner manipulation and accumulating sense of doom in this little epic (which runs to 8 pictures in all) is very effective, all the more so if you identify with the captive. The artist explores this earthy scenario repeatedly in his work and I will provide links to find more at the end of the article.

Shenguanlin - New Arrival 1

This looks like it might be the same, butch captive but his restraint is very different here. He's been clad in a tight-fitting, latex, bondage suit that shows him to have a highly muscular physique. One that deserves to be displayed. His arms are restrained in a complex, shibari style, upper body harness but his legs are simply tied together at thigh height, hobbling him. Only two parts of his body are exposed. His head is enclosed in a harness with a gag attachment (which looks rather like a ball gag but is intended, I think, to be a ring). His cock is locked into a  chastity device through which he is leaking onto the floor. 

He's been parked in a urinal and, unsurprisingly, seems to have attracted the attention of it's users. There are limits to what they can do to him in this constraint but they have left behind souvenirs of their visit. A string of cum-filled condoms round his neck seem to have been left as tips, or I suppose they may be his own handiwork (if it's possible produce handiwork without using your hands!). Other visitors have splashed their compliments over his face, since the obvious receptacle is blocked off by the ball gag. 

Ominously the captive has been labelled here with a 7-character ID code, stuck to his chest. It suggests that this period of service is not just a a passing experimentation on his part but a more lengthy commitment. It also implies that he is just a small part of a laboriously assembled team of service providers.

Shenguanlin - Semen Collection

The condom motif is seen again here. These do seem to be filled with the prisoner's own produce. He's being continuously prompted to produce more by a vibrator strapped to his thigh.

This looks like a facility where passers-by can help themselves to refreshing, cold, cum shots.
They have contemptuously discarded their drained condoms at the prisoner's feet, one has even been draped over his shoulder.

This artist likes his captives to keep their socks on (see hogs above) and I love this one's semi-hairy pecs which remind me of my adolescent attraction to a young workman who worked for a while, bare top in his dusty, black jeans, on a building site very close to where I grew up. 

Shenguanlin - Caged

This image depicts a completely different form of captivity. The prisoner is hooded and locked into a chastity device, but otherwise naked. He's been put in a cage that is only big enough to allow him to kneel, a position that has been further restricted by roping that lifts up his tied wrists behind him. The simplicity of this arrangement creates a sense of great vulnerability

A captor wearing a sinister gas mask is crouched beside him as if concerned, but the coiled whip in his hand is evidence that brutal control techniques (or sadistic pleasure seeking) are rife in this particular facility. This may account for the prisoner's trembling.

More Shenguanlin in Part 2

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Domination Art by Whiteworm

Two naked white men kneel submissively like slaves before a black master, one collared, ass display
Whiteworm - Ready to Serve

I like the clean lines of modern fan art like this picture by Whiteworm 
This one seemed to call out for a caption with a tough edge. 

Sorry whiteworm!

Man in bondage in a bamboo cage, cock and balls torture tied and squeezed between bamboo sticks
Whiteworm - Bamboo Sticks

This Tagame-like image, by contrast is laden with dark meaning without needing words
for anyone familiar with the history of Asia between 1930 and 1970

This restraint image is a little gem.
It doesn't really need a caption.
The eyes say it all. 

Man Spanked over a desk bare ass by gang of black youths

When the underclass rebel no one is safe.

man punishing himself cbt cock and balls torture bondage ball busting

I hear 'do it yourself' justice is catching on
in some parts of the World.

Man tied spreadeagled on table for dissection

When it come to the crunch,
Some animals are more equal than others.

Man imprisoned naked in an animal cage

Don't worry mate, it's not a permanent arrangement.
The Slave Catcher comes once a week to empty his traps.

Man punishing himself ball busting cock on block

Sometimes life feels exactly like this.
The time to get worried is when you start enjoying it.

ball busting kicked man grabs balls in pain

Try it on the boss instead, you'll feel better.
You didn't like the job anyway.

aka Rob Clark who, surprisingly I haven't featured here before

Monday, 1 August 2022

The Art of Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh (or 'Gil800' as he signs his pictures) has been around for some years portraying the capture and torment of men, mainly mature ones with bodies of extraordinary muscularity. It's a very S&M gay fantasy, expressing the idea that the epitome of manly strength is not immune to domination and control. 

Remember, you can enlarge all the pictures on this site by clicking on them 

Gilgamesh - Heroes in Trouble

This image by him shows two muscular, hairy men stretched out on the rack in a dank dungeon. The back-breaking variation of this terrible fate, shown on the right is highly original and very erotic. These men are described simply as Heroes by the artist, implying that they habitually engage in worthy missions for the benefit of mankind. But on this occasion, their virtuous aims, extreme strength and manliness, even though they were working together, was not enough to overcome the dark forces that flourish in Gilgamesh's imagination. 

Now they are trapped together in painful restraint, in a stark, bare cell, completely at the mercy of their captor. A pool of water on the floor (something of a trademark in Gil's images) adds to the sense of being forgotten in comfortless, cold incarceration. We do not know if these men are buddies, something closer or simply comrades in arms but in any case they must witness each other's suffering. They lie facing the door, helplessly awaiting the return of their nemesis (as do we, but with rather more different hopes).


Gilgamesh - Sneaky Cops in trouble

The theme of a captive forced to watch his buddy being degraded is explored more explicitly in the Sneaky Cops mini-series. Generally Gil does not provide much information about causes and motivations behind his predicaments but he does indicate here that this is a Police, undercover infiltration of a gay, leathermen's organisation that has gone badly wrong. 

This gay man is not intimidated by discovering they are Policemen, nor by their physical bulk, since he is equally well developed and in any case their powerful physiques are comfortably neutralised by the heavy duty chains and pillory-style restraints. 

Gil shows the on-looking cop's horror as his colleague is forced to his knees for a straight bigot's nightmare commencing with the terrifying 'humbler', stretching and presenting his balls for punishment from behind. The insertion of a sizeable butt plug is even more challenging. These cops in their ignorance will not appreciate that it is a perverse kindness, intended to loosen him up for the main event. Sent to investigate reports of sodomy, they will now experience it first hand, spiced with the trappings of S&M. 

Gilgamesh - Captive of the Leathermen (my title)

Leatherman scenarios featured prominently in Gilgamesh's early work, like this example from circa 2006. There's an element of ambiguity about whether this is pure play or something more serious, the handcuff-like cock tether might indicate it's another take on the captive cop storyline, with the blindfold preventing any identification of the perpetrators afterwards. 

The medieval-flavoured wooden yoke and the authenticity of the dungeon setting suggest disturbingly 'unusual' punishments are in prospect for the captive. For now humble clothes pegs apply nagging, point-pain to his huge, shapely pecs - a standout feature of the picture, although his thigh development is equally impressive. 

The viewpoint used by the artist is clever. Peering over the leatherman's shoulder, we can share his fascination with this remarkable physique which he has frozen in a parody of the traditional, muscleman, bicep-flexing pose. 

Gilgamesh - The New Prisoner

Luscious pecs are also the central feature of this picture, which is one of my favourites. This handsome bodybuilder being welcomed to the dungeon by a guard, who looks too pleased by half, is a delicious study in youthful bewilderment and dread. Both men are clothed below the waist suggesting he's a new arrival. "Why have you brought me here?" he would no doubt say if he did not have an uncomfortable ball-gag in his mouth. That's a question Gilgamesh doesn't really answer fully but the confusion and uncertainty of newly captured men is the essence of his art.

You get a glimpse of the artist's Latin roots in the characterisation of the guard. I suspect the juxtaposition with his Anglo-Saxon captive here might be born of a young, Mexican man fantasising about possessing the handsome studs in American beefcake mags. 

He gravitates to more mature men in later work.

Gilgamesh - Incarcerated Adventurers (my title)

The immediate prospect for most of Gilgamesh's captures is incarceration. This scene showing three 'Adventurers' stripped naked, shackled and locked up in separate cells is vivid. The heavy bars of these cells obscure our sight of the victims but it amplifies the sense of uncompromising imprisonment. We get a good enough sight of them in the scenes that follow.

This scene reminds me very much of the fate of the players of Raytown Softball Team in Amalaric's Modern Slavery series. They were similarly treated - physically isolated while awaiting individual assessment and despatch to a suitable slave auction. Separating members of a group in captivity is a basic security precaution, it neutralises the power of the group but also implants the worrying idea that they might be on their own eventually. The sense of comradeship still lingers with these three, encouraging them to vent their anger at their treatment. They don't quite understand yet that their captors are indifferent to it - and may well enjoy it.

Gilgamesh - Defeated Adventurers p0

These 'adventurers' are not split up immediately and their indignation persists in this rather powerful picture as they are taken from their cells and led away through narrow, underground passageways by an uncaring guard whose hood (suggestive of grim, medieval torture and execution) might be expected to prompt a more sober reaction. They can't see the determined malevolence in his eyes yet. There's a heady mix of wounded pride, helplessness and fear in this picture.

 'Adventurers' pop up regularly in Gilgamesh's work. It's a term suggestive of explorers prying into forbidden places in search of hidden 'treasures'. Men who are confident and assertive. We do not know if these intruders are simply curious explorers or opportunistic thieves, but those who pry where they are not welcome have to take the rough with the smooth when it comes to consequences. 

This scenario in which the captive is led away by his captors to a more remote, 'special' place is vividly expressive of a man being controlled and progressively distanced from his old life, descending into subservience. Their nudity and heavy iron collars serve a similar purpose of course. Scenes like this feature in many of Gil's 'storyettes', notably Sergei's Desert Adventure' and 'The Enslavement of Igor' (of which more in later posts). 

Gilgamesh - Defeated Adventurers

At this point the group's indignation is well and truly dispelled as they are lined up in their shackles like new recruits under orders. They stare straight ahead with faces that are meant to be impassive but still betray their anxiety and fear of the man who is now the master of them all.    

Rather than leaving them naked and feeling exposed, he has dressed them in identical 'uniforms'. Their iron collars have acquired rigid, built-in, bit-gags and their previously undamaged nipples have been pierced to accommodate the chunky cross-bars of U-loops. Not least, their cocks have been enclosed in substantial chastity cages hung from chains around their waists although these devices seem designed to deflect arousal, rather than preventing it. 

These hard restraints highlight the muscularity of the men and in a sense show respect for it, but simultaneously they draw attention to points of erotic interest, assigning them a new group identity as sexual objects. Gilgamesh calls this process 'decorating' captives and it's a part of their 'induction' which the captors enjoy for it's own sake. Dressing a man like a doll is symbolic of ownership and control. Having a group of unwilling men to dress in this way must be even more satisfying, a demonstration of overwhelming subjugation.

This group are a good example of Gil's more mature men. Their muscles are still formidable but have lost their youthful smoothness and become as grizzled as their faces. Their bodies have the 'cut' style of musculature that is the norm in top-flight bodybuilding, but it's severity is mellowed here by the softening of tissue with age.

Gilgamesh - Come with me (my title)

This image employs similar fetish motifs and seems to express that idea of ownership in a even more sexual sense, indicated by the intimate chain lead. This top plainly takes a pride in his own, very individualistic appearance and you sense he wants his younger sub to reflect a similar high standard. The emphatic gag tells everyone, not just the sub, that he is a very strict disciplinarian. The captives bewildered eyes seem to be trying to tell him that it's all a terrible mistake. Gilgamesh is very clever with eyes.

There's an ambiguity about time and space in this and other pictures by this artist. The leather and stainless steel fetish gear adorning the sub is very much of today, but the top's knee-length boots and arm protectors seem to belong to earlier, less industrial age, just like the executioner's hood in the previous pictures. It's as though these captives are men who have unwittingly stumbled into a different time and culture. 

Gilgamesh - This Way Please

The last image was an early example of that frightening walk into the unknown which all new captives must experience but this more recent example is much more sophisticated and polished. Gilgamesh says it's a hero being taken to the lower levels of the castle, after being discovered hanging around the treasury. That language seems to imply baser motives than you would normally expect from a hero. 

He's an exceedingly mature hero too but that doesn't save him from being stripped, gagged and shackled in cold iron, just as younger men are. The unclothing has revealed a richly-muscled torso, thickly matted with hair. He is forced to wade through waste water in this subterranean tunnel to reach his place of captivity, another degradation and a sure sign that comforts will be few during his imprisonment. The coming interrogation is a frightening prospect.

The title suggests the guard is courteous, but the facial expressions of both men - determined anger vs resentment and discomfort - suggest that it's purely ironic. It appears the guard is applying pressure out of our sight to compel compliance. We can't see anything but there's a powerful sense of physical interaction. 

Gil uses the same trick of juxtaposing two characters closely together to create a sense of interaction in this scenario where it appears a different pair* of men have reached their destination - a bare room which contains few clues to it's function. Likewise it's not clear what the guard is doing with the the gag but the bigger man stands passively with fearful eyes, letting him do it. He actually dwarfs his guard in size, obliging him to stand on a step to reach up to the gag but he's heavily shackled so his physical strength is useless. However, it's clear that he's psychologically cowed too, incapable of resisting.

*It's possible this captive is one of the three adventurers led through the tunnel previously.

Gilgamesh - (On the) Way To A New Home

 These two men have time to consider what the future holds for them, as they are transported together to a place of incarceration in a prison wagon of some sort. The setting sun suggests it's been a long journey and seems to symbolise the end of an era in their lives. As the stress of the ride and the captivity that awaits them takes hold, they argue about their 'mistakes', a word that suggests they were partners, buddies, working together. 

This little vignette shows Gilgamesh's interest in the feelings of his men as they gradually descend into hopeless captivity. And these are strong men remember. Not just physically, but mentally strong enough to dedicate a substantial part of their lives to developing their amazing physiques and  making their way in an occupation (worthy or not) that has ultimately pitted them against an organisation powerful enough to abduct and enslave them - with impunity.

Gilgamesh - Heroes in Peril

These two men are discovering the continuing unpleasantness of captivity as, fresh from their 'rest' on the rack (top picture), they are readied to witness each other's interrogation or punishment or probably both. Their restraints combine immobilisation with discomfort and produce suggestive, inviting displays. The two hooded torturers and the crucifix on the wall conjure up once again the medieval cruelties of The Inquisition. Perhaps the relationship between these two men is being called into question, so they must suffer together for that reason, but Gilgamesh's tormentors don't seem to need any particular reason or authorisation for practising their craft.

Gilgamesh - Heroes in Peril

Respite from torment comes in a qualified form. Separated from his companion and alone in a comfortless cell, the captive is still kept naked, still gagged and still restrained in harsh irons which deny him even the luxury of being able to lay down properly to sleep. A chunky chastity cage cuts off the possibility of comfort in the fleeting pleasure of private sexual relief.

Ultimately the outcome for all captives in Gilgamesh's world it seems
is despair - and judging by the skull - a lingering death.

More Gilgamesh at mitchmen in Part 2


Links (updated Jul 2024)

Gilgamesh on Pixiv

Pixiv has a comprehensive and well organised collection of his work with helpful narratives that add colour and background to the stories he tells. It's the most accessible gallery but recent releases (2024) have censored cocks, the explicit versions are posted on 'X' aka Twitter

Gilgamesh on Deviantart

There's a limited selection on DeviantArt including some older images which are not in the pixiv collection. They have escaped being censored somehow but tend to lack explanatory titles or narrative information, however, this site does provide an easily scannable overview of it's contents.

Gilgamesh on 'X'

The X, ex-Twitter gallery appears to mirror the pixiv one but has explicit versions of recent images which are censored on pixiv. There's no overview, just sequential postings with the stories spread across them, broken up into four images per post. Gilgamesh has gone to the trouble of making sure they come out in the right order. There are slightly different comments, I haven't explored the site in great depth so it's possible there are works there that don't appear anywhere else.