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Sunday, 22 December 2024

The Art of Gilgamesh 4 - Zahir Captured 1

You can also start reading about Gilgamesh from Part 1 of this mitchmen series
click on pictures to enlarge


Zahir is looking for his friend, Jeff, who has been captured and taken to the castle.
Under cover of darkness he enters the place to investigate Jeff's whereabouts.


Seeing that the entrance is guarded by two warriors, he decides to look for another way to enter.
He finds a sewer that takes him to a vault which seems to be deserted.


He decides to explore the tunnels. They seem to be very big and complex.
Suddenly he hears footsteps in the distance. He decides to stop and stealthily observe.
He doesn't realise he has been seen and is being stalked himself as he wanders the vault.


Zahir sees there is a huge, muscular guard patrolling and decides to wait for him to pass.
But his own stalker is creeping ever closer, waiting for the right moment to attack.


He hits Zahir with a huge cudgel, knocking him out.


Hearing the commotion, the other guard comes to see what is happening


They gloat over Zahir's fallen body and decide to strip him of his clothes.


They lift Zahir between them and drag him away.
Zahir is now naked and without a weapon.


It needs two of them to support the mighty Zahir on his shaky legs,
So they have to wade through the central drainage channel, splashing through the murky water .


They drag him to a cell where the Guard unlocks and opens the door.


They push Zahir inside and he collapses onto the floor in a pool of water
One captor scratches his head wondering why any man would be so foolish as to enter the vault.


The lock the door, leaving Zahir lying in the dirty water.
Then they go and report his capture to their master.


Has Zahir's rescue attempt ended in ignominious failure?

More of Zahir next time, read the full story of  Zahir, (all 99 images) at pixiv


Gilgamesh Gallery Links (updated Jul 2024)

Gilgamesh on Pixiv

Pixiv has a comprehensive and well organised collection of his work with helpful narratives that add colour and background to the stories he tells. It's the most accessible gallery but recent releases (2024) have censored cocks, the explicit versions are posted on 'X' aka Twitter

Gilgamesh on Deviantart

There's a limited selection on DeviantArt including some older images which are not in the pixiv collection. They have escaped being censored somehow but tend to lack explanatory titles or narrative information, however, this site does provide an easily scannable overview of it's contents.

Gilgamesh on 'X'

The X, ex-Twitter gallery appears to mirror the pixiv one but has explicit versions of recent images which are censored on pixiv. There's no overview, just sequential postings with the stories spread across them, broken up into four images per post. Gilgamesh has gone to the trouble of making sure they come out in the right order. There are slightly different comments, I haven't explored the site in great depth so it's possible there are works there that don't appear anywhere else.

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