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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Saturday 29 March 2014

Bound and Gagged Magazine - 4

 Seth Black devouring Adam Rom
Leather guy captured by a sportsman is not exactly a commonplace scenario. Leathermen are powerful objects of desire even for ordinary guys, but the leather-on-leather, dungeon genre, immersed in an underworld of sleaze and pain, doesn't really portray that more mundane attraction. Seth Black (right) has a natural, hormonal sexiness that's powered-up here by the choice of scanty clothing (which for a change actually looks like he's been wearing it - and odourising it!). His enthusiastic enjoyment of his fantasy prize probably sums up a desire which is widespread in the real world. This is what bondage is all about! The leatherman seems quite ill at ease, one might say stiff, under this erotic assault, which some might find ironic. On the other hand, his discomfort may simply be down to the gag plug in his mouth which looks pretty big and uncomfortable to me.

Captive being Gagged
Talking of gags, here's an excellent image of a leather gag being strapped in place on a less than happy victim. The frontal strap on this type of gag makes the securing process particularly emphatic, intimate and erotic. I find the chunky 'jailor' immersed in this fiddly task quite appealing, but I've not been able to identify the models yet (anyone out there who knows?).

 Scene from 'LABD Grey'
Bullies in the Barracks are always good for bondage and humiliation scenarios. B&G's usual authenticity falters here with the long hair and stylish boxers rather out of place and more likely to be on the receiving end of 'peer pressure' than dishing it out. I can forgive that for the cute victim and his perfectly-fitting, white underpants.

 Eric Evans
B&G featured some well-known porn stars in it's pages, I showed Logan Reed in my first post and above is another hairy man, Eric Evans. There is something particularly erotic about a big, hairy man tied up and helpless. The dishevelled clothing and head-down kneeling pose suggest it took quite a struggle to subdue him. The simple roping of the wrists is very nice.

 Robert Black tied to a cot
Another fetish celebrity, Robert Black. It's a naked pose (well almost) for a change but the rusty cot and khaki and olive furnishings conjure up the military fantasy. His legs held apart by the bed end and the arms pulled upwards away from the ass are great details - revealing all? Sadly not, it's a shame that the chunky knot-work obscures his ass-hole.
If you visit Bob Wingate's blog there's a great sequence of pictures showing
Robert Black being tied up for this shoot.

Marti - Hog-tied

This image is something of a classic, so frequently copied that it's almost a cliche. It's a measure of how B&G has infiltrated our psyche. Our attention is naturally drawn first to the captive's eyes and his expectant, slightly anxious expression. Look beyond that and we see he is totally naked, his nudity neatly book-ended and accentuated by the collar round his neck and the straps around his ankles. It's quite a tight hog-tie, not comfortable for very long. The halter loop tied round his shoulders and anchoring his feet is equally severe and if I'm not mistaken that's sizeable wad he's chewing on. Nice feet too.

For earlier articles in this series simply go to the previous post or
Read this series from the beginning

To see more of these terrific pictures visit Bob Wingate's blog.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Bound and Gagged Magazine - 3

Continuing my nostalgic survey of the classic bondage images 
given to us by Bound and Gagged Magazine
Scott - Captive Soldier

The captive's nicely muscled body gleams sweatily as he struggles to escape.
The authentic military vehicle interior and muddy boots suggest a dramatic capture.
I like the 'hairy' cord as well, the T-shirt gag is very odd, though.

 Jason Dean enslaved by Owen Hawk and Austin Edwards

I'm don't get excited about slavery situations, but I do like this idea of a man tied to a chair and forced to watch the man he covets as a lover making out with someone else. It's a great restraint position, open and exposed at the front, the feet are raised into an uncomfortable position which also severely limits the scope for movement. It could be a great image were it not for the busy carpet and antique-y clutter which distract the eye and don't quite match the down-to-earth drama.

Sam Dixon tied up at the Pool by Jamie Lawless

This is just one of those pictures you know well  and wonder what else happens! The inclusion of the second man lifting up the feet and applying a little pressure to his captive gives the picture a lot more 'oomph' compared with a standard hog-tie nude.  It's a nice balanced composion too. 
Y-fronts on the right guy always float my boat. 
*More of this series can be seen at Bob Wingate's blog.

 Tim Taylor

In this storyline, Tim Taylor played a thief who got more than he bargained for
 when he broke into an apartment. Most collections of spanking pictures seem to include this image although I confess it's not one of my favourites from a bondage point of view. 

Ricardo bound in white briefs

A great bondage image. Simple bindings and an uncluttered background make a great foil for the erotic combination of classic white underwear and sporty sneakers. It tells you this guy has been stripped and the purpose-designed gag means business. It's the same gag incidentally as the previous image but seems to work better on this man.

 Todd - hand-gagged soldier
This is a less well-known image but there a great sense of drama as the cute, well-turned out soldier is dragged off for dirty fatigues by an admirer.


You can see more of these images at Bob Wingate's blog, he is republishing some of his picture series there, sometimes enhanced with additional material. There are also some previously unpublished sequences and fascinating reminiscences about the models and shoots.
Read this series from the beginning

Sunday 16 March 2014

Bound and Gagged Magazine - 2

Another selection of classic Bound and Gagged Images. Is your favourite here?
Drew Andrews rope-tied in army uniform

Military images were a regular feature of B&G and the uniforms they used always seemed to fit the models and co-ordinate properly, giving them just enough authenticity. The haircut too is right in this example.

Brent Woods Tied Up and Spanked 

Spanking fans were well looked after by B&G and they are probably responsible for a large proportion of the posts by the studio circulating on the internet. The coupling of spanking and bondage is a rare treat and this set is made all the more memorable by the model's natural attractions and (for me) the half-masted,white underpants.

'Shadow' buckled, tied and taped

Serious bondage with the arms pulled right back and the face almost mummified. The combination of all these different types of restraint seems like overdressing to me, but it gives a powerful impression of overwhelming subjugation. The street clothes, suggestive of a manual worker, are a million miles away from the world of leather dungeons - but perhaps not for much longer!

 Let's Tie Up Tommy - Ethan Starr, Sam Dixon and Mason Jarr

The title is as memorable as the image itself and it spawned many fantasy moments for me.
B&G often showed the process of tying up the captive, which I find highly erotic.Unfortunately most commercial imagery these days tends to focus on the end result only. 'Roping' up is more suited to still imagery rather than videos, since endless fumbling with knots and feeding of long ropes through loops while the 'victim' patiently waits, unresisting, is not very exciting (although all that's needed is some imaginative editing to make it so).

The 2 on 1 situation depicted here is not without it's appeal either. It elevates the tension in the situation and in an isolated still photo you can read the 'attacker's' smiles as simply playful or something more sinister.

Adam Koch handgagged by Ryan Chandler

 There was a plentiful supply of cute models for the publication and some useful ideas on what to do with your captive when you have finished preparing him. In this set the model was seated outside on a porch for the enjoyment of passers by.

JT Sloan torments Sweet Williams

'Real men' were featured too, the immobilisation of a chunky muscleguy by a smaller man is always sexy. JT Sloane makes a great captor here with a face that could make you believe he really is a hard villain.

 B&G Magazine crashed unfortunately, but Bob Wingate has continued with a Bound and Gagged site selling some of the old material.

Read this series from the beginning

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Bound and Gagged Magazine - 1

Jamie Lawless - cropped and jocked

Fans of bondage imagery owe a great deal to Bob Wingate whose 'Bound and Gagged' magazine in the 90's was a trail blazer in producing good quality bondage imagery and making it widely available for the first time. 

Brian Banes ties up Chuck

I imagine many of my readers will have experienced the thrill of seeing  forbidden images of men being tied up for the first time courtesy of 'B&G' and even if you never saw the magazine or the videos, you will certainly know some of the imagery, since a whole string of very familiar classics came out of this stable. 

 Luke Savage - Marine

The pictures that accompany this article are a selection of some of the best ones. Some of you may not have realised just how many of these well-known pictures came from the same source

Unknown B&G Model

This one was a surprise to me, I have known it for years and always thought it a fantastic bondage image - super buns! - but I didn't know it was a B&G shot until I made the connection while researching this article. 

Ethan Starr - bound and spanked over an ammo box

If you are anything like me, you might have wondered what is the story behind this well known image and what other pictures came out of the shoot.

Logan Reed - Chairtied and Leather Gagged

On model featured by B&G was Logan Reed who was a mainstream porn star at the time and a great favourite of mine, I loved his chest hair 'grow-back'. I originally knew him from Falcon's fairly vanilla stuff. When I first saw him tied up by B&G, it was a fantasy come true, well almost, it was still only pictures!


Saturday 8 March 2014

Yet Another 'Wedge' from Nursury0

Nursury0 - Go For a Ride

Every time I think I must have exhausted the list of artists exploring the punishment potential of the Wedge another one turns up! This is by Nursury0 and explore seems the right word for this set of variations. His Wedge is a real leg spreader and the frontal viewpoint gives a sense of the discomfort involved. This victim has to endure it under the glare of hot studio lights - and presumably an audience.

Nursury throws in a shredded clothing humiliation for extra interest, ripping up his
Spiderman outfit that must have been extremely expensive to buy! I'm not a superhero aficionado (particularly where masks are involved) but as far as I know Spiderman's powers do not emanate from his clingy gear, so this is pure vandalism on Nursury0's part, the cruelest cut. Sadly it also deprives us of a view of the captive's cock straining to get out of his body hugging suit.

For other articles in this series click on the 'Riding the Wedge' label below.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Men Sharing Clothes 17 - Green Speedo's

In these articles I reflect on the strangely sexy effect that results from wearing clothes belonging to or previously worn by another man. In this group, three men create some interesting contrasts from the same pair of swimming trunks.

This hunk is a body builder called Derren McLaury and he fills out these swimming trunks very nicely for AAG. This traditional style of swimwear particularly suits older looking men. Green can be a tricky colour but it goes great with darker skin and in this case also tones nicely with the sea around him.

Rolling the top down always enhances the erotic vibe but you can see in this reclining pose that the design works well for Derren when it's worn as intended too, with the waist pulled up. That twinkle in his eye would melt the hardest heart.

No 2 in our parade is Kyle Heinz, same trunks, similar location, but quite a different effect. The trunks seem to drain his colour away (assisted by the background glare). They also accentuate his slimmer (but no less muscular) build creating a much more boyish appearance which doesn't have anything like the same sex appeal, despite the sultry facial expression.

Now see this same model in more youthful surfing shorts and he looks great! Admittedly he's coloured his skin and buffed up for competition here, but the long shorts accentuate his slender proportions making a virtue of them. Kyle's face suggests he might be a sporty sort of guy and the contemporary, casual garment complements that impression.

Finally take Justin De Roy. The proportions of the trunks on his body tell you he's a big man, although you wouldn't guess it from the delicate, chiselled features of his face. The trunk design certainly suits his physique and the colour is right for his skin but somehow, in combination with the casual beefcake pose it doesn't quite do him justice. He looks as though he ought to be doing something more serious.

This image of Justin by Luis Rafael, using pinks and greys, works better. The pose, looking back to Michaelangelo's studies of slaves and other classical art takes advantage of Justin's statuesque appearance. Michaelangelo's sculpted slaves were trapped within the rock from which he carved their bodies, Luis has 'trapped' Justin behind heavy, bolted and chained metal doors, creating a stunning image and suggesting a stimulating scenario for would be collectors.

There are more swimmer images under the label below, including bondage pictures and my recent post on Scotty the swimmer whose Speedos get cut off his body.

Green Speedo photo's by Michael Downs for AAG

For other articles in this series click on 'sharing' in the label list below