To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label underwear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label underwear. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 March 2025


Colin's in a fix after being kidnapped at gun-point on a quiet country road.
Not only abducted but his tighty-whitey's ripped to shreds in the process.
Now, collared and chained, he finds himself up for sale to the highest bidder.
The solid gold collar they gave him suggests these are very wealthy buyers
It's scary, but kinda exciting too. All these people want to buy him!
They'll never believe it when he tells them about it, back at work. 
 They've even promised he can keep the collar, no word about new briefs, though.

This photo-manip is by Herodotus, whose work can be found at Telemachus 12 
Telemachus 12's site boasts an incredible collection of gay art with edge

Monday, 17 March 2025

Targeted Hunk


Brock checked the time for the hundredth time that morning. Where were they? The Pick-up Squads had a reputation for strict punctuality and woe betide any man who wasn't ready for them, exactly as stipulated, when they called.

Officially it was called 'The Agricultural Levy' but ordinary people knew it as 'Farm Slavery'. Five years of work in the fields of the South for any man who was a 'burden on society'. Brock had been unemployed too long and accepted this would be his fate. His wife and kids would get his wages while he was away. He just had to be ready for the pick-up at the designated time wearing nothing but underwear for decency's sake. They'd probably strip him of that too once he was in the van and shackle him, along with the rest of the men on that morning's list.

Hardly anyone volunteered for the Slave Corps, so discipline was necessarily tight to keep them all in line. Stories of harsh punishments for the smallest infringements circulated in the social media. Brock didn't intend to make waves and hoped to avoid that fate. He'd kept himself fit and healthy and didn't mind hard work, which ought to get him a good, straightforward posting. In five years time, he could make a new start.

He jumped as the doorbell suddenly rang and quickly went to the door. Two men in dark uniforms were there and immediately pulled him out. They twisted his arms painfully up behind his back and frog-marched him down to the street. “What's this?” one of them said, “A wristwatch? You were told to bring no personal possessions!”.

“I thought this one looked like a trouble-maker” the other one said, “That's the third one I've had to sort out this morning”. As they hustled Brock roughly into the darkness of the van, he heard his kids calling “Bye Bye Daddy” from the windows above. 


Click on the labels below for more tales of enslavement and hairy hunks @mitchmen.

Friday, 14 March 2025

Mercenary Nick - Part 2

Day 4


After a night of humiliation at the hands of the Guards, I had to face my torturers the next day clad only in underpants. Even they were not my own clothes, for my guards had either destroyed, or taken for souvenirs, every item of clothing that I had on. As a sop to my modesty, they gave me a pair of underpants taken from another prisoner. He had no further need of them, they said and out of spite, they told me his name. It was one of my comrades who had disappeared some 3 months earlier, while on the same mission as myself. I was trained not to react to barbs like this or dwell on the truth of them, but the symbolism of losing the last of my possessions did hit me hard. 
I felt like I had been condemned to extinction.

Having been suspended by my wrists during those long, cruel hours of darkness, it was a perverse pleasure to be taken down and spread-eagled on an X-cross instead. I was still tied up and defenceless, but able to stand on my feet again. It was obvious that this restraint would enable the interrogator to attack all parts of my body, if I continued to deny him the information that he wanted. However, he surprised me by producing, not some ferocious flesh destroyer, but an incongruous, small batten of wood. It looked like it was fresh from a DIY shop, an unwelcome reminder of the normal world that was carrying on outside the walls of my prison, oblivious of my plight. 

The Interrogator complimented me on my physique, running his hands over my abs and acknowledging that I had been well-trained. Then he proceeded to apply his stick to my torso, landing vicious blows on it from all angles. That batten might have been small, but by heavens it stung! As time went by, the cumulative effect of hundreds of blows from it, switching between the flat sides and the sharper edges, generated a fiery furnace of pain all over my body. He beat me with it patiently, conserving his energy, so my agony might last as long as possible.

After a while he stopped, looked at my bruised body and sighed, as if in regret. Then he went to his bench and returned with a second batten. He used them simultaneously to beat both sides of my body. The effect of the wood smacking my abs had dulled by them, but when he switched to my ribs, the pain was excruciating. I'm ashamed to say that I gasped, quite loudly. My torturer smiled, then hit me again. I managed better control of my responses the second time, but it was difficult. My struggle to remain silent was obvious. That made him smile again, for it was a sign, a small one, that I was losing, and he was winning. We both knew that, and I trembled inside. 

Before he left to take his lunch, he signed off with the battens by rasping their rough cut edges across my body like a saw. My bruised skin was repeatedly pricked and punctured by splinters, with many of them breaking off and sticking in me. He was playing a childish game, but left me with widespread soreness that returned every time I stretched to relieve the stress of the prolonged restraint.

After he had gone, to my surprise, the Guards took me down and gave me a small but nourishing meal. I ate it appreciatively, imagining that someone, at least, wanted to keep me alive. But for what? As soon as I had finished, they tied me up again.


When the torturer returned, the games continued. It was clear he was beginning to enjoy the task of wearing me down, waiting for me to crack. He was relying on time and repeated attacks to persuade me, rather than extreme wounding. This time he took up a wooden paddle with which to torment me. 

I'd experienced the paddle before. It looks slightly comical, but its flat surface produces a wider spread of pain. The holes in it ensure that air making way for its delivery do not impair the impact. It is most effective on large muscle groups and so is widely used for buttock spanking. Naturally, my Trainers hadn't spared me that experience and humiliation, although they claimed to think it beneath them. I wasn't convinced about that after experiencing their efforts, but my torturer seemed to share their view, he made no move to turn me round to feel its sting on my behind. Instead, he applied it to my pecs and thighs, two areas which had largely escaped his attention in the morning.  

Vast new areas of fiery pain erupted to torment me.



 It was a long, long day and it left me raw, bruised and physically exhausted. My borrowed underpants were sopping wet from profuse perspiration, but thankfully, the relatively low level of brutality had spared me the humiliation of losing all control of my organs. I was glad it was over, but, tomorrow would be another day of torment and before that, I faced another night at the mercy of the Guards.
 Day 5
My Guards must have lost interest in me that night, for I slept right through. There had been visitors, I could tell, for when I awoke, my underwear was round my ankles and there were deposits on my skin. But I hadn't been treated badly enough to wake me up. Perhaps some other unfortunate soul had claimed the attention of the brutalisers. 
As usual, the Guards took me straight from my cell to the interrogation room after I had eaten. This time, however, instead of tying me to the cross or a post, they simply shackled my ankles, tethered my wrists to a dangling chain and left me standing in the middle of the room. I stood like that for about an hour, puzzling over this turn of events. Had something happened? Was my torture ended?
These foolish thoughts were immediately extinguished when my tormentor returned to resume his painstaking exploration of my inner reserves. To my horror, he was brandishing a bull-whip which made the reason for the changed restraints perfectly clear - he was going to work all over my body and wanted no obstacles to impair his lashes. The ploy of keeping me waiting had softened me up nicely, for I immediately began to tremble with fear. He gleefully used the stock of the whip to lift my chin and make his usual request, was I going to talk?

It took all my courage to refuse once again. 
Seconds later, the whip fell across my body and all the previous bruises re-erupted.
It was just the start of a slow-paced barrage of lashes that spared no part of my body. 

Before long, I was on my knees blubbering. 
But I had the strength to refuse to give in and tell them what I knew.

My reward was a barrage of kicking and whiplashes which sent me sprawling. 
I lost consciousness.


I can recall very little of what happened after that. I woke up in a primitive, wooden shack with 3 other prisoners. They nursed me back to some semblance of health, until my captors decided I was fit to work in the quarry, which was just outside our hut. This is the place I now call home.

As soon as I was able, I searched for my missing comrade, the man whose underpants I still wore, but I did not find him, only more strangers, most of whom did not speak my language. As I became better acquainted with my new companions, I was able to join in their secret, nightly intimacies, which were unexpectedly tender and comforting. Necessarily so, because of the patrolling guards who might otherwise hear us. 

In reality, though, my only real bond with them is our experience of the Orange Room, of which none of us ever speak. Whether I broke and talked or kept my silence until they gave up trying, I cannot say. It doesn't matter, because I know for sure that my mission ended in failure. It gives me no comfort to have escaped death when my other comrades may well have perished, for I have still paid a terrible price for my failure.



It's hard work, breaking the stones and carrying them to the collection point where the lorries come to pick them up. I soon discovered that slackers quickly feel the whip, and that invoked such terrible memories for me that I take care not to provoke the overseers if I can help it.

I think about escaping sometimes, but the fire in my belly has gone out. The fear of more, remorseless punishment has finally quenched my spirit. My comrades seem to feel the same, although none of us talk of our past lives or what we endured to get to here. I am one of the lucky ones, supposedly. 

So I wield my sledgehammer and count the hours 'til the next meal, which is usually quite nourishing and designed to keep us alive and working. The alternative would be starvation rations until we die. 

I'm not sure which is the worse fate of the two. 


Imagery for this story is from 'Mercenary Nick' at Real Chained Heroes.

The star is 'Robert' flaunting his fabulous physique. 

Go to Part 1


Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Leather Art by Nerone 2

Read Part 1 of this article
Nerone - Fast Drip 065
 Today's images are from Nerone's 'Fast Drip' series, it's an apt tag for this image.
There's a great sense of skin to skin contact and sexual tension.
His simple, black and white sketches are greatly enhanced by imaginative colouring 

Nerone - Fast Drip 056
This artist's characters often seem to be very clearly delineated as tops or subs,
 but for the avoidance of doubt, he's brought out the ropes here.
This image exists in another variant where the top is not bearded (below).
Nerone - Fast Drip 056 (clean-shaven)
The warm colours here enhance the sense of intimacy.
Nerone - Fast Drip 066

More delving into dark, moist places here, 
a lucky dip that's caused an element of surprise.
But if you must wear white underwear.....well...
Nerone - Fast Drip 089
 Snuggling from behind is enormously comforting,
 even though it leaves everything up front unprotected.
He's too busy to care about that, right now.

Nerone - Fast Drip 091

Sleepy lovers greet the day with closeness and warmth,
The sense of hairiness and bulk here is so masculine.
A two gun salute would seem to be in order next. 
Nerone - Fast Drip 104
There's more edge here, with a grip on the throat demanding submission.
The glimpse of boots and pants tell us this is men at play, acting out their fantasy.
Nerone - Fast Drip 114
Casual encounters are meat and drink (as it were) to gay men.  
The fallen pants here give some sense of the excitement of them.
There's normally no such thing as sub and dom in this situation, 
although you might attribute an ambition to top in the placing of the hand.
Nerone - Fast Drip 115
How different this encounter looks! 
There's a compelling sense of domination,
both in the gesture and the bulky build of the man in control.
But he isn't turned on that much it seems, it's power he craves.
Asking for a rise was never like this in my Office!
Nerone - Fast Drip 320

Hopefully this is just a token of submission, not the start of a protracted trial!
These images vary in quality, this is a good one. 
Nice characterisation, with Italian looks and a physique that looks real.
Notice that the ball looks compressed by the thumb.

Nerone - Fast Drip 351

Just a hint of apprehension. Maybe it's his first time.
The absence of leather paraphernalia might mean gentleness
 - or dangerous inexperience.
Nerone - Fast Drip 354

This rope-work is decidedly unprofessional.
An amateur DIY job? Unrequited longing to be tied up?
If you can help, please form an orderly queue
Nerone - Fast Drip 380

Just a pretty picture of an era gone by.

Read Part 1 of this article

See more Nerone at his blog (inactive)

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Dr Smith (Film 911)

Brody is visiting Dr Smith when he starts to feel a pain in his chest.
Smith is quickly onto it, undoing Brody's shirt to check him over.

In no time at all, he has Brodie on his table, stripped to his underwear.
He is ventilated and all sorts of cables are attached to his upper body. 
Brody is reassured, they look like sensors, but they are not.....
Tuco is a petty criminal, he knows what the cables do.
He was sent to Dr Smith by the local correctional facility to participate in 'experiments'.
Tuco was surprised when he was immediately ordered to strip down to his underpants.

He was even more surprised when the Doctor bolted him to a post by the neck. 
They didn't do that to him in the jail he had come from.
After that, the Doctor attached lots of those coloured cables to Tuco's torso.
Then he flicked a switch and immediately, Tuco was bombarded by electric shocks. 
The Doctor just stood and watched him.
Then he moved in, wanting the feel of the effects of treatment, hands on.

 Tuco told him it hurt, but he passed out before the experiment was ended.
When he came to, he was strapped to a gurney. 
And the Doctor was reattaching the electrodes........

 Tuco was so relieved when they sent him back to prison

This is the wacky, weird and decidedly sinister world of Dr Smith at Film 911.
He has an understandable interest in men and getting them out of their kit,
and uses a wide range of techniques for accomplishing that objective.
Drug injection, knockout drops and the like - plus hypnosis, sometimes deception.

After that it's gets strange, very strange, in many different ways. 
And no-one really knows what is real or imaginary
Except Dr Smith


Damon just came in as a model to do a shoot, he was great at simulating shocks.
But then he had an asthma attack or thought he did, fiction and reality blur so easily!.  
Damon looses consciousness, but the Doctor stays with him, giving comfort.
Anticipating further problems, he undresses him (as you do)
Then he attaches ECG electrodes as a precaution - and to pass the time.

With Damon still unconscious, the Doc drags him to the bedroom.
It's a route that many men follow without knowing it, after meeting Dr Smith 

There those nasty cables bring Damon back to consciousness, 
But there's a plug in his mouth, it restricts his breathing, but he can't spit it out.
This precipitates another asthma crisis.

Damon struggles but finds he is strapped down on the bed
He is under electrical attack and struggling to breathe
But the Doctor stays calm and delves into his underwear. 
Just checking his pulse, I suppose.

Damon's crisis grow worse, he may even be 'going',
so the Doctor brings out his defibrillator, just in case.

Predictably, he has to use it and Damon responds dramatically.
But it's not really clear by then what the Doctor is trying to do.
Nathan is a private detective who tries to find out what's going on at the Docs.
He gains entry to the Doctor's premises, but is caught by the surveillance system.
A specially designed, loud alarm has the effect of knocking him out.
Nathan too ends up in his underpants and strapped down on the gurney.
The Doctor administers discomfort to him via his air supply.
It's partly a punishment for his intrusion, and partly a tongue loosener,
but mainly to further his fascination with breath control.

It isn't long before the Doc decides he needs to apply the defibrillator.
It's very clear from Nathan's response that it's not really needed.

In the sinister world of Dr Smith at Film 911
It isn't just a matter of pain but life itself.

But there's more to him than cardiac arrests, more next time

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Spanking Art by Stonecrooze

Stonecrooze - Adrian's Ass Whuppin'

'Adrian' gets to open this collection of spanking miscellanea by Stonecrooze, chiefly because he's a chunky lad with flaming ginger hair. His knee-high socks hint at an equally interesting connection with a contact sport, meaning that he's not averse to pain and well able to look after himself.
This is not an easy physique to balance on one's knees in reality, let alone an art construct, but this depiction is pretty convincing. Stonecrooze's art is crisp and colourful, uncluttered and easy on the eye. The subject matter is familiar, with fanciful exaggerations that reveal an appreciation of meaty men. He approaches their ordeals with dry wit and humour.

Stonecrooze -Cell Mates

We tend to think of 'mates' as being friends, but the word also covers involuntary associations such as shipmates, teammates etc and both types come with boundaries and rules. Sharing a room with a complete stranger usually means 'the rules' are set by the stronger one of the pair. In prison, there's a risk of being thrown together with someone who finds that being a big fish in a tiny pond can be satisfying in ways that go beyond simply keeping good order.

This unfortunate man may have fallen foul of an unexpected housekeeping rule, like being untidy. Or he may have been indiscreet about something much more serious, like smuggling contraband. Being punished for it in such a ritualistic, humiliating way, however, is not the norm, suggesting it probably won't be the last time he goes bottom up across his cellmate's knee. Stereotypically in prisons, sex is the pitfall for the innocent, not spanking, but I wouldn't rule out that being the dessert course for him.

Stonecrooze -Cowboy Trip To The Barn

You don't expect cowboys to be easy prey for spankers either, but you do expect ranches to be populated by strong personalities. This image accommodates that viewpoint with a distinct sense of resistance and struggle on the part of the intended victim, impeding the would-be perpetrator of rough justice. Despite his determined expression, the rosy cheeks indicate that he is fighting a losing battle, which is the way it has to be in these fantasies. It shouldn't be too easy, nor so hard as to discourage a repeat performance when the opportunity arises again.

Stonecrooze -Field and Stream

An idyllic scene, one man, his dog and fishing rod, enjoying nature's bounty and getting up close and personal with it. Going commando is not without risk of discovery, even in the remotest terrain, and it looks like he and his dog have both detected an intruder. Let's hope it's a deer and not a game-keeper, because he's put himself in a tricky position if he's poaching.

You don't have to be a spanking fan to like looking at men's bums, and they often look even more attractive when they are the only part of the body that can be seen. That is, when they are bracketed by clothing, that has been raised or lowered, emphasising the incongruous absence in-between. Wading in water creates a similar, truncating, thigh-magnifying effect, with the added frisson of icy cold liquid splashing over unprotected, private parts from below. 
Stonecrooze has gone for broke here by adding in canvas waders and if you've ever experienced wading through water in such a garment (or even just in wellies) you'll know that the strange sensation it produces, of being immersed but not immersed, is justifiably part of the lexicon of erotic experiences.

Stonecrooze -House Rules

One of the delights of this artist's work is that his characters are fully grown men, which means that the spanking action takes place between equals in physical and emotional terms. But that does not necessarily mean they are complete equals in every respect. House Rules sounds rather parental, but the recipient here is clearly old enough to prevent their application to him if he chose, he could even walk away from them.
We don't know why he hasn't, but now he discovers that a hand slapping your buttock feels no less painful when you're a grown man than it did at a more tender age. The attendant humiliation of submitting to it is a hundred times worse. Stonecrooze's image catches beautifully the tide of rising misery in the victim's face, but I couldn't resist drawing that out further with my caption. Apologies to the artist if it offends!

Stonecrooze -Paddle Camp

There are a variety of possible interpretations of this scene. Taken literally, the title suggests a sort of spanking festival organised by the fraternity in a spot that's remote enough to provide privacy, with random acts of domination meted out to relatively eager campers. 
However, it reminds me irresistibly of those early pictures of Tom of Finland where a young man is caught trespassing on private land or skinny-dipping where it's not allowed and punished on the spot. In this case, I see an irregular solo camper being taken to task for pitching his tent in a picnic area. Fortunately, the Ranger spotted him before spectators arrived to make things awkward.

Stonecrooze - Playing Doctor

A Doctor who looked like this in real life would have a queue of gay patients lining up outside his door, and were it not for the steely look in his eye and the pot of lube on the table this might be taken for a perfectly innocent, professional consultation. A selection of paddles line the wall, but I've not worked out what the other objects lying on the table are. They suggest that this patient is going to get a combination of interesting therapies. He looks like he can take it.
Stonecrooze -Full Dose
These days, people are more and more inclined to take charge of their own treatment, with the assistance of Doctor Google. It must be very frustrating for their regular clinicians. We can imagine this man urging the Doctor to give him the 'full dose', perhaps not imagining that in this clinic it's not a miracle drug but a giant paddle. He should have taken more notice of what's on the wall. The Doctor's mask makes sure that no unprofessional thoughts on his part are given away, but there must be times when the chance of paying-back an awkward customer is extremely satisfying.
 Open-back surgical gowns are often unsatisfactory as erotic clothing, despite signalling a naked body hidden inside with easy access available, perhaps it's a little too easy to be sexy. Stonecrooze makes the best of it here, and arguably the revelation of tight, white underwear underneath the gown is sexier than complete nudity would be.

Stonecrooze -Set His Ass On Fire

In the AI-age, fetish imagery is getting more and more realistic, but it often produces a surreal edge that enables the cartoonist to sneak in embellishments that convey things that are felt rather than seen without it seeming incongruous. Like the fiery pain of an ass that really is being seriously paddled, not just participating in a pretence. 
The smoking bum is amusing, but the marvellous, graphic expression on the burly recipient's face here is priceless. It combines surprise with indignation and a blossoming change of mind, making it clear that it's no laughing matter as far as he is concerned. That makes it funnier of course and the burly build with a hint of sporting pedigree (rugby, I hope) somehow makes it seem like a well-deserved comeuppance even though we haven't a clue what he's done to deserve it, nor why he's agreed to take it. His red hair and flushed face make a witty connection with the unforgettable experience.
Stonecrooze -Spank him like a Ketchup Bottle

A fair amount of this artist's work simply combines sexy pictures with amusing captions. In this case, he aptly exploits the colour of the hunk's hoodie. Those white, stretchy underpants would stop most of us in our tracks anyway, but the thought of turning him upside down to empty him out, down to the last drop, is alluring indeed! I'd make him take his smelly socks off first, though.
Stonecrooze -We Can Settle This Here

The Cop who administers summary justice to offenders over the bonnet of his patrol car is a well trodden road in gay fetish art. Etienne composed a mini-series on the subject - Night Patrol, and there was a classic spanking video from the 90's (?), in which the unfortunate is taken to a barn, stripped and fiercely belted. It used to be a resident feature on sites like this. Stonecrooze's contribution to the genre is an offender with punk-like, militarily-cropped hair who does not submit willingly to the indignity of a semi-public spanking and a muscular cop (ready equipped with a thick paddle) determined to make sure he does, turning up a backside that truly deserves to be described as moon-like.

Stonecrooze - Whooped Farm Boy

When the spanking is over, the chastened farm boy corrects his dress,
 delicately avoiding abrasive contact with the seat of his jeans.
The pain will subside quicker than the humiliation.
The lesson, should last longer, but we may get lucky!
A simple adaptation of an already sexy image.