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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label forcibly undressed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forcibly undressed. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Homoeros - Recent Work (2025) - 1

Regulars will know that I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with shorts, so it didn't take much effort to fall for this hunky hiker, who seems to be wearing a pair made of leather, somewhat in the style of lederhosen. His wanderings have been interrupted by an unpleasant-looking character with a gun. 
He seems to think this is his territory. Freedom to roam? Bah! Humbug! 
This story is called 'Hill-Billy Elegy', which sort of prepares you for unprovoked nastiness. The young rambler is called Leo. It's a hot day, but it probably wasn't a good idea to make such a show of his amazing physique.


Hillbilly number 1 is joined by another who looks an even more ugly character with an unhealthy lifestyle that probably hasn't done his brain much good. Leo is forced to kneel at gunpoint, presenting a delicious, submissive rear view to us. It might have caused him even more trouble if those emaciated rednecks were to catch sight of it. Luckily, they only want to grope him and make him strip naked. They take him to their camp, leaving his clothes and rucksack behind.

Surprisingly, and disappointingly for us, their leader turns out to be an unkempt woman. I suppose the fact that there is a leader, and it's not just a bunch of violent thugs, might give Leo cause to hope. Especially as she is quite taken with him, a considerable improvement on her usual entourage. Unfortunately, she also sees Leo's good looks and impressive physique as a challenge.


Leo is forced to fight her and suffers some humiliating treatment.
Great buns Leo!

It's a painful experience for Leo. 
His dick is symbolically ground into the dirt, much to the delight of the gang, looking on.

But Leo refuses to be a pushover, his muscles show their worth.
His dick also shows commendable resilience in the circumstances.

Unsurprisingly, this doesn't go down very well. It's a contest he cannot win.
The woman responds to his lively dick by rubbing it with her fanny.
Leo defiantly rejects her.

His fate is sealed anyway, they tie him to a whipping post.
You can see the gory results at Deviant Art (link below).
The woman gets sexual revenge too, in the only way she can,
(there's a clue in the image below)

When the lash of the whip and sexual humiliation is finally ended,
Leo is taken away to a shed. He soon realises that this is not the end of his torment.
You can probably guess from this picture where it is all heading.
A traditional Homoeros fate awaits him.
A Sheriff finds him traumatised but still alive.
Someone reported Leo missing, and his abandoned possessions were found on the trail. 
Great story.

I have omitted most of the imagery relating to Leo's torment, which is very explicit.
You can see much of it at 'Homoeros - Hill-Billy Elegy' at Deviant Art,
(plus more if you subscribe).
Some more interesting Homoeros titbits........

A young slave, kept naked in chains by his master, looks up,
 wondering what is going to happen to him next.

The young men of Homoeros, like Leo the Hiker in the story above, often have a slightly unreal, fragile attractiveness. Some of that is due to the blond hair and blue eyes. This young man by comparison looks startlingly real and startlingly cute as well. It would be a cold master indeed who could not feel some sort of emotion towards him.  

As is often the case, the artist has only given him a number - 941.
The fate of prisoner 941 is reserved for subscribers.


This image shows yet another young man who has been crucified in the middle of a vast yard. This is a regular situation in the world of Homoeros, but his free pages don't always reveal his inner thoughts about what is happening here. 
A man in military attire stands before the helpless victim and seems to be remonstrating with him. His arms wide pose, mirroring the victim's plight, seems full of psychological significance. Earlier pictures suggest the victim had a role as a groom and a cosy relationship was developing with this superior officer.  So this could be a distraught lover sharing his sorrow - or prolonging the anger of their break-up. It could be a friend lamenting his foolishness. A Commanding Officer justifying his hard decision. A regimental bully mocking his misfortune. Whatever the case, the inclusion of this second character makes the image so much more interesting than the isolated victim dying alone.

Here, Homoeros imitates the famous homoerotic images of "Fred with Tires", substituting a typical character of his own as the model. The mechanic in his overalls is a much-loved male sex object. It's traditionally been a strictly masculine job, and the mystery of what might lie hidden beneath the shapeless, workman's overalls is tantalising. As a second layer, the glimpses revealed if partly open are emphasised, somewhat like the cowboy's chaps. 
Homoeros has chosen a zip fastening for his Fred's overalls. It's much more convenient than buttons for revealing glimpses, but it can have a mind of its own once released. If your hands are occupied with carrying heavy tyres, it's a dilemma whether to put them down to stop it or hope for the best. We can see almost down to his mechanic's cock, and more revelations below the hip seem imminent. His face is a picture of indecision, but have to content ourselves with the amorphous bulge in his crumpled overalls.
These images acknowledge the muscularity needed to heft these heavy tyres.
Shiny perspiration and the dropped top tell us just how hot he is (as if!). 
Homoeros skates round the inconvenient reality
 of where all the material in the top half ends up, when it's dropped.


The same zip still seems to be causing problems in this, outside of work, situation.
We don't know if the lowered garment was already in this position when authority intervened. 
Men do all sorts of things in quiet back alleys, and 'Fred' looks as if he's been caught out. 
His hands are placed submissively behind his back, but they don't seem to have been cuffed yet. Modesty might have been a more appropriate response to the challenge.
Unless, he's been ordered to stand this way, that is.....
The cop's muscularity and relaxed pose is nicely captured,
but his jeans suggest he's not a cop at all.


Whatever 'Fred' was up to in the alleyway, he probably didn't anticipate this outcome.
It doesn't look like a regular Police Station, however, and Fred still doesn't look restrained. 
That suggests he's been intimidated or blackmailed into trying the horse out.
His current state might be described as 'dismayed'.
This horse doesn't have a particularly sharp 'wedge', but I'm not sure that it makes much difference after the first five minutes astride it. Having the legs raised at the back makes for a more precarious balance and shifts the discomfort forward, but probably doesn't add much to it. 
(in legs down mode, weights are sometimes attached to amplify the effect).
For more wedges at mitchmen, click on the 'Riding The Wedge' label below this post.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

The Art of Gilgamesh 4 - Zahir Captured 1

You can also start reading about Gilgamesh from Part 1 of this mitchmen series
click on pictures to enlarge


Zahir is looking for his friend, Jeff, who has been captured and taken to the castle.
Under cover of darkness he enters the place to investigate Jeff's whereabouts.


Seeing that the entrance is guarded by two warriors, he decides to look for another way to enter.
He finds a sewer that takes him to a vault which seems to be deserted.


He decides to explore the tunnels. They seem to be very big and complex.
Suddenly he hears footsteps in the distance. He decides to stop and stealthily observe.
He doesn't realise he has been seen and is being stalked himself as he wanders the vault.


Zahir sees there is a huge, muscular guard patrolling and decides to wait for him to pass.
But his own stalker is creeping ever closer, waiting for the right moment to attack.


He hits Zahir with a huge cudgel, knocking him out.


Hearing the commotion, the other guard comes to see what is happening


They gloat over Zahir's fallen body and decide to strip him of his clothes.


They lift Zahir between them and drag him away.
Zahir is now naked and without a weapon.


It needs two of them to support the mighty Zahir on his shaky legs,
So they have to wade through the central drainage channel, splashing through the murky water .


They drag him to a cell where the Guard unlocks and opens the door.


They push Zahir inside and he collapses onto the floor in a pool of water
One captor scratches his head wondering why any man would be so foolish as to enter the vault.


The lock the door, leaving Zahir lying in the dirty water.
Then they go and report his capture to their master.


Has Zahir's rescue attempt ended in ignominious failure?

More of Zahir next time, read the full story of  Zahir, (all 99 images) at pixiv


Gilgamesh Gallery Links (updated Jul 2024)

Gilgamesh on Pixiv

Pixiv has a comprehensive and well organised collection of his work with helpful narratives that add colour and background to the stories he tells. It's the most accessible gallery but recent releases (2024) have censored cocks, the explicit versions are posted on 'X' aka Twitter

Gilgamesh on Deviantart

There's a limited selection on DeviantArt including some older images which are not in the pixiv collection. They have escaped being censored somehow but tend to lack explanatory titles or narrative information, however, this site does provide an easily scannable overview of it's contents.

Gilgamesh on 'X'

The X, ex-Twitter gallery appears to mirror the pixiv one but has explicit versions of recent images which are censored on pixiv. There's no overview, just sequential postings with the stories spread across them, broken up into four images per post. Gilgamesh has gone to the trouble of making sure they come out in the right order. There are slightly different comments, I haven't explored the site in great depth so it's possible there are works there that don't appear anywhere else.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024


 You might be lucky, maybe he only wants your underpants!

click on the mitchmods label below for more captions

Saturday, 16 November 2024

More Art by Reitorachi

Following on from my post of Reitorachi's Captivity images,
another selection of other work by this artist, some vanilla, some not 

I don't know whether you'd call this vanilla or not, but it must be one of the best images ever of the tentacle genre, not so much for what it shows but for what it doesn't show, and what you think it should show in a few minutes time. A hero in trouble, having his already skimpy clothes pulled off, but he is not quite in an inescapable predicament, not just yet. There's only one tentacle, not the usual, multi-pronged attack, so it's more focussed and to my mind, more effective. 

But there are other delights. The wet, 'fundoshi' loin cloth with it's gleaming rounded contents. It's twisted, rope-like under-strap is vaguely suggestive of a string of pleasure balls. And those ass cheeks look distinctly rosy. Is this an 8-armed spanker? There's even a cute foot being proffered if you like to partake of such delicacies.

There's a similar sense of vulnerability about the man in this image, upside down, semi-suspended, and unclad from the shoulders down. His exposed cheeks are spattered with something, but the close proximity of a beer bottle and the respectably clad state of the adjacent captor means there's an element of uncertainty about the exact nature of the fluid. There's also a question about what he is going to do with the empty bottle. To the right a second captor is up to more mischief, it's left to the viewer to imagine whether it's painful or just plain rude. 

There's no such mystery in this reworking of the same suspension idea, but the nature of the threat posed by this hero's fantasy attacker is much more dependant on the viewer's imagination. 

The dense detail and styling makes this image harder to take in, it reminds me of old engravings where devilish creatures were set upon sinners. Non-Western cultures don't have the same, extreme viewpoint about such beasts and dragons get a better press these days. 

Nevertheless, the bird-like claws and beaks of these creatures do look scary and the depiction of the bony, hammerlock grip on the hero's arm (at the left) is very powerful. The advantage of fantasy creatures is that everything can be exaggerated and the artist has taken full advantage of that with the creature's tongues which are not only very long but prehensile too. They don't seem to be using them for the usual pleasuring and intrusion, but to plant two egg-shaped objects in the captive's rectum. (The second one is being held by the one on the left, next to it's beak). I'm not sure how the hero is prevented from ejecting them, but his angry expression at the violation seems quite justified. 

Tonguing is this creature's game too and it uses it's many, multicoloured tentacles to restrain it's captive in a most imaginative and accessible way. It places a degree of physical stress on him and he's already sweating. His earphone-mike combo suggests he is a Chris Redford-style, enforcement agent of some sort, which lends an acute irony and pathos to his restraint and to the exploitation of his nudity - nudity which couldn't look more complete. This dynamic pose is much better than the stereotypical sitting down/open legged, floating posture of the tentacle genre. 

I have doctored this image to tone down the censorship squiggle 
and it has fortuitously turned into a secondary tentacle envelopment.

A strong sense of vulnerability and exposure is created here by a pseudo-medical machine which comprehensively restrains the patient from the front, while presenting  his rear end to a variety of probing devices (which also seem to have a fluid injection capability). This is a much more elegant way of gaining access than the birthing leg-lifter so beloved of video makers. 

There's a second layer of restraint down below, linked to a milking feature - or a draining device, to be more precise. The milking is actually precipitated by the action of the probes.  

This image repurposes the suspension pose seen in Part 1 of this article. The bondage itself is economical but it's a fairly challenging restraint position with doubled back limbs and asymmetrical rigging stretching and stressing the captive, whose arched torso is sweating profusely. It's this that makes the image so striking. 

There's a wealth of supplementary detail. A cock sheath performs unseen manipulations on his pride and joy (and keeps the censor at bay). Thin lines attached to nipple pads provide further stimulation and another is pulling open his mouth to receive a fluid dripping from above (a tricky alignment I would have thought, it's hard to imagine him remaining still). He seems to be wearing virtual reality goggles and is therefore unaware that he is surrounded by a lustful audience observing the effects of all these attachments on him, but ultimately unable to participate in his adventure.

This image of a man reclining on a beach (or beside a pool) also has layers of interest.  His cigar and cocktail suggest maturity and sophistication. Also wealth. He has a chunky, well-built figure and is clad in sexy form-fitting briefs so you wouldn't have imagined that he'd be short of admirers and yet he's brazenly holding a fan of banknotes in his hand as if wanting to attract service of the paid-for kind. 

That detail seems to transform him. The voluminous smoke starts to suggest an element of arrogance and selfishness, the cocktail ('with all the trimmings') becomes showy and tacky, the youthful haircut seems terribly inappropriate and sad and even those alluring briefs a little too much. 


Most of this artist's images seem to avoid sensualising the male body but this image makes you wonder why. It's a classic, stretching, male model pose with the face and luxurious tresses suggesting a man of sensitivity and delicacy. A touch of femininity perhaps, which the side-tied G-string also contributes to. 

His body conveys the opposite message, it gets bigger and more muscular the lower your eyes drop with the bikini pouch nestling between tree trunk thighs befitting the butchest of rugby players. On a woman the G-string conceals, on a man it contains and here it seems to hook underneath and bring his tackle forward in a tantalisingly graspable, rounded bulge, offered up for closer inspection. The model's stance suggests he won't impede a closer look, but I can't resist imagining chains on his wrists, just to make sure. After all, men like this only exist in fantasy, catch them while you can.

The appeal of lithe muscularity is an easy win but I applaud any artist who can see the attractions of older and chunkier men and this charming, domestic sketch succeeds in making this man exactly that. On him the rounded muscle shapes are amplified and exaggerated without losing their essential shapeliness or proportions. The model seems suspicious of the enterprise as if sensitised to negative comments about his figure, but he need not have worried, the artist has done him proud.   

This young man sits (nervously) at the  opposite end of the scale, rather like a model in the early years of beefcake photography, persuaded to pose naked but suddenly feeling rather uncomfortable about it, especially after placing his bare flesh on the cold surface of a wooden (milking!) stool in a pose that opens him wide. He has a rather large posterior for a young man and if you look back you'll see this is a recurring feature in this artist's work.

It also seems as if this might be a punishment scenario, 'the naughty stool', for there seems to be a tear trickling down his cheek or maybe it's anticipatory sweat. His backward glance suggests there's more to come. The coquettish flash of spiky hair spells bravado, but it's about to be tested.

Just another day at the Office! 
Pure fantasy but a nice image. I like the open shirt.
Getting on doesn't always require hard work, just application.

 I frequently feature wrestling at this blog but not bearhugs very often, because they don't always seem convincing, especially when the recipient is seen resting his knees on his opponent's thighs

This picture shows bearhugs as they should be - a truly muscular embrace from a villainous-looking heel and a squashed victim, arms and all, lifted off his feet and howling in misery. Well, I say misery but he has ejected copious quantities of cum over his opponents torso, which suggests it's not all bad for him. The cock between his legs may have caused this over-excitement but his submission will not be the end of the matter.

The background seems like  a spooky cave-like setting with gelatinous fluid dripping from the ceiling, so I suppose the young man is an adventurer on a mission, probably not expecting to stumble on the lair of a superannuated luchador during his quest.


More by this artist at pixiv, where his name is 冷凍ライチ (Frozen lychee)
He also posts at 'X'

For other mitchmen posts on related subjects, please click on the labels below 

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Men in Tights - 2

Continued from Part 1

When Phoenix Flex comes to, feeling slightly fuzzy,  he discovers to his horror that The Silent Shadow has started to remove his hero suit while he was unconscious. 
His arms are trapped in the rolled down fabric so he can't stop him.

The Shadow believes he is impersonating his old adversary, 'The Flash' 
(The Hero who was the suit's original owner).  
Of course, being a Silent Shadow he can't say so to Flex. 

Lacking that info, Flex thinks he must want to steal the suit from him. 
Already he feels it's 'Hero Power Enablement' feature slipping away from him.

As if to emphasise Flex's vulnerability without his suit,
 the Shadow jerks his head back and squashes his right nipple.
 His 'Power-Grip' gloves apply extra-human pressure. 
Flex gasps in agony, but is still unable to defend himself.

Sneering (silently) at his opponent's weakness, The Shadow up-ends him
He transfers his crushing grip back to that other more interesting area.
Flex can't stop himself from letting out an agonised yell as his sore balls 
are subjected to another squeeze.

The Shadow pauses his devastating assault,
To investigate the fascinating shape he has found in Flex's tights.
It's unlike anything he's ever seen before, 
All Heroes have smooth crotches, not this strange little peg*. 
He nudges it tenderly with his hands feeling a strange sensation swirl within him, 
That makes him realise - it must be some evil trick!

*Of course, The Shadow has a human sub-ego with a dick himself, but when he assumes his Hero Villain persona, all inconvenient human traits - physical and psychological are suppressed and hidden.

Regaining his self control, he recoils in horror and stamps on the offending object, 
Meanwhile Flex has succeeded in freeing his hands, but it's too late,
His crotch is wide open and his balls (and more) are well and truly busted.

Flex howls, nursing a throbbing (and terribly painful) swelling,
He's unnerved by the silent, unprovoked attack 
and it's vicious success has severely dented his Heroic aspirations.
It's a bitter pill, but escape seems his only option,
He rolls over and begins to crawl away.

But The Shadow is not about to let his new enemy escape that easily
Especially not after experiencing that strange moment of thrall from him.
Be he genuine Hero or clumsy imposter, this character must be neutralised 
For the good of all of Super-Villaindom!
He just succeeds in stopping him from escaping by grabbing his tights.

As Flex continues to wriggle away, his tights peel off in The Shadow's grip.
The Shadow experiences that strange feeling again as he sees what is revealed.
It makes him confused about why he is trying to prevent Flex from escaping.

Dimly The Shadow realises he's being enchanted by those mesmerising globes.
Summoning his reserves of  villainy he looks away and makes a grab for Flex's neck.
A tight choke hold soon subdues his opponent's struggles.
But The Shadow can't stop himself checking out his peg again.
He is convinced that some secret power must lie within it.

Angrily, he hauls the unresisting Flex to his feet,
 how can this pathetic excuse for a Hero mesmerise him so much?
And yet with so little?

Standing behind, the peg is invisible and unable to exert it's distracting influence.
To neutralise it, he delivers a second vicious upper cut between Flex's legs.
It's more effective than he dared hope, Flex screams and doubles up.
But as he bends The Shadow is exposed to the full glare of his hairy ass.
He reels back, his body swimming with more, confused feelings.

Flex sinks to his knees, cradling his crotch and pleading to be spared
To his astonishment, The Shadow finds himself thinking, why not?
Are there not other things he might do with this strangely alluring creature? 
But then realises it's another of his tricks.

To shut Flex up, he pulls back his head and drops down onto it,
locking his neck under his armpit and levering him into a back-breaking arch.
Pit odours assail Flex's senses through the sweaty dampness of The Shadow's suit.
He feels The Shadow's glove tracing lightly across his torso, heading downwards.
It seems to trigger a nerve signal down through the pain in his spine to his ass.

The Shadow, is distracted for some time by the novelty of a helpless Hero's naked body
shuddering with fear and pain at close quarters under his hands.
But he is shocked when he notices that the strange little peg has changed.
It has morphed into something much bigger, firmer and more menacing.
Instinctively he goes for it with his glove, aiming to crush it before it can erupt.

The hot air of Flex's howl suffuses his armpit disturbingly.
Angrily he yanks Flex back by the hair, 
sending him sprawling on the floor.

Once again The Shadow attacks the source of his confusion.
Grinding it under his foot as one might an insect.
To his horror, Flex grabs at his boot as if he likes it there.

The Shadow hastily withdraws his foot.
But instead of scampering away, Flex just lies there, 
Protecting himself but leaving his legs wide open.
He seems to be challenging The Shadow to do it again.

Despite his inner fear, The Shadow obliges, 
He feels a grim satisfaction, crushing Flex's hand as well as his peg.
Looking down on Flex's naked body, his hair- flecked pecs and stubbly chin
The Shadow realises he doesn't want to let Flex go,
But to struggle with all the strange tricks his body seems to offer.

His mind made up, he picks up shreds of the ex-hero's suit 
and begins to bind him with it, hand and foot.
It's the first time he's restrained a defeated opponent in this way.
And he finds Flex's feeble resistance strangely satisfying.
It's almost as if he's collaborating, willing The Shadow on.

Lying naked at The Shadow's feet feet in a V-tied, hog restraint,
Flex squirms, grunting as he half-heartedly tests the bindings. 
But the Hero qualities of the suit have turned against him
The power in it seals his entrapment.

Flex's shoulders are broad and muscled, his buttocks plump and round
And The Shadow finds that sight more mesmerising than ever.
His hands are drawn towards the dark place between the thighs.
Just in time he checks himself.

 If Flex's globes can still enthrall him, what of the deceptive peg?
He kneels to roll Flex over to inspect his unprotected groin.
Flex moans as if he dreads his conquerer's touch. 
The Shadow likes him responding in this way.

As he heaves the heavy body up, he is distracted again by Flex's buttocks
They are now just inches away and bunched up tightly by the rolling action.
Helpless wriggling fingers stretch out protectively across them.
The Shadow senses the mysterious power that lurks down there 
and resolves to look into it later - in a more suitable place. 

As he rolls the defeated Flex onto his side, 
His nakedness spells out the totality of The Shadow's victory.
"You are mine now, Flash" he crows, silently,
"All my life I have wanted you and now you are mine. All mine".

 Flex somehow understands these thoughts
 realising that he has inherited a truly heroic mantle, that of The Flash.
It's a position that exceeds his wildest ambitions.
"Yes master", he murmurs, "I'm yours".


And at that moment, in a room, not far away, a weary-looking, strongly built man looks away from his TV screen which is showing a biff-bash movie. He sits wonderingly for a moment, then he takes off his yellow mask, goes to the kitchen and drops it into the rubbish bin. The Silent Shadow has been neutralised at last.
 Now he can give up his job in the Heroes shop and retire in peace.
 Smiling he returns to his armchair, picks up the remote and changes channel.

Read the whole saga from Part 1

See stills and video trailer of Phoenix Flex v Silent Shadow
in Hero Hunks at Wrestler 4 Hire