To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Monday 31 March 2008

Mitchell's Rugby Story with Pictures - Taken in Skimpy Briefs

Rugby Players are one of Mitchell's favourite subjects for pictures, big strong and manly - these days they seem to be getting more handsome too like Ben Cohen (left) and Phil Vickery (right). And they are definitely fitter.

Rugby players have always had a more 'laddish' image than other sportsmen thanks to their team drinking exploits and boisterous behaviour. So they are naturals for Mitchell's bondage and CP fantasies. Mitchell published a series of 15 drawings of rugby players in November last year (now at 'mitchmen' Club). There pictures were linked by a mystery story about a coach who arrived at the club and turned it upside down with his bizarre training methods.

The story was called 'The Strange Case of Manley RFC'

Mitchell - Brief Kidnap 

The 15 players in the team go through a series of individual ordeals as the club struggles for success but it turns out that all is not what it seemed. Now thanks to 'Carabalda' the story is available as a PDF combining the drawings and text together as an illustrated book. 
To get the full story visit ''mitchmen' Club'.

Mitchell's latest series 'Inspired by Tom' also has some rugby themed pictures

  for other gay art by Mitchell at mitchmen blog click on the 'mitchpix' label below

Saturday 29 March 2008

A Golden Oldie from Mitchell - The Riding Crop

Mitchell- Punished with a riding crop
This picture (uncompleted) was one of the first I ever published (at Tam's now-defunct Male Art Group). The image of the captive is related to the 'Man in White Vest' picture that was part of my 'Inspired by Tom of Finland' Series. (more info about this series at Mitchell's Gallery on Yahoo! - see sidebar). Bondage and discipline themes are favourites in Mitchell's Art.

(Image originally published in censored form in this post)

Thursday 27 March 2008

Putting Mitchell's Pictures and Words Together - Shamed Squaddie Bound

One of the unexpected things that happened when I started publishing my pictures on the internet was the extension into story telling. I had started out by publishing groups of 2-3 pictures on other people's groups which were related by some theme e.g. dungeons, bondage furniture. I quickly found that members of the groups enjoyed discussing what the picture showed and weaving fantasies about them. Often I was able to share the ideas which had surrounded the pictures as I had drawn them. "The Squaddies Shame" was an example of this - see illustration

Mitchell @mitchmen - The Squaddies Shame (3)

When I launched 'mitchmen' I realised that I needed a regular supply of material to maintain interest and so I started to assemble larger groups of pictures. It seemed natural to try and link them with a bit of narrative. Neighbourhood Police was the first set to get this treatment and I found that, as soon as I started setting the story down, it grew and developed naturally - shaped partly by the pictures I had selected for it.

For Manley RFC, which followed, the story simply provided a setting for the various pictures which depicted individual incidents rather than the main thread of the narrative. This story grew in quite a Byzantine fashion with numerous cross-references and semi-hidden 'clues' weaving the different incidents together.

By the time I got to the Press Gang and Cactus Kid - both of which already existed as small sets of artwork - the story was demanding additional pictures which I drew to fill missing parts of the story line. The Kid was my first effort at a narrative where the same characters appear throughout. The challenge of replicating the same character in different situations in a recognisable form is quite daunting!

It is only recently that I remembered that these are not my first stories. I had previously produced an illustrated story based on the adventures of a World War II fighter pilot - at the ripe old age of eleven. So it seems like this interest has lain dormant within me waiting to be revived.

I had never considered the technical problem of how to publish text and words alongside each other. It was easy enough to publish messages with text and picture attachments but archiving them together was a different thing altogether.

Fortunately one of the 'mitchmen' group members - 'Carabalda' - came up with a solution - PDF document format. Carabalda has already produced PDF files for 'The Press Gang' and 'Cactus Kid' stories. Now he has very kindly done the same for some of the older stories. I will be posting them at 'mitchmen' on Yahoo! over the next few days. The first one will be the small story of the Squaddies Shame and a sample illustration is attached.

Wednesday 26 March 2008

The next 'mitchmen' series - S&M Clinic flyer

For the last couple of weeks Mitchell has been publishing his series of drawings entitled 'Inspired by Tom' at his 'mitchmen' Yahoo! Group. Now he lifts the veil off of future plans:-

"Now the Tom of Finland series is complete I am settling down to prepare the next release which is 'S&M Clinic'. I have much of this set already sketched out in 3 different scenes but it's going to take a bit of work to thread it all together. All I presently have is pictures and some notes on how to put them together. A complete narrative will be required and also some new pictures to start and end and join the existing bits together into a coherent whole. I've attached a sample of the developing artwork.

This is quite a normal process for me. When putting sets together I usually start with a selection of drawings which may or may not have been conceived as an entity. At this stage the written story only exists in my head - and may have been there for many years. For example, the Press Gang story published last year originated as a set of 5 drawings in 1988.

I start the process of developing the story on paper looking out for additional artwork that can fit in with the story. I usually revisit these drawings and tidy them up, sometimes adding in appropriate backgrounds. I also prepare new drawings needed to fill gaps in the evolving storyline.

Alongside this I polish up the narrative into a proper plot making sure all the pictures are woven together and if possible incorporating mystery threads that add interest to the story as it is serialised.

The final stage is to cross reference the narrative and pictures and scale down the drawings, adding in copyright and web address info.

Unfortunately at this time of year my partners business starts to get busy and that makes it's own demands on my time but we'll see how it goes. If I find too long a gap developing I will post some other material. Fortunately the next series which is Neighbourhood Cops, Part 2 is in a much more advanced state so I have a fall back position!"


Tuesday 25 March 2008

A parable of arrogance and innocence - Modelling Provocative Underwear

Greg the Jock is trying to earn some extra money and has responded to an advert asking for athletic and muscular models. This requirement appeals to his vanity of course and he knows he amply fulfils it. He is used to strutting his stuff at the College.

The photographer has requested him to model sexy underwear, to which he agrees after a suitable, manly period of consideration. Of course, he feels a certain amount of embarrassment at presenting himself in this way, but he doesn't understand at all just how horny he looks as he obeys the posing instructions he is given. The photographer is milking his sexuality, as it were, without him really being aware of it.

The photographer pins the notice to his vest without showing him what it says, he tells him it's a catalogue number for people to order the underwear. Greg believes him - such innocence! 

M332 - Spank me First

Suddenly the door opens and in walks a rather rough looking man
 - Slapper Smith to his friends.

Slapper is an acquaintance of the photographer and has been asked to call into the studio to discuss some trivial matter. He is as surprised as Greg is at their meeting. He sits to one side as the shoot continues but the alluring view of Greg's backside and the inviting sign pinned on his back soon generates extremely wicked thoughts and corresponding growth in his pants.

The Photographer, who has deliberately engineered this situation is enjoying Slapper's discomfort just as much as he enjoyed Greg's earlier on. He ensures that Greg performs a most interesting series of poses for Slapper's benefit. As the atmosphere thickens, even young, naive Greg becomes aware of Slapper's interest.

However, he is not experienced enough to know just how to escape from this situation.

Eventually the Photographer decides the situation has fermented just enough. He loads a fresh film and silently signals Slapper to come forward. The notice pinned to Greg's back needs no elaboration. As Slapper suddenly appears at his side Greg freezes - just long enough for Slapper to take him onto his knee ...........
Story and Pictures are Copyright 2008 Mitchell

Sunday 23 March 2008

Mitchell's Neighbourhood Police - Arrested and force stripped

This picture is a magnifiable version of the same one in yesterdays post. 
A blogger bug caught me out!
For more info on Neighbourhood Police visit Mitchell's Yahoo Group

Saturday 22 March 2008

Mitchells Neighbourhood Police Fantasy

I've been doing some work today putting together the pictures for the next Part of the 'Neighbourhood Police 'Story which started last year at 'mitchmen' on Yahoo! It's shaping up quite well with lots of bondage plus some darker overtones. A sample picture from the first series is attached below.

In the story the Police Commissioner has decided to get tough with the local villains and pull them in using the 4S powers (Stop, Strip, Search, Secure). The first part showed the cops rounding up a selection of bad guys. The next part shows what happens to them in custody and how the Cops start applying their own interpretation of the policy.

Mitchells stories are published in episodes at 'mitchmen' at Yahoo!.
 Each episode is accompanied by one of Mitchell's pictures. Neighbourhood Police will start in a few weeks time. The first part of the story will be reposted as a lead in to the new material but you can also get Part 1 at Mitchell's Yahoo! group -see side bar

Friday 21 March 2008

Rubber Fetish Lover

Bondage and Rubber fetish with a hairy ass

'Urinal lover '
A Drawing by Mitchell
Bondage and Rubber fetish with a hairy ass

Thursday 20 March 2008

Submission of an Athlete Overpowered

'Submission of an Athlete' (above) is one of Mitchell's drawings from his Series 'Inspired by Tom of Finland'. This series, originally published at 'mitchmen' at Yahoo! (see side bar) charts the influence Tom of Finland's erotic art has had on Mitchell's own pictures.

I still think Tom's encounter between a surfer and two sailors is sexier than mine,
setting the unconvential youth lifestyle against the highly disciplined, mature service ethic.
The torn shorts are highly erotic and inviting when their wearer is restrained.

Mitchell's Tribute to Tom of Finland at 'mitchmen'

The first male erotic drawing I ever saw was on a cover of 'Physique Pictorial' magazine, in a second hand bookshop, when I was still at school. It showed a muscular man, dressed only in jeans and boots, being forced to his knees by a leather clad companion whose bike he had damaged.

The erotic depiction of forced submission bowled me over. I had never seen anything like it before. I felt bit like Robinson Crusoe must have done when he discovered the footprint on the beach - there was someone else like me! So this picture has a special significance for me and I still love it.

The artist of course was Tom of Finland - a label which in those days conjured up images of handsome, blond Scandinavians and gentle, tolerant attitudes. In the years that followed I found more examples of Tom's pictures and my interest developed into a lifelong affection and respect for his work.

I was already producing my own drawings when I discovered Tom but his pictures inspired me to try and improve my technique by emulating his style. In the time-honoured tradition of apprentices, I learned by copying a master. I took his characters and compositions and adapted them to reflect my own interests and experiences. Over a period of time I produced a series of pictures which are based on Tom's ideas but recreated using my own imagery. I have been posting them at 'mitchmen' over the last couple of weeks in a series called 'Inspired by Tom'.

Looking back now my efforts seem flawed and fall some way short of Tom's skills. I claim no credit for ideas adapted from his compositions but I hope I have added enough original content to be able to offer them as my tribute to an artist whose pictures have, over the years, offered comfort, inspiration and entertainment to millions of gay men all over the world.

Tom of Finland (1920 - 1991)

To see these pictures and lots more of Mitchell's drawings and art please visit the mitchmen Yahoo group (address in side bar)

The Copyright for most of Tom's work resides with the Tom of Finland Foundation and this essay uses extracts of his work for the purposes of critical review under the fair use provisions of Copyright Law

Wednesday 19 March 2008

My trademark picture - The Dishonest Gardener

This picture is called "My Dishonest Gardener" and has topped my Yahoo! Group since I started publishing my pictures on the web. I think it expresses very well my mission statement of 'Putting Men in Their Place'.

There's also a coloured Dishonest Gardener

click on the mitchpix label below for more pictures by Mitchell