To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Mitchells Neighbourhood Police Fantasy

I've been doing some work today putting together the pictures for the next Part of the 'Neighbourhood Police 'Story which started last year at 'mitchmen' on Yahoo! It's shaping up quite well with lots of bondage plus some darker overtones. A sample picture from the first series is attached below.

In the story the Police Commissioner has decided to get tough with the local villains and pull them in using the 4S powers (Stop, Strip, Search, Secure). The first part showed the cops rounding up a selection of bad guys. The next part shows what happens to them in custody and how the Cops start applying their own interpretation of the policy.

Mitchells stories are published in episodes at 'mitchmen' at Yahoo!.
 Each episode is accompanied by one of Mitchell's pictures. Neighbourhood Police will start in a few weeks time. The first part of the story will be reposted as a lead in to the new material but you can also get Part 1 at Mitchell's Yahoo! group -see side bar

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