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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label shaving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shaving. Show all posts

Monday, 16 December 2024

Vintage Bondage - Leonard Chambers chained, roped and nude

 Leonard Chambers was the subject of the very first Vintage Bondage post at mitchmen blog, back in 2015. Those images were chosen because they had more of a sense of a restraint about them than was usual in the 1950's. I added some more images from the same shoot to it not so long ago so you might like to check them out using the link just above.

Leonard Chambers in chains 1 (AMG)

The original post featured rope bondage on a bench. These images feature chains and upright poses but they also capture the special qualities of this popular model. His canted head in the image above conveys a sense of thoughtfulness and sadness, as though he's a man contemplating his choices and the punishment for them. There's a better sense of his luxurious physique than in the first set, nicely oiled. The position of his hands obscures enough of his pouch to give a good sense of nakedness (with scope for lewder interpretations of what's going on out of sight). 

Leonard Chambers in chains 2 (AMG)

This picture obliquely suggests that the punishment might be a visit to the whipping post. Chambers strikes a proud, or you might say arrogant, defiant pose while facing the prospect of a barrage of pain. His raised arms give another a great view of  his torso. The often maligned, posing pouch is fully visible but has the virtue of looking as if there is something inside it, neatly packaged. It's a puzzle to me why photographers didn't opt for a loin cloth design for images like this, when it was a common enough sight in the 'Sword and Sandals' movies of the time.

These images seem much influenced by traditional, medieval notions of martyrdom. That association may help to make them look more convincing but you have to give a lot of credit to the model here for creating a dramatic moment, when it is apparent on closer inspection that he is not secured to the post at all but holding it up and the supposed 'marble pillar' looks suspiciously like a roll of floor covering. 

Leonard Chambers in chains 3 (AMG)

He adopts the same look for this pose, but arguably looks more annoyed than defiant, perhaps because the level of restraint here is barely rudimentary. The chains don't look as if they'd withstand much force and even if convincingly secured it would be more symbolic than real. Just like the prison bars at the back, to be fair. Despite such quibbles, it's still a great image of a captive muscle hunk. The loop of chain brushing the front of his pouch adds an erotic frisson.

Leonard Chambers - Sheath 1

This extraordinarily atmospheric image is not an example of bondage exactly but the model has swapped his posing pouch for a 'sheath' that encloses his sex organ in fashion that seems to anticipate the chastity devices of recent years - symbolically again but still rather sexy. Notice that the background has become a classical ancient building, conjuring up fantasies of enslavement. It's the best image yet of Leonard's physique, when it's his turn to stand on the rostrum, he should fetch a good price!

Leonard Chambers - Sheath 2

In this open-legged frontal pose, Leonard looks more youthful, waiting with barely controlled agitation. His abs are tensed, clenched even, producing a startling effect of connectivity running down and disappearing into the sheath, which you can now see has a simple, draw-string hem, like a purse of olden days. It's a matter of taste whether this clever effect turns you on but it brings out something more widely appreciated - that the model's lower torso is shaved completely smooth for as far as the eye can see. The sheath may provide a cloak of modesty, but it draws attention to this nakedness. He is now seated before a Moorish arch raising the spectre of a different style of enslavement. No wonder he looks worried.

Leonard Chambers - Nude 1

After the tantalising sheath, a genuine, frontal, fully nude shot posed before a classical column.
We are fortunate that quite a lot of AMG images of Leonard like this have survived.
He looks relaxed and confident here having comfortably passed the male nudity size test.

Leonard Chambers - Nude 2

This image posed with a curtain pole brings out the full extent of Leonards shoulder development and upper body bulk. Model's training techniques in those days seemed to produce physiques with a natural, most attractive 'plushness'. Once again there's a vague connection with the bondage theme of this post, 
the pole keeps the model's hands out of the way behind him and leaves his treasure trove unprotected. You only have to image his wrists being tied to the pole.

Leonard Chambers - Nude 3

This image creates a dramatically different torso effect. With Leonard's arm raised we see the intensely detailed muscles and stand-out veins of a body-builder training for competition by shedding fat. Presumably this is the same shoot as Nude 1, but the effect couldn't be more different. 
Again there's a hint at bondage restraint, tied to the column.

Leonard Chambers - Rope 1

There's a strange affinity between naked men and thick rope. I suppose it hints at masculine labours. Leonard here looks back fearfully as if expecting a whiplash any minute to make him pull harder. 
Rope also has a phallic quality for those inclined to see it (especially when it's dangling just in front of the model's pouch). It alludes to bondage fetish too although this one is really too thick for that purpose.

Leonard Chambers - Sailor with Rope 

Ropes like this are also inextricably linked with with sailing ships and sailors and few gay models escaped from beefcake posing sessions without having had to don the US Navy's distinctive sailor cap. This image was probably inspired by the many War movies of the era which showed bare chested, hunky sailors sweating under the pacific sun. Leonard looks as if he's trying to diligently perform a routine task in the nude (acting on perverse orders) but without losing his modesty. It makes a charming image, suggesting a man of sensitivity, needing protection and whom anyone might fall for. 

Leonard Chambers - Nude 4

This was the barely legal nude in the 50's. It can be seen as a prissy, slightly feminine pose but Leonard gives it a great deal of dignity, preserving his modesty with a slightly anxious expression that suggests he's waiting for the call which will may oblige him to reveal all. Maybe an instruction to mount the rostrum he's standing on. His oily skin lends his lean physique a harder look here. The absence of hair on his flat, lower abdomen again creates a subtly erotic accent of total nudity. 

Leonard Chambers - Pouch

This version of the sitting pose is rather less dignified, positively coquettish, but it's interesting to see a very typical 50's glamour pose for ladies performed by a male. The angling of the lower body modestly obscures a woman's 'sensitive' areas but makes a man look uncharacteristically coy without hiding anything. The pouch too is less much elegant than a bikini but looks sexily loaded. If you've fallen in love with him, this image won't change your mind!


For more vintage bondage and related mitchmen posts click on the labels below

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Adults chastised at Ginch Gonch Ranch

 Jotits, one of the blog visitors, asked me about an AI version of Ginch Gonch Ranch. The AI engine I have used in the past to generate variants of my drawings is no longer available at the service I subscribe to, but I did some exploring and produced these variants using Art Guru AI. None of the results were amazing pictures and I didn't have time to develop them into better ones, but some new elements and perspectives appeared which are quite interesting and worth sharing.

Mitchell - Ginch Gonch Ranch, AI variant 1

This is the best result that came out. It changed all the characters into much older men with faces that very much suit the Ranching Cowboy scenario, giving it a modern twist of earthy, Clint Eastwood-style realism. Their skimpy underpants now look deliciously incongruous, with the middle man nervously trying to hide it by raising his knee, as though it were a secret vice.. 

Their hair-free bodies make you wonder if that grizzled old rancher has been having some fun with his cut-throat razor over the last hour leading up to this moment. Just to make them feel that little bit more exposed and humiliated, you understand. 

The background has been transformed such that it now looks like the backdrop to an amateur production of 'Oklahomo' put on for the entertainment of the other ranch hands, who will no doubt enjoy this newly discovered twist in the plot!

Mitchell - Ginch Gonch Ranch, AI variant 2

This second variant seems to transport the whole scene to some ancient civilisation where gold seems to be much in evidence, suggesting a power relationship that is more absolute. The spanker has acquired some tattoos, giving him a more earthy, sensual character. The face of the right-most captive has come out particularly nicely this time, I'd happily swap him into variant-1 or dispense with his comrade altogether for a one-on-one scene.

Mitchell - Ginch Gonch Ranch, AI variant 3

 In variant 3, the AI-engine has come up with the idea of the captives looking at each other as though realising that this punishment is going to be worse than they thought. In my original concept, the out-stretched hand of the rancher was turning the first captive round, so as to present his rear to the paddle. The captive's sudden alarm here suggests he's just announced that he's first going to relieve him of that last obstacle to the full sensory experience - his underpants. His older partner seems to be advising him to grin and bare it. The bulge in his pants gives the game away.

The AI has made a hash of their faces, this arms raised position is quite tricky to draw in any medium, simply transplanting heads doesn't work. However, what it has produced is a hint of two very characterful faces, one young, smoothly handsome in a butch way, the other older and experienced. 

The poor rancher's stiffie has got short shrift in all the variants, but his balls have bulked up nicely in this last picture. The treatment of the creases in the legs of his suit is much better than my original.


click on the labels below for more pictures on these themes

Thursday, 18 July 2024

Mitchell's Cowboy Folio 10

Mitchell's Spanking Tales

No 3 – Incident At Blue Jay Creek

Cattle ranching is a lonely job sometimes. After a few weeks on the trail with no female companionship, them inner tensions start to build up - if you know what I mean. It don't help either, that the boys constantly talk about what they're missing. I've heard some folks think we cowboys turn to comforting each other so's to get by, but I can tell you, mister, that natural inclinations and reserve are more than enough to keep us cattle men on the 'straight and narrow'. The mere mention of affection would like as not result in ostracism, bullying or worse. Even self-pleasuring is best concealed unless you want a dose of ridicule and teasing. And so the tensions build up and up. But they have to be released sometime.......

Hansen was a loner. He didn't really fit in with the rest of the gang. We reckoned he was a failed 49-er. A bit of a dreamer. He said he had a wife and kids back East and was sweating to get a spread of his own for them. On Big 'M' wages there was little enough chance of that. He didn't like the vulgar, salacious talk of the other cowboys, and kept himself apart. But he worked hard and was pretty, damn strong. He could wrestle a cow to the ground for branding single handed. The sight of his glistening, muscular torso as he silently marched away afterwards always had the other boys gaping in awe – and envy. They all respected him for the most part.

It's a long, long drive from the 'Big 'M'' spread into Jonesville and we was pitched up for the night in Blue Jay Creek. The boys were sat round the camp fire cackling about some nonsense when it all kicked off. They could have upset him by talking about his pretty wife, teasing him about his awesome body, ragging him about him being Norwegian not Swedish, or just for being plain different to everyone else. But no – it was sheep. They got to arguing about sheep.

Now we ain't got no sheep round The Big 'M' but we'd heard the tales about range wars further North. Some of the boys were saying how they'd make sure no Sheep Herder was gonna put them out of a job. I don't know if that's the truth of the matter but anyway Hansen decided to argue with em. Turned out his family back in Europe farmed sheep so he knew what he was talkin' 'bout.

Well, afore long they was all at it hammer and tongs. I reckon mebbe they'd got a secret bottle of whiskey to fuel the passions. Hansen might be quiet most of the time but mister, he could certainly argue a point. But he wasn't much of a diplomat. The boys didn't like it and eventually all them stoked up frustrations and jealousy boiled over 'n they decided they'd show him what they thought of his Shepherd talk.

They ripped Hansen's shirt off and strung him up by his wrists from a tree with his trousers dropped round his ankles. Like I said Hansen was a real good looking man and I reckon the sight of him stretching up and naked must have took the minds of some of them right off the sheep. They stood around laughing and joking as Hansen struggled and shouted at them to set him free. But they hadn't finished with him yet. No sir.

It's comical how creative men can get when they want to humiliate someone. Seeing as they was arguing about sheep they decided they'd treat him like one - and shear him. Of course there weren't any shears in the camp so off they went to dig out their razors, some of them fresh out their wrappers from the last trip to the big city. There was plenty of stropping to get them blades real sharp and shiny, it was quite a ceremony I can tell you.

Finally a couple of men went up to Hansen and started to shave his chest hair off, no soap, no water, just cold steel. Poor Hansen didn't really know what they intended and his face was a real picture as he worked out the possibilities. They gradually worked their way down his body and, I gotta say this, they treated him like a baby, so careful there wasn't a single nick or cut. The worst of the anger had gone out of them you see and Hansen had sensibly decided to shut up and take the punishment. Mind you he looked pretty worried when they knelt down to start on his tackle, but it was just the same, they gently lifted and turned it and removed every last hair, before finishing off with the cleft of his backside.

I don't think anyone could take all that scraping in private places and not react to it. The trouble was, Hansen hadn't seen his wife for months and he weren't a player either, if you know what I mean. By the time they'd finished with him, he was sporting the biggest boner you ever saw.

Some of the boys thought it comical, others I reckon, found it a little more interesting than that, but they couldn't say so or they'd probably have been strung up there with him, so they all just hooted and hollered together. As soon as the thing started to droop, one of them would go up and just give him the gentlest touch on the sensitive shaved skin and up it went again. This game went on for some time. They all wanted to have a go although you could see that some were terrified in case they might be seen showing too much interest so they weren't so gentle with him - but it all had the same effect on Hansen's tool.

Eventually the boys started to get bored and remembered that they were supposed to be punishing him. Jake was the ringleader and he had it all worked out. He undid the buckle on his belt and drew it out of the loops of his trousers. Then he went behind Hansen and gave him the most almighty thwack across them pretty little ass cheeks. Hansen howled but it dain't help him none. Jake gave him another. And another. And another. He wasn't playing games now and the boys weren't laughing any more. Their eyes were riveted on Hansen's dancing, twisting, shiny body – and his bobbing rigid cock.

Looking around me I could see one or two of the onlookers had a film of perspiration on their faces. Plenty more had their jeans more filled out than normal and there was some involuntary stroking and adjusting going on.

The smack of the leather echoed off the canyon walls but there weren't any other sound 'cept the occasional gasp or groan from Hansen. That boner of his stayed rock hard like you wouldn't believe......and then, eventually, it began to ooze and drip. Most of the guys didn't notice at first but then a extra strong whupp from Jake sent the stuff flying in the air, landing on the shirts of the two boys right in front. They inspected the wet stains and looked at each other not really knowing what to do.

The next three strokes were enough to pump Hansen out completely, but Jake didn't see what had happened and he still kept going............ thwack............ thwack.............. thwack..........

Eventually one cowboy stepped up to Jake and gently told him he should stop. They untied Hansen and gave him back his shirt, consoling him with shoulder squeezes and congratulating him for enduring the punishment. Even Jake went over and shook his hand and nodded with respect. No one mentioned the fluid that lay spattered on the sand.

But Hansen's humiliation hadn't ended yet. The next day he had to ride his horse all day with a raw backside knowing all them cowboys would be eagerly watching out for any sign that he was in pain. The day after that, the itchy, sweaty re-growth of his hair down below must have been equally unpleasant and every time he scratched or rubbed himself he knew someone was laughing at him.

In time it all passed. None of them ever laid hands on him again. Some of the boys took the Scandinavian under their protective wings, I guess they felt guilty about what they'd been involved in. Hansen went back to being a loner and when the drive ended in Jonesville, he was paid off and we never saw him again.

But we still remember that night like it was yesterday. Occasionally the subject comes up when we're sitting round the camp fire. Jake talks almost fondly of Hansen as though the guy had done him a favour. Maybe he had. Maybe not. We make sure not to argue about it though, you never know where it might lead.

Originally published in 'Summer of Spanking'
which can be found at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male*

Read Part 11 of Mitchell's Cowboy Folio

or see all at this blog by clicking on the 'cowboy' label below.

The full Cowboy Folio can also be found at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male*
*You can also find The Cactus Kid story there in full or Images only

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

First Catch Your Rogue - 25

 He wasn't a very good burglar.
I'm a light sleeper, but he made enough noise to wake the dead.
He didn't put up much of a fight either, I'm a big guy.
I got him securely tied up without too many problems.

To give him credit, he didn't beg me not to call the cops. 
But we both knew that was the deal on the table.
I emptied his pockets and poked around in them
giving him a clue to how he might escape my trap.

He wasn't too happy though when I started to cut his clothes off.
The only way, since his arms and legs were tied together.
He started mouthing off about how much they had cost him.
More likely he had stolen them, so I just gagged him.

He was a street-wise punk, in his mid-twenties, 
But the harsh strangeness of the fetish gag shocked him. 
The hard ball filling his mouth, the strap pulling it tight.
He knew then that negotiations were over.

I watched him squirming naked on my bed for a while,
then fetched a razor from the bathroom, a new one
I set to work clearing the fuzz on his lower regions.
I don't use foam, I like to see what I'm doing.

He squawked briefly, but knew better than to struggle,
not while I was working with the blade between his legs.
He watched me, probably wondering how to explain it
to his girlfriend and team mates in the locker room.

I cleaned away the fallen fluff with the vacuum cleaner.
Lifting his legs and teasing him with the suction tool
Then I fetched some ointments to sooth his razor burn.
And then he was finally ready for me.

I fetched my camera.


For other posts on these topics, click on the labels below

Monday, 18 March 2024

Be Careful What You Wish For - 13





No disrespect intended to our model, 
I'm sure he doesn't have either problem!

for more wishes, click on the label below.

Photo's courtesy of Derek Yates on 'X' and David Vance

Thursday, 21 December 2023

The Rebels of Makett

His Manhood Mocked

The captured Rebels of Makett were proud warriors
They knew better than to expect merciful treatment after capture.
The stripping and mockery of their manhood stung them, 
But they expected death to release them soon enough.

His Cock Condemned

However the Lords of Makett prized the strength and endurance of the rebels.
They preferred to spare them from death and use them in the mines, producing wealth.
Hotheads argued that their manhood at least should be forfeit and their rebel genes eliminated.
Some leaders were so punished in elaborate public ceremonies,
but without their reproductive biochemicals they soon became weak and useless.

His Scrotum Shaved and Sewn Up

And so in the end wiser counsels prevailed
The remaining Rebels were not deprived of their manhood
But only of their ability to use it for breeding - or even for pleasure.
That and years of hard work would be their punishment.

His Containment Clamped and Crushed

Once shaved and sewn up tight, 
Iron chastity clamps were permanently attached
with fixings only a trained surgeon could remove.
Once they were healed in.

With these emblems of defeat and shameful servitude, 
the rebels were paraded at public events for gawpers to laugh at.
It became a perverse custom to grope and rub the clamps for luck.
Though luck had completely eluded those unfortunates,

The captured rebels of Makett.


For other posts on these subjects see below.

Friday, 1 December 2023

Beautifully Bound

 Clean, economical bondage is key to this series, that and beautiful male subjects.
This man has a beautiful, lean body, which is highlighted by the overhead restraint
and enhanced (IMHP) by the shaving of his crotch.

'Russian Captured Boys' videos are sometimes quite comical with the fumbles of the bondage 'master' (and the puzzling failure to edit them out). Fortunately, all he has left to do here is give the captive a rosy glow and stalk around looking menacing. The shades are a bit OTT but still count as sinister when you can't get away. Would you like this man to shave your groin for you? 

The captive helps out by looking suitably worried - as well he might with his torso already showing evidence of serious beating. I suspect the tops in these videos occasionally throw in a real stinger, just to keep the slave on his toes and promote convincing apprehension. 

click on the labels below for other mitchmen posts on shaving and beautiful bondage

Friday, 17 November 2023

Beautifully Bound - Drew Stevens

Captive on his knees tied hands behind back is kissed
Blake Harper reassures Drew Stevens in 'Anal Bondage' (Tom Ropes McGurk)

 I have long had a mental note to feature the work of Tom 'Ropes' McGurk here at mitchmen and this image is one of my favourites by him, it must be the old romantic in me! 
Blake Harper is a real hunk and his lust for the helpless Drew leaks out of the picture. 

It's plain to see how effective this immobilisation is and Drew's pulled-back arms produce a display of defenceless torso that is highly erotic and plainly a turn-on for Blake. His passionate stolen kiss is a marvellous expression of benign domination - and passive seduction by Drew, let it be said! 

I've done some AI tweaking of the image and it has caused the normally flat and vague background mural used by McGurk to leap forward, framing the the two men like a protective tent.

Drew's bondage is remarkably simple, just arm restraint using a stretcher pole tied to his upper arms, just above the elbow. His wrists are tied together and separately attached to the middle of the pole and pulled up tight. You can see the arrangement more clearly in the snapshot below. 

The metal eyes at each end of the pole are normally attached to a captive's ankles to compel him to spread his legs, Drew's feet are shackled with chains in this scene.

Drew's restraint in 'Anal Bondage'

This scene is part of the closing rites of the video.
.Previously, Drew has been shaved baby smooth down below by Blake...

Drew ass-shaved by Blake Harper in 'Anal Bondage'

The results are gratifying.

Drew's shaved undercarriage, courtesy of Blake Harper in 'Anal Bondage'

Drew, understandably doesn't seem so sure.
He must feel terrible exposed like this.

His anal treats continue with an enema.

Drew given an enema by Blake Harper in 'Anal Bondage'

Blake takes the precaution of removing his jeans for this bit. 

As you might expect, these fun activities are punctuated
 by a peppering of disciplinary CP...

Drew paddled by Blake Harper in 'Anal Bondage'

Blake shows off his backhand flick.
Drew misses that protective fuzz of hair on his cheeks,

As a postscript to the anal extravaganza,
 Blake inserts a large plug between Drew's butt cheeks

Drew plugged by Blake Harper in 'Anal Bondage'

It's a big one and Drew shies away, 
he clearly finds it intrusive and uncomfortable.

Drew climaxes with the plug in 'Anal Bondage'

Nevertheless Blake uses it to tease him to a splashy finish.
Which isn't long in coming.


See 'Anal Bondage' at  Tom

click on the labels below for similar posts at mitchmen

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Sex on Legs

AMG gay homoerotic  photo Blackie Page nude naked shiny oiled tattooed body sitting on a draped box modestly hiding shaved crotch slave auction
Blackie Page (AMG)

 A street tough who terrorised the citizenry presents a different, seductive sort of challenge when stripped naked and oiled up ready for the forced labour auction which is to be his punishment. 
Unfortunately he can't shake off that casual, cheeky boy, rebellious attitude. 
Part of him thinks that the gang will be coming to the auction to buy him back.
Failing he should be able to charm his new master in assigning light duties. 
Unfortunately, he doesn't realise that he's an attractive buy for a strict disciplinarian.


AMG's abdomen shot here is masterly eroticism. 
It's hard to believe this was taken in the 1950's

check out the labels below for similar images at mitchmen

Saturday, 22 July 2023

Jordan James Beautifully Bound

Handcuffs, ball-gag and chastity cage
for a stud who's cute, muscular and fully shaved
and knows how to look submissive.

There's a perverse pleasure in seeing a pro blogger silenced!

A boyfriend's appreciation

Better take no chances on an escape.

Ready for bed?

Maybe that racy, chastity blog wasn't such a good idea.

to overcome his fear of cocks (I jest!)

 More Jordan James at Twitter

Click the labels below for more bondage, chastity and crotch-shaving fetish at mitchmen 

Friday, 2 June 2023

Art by Drtkk - Part 3 (aka MilkCow)

MilkCow - White Rats 1

I discussed the features of this man-storage facility here at mitchmen in Milking Factories No 13, but MilkCow originally designed them to preserve captured POW's until they can be sold off . The title of the picture suggests that it's not expected that they will become cosseted House Boys or field workers.

This highly refined form of bondage is an ideal way of keeping them alive, under control and protected from damage in a controlled environment, whilst still being available for interested parties to view in person (although it's become more common to buy them over the internet since Covid). The captives love the safe feeling the warm liquid gives them and require minimum physical restraint in their capsules. They listen to music via implants and enjoy the gentle stimulation of nipple suckers and 'active' codpieces that comfort them and attend to their 'detoxification' needs. The cost of such a system is justified by the prices these men fetch, as shown on this man's container label.

MilkCow has drawn a handsome character demonstrating this ingenious design, he seems alluringly available and desirable as he dozes contentedly. All these captives have been shaved and show grow-back. The artist's bold, muscle delineation is less prominent in this close up view. The random arrangement of the capsules behind creates an impression of large numbers of other men being processed and on offer. One would be spoilt for choice, but few of us could afford this boy's price tag.

MilkCow - White Rats 2 - The Check

This scene shows the captive being 'checked' after being purchased by a laboratory for study. He's been delivered frozen in a cryogenic container which looks disturbingly like a coffin. MilkCow wisely skirts round the defrosting process. I suppose it might have been carried out by the container itself. Anyhow, it's barely warm when the delivery is lifted onto a table and strapped to it. 

Even before his shorts have been cut off his body, the scientists have already piled in and attached a device to his nipple and his other pectoral is being prepared for something similar. With all this haste the poor man must be struggling to understand what's happening to him. Maybe it's better that way. 

It's easy to understand the technicians enthusiasm once they saw what the new lab rat looked like. They all look very young and student-y which doesn't bode too well for procedure adherence as the check progresses (you'll remember what happened to the clipboard in the Chair of Toughness (MilkCow 2). The lab equipment at this point seems relatively unthreatening, but the universal use of eye protectors is a bit worrying. It's probably just as well one of them has a stethoscope for emergencies.

The artist has cropped the detail of what's happening on the right and re-directs our focus to two other technicians walking by and chatting as if all this uproar is nothing out of the ordinary. The nearly naked man on the table may grab our attention, but he is just another, experimental subject in Lab 169.

MilkCow - The Windmill Game

At first sight, it seems reasonably clear what's going on in this picture. The subject is lifting heavy buckets of water in a punishing position that does not allow bending of the arm. It would be well-nigh impossible for most people, so credit to him for achieving this much, but what is inducing him  to do it? 

The side frames limit his arms to moving up and down and it looks as if his wrist restraints are connected to the vertical arms with rings that can slide up and down. Since the frames also seem to be electrified it looks like this is a variation of that game of sliding a ring along an electrified, twisty wire without touching it and making the bell ring. I might be wrong but my guess is that it's his bell-end that's going to register any 'fails' since that organ is impaled by an electrified sound that is very firmly attached. His whole scrotum is trapped in the Y-fork of this assembly. 

So where do windmills come in? I think this must refer to the 4-pointed stars that are in contact with his nipples. But is he supposed to make them turn or are they spun by the technician standing behind him with a controller? This Heath Robinson complexity is puzzling but it's erotic fun analysing it.

Milk Cow - Nice Meats 1, Room 13 - Inspection

This final group of images is notable in that it features two captives undergoing the same trials and punishments alongside each other, illustrated rather nicely here by the mirror image composition.. Since they are both wearing dog tags it seems reasonable to assume that they are buddies from the same military unit. The title of the group, 'Nice Meats' suggests a fairly arbitrary, homoerotic sadism is motivating their treatment but it's supervised throughout by a uniformed figure and above them fascist style banners hang from the wall, suggestive of a more serious story line, perhaps a POW or partisan interrogation where anything goes, God help them. 

The Room Number motif references the non-specific oppression of 1984 and this carries on through the series although the banners do not. Each of the scenes takes place in a numbered room suggesting it's a carefully planned and lengthy programme but the captives do not visit the rooms in numerical order. 

In Room 13, the clip board indicates that it's a inspection but it's not obvious that any results are actually being recorded. Two keys lie on top of it, presumably for the chastity devices in which both men's manhood is locked, perhaps what passes for a uniform in this place. They are spread-eagled on crosses with an array of  electrical cables attached to their bodies, some with clinical sticker pads, some with heavyweight, industrial clips. Neither they, nor we, know if these are simply sensors or live electrical wires, but something is making them howl and the fingers of the man on the right are curled tight in tension (or agony). 

The positioning of their arms replicates a standard bodybuilder pose and this suggests that their strength is being targeted with the possibility that all these wires are manipulating their muscles to tense on demand so their physiques can be judged as bodybuilders are judged in competition. 

The Officer in the foreground looks as if he's just stepped off a Yellow Submarine or the Polar Express but he holds a wireless remote control that enables him to switch either man on or off and vary the intensity of their treatment. That seems very much like an interrogation technique. Meanwhile a steam-punk technician beavers away at his console, overseeing even more on-off switches using a curious visual feed from the pack on his back whose purpose is a complete mystery. It adds up to 'sinister'

Milk Cow - Nice Meats 2, Room 09 Whipping Makes Perfect

 This whipping scene takes place in Room 09. It's not clear whether the flippant subtitle indicates an underlying, corrective purpose behind their treatment or simply the personal opinions of their tormentors. The same could be said of the emphatic, metallic chastity devices they are still locked in, denying them their masculinity.

The two captives are depicted throughout this set as being significantly bigger than their captors. There's a similar contrast between their god-like muscularity and masculinity and their tormentors who are portrayed as either very ordinary or decidedly odd-ball. The density of weal marks and beads of perspiration covering their magnificent bodies suggest that their punishments are correspondingly intense and deliberately so. The torture technician's terrifying weapon and face mask seems to recognise danger lurking within these men. 

Milk Cow - Nice Meats 3, Room 10 - Sand Bags

In room 10 the assault intensifies and takes on an additional psychological dimension putting the men in fear of their lives as they are hoisted in nooses. It doesn't look as if they have been lifted completely off the ground at this point but the title suggests that might be part of the plan. At this point they are both being simultaneously beaten with the edges of  paddles by smartly dressed, uniformed officers. 

The supervisor watches them, enjoying a hot drink. It's a demonstration, not so much of sadism, but of indifference (or professional neutrality if we're being generous). The men have been freed from their chastity devices for this procedure but remain in cock rings. One is taking advantage of that freedom (and presumably responding to the beating). Part of the test perhaps? Is that a pass or fail?

MilkCow - Nice Meats 4 - Double Bed

Room 00 is placed at the end and it seems rather different to the others. The two boys bear the trellis marks of prolonged torture and their bodies are still covered in sweat but there are no electrical attachments here, no beating, only the more subtle pressure of the rack. Still freed from chastity they are greased up and encouraged (quite sensitively) by the attendants to produce samples which are being collected in glass jars. It's a relatively pleasant task (in moderation). 

We can't tell whether the rack is simply being used to coerce them, to encourage masochistic arousal, to wring out their last dregs or to verify a wacky theory about inducing variations in their ejaculates. What we can say is that it hurts them and the artist has used (rare) shadowing below the rib cage to emphasise their stress. 

Above them sitting on a beam are two, beautifully drawn rats, lab rats of a different hue, who if I remember correctly normally work in Room 101. This visual 'aside' neatly pairs with the facist motif in the first picture. As we know, despotic regimes are always keenly interested on what makes their opponents tick and often have pseudo-scientific beliefs that people who are different to them must be physiologically flawed and they are desperate to prove it. Of course, MilkCow himself, marks these muscular giants out as being different to ordinary folk.

Don't have nightmares chaps!

In this second batch of images MilkCow's images have not changed an awful lot in subject matter but have become more refined and more stylish. You can see the thought that has gone into his images like Nice Meats 4 but he also seems to have progressed from generic, captivity S&M to something that hits the mark more accurately. Room 13 in particular strikes me this way and White Rats 1, they make me think, yes, that's it, he's got it exactly. Veryerotic 
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