To my readers......


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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 31 August 2024

Mitchell's Cowboy Folio 11

Mitchell - Sunday Morning on Ginch Gonch Ranch
(Inappropriate Dress)

In the bad old days, new hands at the GG Ranch got their ass felt with the whip
- or even the branding iron, if the foreman took a dislike to 'em.
These days it's a more civilised coming-of-age experience for the sons of rich men.
Not sure if it's the flat things or the pointy things that they remember most.


I first published this image at the now-defunct Yahoo! Group
This is a bigger version with the contrast tweaked to enhance the atmosphere. 

Remember Ginch Gonch?


Go to Part 12 of Mitchell's Cowboy Folio (pending)

or Read this series from Part 1
or see all at this blog by clicking on the 'cowboy' label below.

The full Cowboy Folio can also be found at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male*
*You can also find The Cactus Kid story there in full or Images only


jotits said...

Trop bien de revoir un de vos ancien dessin.
Je me demande ce que cela donnerait en AI..?

Mitchell said...

Thanks for your comment, Jotits. I have used a mild AI technique to improve the shading in this version, but the AI-engine I used to enhance earlier images in the series has been withdrawn from the site I subscribe to. I may try to find another.

speedoric said...

Yep remember G&G, perfect smooth muscle boyz. They 'married' well before laws changed but also divorced quick too!