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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Vore Art by RL Fleshwood

RLFleshwood - It's Supper Time

The Little Shop of Horrors has a lot to answer for! 

There's a good sense of dramatic action in this image with the jaws about to snap shut apparently. The plant's tendrils way-lay a young man, innocently wandering in the forest, lifting him up and depositing him head first into the gaping mouth, a technique that has a certain gourmet delicacy.

RLFleshwood - Plant Food

This unfortunate might be still be hoping that there's still hope and the strange sensations in his groin are telling him that the plant is kinky rather than carnivorous. I suspect this variety is the plant equivalent of those kids who won't eat the pizza crust, just the juicy bits. 

The glorious colours make this art hard to ignore.

RLFleshwood - Introducing the Tip Jar

This picture was used by the artist to solicit contributions to his 'tip jar' where contributors can ransom the captive from a terrible fate. I'm not sure that's what his followers really want! Deprived of that context it looks like a satirical modern inversion of the Victorian freak show idea. 

What happens when the tips stop coming is probably best not thought about.

RLFleshwood - Josh, Dressed for Dinner(my title)

I can't say I'm turned on by cannibalism so I've ditched the artist's explicit title for something more ambiguous. It's a great jeopardy imagery anyway, with tightly tucked-in bondage of a nice, grown-up captive, artistically presented on a bed of lettuce. His cut-off jeans add a boyish personality. 

The beach setting is picturesque but slightly bizarre. It suggests to me a placatory offering to those unwelcome visitors who always turn up out of the blue in castaway sagas. (I've never understood why cannibals and slavers go looking for new prospects on deserted islands.) 

RLFleshwood - Zach is The Main Course

Another marvellously enticing, richly-coloured image and another great bondage jeopardy scenario. The young captive's innocent face and upturned, saintly gaze top off a beautiful physique glowing like burnished gold in the light of the fire. The apple gag (more bite than gag actually) features often in images by this artist but I like the way the lettuce has been upgraded to a surprisingly sexy, fig-leaf. 

The assembled crowd watching his discomfort are a terrible stereotype in this day and age but I take comfort from the fact that they are far too numerous to be satisfied by a culinary outcome to this situation. The offering will go a lot further if handled with care.

RLFleshwood - Escaping The Witch

This less challenging scenario has a genuine dream-like quality, not least encapsulating the elusive nature of what actually will happen if we get caught by our fears. It's a marvellously effective and witty.  The visible feet of the witch make her flight positively comic - real-life dreams usually find a way of blurring out inconvenient detail like that. The roping of the escaper is typically AI-esque, over-stated and in reality less than secure but I don't suppose I'd quibble about that detail if this young man came hopping out of the mist towards me! 

RLFleshwood - Gator Food

Looks like the 'natives' might be the good guys here. Rescuing the foolish youth from the local wildlife. The apple (Gob-stopper?) in his mouth is probably intended to suggest otherwise, but what a waste to make the poor thing into another (probably unappreciated) offering. There's an amusing Russian doll effect however in the concatenated open mouths. 


More RL Fleshwood at Deviant Art
be warned - some images are more disturbing than those shown here

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