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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label rogues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rogues. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Rugby Rogue


"Come on lad, lets hit the showers".

Another rugby player in trouble
The Match Official is making him to stay behind after the match.

An hour's detention face down in the mud
while receiving personal tuition in the rules of the game
and unspecified punishment for his misbehaviour.

By the time they get to the showers everyone else will have gone
Just the chance to show him another red thingy.

I'll give links to this artist, Cybertied, in a fuller review scheduled for mid-June

This is No 26 in the 'First Catch Your Rogue' series
click on the label below for more

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

First Catch Your Rogue - 25

 He wasn't a very good burglar.
I'm a light sleeper, but he made enough noise to wake the dead.
He didn't put up much of a fight either, I'm a big guy.
I got him securely tied up without too many problems.

To give him credit, he didn't beg me not to call the cops. 
But we both knew that was the deal on the table.
I emptied his pockets and poked around in them
giving him a clue to how he might escape my trap.

He wasn't too happy though when I started to cut his clothes off.
The only way, since his arms and legs were tied together.
He started mouthing off about how much they had cost him.
More likely he had stolen them, so I just gagged him.

He was a street-wise punk, in his mid-twenties, 
But the harsh strangeness of the fetish gag shocked him. 
The hard ball filling his mouth, the strap pulling it tight.
He knew then that negotiations were over.

I watched him squirming naked on my bed for a while,
then fetched a razor from the bathroom, a new one
I set to work clearing the fuzz on his lower regions.
I don't use foam, I like to see what I'm doing.

He squawked briefly, but knew better than to struggle,
not while I was working with the blade between his legs.
He watched me, probably wondering how to explain it
to his girlfriend and team mates in the locker room.

I cleaned away the fallen fluff with the vacuum cleaner.
Lifting his legs and teasing him with the suction tool
Then I fetched some ointments to sooth his razor burn.
And then he was finally ready for me.

I fetched my camera.


For other posts on these topics, click on the labels below

Saturday, 14 August 2021

First Catch Your Rogue - 24

Once you've caught him, deter him from leaving

I found that confiscating a guy's shorts is just as effective as using physical restraint.
But getting him out of them wasn't that easy, as you might imagine......

He was full of swagger at first, acting like he owned the place.
I'd surprised him creeping round my house in the middle of the night and he was still thinking he could leave whenever he wanted. That was in spite of the fact that he'd already made a run for it and discovered that the open window he'd come in through so easily was now firmly closed and locked - and that the glass was virtually unbreakable. Unless you had a sledgehammer, which, understandably, he hadn't thought to bring with him. Another panic dash to the door revealed it was locked too, even though I'd just walked in through it. The wonders of electronics eh?
I sat him down and we had a long chat. I explained that I'd triggered the expensive security system to seal every entrance and exit. It had also alerted the Police, but things being what they are these days it might be a while before they turned up, so we just had to wait for them. I was in no hurry, though, I thought it was pretty cool having this chunky young man for company - once he'd calmed down that is. 
Because of the hot nights we'd been having, he'd come to burgle me wearing shorts. Silky skimpy ones they were too. Nice. I could imagine his butt clenching anxiously in them as he tried to figure out a way to escape before the cops arrived. 
Time went by and he tried various other ways to get out before it dawned on him (slowly) that the only way was to persuade me to unlock the door. I was so taken by his confusion that I'd started taking pictures of him. We had a little scuffle then as he tried to force me to stop, but I'm a big bloke and he wasn't much of a fighter and soon discovered I was no push-over. 
So the wait went on and on and he sprawled on the settee cockily, becoming more and more confident that his mask concealed his identity and that the Police were not going to come anyway. 
By now it was beginning to get light.
That was when I addressed him using his name. That made him sit up. 
How could I know that?

It was pure luck that I'd seen him larking around with his mates in the coffee shop round the corner a few days earlier. It's possible they were in the area specifically to case my joint. Loud young men, but nice enough to look at. So I looked at them and I listened and before long I had caught most of the nick names they used with each other. So when I addressed Dino (my reluctant guest) using his, he was understandably shocked. All the more so when I also insinuated that I knew someone in his family. I didn't, but he wasn't to know that. 
He looked at me and my incriminating camera very hard indeed now. I had to hand it to him, he didn't just cave in, I could see he was thinking of having another go at me to force his way out. It was time to give him an easier option. Sort of. I suggested I might just let him go, if he lifted his shirt for me.
'Shirt-lifter' is a loaded term in this neck of the woods. He looked at me again and this time I know he was thinking, "this guy's a pervert!" That was Fair enough, I am. I could have have him in a naked hog-tie by now if I'd wanted, but inducing voluntary submission is more interesting when you've time on your hands. 
Anyway Dino thought he'd found a weakness he could exploit, but he couldn't figure out how, except by doing as I had asked. So gingerly he lifted his tee shirt. The wary look in his eyes betrayed an inner anxiety about baring his flesh to me and that gave me a bit of a thrill. I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised by what he revealed too. Better than might have been expected given that silly hat he had on. 

By pure good luck, just that at that moment, a siren could be heard outside, getting closer. His eyes shot to the window and he froze providing me with a nice abs twist and a look of dismay that was priceless. 
He wasn't half so cocky now. 
"Don't worry, Dino" I said. "If you've got your shorts down when they knock, I won't let them in".

You should have seen the look he gave me then, he was flummoxed by my brazen offer.
"Just show me your ass Dino" I added in the friendliest tone I could manufacture "and I'll tell them you managed to get away from me".
His look was pure hatred, but slowly he turned and lowered his shorts.

I have to say than the sight of him dejectedly kneeling to show me his backside was truly a moment to savour and my camera was chattering with excitement too, busily sealing his fate.
"Marty would love this" I remarked casually. Marty was one of his mates in the Coffee Shop.

He shot me a look of utter panic, unable to comprehend how I knew about Marty too.
"You wouldn't....!." he gasped

"Just co-operate" I replied, " get your shorts off and I might even give you a tip for your trouble."

The possibility of payment for this humiliation, somehow made it OK in his scheming mind.
He climbed out of his shorts and I took them and tossed them into a distant corner.
This was great, Dino wasn't going anywhere, soon I'd have him eating out of my hand, like a pet.


In fact, I even managed to get him to kneel on top of a table like a performing dog.....

.......and then sprawling on my settee like a baby.
All the while keeping up the ludicrous pretence that his cap and mask would preserve his anonymity.

It was fun persuading him to take up provocative positions and seeing how close I could get.
Anyway, eventually the Police did turn up. Oh yes, it hadn't been a bluff at all.
By that time I'd got poor Dino totally naked and he was understandably terrified.
 That was how I got him into my bed. 
He hid there under the sheets while they searched for clues.
I told the cops it was my wife, who was ill.


After they'd gone Dino was so relieved he had to relieve himself!
He hadn't got the gumption to resist my camera any more. 

What happened after that?
Well, that is between him and me.

Images of Matthew Attard courtesy of Bentley Race
This story is pure fiction of course and the model is just an actor in it.  
I'm sure he's not a rogue at all, just shy.


For more 'Rogues' or more silly 'Hats', click on the labels below

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

First Catch Your Rogue - 23

1. First catch your rogue,

2. Next, give him a stern talking to...

3. Make sure he understands what he did wrong

4. Don't leave anything out

5. Explain carefully why his viewpoint is mistaken

6. Don't let him wriggle out of it.

7. Don't let your compassion spare him anything.

8. Maintain civilised standards of behaviour, gain his respect

9. Sum up the main points of you complaint in simple terms

10. A reformed man is a joy to behold

You'll know when to stop, but don't let compassion stop you from doin the right thing.

Once he knows where you're coming from,
He may attempt to persuade you to relent. be strong, but hear him out first by all means.

If you think the cops may be too busy to come, it's OK to put him up for the night.
Offer him a wake-up call, so he doesn't oversleep his appointment.
If he looks like he doesn't believe you, so much the better.
He is a rogue after all, let him do the worrying!

For other 'Rogues', click on the label in the list below

Images acted by Dane Stewart (the householder) and Alex Hawk (the rogue)
courtesy of Bound Gods

Thursday, 16 April 2020

First Catch Your Rogue - 22 The Lotus Eater

When you've caught him, detain him as best you can, he's likely to resist! 

While he's still struggling, check out any possibilities that present themselves.

When he's calmer, you can experiment with the restraint arrangements.

It could be quite entertaining if you're lucky

 Tell him about improving his life with yoga, zen and contemplation.
He'll probably react with apathy of course.

Don't worry, just tell him he must contemplate his misdeeds.
While viewing the problem from the best angles.

  Then when you're happy, tie him up tight.

Very tight.
(in the Lotus position, naturally)

After that you can probably do with a double G&T!
After all, you can always call the Police tomorrow.


Images of Oskar, courtesy of Bound Guys

Monday, 24 February 2020

Mitchell's Fetish Art for February - Rogue Intruder

captured burglar, over-powered, ripped, torn underwear
Mitchell - Intruder and Gay Pride

This picture features a gay couple who have been living together for years.
Like many modern men they are active and fit, which lends spice to their lovemaking.
It also gives them the confidence to stand up for themselves and their lifestyle.
They are out and proud and not afraid to defend their hard won 'freedom'.

So woe betide any ruffian who chooses to invade and despoil their cosy nest
especially one who, when caught, reviles them as weak and effeminate.

Rob had a theory that homophobes are really men with gay feelings they can't handle.
So when he caught one brazenly vandalising his home in the middle of the night,
it seemed like a golden opportunity to prove his thesis, to suck it and see as it were.

Jeff was happy to help, since he liked having a spunky lad struggling in his grip.
Also he had a grandstand view of the experiments Rob was making.

The villain soon changed his attitude when he found these men were stronger,
although, let's face it, having your jeans taken off is always a great equaliser.

He knew there was a certain rough justice in having his underpants trashed 
considering what he'd just done to their home.

In the end there was no need to get the Police involved.
The last I heard, enquiries were still continuing
.......and the suspect was cooperating.

For more 'mitchpix' click on the label below, or visit my Galley Hub

Sunday, 2 February 2020

First Catch Your Rogue - 20 The Lost Puppy


If you're puzzled by this exchange,
read about 'Silver Service'

Read about the origins of 'Stupid Boy' in Dad's Army

For other chastised 'Rogues', click on the label in the list below

Saturday, 30 November 2019

First Catch Your Rogue - 19 The Factory Surveyor

 Anton thought the deserted office block would provide rich pickings of scrap metal to steal.
He drove up and brazenly entered the building in broad daylight, expecting to help himself.
Dressed in shorts because of the warm, muggy weather, he expected it to be a sweaty job
But he also liked people to look at him and admire his gym-honed body

And it was indeed his sexy body which first caught the eye of a surveyor
Who happened to be already there, upstairs, preparing a structural report for the sellers.

He found Anton in the middle of ripping out some copper cabling.
In this part of the world you could get away anything if you had the right connections
Anton didn't, but he could see right away that this man did, he wasn't just anybody 
and everyone knew that the owners of this factory were powerful, dubious people.

So when the man simply told him to hold out his wrists, Anton meekly obeyed. 
He tied them together with rope which meant an irregular, unofficial punishment
Tying them to the stairs overhead confirmed it would be an on-the-spot job 
Don't worry, they won't collapse, I've checked, I'm a surveyor, the man said.

And he proceeded to survey Anton's unprotected body with considerable thoroughness
His briefcase contained a host of tools and equipment suited to inflicting embarrassment
and enough discomfort to cause the staircase to creak ominously at times.
And a camera of course, able to record whole procedure in quality images.

Anton squirmed and suffered for 3 long hours before he was allowed to go.
But it was the parting remark, as he put his shorts back on, that chilled his soul.
"Very good" the surveyor said, "My employers will probably be in touch"
Where were the Police when you needed them? thought Anton.

Image of Anton by Russian Captured Boys

Friday, 25 October 2019

First Catch Your Rogue - 18 The Eccentric Professor

Mark - I've Changed My Mind
The boys heard about the story in an interview on the radio.
The Professor of History at the University, described as bookish, eccentric and absent minded,
had just found out that he was the owner of a valuable painting by Canaletto

The boys thought Canaletto was a kind of ice cream, but they knew what a fast buck was.
They just had to break his window at night and snatch the valuable painting off the wall 
They'd be able to sell it on at the Car Boot sale, before he was even up in the morning.

Unfortunately the boys didn't listen right through to the end of the interview
If they had, they'd have heard that he wasn't your average Professor of History.
He'd been a martial arts champion in the army and was still a part-time cage fighter.
His eccentricities included weight training in his basement at night, to combat insomnia.

It wasn't really the boy's fault that they got caught.
There was no alarm on the building and they didn't make a lot of noise getting in.
The radio report had even told them exactly where the painting was hung.
The weight room  was very well insulated, you couldn't hear - or be heard in there.

But it chanced in the middle of his workout, that the Professor remembered
that he needed to check a reference in the library for his lecture in the morning.

The boys were quite shocked to be confronted by a muscular man in his underpants.
They were even more surprised how he took control of the situation and of them,
using a confident, assertive manner, honed on years of taming wild students.

He made them feel mistaken not bad, just deprived of proper rearing and guidance.
He said it didn't feel right to call in the Police and unleash the power of the courts,
when a little friendly instruction might set them on the road to more fulfilling lives.

Later the boys couldn't remember quite how he persuaded them to take off their clothes
There was something about discarding preconceptions, becoming equals, man to man.
They thought preconceptions was about too many beers before sex with the girlfriend.

He said he would not turn them in but show them something special instead.
and once they were nearly naked it wasn't that easy to just turn and leave,
or to back out of the agreement which it seemed they had made without realising it.

Persuaded and intimidated by their mentor's strength and personal skills
the boys felt their best course, their only course, was to bend
and receive the traditional rebuke for youthful mistakes.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Photo-manip by 'Mark' at Jockspank

For other 'rogues' click on the label below

Friday, 20 September 2019

After Work

This domination image has great tension,
with multiple perpetrators calmly waiting to chastise their captive
whose nudity serves to underline his helpless predicament.

I don't lust after women, but fortunately these are suitably clothed
and the implication of a straight rogue bought to heel is compulsive.

This femdom image borrowed from drunksimian at Deviant Art has a nice balance 
and menacing tone not unlike the gangster punishment images of Woodunart

Thursday, 8 August 2019

First Catch Your Rogue - 17 Leather Ride

Then make him crawl!

Bill was a hardened criminal, always in and out of jail for violent robberies.
He spotted the young, clean-cut businessman posing with his swanky car
and felt sure he would be a pushover.
The victim lived alone, so Bill called late at night and forced his way in.
Intending to force the man to surrender his credit cards, cash and valuables.

It went better than expected, the intimidated man showed him a safe
 and even wrote down the lock combination for him.

Bill busied himself with twiddling the dial,
confident he had nothing to fear from his pathetic victim.
He forgot all about him in fact.

When the combination didn't work, he thought he'd made a mistake.
The second try failed too and when he turned to question the owner,
He was nowhere to be seen.

Hastily Bill searched the house and eventually he found him upstairs,
But he wasn't in a business suit any longer, but sparsely dressed in leather.
A cap, some biker boots, gauntlets and a very brief pouch.

The leather man advanced confidently towards him.
Bill saw and sensed how big, muscular and strong he was.
A length of heavy, clinking chain swung from his hand.

Bill knew from his time in jail when an opponent had the greater power.
He knew not to resist as his clothes were stripped off and his wrists chained together
Even though it reduced him to a puny wretch beside this mountain of muscle.

He sank to his knees and awaited his orders.

For other 'Rogues', click on the label below.

Monday, 17 June 2019

First Catch Your Rogue - 16 Military Discipline

They say that young tearaways ought to have a taste of Military Discipline.
That's what Dick got when he raided the house of Lt Colonel Thrust (retired)

He was caught in the act with his nose in the safe,
confronted by the Colonel brandishing his ceremonial sword,

Dick decided it was wise to obey the military man's command to undress,
rather than have his designer clothes (stolen) cut off him slash by slash.
(Although that was the only way he could be parted from his underwear).

Once naked, escape became quite tricky of course
and the Colonel summoned re-inforcements too,
his loyal batman, who lived next door in the annex
and turned out to be an intimidating, former Marine.

He arrived brandishing a set of hair clippers.
and dispatched Dick's spikey haircut to the bin
before ordering loudly him to "pre-sent ass!"
so he could shave him baby-smooth, down below. 

The two of them drilled Dick like this for several hours
Teaching him all they knew about military discipline.
By the time day began to break, Dick felt broken too

Denuded and drained, 
collared and cowed, 
he cringed and vowed
 He'd do his homework better next time!
For other 'Rogue' or shaving posts, click on the labels below.

Monday, 13 May 2019

First Catch Your Rogue 15 - The Gambling Hood

When Gary raided the electrical warehouse, he wore a balaclava to foil the CCTV inside.
Unfortunately a camera caught him putting it on just outside the gate where he parked his bike.
The Security Guard spotted him right away, followed him and caught him in the act.

The Guard wanted to do a cavity search, believing Gary had loot hidden on him.
Gary wasn't having that, he knew his rights and refused permission.
But the Guard was a big man and showed him he didn't have a leg to stand on.

Then the Guard went off to do his rounds, leaving Gary all alone
 in the empty room in a deserted building. It was spooky

While they waited for the Police to come the Guard played poker with him.
He said he was sick of Solitaire and it was nice to have a man to play with.
Of course Gary couldn't handle the cards or deal, so the Guard did it for him.

Gary wasn't very good at poker, and the Police were a long time coming,
When he ran out of money, they switched to clothes, soon they were all gone too.
Cut to pieces. Gary suspected the Guard was cheating.

The Guard went off to make a round again and he was gone for ages.
It was frightening for Gary now, being naked and alone in the echoing warehouse.
When the Guard returned, he offered Gary one last double-or-quits hand.

The deal was Gary would get his freedom if he won, pay a forfeit if he lost.
Gary was a gambler so he took the deal - and lost of course.
It turned out the forfeit was to be pube-shaved, with a cut-throat razor.
Gary had two reasons to tremble now, his weary leg and the razor flashing at his groin
 The shaving took for ever, scything pubes where Gary didn't know he had them
How would he explain it to his mates at the Football Club, in the communal showers?

When he'd done, the Guard applied an oily, after-shave balm to Gary's every crevice.
Gary worried about it ruining his clothes, except he didn't have any, not any more.
Riding home on his bike was clearly going to be a tricky, slippery task.

The Guard said he had one final round to make before his shift ended in 45 minutes.
Since the Police hadn't come yet, he'd have to pass Gary on to the next shift.
Or if Gary preferred, he'd deal with him himself and then let him go.

Gary thought about it while the Guard was away....
(see illustration at the top)
If he took the Guard's offer he'd be free in half an hour, max.
He could get his weight off the one leg, which was killing him now.
He'd avoid being ridiculed by more Security Men,
He'd avoid being arrested and charged by the Police.
He'd already been detained for several hours and terrorised

What more could this man possibly do to him in 30 minutes?
It would probably only cost him a telling off. 

It was a no-brainer really, a bit like Gary himself.
Worth taking the chance.

The Guard returned with a holdall, as though ready to go home,
so Gary agreed to the deal without asking any more about it.
and was surprised when the Guard produced from his bag - a cane.
A Disciplinary Cane

Gary's insides turned to jelly, his bowels churned and his standing leg shuddered
as the Guard smiled and moved behind him, flexing and swishing the cane like a pro.
Suddenly Gary's naked, shaved posterior seemed terribly vulnerable and exposed.

and 30 minutes seemed a long, long time.

For other 'Rogue' or shaving posts, click on the labels below.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

First Catch Your Rogue 14 - The Underwear Man

I'm getting interested in rehabilitating rogues.
This bad boy seemed like just another clumsy, house invader at first.
But when I stripped him down I could see that his choice of underwear
(Brand new and probably stolen)
 meant he was ready-dressed for incarceration.
And with that physique, he was sure to be very popular inside!

Once I explained that to him (in lurid detail),
He agreed to co-operate with my counselling.
Sensibly reasoning that a slick probing in a comfy bed
Was better than fielding multiple losers on a hard, prison floor.

This is Rogue No 14, to see the others, click on the 'rogues' label below

Friday, 7 December 2018

First Catch Your Rogue 13 - The Art Thief

First catch your rogue

 Then make him grovel.

Then widen his education.

He won't thank for it, but at least you'll be doing your bit.

Devin Moss loses his shorts and has his ...erm...horizons widened 
by Rafael Alencar in Disturbing the Peace (2011)
Photos courtesy of

For more rogues click on the label below

Friday, 26 October 2018

First Catch Your Rogue 12 - Teardrops

These days it seems like any Rogue can invade your property with impunity, 
help themselves to your valuables and leave the place in a mess.
 That's what Gary intended to do when he invaded the house of a wealthy investor.

He had observed the man departing with a suitcase for one of his regular absences.
 and to his delight, he found the fool had left the back door unlocked.
But once he was inside he was surprised to run into another man
 standing in a hallway, a man dressed only in swimming trunks.

There was a brief struggle in which Gary soon realised that he was out-classed 
That was followed by another brief struggle which left him wearing only his briefs.

Gary didn't know that the investor had a Protégé that he was sponsoring,
a young man who was training to be a professional wrestler.
He was delighted to acquire an impromptu training partner.
Gary wasn't much of an opponent, easily overpowered,
but his slender supple body was ideal for a new hold the wrestler was learning, 
'The Teardrop'.  


Round and round they went and Gary howled and pleaded
His anguish was ignored and no-one outside heard or came to save him. 
Gary didn't know what the hold was called 
but his face was suitably streaked with tears anyway
as his captor carried him up the stairs to bed
for a bout of grappling of another sort.

Gary had arrived thinking "I'll just slip in and lift what I want".
Instead, it was him that got lifted - and his target who slipped in
able to have whatever he wanted.

for other Rogues, click on the label below