To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 10 February 2025

The Lost Patrol


 A group of dejected, captured soldiers are being led through the jungle.
Their hands are tied behind their backs. Their shirts and boots have been taken from them.

As they march, their captor beats them on the shoulders with a riding crop.  

Deeper and deeper into the forest they trek, urged on by their masked escort's blows.


Their army comrades and the life they knew are left further and further behind.

Eventually, the cruel guard stops for a rest.
The exhausted men sink down onto the ground.

But there's no respite from punishment for the captives. 
The soldier who asked for the rest receives special attention for his insolence,
 and for lagging behind at the end of the file, as they marched.

His burly comrade protests and is given the same treatment.
The other two lie on the ground, hands tied, looking on helplessly.


The guard takes them through the gate, into a farm building which seems to be abandoned.
Inside, he strings them up and begins to brutally interrogate them. 

After many hours questioning and punishment, they are let down.
Hog-tied on the floor, sleep finally brings a merciful respite to the exhausted men. 

But all too soon it's daybreak again.
The sound of suffering wakes them from bad dreams. 


The captives are taken outside and forced to kneel submissively.
They are not alone, other captives can be heard grunting and protesting.


'The Complainer' is taken away, tied to a yoke, that exposes his back.
His captors lead him past an elegant, swimming pool.
This isn't an old, abandoned farm, but a rich man's villa. 


His comrades hear the sound of the whip, but cannot intervene to help him. 
Their feet are tied together so they cannot rise off their knees.
After an hour of kneeling in bondage, their own bodies begin to suffer.

Complaining to their captors only hastens their first acquaintance with the flogger.
They are still unaware that they have become a rich man's playthings.

In the days that follow, punishment becomes a familiar routine.
Their captors now seem more interested in tormenting, rather than questioning them.
That and inventing new ways to tie them up. 


The restraints change, but the pain remains the same.
The men get brief periods of rest when others are selected for maltreatment.
But there's a steady stream of fresh tormentors arriving every day.
They never seem to tire of their sport.

Seeing other members of their unit, who have also been brought to this terrible place,
makes the men increasingly despair of ever being rescued.  


Those who manage to escape are brought back in chains.
Only hastily grabbed sleep allows them any relief from the ordeal

But all too soon, there's someone else who wants them.


In the midst of endless, frenzied activity.
The men learn the true meaning of loneliness.
These splendid images of military bondage have been sent to me by a group of Mexican bodybuilders who are exploring the making of videos with themes of captivity and punishment, rather like the storyettes of Royale Studio in the 50s. They say "we all are straight men but willing to offer attractive scenes to a gay audience". I should add that the grim story line I have used for this montage is mine not theirs. 
You can view a trailer at Mission in Jeopardy
More about the group's founder on Instagram @velamusclebuilding

Friday, 7 February 2025

More Art by Roman AI

After The Trial

 The convicted felon contemplates what might happen to him in jail.
His escorts contemplate what they can do with him before he is spoiled by jail.

Sinister Corn Field

Cornfields lit by sunset's glow make a haven for forbidden love....
But cornfields also have a reputation for more sinister goings-on.
Are these two hunks, drifting off in the back of a pick-up, here by choice? 
Are those spiky corn stalks simply harmless vegetation or ....something else?
And what does that strange, eerie light really signify?

Mafia Madness

In some places, the price of keeping your integrity can be high.
But if you're cute enough, there's always a way out.

Stop and Search

Adulation can be so boring.
"Sorry Boys, I have a fashion shoot which I simply have to go to.
But you can lock me up for resisting arrest next week, if you like..."
Lucky Bastard

Building sites: a ferment of competitive masculinity and towering erections.
The Foreman's been hitting on this hunk for weeks and now a weed gets him first go!
"Yeah, but he's cute and you're ugly" his buddy points out. 

Jail Break
"OK, Boys, leave us alone. I'll deal with this one".
He'd been stalking the cute cop next door for weeks and weight training to impress him.
But it took a wrong left turn to give him his big break and a spell in the cells with him.

Meeting His Mummy

"You realise there's a curse if you dare to enter my sarcophagus?" the apparition warned him
Luckily, the young man already knew that defying 'curses' was sometimes well worth it.

Don't worry, you'll soon get used to the floggings

The Bigger They Are, The Better. That was the slave catcher's motto. 
"Don't worry, man" he told the driver whom he'd pulled over on a remote highway.
"Working the fields for your keep is a lot easier than driving a truck. 
You might even get a plum job inside, on night duties" he added, eyeing Dan's jeans.
"And you'll soon get used to the floggings".

Shall I Fill It Up?

I suppose a lady would flash her leg to get the pump boy's attention
But an ingenious way of keeping cool, while driving on a hot day,
did pretty much the same job for this young man.
Just don't ask what's in the yellow pump!

On Your Feet, Punk, You've Scored!


You Lost Kid - Now Brace Yourself For The Consequences

Eight O'clock, My Room, In Your PT Shorts, Got It?

Tight ones, preferably 

Six on the Ass and One in the Eye

Always leave them wanting more, they say.
Well, it's easier for some than others!
I love the thread of desirable nerds in this artist's output, 
snaring mysterious, hunky, leather men who can't hide the pull they feel.
How About We Just Go Back To The Hotel and Fuck?

A holiday squabble turns out not so bad.

I've Already Searched For Hidden Weapons.

.....and I think this is the Mr Big we've all been looking for, Sarge.
He's a highly skilled pickpocket too, so watch out for your zip.


Read Part 1 of this series

 I've given RomanAI a second post to illustrate the variety of his imaginings. There are many talented producers of AI Art who seem to find a groove, produce a flood of exciting images within that fairly narrow focus and then run out of new ideas and just carry on like they started. The trouble is, there are lots of others doing more or less the same thing and, inevitably, getting more or less the same results. Easily available AI engines won't let you go where you want. Until they do, only ingenuity and imagination will produce the next big idea.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Dr Smith (Film 911)

Brody is visiting Dr Smith when he starts to feel a pain in his chest.
Smith is quickly onto it, undoing Brody's shirt to check him over.

In no time at all, he has Brodie on his table, stripped to his underwear.
He is ventilated and all sorts of cables are attached to his upper body. 
Brody is reassured, they look like sensors, but they are not.....
Tuco is a petty criminal, he knows what the cables do.
He was sent to Dr Smith by the local correctional facility to participate in 'experiments'.
Tuco was surprised when he was immediately ordered to strip down to his underpants.

He was even more surprised when the Doctor bolted him to a post by the neck. 
They didn't do that to him in the jail he had come from.
After that, the Doctor attached lots of those coloured cables to Tuco's torso.
Then he flicked a switch and immediately, Tuco was bombarded by electric shocks. 
The Doctor just stood and watched him.
Then he moved in, wanting the feel of the effects of treatment, hands on.

 Tuco told him it hurt, but he passed out before the experiment was ended.
When he came to, he was strapped to a gurney. 
And the Doctor was reattaching the electrodes........

 Tuco was so relieved when they sent him back to prison

This is the wacky, weird and decidedly sinister world of Dr Smith at Film 911.
He has an understandable interest in men and getting them out of their kit,
and uses a wide range of techniques for accomplishing that objective.
Drug injection, knockout drops and the like - plus hypnosis, sometimes deception.

After that it's gets strange, very strange, in many different ways. 
And no-one really knows what is real or imaginary
Except Dr Smith


Damon just came in as a model to do a shoot, he was great at simulating shocks.
But then he had an asthma attack or thought he did, fiction and reality blur so easily!.  
Damon looses consciousness, but the Doctor stays with him, giving comfort.
Anticipating further problems, he undresses him (as you do)
Then he attaches ECG electrodes as a precaution - and to pass the time.

With Damon still unconscious, the Doc drags him to the bedroom.
It's a route that many men follow without knowing it, after meeting Dr Smith 

There those nasty cables bring Damon back to consciousness, 
But there's a plug in his mouth, it restricts his breathing, but he can't spit it out.
This precipitates another asthma crisis.

Damon struggles but finds he is strapped down on the bed
He is under electrical attack and struggling to breathe
But the Doctor stays calm and delves into his underwear. 
Just checking his pulse, I suppose.

Damon's crisis grow worse, he may even be 'going',
so the Doctor brings out his defibrillator, just in case.

Predictably, he has to use it and Damon responds dramatically.
But it's not really clear by then what the Doctor is trying to do.
Nathan is a private detective who tries to find out what's going on at the Docs.
He gains entry to the Doctor's premises, but is caught by the surveillance system.
A specially designed, loud alarm has the effect of knocking him out.
Nathan too ends up in his underpants and strapped down on the gurney.
The Doctor administers discomfort to him via his air supply.
It's partly a punishment for his intrusion, and partly a tongue loosener,
but mainly to further his fascination with breath control.

It isn't long before the Doc decides he needs to apply the defibrillator.
It's very clear from Nathan's response that it's not really needed.

In the sinister world of Dr Smith at Film 911
It isn't just a matter of pain but life itself.

But there's more to him than cardiac arrests, more next time