To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label mitchmods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mitchmods. Show all posts

Monday, 24 March 2025

Wrestling Captions

Dual domination. Pure fiction, of course!
Ty Alexander humiliatingly head-scissored by Lobo Gris, 
while Ethan Andrews is painfully racked by Gabe Steele.

Rexx and Cameron really go for it.
Dig those saucy panties, Cam!

Photo's above courtesy of Wrestler4Hire  

 Chase Lundquist lifted in a bearhug (or bare hug) by TannerHill
At 88Wrestling 


Friday, 28 February 2025

Crazy Cop Caps 14




Go to Crazy Cop Caps 15

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Julius Milk Collection

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Monday, 20 January 2025

Diplomatic Language

AI image generated by 'muscle and boots'

caption by mitchmen

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Targeted - Collar and Tie

Dave and Sam normally spent New Year in front of the TV.
They reckoned it was the best way to enjoy all the fireworks.
But this year they got a surprise, personal invitation to a private party.
It came from 'John', but they could guess which John it was.

The black dress code was a slightly daunting to Sam, 
but Dave, who mixed in classy circles, was perfectly relaxed.
Plus, there was to be a spectacular display at midnight.
So they thought, Why Not?  Enjoy the change. 
Something out of their comfort zone, you might say.

The venue was already busy with guests when they arrived.
They didn't spot John amongst the crowd but  
they were immediately offered free drinks and food,
so they were soon enjoying the party atmosphere.
About half past eleven, anticipation and excitement was rising.
Dave and Sam were both feeling distinctly mellow.
Then someone called for silence, he had an announcement to make.
He asked for the Guests of Honour to come to the stage. 
Dave and Sam discovered it was they who were the Guests of Honour,
a group of burly men closed in and frog-marched them to the front.
Gazing out at the crowd, they realised they were all dressed in black leather.
But any feeling of being over-dressed was quickly taken away from them.

In fact, all their clothes were taken away from them, by muscular attendants.
They weren't exactly in good shape to resist, but tried their best.
The crowd appreciated their efforts and wild cheering broke out
as they were buckled into wrist suspension bars and their arms hoisted high.
In a final dramatic gesture, their attackers removed their underwear.
Sam cursed loudly as his new, Christmas, designer briefs were cut open.  
It was little consolation when they were replaced by soiled jock straps
 donated by audience members in the front row, their pouches still warm.

Thanking the donors, the MC reminded them of the Charity Auction
which would enable them to recover their property (with added interest!)
The front row audibly dissented, convinced that some rich bastard
would inevitably carry off the star prizes to some distant part of the globe.

'Big Ben' was invited to come to the stage to 'officiate' the midnight rites
The Guests of Honour would lead the count-down to the strokes of midnight.
That's 12 strokes each of course, he cackled, to uproarious laughter.
'Black Jack' was summoned to be his assistant and synchronise

Dave just had time to apologise to Sam before Big Ben gagged them both
So that they might bear the ritual strokes safely and with dignity.
Their only consolation was to be in the front row for the 'fireworks'.
But in all honesty, it would probably have been better on the TV at home.

for other captions, click on the 'mitchmods' label below

Monday, 30 December 2024

The King's Mount

 The inspiring original is by muscleandboots @tumblr

For more captions click on the mitchmods label below

Sunday, 29 December 2024

After The Parade

It had become a weekly ritual. After the Parade, the Colonel would summon a selection of his Officers for a debriefing on how he thought it had gone. One or two of them would be commended for the way his men had turned out and then dismissed. The remainder would have the faults in their Divisions laid out in excoriating detail. The worst would suffer a spanking in front of their colleagues. 

In pursuit of this method of instilling excellence, the Colonel had introduced a new Parade Dress Uniform for the Officers only. It looked wonderful, but the tight pants that replaced the normal riding breeches were made of the thinnest material imaginable. It was true that tough seats were not required for riding in a parade, but it ensured that any punishment afterwards would be much more painful. So thin was the material that the officers riding astride their horses could feel their butts tingling under the stares of the men riding behind them. When mistakes started to happen, they would buzz in anticipation of the inevitable retribution.

 The inspiring original by muscleandboots @tumblr

For more captions click on the mitchmods label below

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Morning Ride

The Prince's stable-boy has earned privileged access to the seat of power. The prince loves his stallion.

He knows he must maintain the dignity of his position.
Fortunately, the boy responds well to a stern hand.

 Original image by muscleandboots

Thursday, 19 December 2024

By Royal Command

A Ballet Troupe has been performing at the Palace
'The Nutcracker', of course

The King is known for his intense interest in Ballet

But what the King is really thinking is.....

Of course he is much too well-bred to say so.

Reluctance feeds the fires of desire.

Looks like a hot end for one man
and a happy ending for the other.


 The splendid, original AI image was generated by muscleandboots
captions by mitchmen blog

click on mitchmods below for more captions

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Vintage Targeting

Irwin Horwitz captured by Eddie Williams (WPG)

 An unusually daring bondage image from WPG. The subject of abduction itself is controversial in any age and this image is realistically modelled compared with most contemporary imagery, with the wrist restraint looking snug and the ropes held by the abductor stretched tight. All this with both models completely naked.

Irwin Horwitz fights Eddie Williams (WPG)

This image, possibly from the same series, shows Irwin holding his own against Eddie, an older man with superior size and muscle development. It's not obvious that it's the same location, but Eddie, at least, is still pouched here. Irwin seems to have a vicious hammerlock on his left arm. 

Irwin Horwitz (WPG)

Irwin's somewhat boyish appearance in the duals with Eddie, detract from their appeal for me, but this studio image portrays him in a much more desirable light, with decent, light musculature and a sexy smattering of body hair, especially in the lower regions. 

Perhaps Irwin was trained and buffed up after being captured and this is him on his big day at the saleroom. He presents well.

And if you're wondering whether Eddie managed to fulfil his capture quota that day, 
up in them, thar hills, the image below may give you the answer.

Eddie Williams in chains (WPG)

Eddie appeared in the same auction catalogue as Irwin, as Lot 112.
He protested to the end and this image captured the moment when he had to be whipped
to make him go onto the stage and mount the rostrum.
That sort of behaviour is counter-productive, it attracts the worst kind of bidders, the harsh disciplinarians and men who don't want the slave as a worker at all, just as a target for their venom.


I have added this post to the 'Vintage Bondage' and 'Targeted' series.

Click on the labels below for related posts (mitchmods for more captions)

Tuesday, 10 December 2024


 You might be lucky, maybe he only wants your underpants!

click on the mitchmods label below for more captions

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Jero Taster - Military Life

Jero - Stars or Stripes (mod by mitchmen)

 Etienne graphically portrayed the arbitrary demands of service life with a GI providing sexual service to Sergeant Storm in order gain a pass to see his girlfriend. This take on the subject by Jero is much less orthodox. His scenario involves a sergeant being on the receiving end of arbitrary duties, being forced to wear an embarrassingly skimpy, bikini brief. 

I have invented an arbitrary bed-time inspection procedure to account for this request, with the 'Crazy Colonel' inspecting the Sergeant's pouch as closely as the state of his bed. Probably putting both of them to the test before turning in himself. It's demeaning for a man of the Sergeant's standing to be treated in this way but he seems have already succumbed to wearing the 'Stars' brief, which is more accommodating but still backless. Presumably he wears it under his normal uniform, so that the Colonel can casually communicate his interest in his ass on the parade ground, without arousing the other ranks. Suspicions that is.

An alternative scenario is for the poor man to be detailed to provide table service in the Officer's mess, where his pouch is progressively presented at face level to all those seated round the table, with his hands otherwise engaged of course. Meanwhile his bare backside is offered up to the adjacent diner as he bends to serve. However it seems even more of an improbable assignment for a Sergeant.

This picture is a derivative of an earlier image by Jero in which the muscle hunk is non-military and simply pondering two, equally sized garments with no-one else present.

Friday, 15 November 2024

Moving Experiences

 Mummification has it's practical uses.

click on the 'mitchmods' label below for other captions at mitchmen.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Thursday, 31 October 2024

A New Life for an Old Lag

 New inmates at the mitchmen penitentiary get a thorough medical check on arrival.
Just to make sure they will fit in with the existing arrangements.

 Produced by Mitchell using the 'Playground' AI engine
click on the labels below for related posts at mitchmen blog

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Over the Top (or under?)

 Maybe it's best to finish this embarrassing situation in the dressing rooms.
What's left of them!

You never know what will get thrown up when AI gets off the leash,
but it knows how I think, note the positioning of the steam!
I'm into rugby but these backsides could be gracing any sport.

Produced by Mitchell using the 'Playground' AI engine
click on the labels below for related posts at mitchmen blog

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Life At the Shallow End - Targeted

One of life's dilemmas:
If you are caught wandering the streets in your swimming costume,
Is it better to be interviewed by Police for the prank?
or to be referred to the medical team for analysis?
The shallow end or the deep end?


Produced by Mitchell using the 'Playground' AI engine
click on the labels below for related posts at mitchmen blog

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Hussar Entrance Exam

Hussar Entrance Exam

 It's hard to get into the elite Royale Hussars Regiment.
Applicants must show an aptitude for spending hours jogging in the saddle.
Plus blind obedience to orders, of course.


Based on an image from Royale Studio's storyette 'The Stolen Motorcycle'
which I have started to post at the Royale Gallery.
The original story is rather different to this interpretation!

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Red all round

 Jockstraps on big men are just so tempting!

I love the mysterious downward tugging of the coaches T-shirt!
Evidence of another element of the humbled jock's punishment?
This man obviously enjoys his job to the hilt.

Image adapted by mitchmen from an unknown cartoonist's original (below)
Take your pick!

Wednesday, 25 September 2024