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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label forced. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forced. Show all posts

Friday, 1 September 2023

Defeat and Enslavement - Art by Theurges pt3

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

This artist's depiction of human encounters with fantasy 'creatures' produces some memorable imagery (see Part 2) but this struggle between humans - Niamh and The Alpha - is the most substantial work at his  web site (link at the foot of the post) and arguably his best story-telling. 

Niamh is the ginger-haired, former hero and leader of a combat-based culture. He is recalled from retirement and marriage by the goading of his successor Buck, The Alpha, who has risen to power by ruthlessly eliminating his rivals and now wants Niamh to be his final and most valuable scalp. 

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

Forced into hand-to-hand combat, Niamh's courage and experience is no match for the overwhelming size and strength of his opponent. In this image you get the measure of the daunting imbalance as he seems to be enveloped by hairy fleshiness in an intimate, vice-like embrace which he cannot escape and prevents him fighting back.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

At one point, The Alpha upends him and pins him to the floor, gripping his throat in a suffocating grip. It's a position which seems to foreshadow the fate he has planned for the hero once he has been defeated.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

Niamh's resistance is ultimately broken when The Alpha reveals that he holds his family as hostages. Niamh is forced to kneel in an imaginative restraint apparatus (which looks like it might double up as a wallpaper pasting table when not required for sex).  Thus immobilised The Alpha allows his cronies to use the hero to satiate their brutal lusts, one after another. Niamh's family look on witnessing his degradation which climaxes (so to speak) when he is seen to be responding sexually to the assault. 

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha
This marvellous domination image is one of the highlights of the series. 
It shows Niamh voluntarily entering into The Alpha's service as his slave in order to save his family. 
He kneels at the foot of Buck's bed awaiting his new master's first instruction.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

The defeated hero is forced to service the victor. This image seems to capture his stoic resignation and passive acceptance of the humiliating role he must now perform.
It is the start of a long and varied ordeal.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

In the end Niamh seems to develop genuine feelings for his captor and responds to him.
He deceives himself into thinking it is a relationship based on mutual love.
In reality, The Alpha simply enjoys exploiting and controlling a strong and handsome man.
Inevitably, he eventually tires of the game.
Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

Niamh is cast into a dungeon and forgotten by his 'lover'. 
He becomes easy prey for all the low lives and criminals who follow The Alpha. 
But his spirit has been broken .

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha
These men use him cruelly, however they wish.
He cherishes the hope that one day his lover will return
and that his sacrifice means his family are safe and unharmed.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

Then one day the Guards come and chain him into an X-frame
Finally Buck does reappear but only to tell him that he has no use for him any more.
The poignant scene is telling depicted here.


You can see the final outcome at Theurges on pixiv

Sunday, 16 July 2023

Domination Art by Paragon Illusions

Paragon Illusions - Acquiescence

A young man prepares for his first fetish experience. His hands are clasped behind his back, submissively anticipating restraint, but his teacher has decided that first he must learn unquestioning obedience and so, symbolically, he gags him. No questioning now, no answering back.

Great image!

Paragon Illusions - Weekend Play Toy

On a lonely road at night an expensive car draws up. A man gets out and stands, looking around. Then he begins to take off his expensive clothes - his jacket and tie, his trousers and shirt, carefully folding them all and storing them in the boot of the car (the trunk). After a second or two of hesitation, he takes off his underpants too and drops them on top of the pile. 

Next he opens the box that was delivered to him that morning. He takes from it a length of chain, winds it tightly round his ankles, as instructed, and secures it with a padlock, making very sure that the chains are tight, because he doesn't have the key to release them for a second attempt. He takes a second length of chain from the box and winds it round his wrists, which is more difficult, he has to use his mouth as well for this, but he practiced it (as instructed) before he left home. This time though he has to finish by closing the padlock, After that there will be no going back.

His decision made, he closes the boot-lid and hobbles round to the front of the car to wait, standing between the headlights. It's a cold, cloudless night and he shivers. He arrived a little early, wanting to be sure he had time to do everything just right. The man who is collecting him is probably watching him right now, but he won't show himself before the pre-arranged time. He may even turn up late, that is his prerogative. They have the whole weekend in front of them.

Paragon Illusions - Fantasy Fulfilled

In the first two fantasies, the subs offered themselves up completely naked. Clubland pick-ups usually come ready-packed in leather gear so it's a rare luxury for the top to be able to clothe a new acolyte to suit himself, in his own taste. For the newcomer, spread naked and waiting in the dungeon chains for the scene to begin, the buckling of someone else's harness tight across his chest, entrusting him to wear it, is an exciting expression of acceptance. The securing of the top's chastity device between nervous legs is an unsubtle assertion of his total control. These introductions complete, he is free to assess the man at his disposal for what is about to unfold. 

There's an inter-generational element to this image which changes a conventional 'training' scenario into something more interesting, with genuine mentorship and learning. 

Paragon Illusions - Board Bound

The training of mature men is no less exciting than instructing the uninitiated young. In fact, maturity and bulk in a sub add a suggestion of humbled pride to his act of unforced submission. This top seems to be making the most of it, pausing to observe the sub's reactions before securing the fourth and final limb in the fetters. He's clad his student in a bulky steel collar and mounted him on an uncomfortable, crude but strong open frame in symbolic containment of his superior, physical size. 
Now he can start to assess his inner strength and devise his training strategy.

 Beards on young and older men have become more favoured in recent years and this artists work reflects that with a pleasing spread of ages and nice balance between realism and ideals in body types. His participants all look different and, in their own way, desirable.

Paragon Illusions - Dare Taken

A strikingly attractive man bends his partner over a leather horse to make him pay a hot bottom forfeit. Somehow the artist has managed to capture a good sense of his forcefulness and their struggle.

The playful title here implies an equality of status that isn't evident in the imagery, with the shaving of a man's head being a classic degradation technique. Some subs do it for themselves which seems to miss the point and undermines a top's control. Perhaps that is the 'dare' at the heart of this piece.

Paragon Illusions - Disappointment

This misty image is a beautiful statement of forced submission. It owes a great deal of course to the imagery of captured agents and interrogation chairs in spy thrillers where the audience is split between those who fear their hunky hero is about to experience unpleasantness and those who desperately hope he will. That source does not detract from this artist's interpretation, the muscular captive's bowed head here is particularly expressive. However, it does make the adaptation to a leather/biker scenario a little confusing. 

You can interpret this as a biker gang boss rebuking an underling for a mission failure, but a studded paddle would be an unlikely interrogation tool for such a man, particularly when faced with a seated captive. In the fetish world, folding chairs like this are more likely to be found in the wrestling ring than a dungeon.

The artist's title is typical of his work, suggesting a deeply involved, consensual but strictly hierarchical power relationship between these two men. It seems to have gone off-script here with the dominant partner left nursing a bruised lip having been obliged to reassert his control. The remedy seems to be to sit the cowed offender down for a dose of Daddy talk (laced with emotional blackmail) after which he will agree to lower his thick leather pants for a spanking he'll never forget.

Whether you buy that or not, it's still a great picture.

Paragon Illusions - Factory Fantasy

The mysterious imagery of abandoned factories has a special place in the world of fetish where the vast, enclosed but neglected spaces and their trappings of chains, machines, furnaces and mobile cranes provide a wealth of intimidating atmosphere and kit for any would-be dominator. The setting was memorably featured in the Zeus 'Steel Dungeon' videos (1995) while 'Shooting the Past' by Priapus (2017) provides a gentler, more recent example. 

Paragon's take on the theme captures the spooky essence of the setting rather well, with the dark, misty lighting and invading undergrowth creating up a great sense of remoteness and isolation, that guarantees privacy for the protagonists or, if you prefer, eliminates any chance of rescue. His title cleverly damps down any suggestion of impropriety in what is about to happen whilst leaving the story of how this man came to be here naked and chained and his relationship (if any) with his 'captor' cloaked in ambiguity.

Paragon Illusions - Lesson in the Rain

The natural world in this piece becomes an even more active participant in the fetish experience, with a sub forced to stand outside, naked in (sleety-looking) rain. His top watches him from the warmth of their sitting room, able to enjoy his discomfort but also the embellishing effect of the gleaming water on his skin tones. It's very reminiscent of the work of Okawa and other Japanese fetish artists who put their subs out in the snow. I'm glad to say Paragon's victim looks a a good deal older and more than able to look after himself. This is one of my favourite images by this artist.

The artist's commentaries visualise a consensual contract that permits this sort of humiliation as a honourable, character-enhancing experience for the sub, much as Military Training does. Amalaric by contrast is rather good at thinking up other, thoroughly disreputable ways to persuade strong men to do want they wouldn't do otherwise.


More Paragon next time


Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Tips For Your Holiday - No 8


When visiting foreign lands be careful how you dress for the beach.

In some cultures, the loin cloth is the uniform of servitude

and locals are always on the lookout for opportunities to make money from tourists.

photo: Bruce of LA

for other holiday tips or enslavement fantasies click on the labels below