Absolutbleu - A Visit To The Doctor
The Doctor's Surgery only qualifies as a 'gay haunt' in the annals of porn fantasies, but as you might expect, the Absolutbleu-Flirt will find cause to attend one with an intimate problem. He smirks at us in satisfaction as his ballooning physique meets with the usual awed and lustful response. For once, touching is in order but the Medics show an unprofessional eagerness to start examining him.
Absolutbleu has used a slightly different style here, colouring a semi-refined drawing with a watercolour effect, the treatment of shadowing is bold and confident (e.g. the gloves). The veins in the A-Flirt's arms are a detail that underlines his genuine interest in real muscle.
Absolutbleu - A Medical Phenomenon
This diptych tells the story of a different medical patient. He's a stereotypical American Muscle Jock with square jaw and buzz haircut topping off an amazing (almost feminine) hourglass figure. We see him (left) getting joyously laid in his purple muscle thong, but a few months later strange things have started happening to his body (right)! The Doctor celebrates a discovery which will transform his career but the pregnant and lactating jock is dismayed by the changes in his body. He's probably dreading having to tell the father.
Pregnant men are not a new idea but I can't recall having seen milk-spurting pecs illustrated like this anywhere else in gay erotica . You'd think it would connect to an interest in the fetish of nipple sucking. Admiration of voluptuous breasts obviously lies at the core of Absolutbleu's art and they often get handled in his images - cupped, squeezed or used as a place to park heads and cocks. Strangely, though, lips and nipples sometimes get close but never seem to touch.
Absolutbleu - Animal Milk
I suspect this image may be a clue to the evolution of the artist's thought processes, with an ox-like 'manimal' giving up milk from his pec-udder instead of the usual style of male ejaculation. I imagine this fantasy creature is inspired by a computer game character but haven't identified him. Game-inspired scenarios form a significant chunk of Absolutbleu's output, but it's not a subject I know much about so I don't try to cover it in any depth in these articles.
Games aside, Man-Bull morphs (minotaurs) have a long history, having been used to express the animal sexuality and strength of males since ancient times and were notably revived by Picasso in the 1930's. Absolutbleu concentrates on the bulk of the creature rather than it's earthier characteristics such as hair and animal features. The beast might easily be a captive although we can't see any restraints. If it has a male organ, it isn't visible, the erotic power lies in his (apparent) exploitation by the smaller characters, a theme that we've seen in other images.
One man here tries to catch the spurting milk in his mouth (almost as though it had magical properties) but he doesn't get close enough to suck from the source. In fact, despite the explicit coupling that's implied, the two men seem oddly detached from the beast as though they were completing a serious task or challenge (like the Labours of Hercules), rather than indulging in a forbidden lust. For me, the milk-catchers' sensuously-shaded G-string cum loin cloth is the sexiest part of this image (and the only explicit evidence of a cock) .
Absolutbleu - Blank Milked
In this extraordinary image, a highly stylised, muscle bunny is hung up by his thong, plugged in the butt and left to have his pecs milked by an unseen, suction machine. This picture draws parallels between pec milking and the cock-centred kind shown in the mitchmen milking factory series, including an element of forcible restraint and the replacement of human interaction by a mechanical extraction device. Despite that connection, the eroticism here is muted. This image primarily seems to gently mock muscle folk's obsession with their own pec size.
Absolutbleu - Beach Milk Fest
There's no lack of human interaction in this picture which celebrates mighty pecs and their bearers (barer's?). It looks like a group of beach bunnies (from Bulges Bar?) have had their gossip interrupted by a mischievous group of passing lads who grab their tits and squeeze them, causing milk to spray out, drenching each other. It's what you might call a 'white shower' orgy (as opposed to a golden one). Somewhat surprisingly, the erotic effect of pec-milk cascading over muscular bodies is much the same, but more wholesome, obviously!
The matching, skimpy tops of the muscle-hunks reiterate that sense of muscle club exclusivity seen in other images, but nevertheless this energetic invasion seems to be welcomed by the members of this clique, who perhaps see it as flattery, due reward for their efforts in the gym.
Like other images in this group there are no male organs in sight although the poses here suggest coupling might be taking place out of sight, down below. This feature may be a result of self-censorship for publication reasons, this particular image looks as if it might have been cropped.
Absolutbleu - Christmas Milk and Cookies
This artist is so prolific in producing Christmas images that it's impossible to ignore them and this one is quite a good example of our pec-milking theme anyway, with a muscle hunk condemned to selling cookies from a tray, completely nude, and also being used as a walking milk dispenser. His ultra-strong spray has produced embarrassing results, but his discomfort is also be due to the erotic arousal that all this handling by strangers has induced. He seems to using his tiny tray to hold down his enlarging organ, it can barely hide it.
Compare with the humiliated Cafe Waiter in Part 5
Absolutbleu - Angel Milked
The fallen angel is a fantasy stereotype that has much appeal for gay artists, providing an opportunity to combine erotic themes with a traditional, serious art construct (e.g. see Luxuris). Succumbing to temptation is a universal gay experience anyway but this context also allows us to poke fun at religious hypocrisy. Absolutbleu also seems to see it as another vehicle for breaking down the barrier that muscle hunks seem to hide behind. By characterising this one as an angel falling from grace, he seems to be linking their aloofness with old-fashioned religious 'goodness' and sexual abstinence, which is also traditionally a prerequisite for athletic prowess.
That apartness only serves to make the angel's 'essence' all the more desirable, venerated even, by the demons of this universe (which I guess means the rest of us!). They capture him, induce him into sexual arousal and milk him into a golden chalice. He is clearly humiliated by their handling of his body, fearfully enlightened too perhaps about the joys of forceful sex, but the classical connotations seem to imply that he may ultimately be cast out of his clique for this lapse.
Absolutbleu - Heroes ina Barren World
This image seems to echo those sentiments of purity with two (computer game?) heroes helping each other to negotiate a grey, barren landscape littered with phallic erections. A fragment of bright sky promises a happy future for the two buddies if they stick together. That's a message that wouldn't be out of place in a teen comic (and indeed, the War Comics that I periodically feature at mitchmen do sometimes include phallic rocks, but that's a different subject for another day!).
It's quite hard to read the symbolism here. The caution of the heroes seems to imply that the rocks are dangerous and poised to sully the unwary. But they look quite dead and it may be that they are the remains of previous heroes who failed to negotiate this obstacle. It may be just a matter of context but there's a curious, niggling negativity or reserve about sex in this image and to some extent in the preceding one, but it's heightened by the dark tones here. It's quite different to the usual joyous work of this artist and yet seems significant in a way I cannot fathom (is it about good sex and bad sex?) .
Absolutbleu - Santa's Grotto
There's obviously no sexual reserve here as three lads take it (literally) in turns to make a wish in Santa's (rather opulent) Grotto. Of course, Santa turns out to be a muscle hunk, but the artist also creates an association with the 'Daddy' phenomenon that's not evident elsewhere in his work. Perhaps the disguise allows him the freedom to cross the divide and indulge himself with ordinary men. This understated but convincing depiction of sex as a simple, mutual pleasure and indeed as a reward for being good, is actually one of this artist's more notable works. I like the idea of 'bottom icing', very festive! Notice also the suggestive detailing of the gift at Santa's feet.
Absolutbleu - Reinhardt-vs-Vampire-Killer |
Although I have identified this character, I haven't researched the background scenario, but I imagine this is not the same outcome as the original! I have included this image mainly for it's (mild) bondage content which is quite a rarity in this artist's work. The vibrating plug suggests oriental origins.
There's some intriguing grey body colouring here which may connect with the Vampire theme, is that vibrator sucking his blood? For me, the knee high armour is a slightly feminine erotic device but there's no arguing with the cock bondage!
Absolutbleu - Kitten and Wool
This final image casting a muscle-hunk as a cuddly kitten also hints at bondage. It's a world away from the hunk's Daddy role as Santa (above) and equally distant from the cliquish Beach Bunnies we've seen, but it shows this artist's unflagging humour and deep affection for his muscle men. Plus I would suggest, a subliminal desire to capture one and have him as a pet. This characterisation is actually not all that odd if you think about it. Cats are aloof too.
Read this mitchmen series from
Part 1 where you will also find links to several galleries featuring this artist's work