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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label Holiday Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday Tips. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Mitchell is on holiday

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 1

Away from the pressures of daily routines,
the body can rest and the brain roam freely
But it's not advisable to fall asleep in the sun.

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 2

Beach etiquette (and parenting) are not what they used to be.
But hey! There are worse things in life than mischievous kids.
(But where did they learn about sounding?)

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 3

This lazy day at the beach is starting to become a fetish experience!
First playful burial turns out to be inescapable restraint 
and now, exotic and painful nip' nips come out of the blue 
(or should I say, the sand?)

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 4

That little blighter isn't going to let go of his succulent nipple anytime soon
and our hero's struggles have only managed to liberate his nether regions.
producing an embarrassing display of assets 

That red flag is looking more and more like one of those signs
they stick into sandwiches at a buffet, 'come and eat me' they say.
This offering knocks a curled-up ham sandwich into a cocked hat.

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 5

It isn't long before some men in search of liquid refreshments pass by.
 They gather round to investigate and quickly find this pump is fully primed.
They need no further invitation.
Like I said, beach etiquette is not what it used to be.

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 6

Surrounded by sun-tanned hunks, it's hard for a man to resist
The red flag says you shouldn't go in but they feel their way, 
and once you're in, you're in.
Watch out for grit lads! 

Beach Boner Art by Kien-Bhu 8

The wave of fun-lovers recedes as quickly as it came in
leaving him drenched with a sudden summer shower of semen.
By the time he gets his breathe back, they've all gone, feeling peckish.
Leaving the beach boy still stuck in the sand, with sand stuck to him.

It might occur to him at this point that the starfish and octopus around him imply that he's within the high tide line and unless he extracts himself from the sand, he may find himself in a dangerous situation which may be exciting but only fetishistic if it's happening to someone else. 


Kien-Bhu is on Deviant Art (a nice, big gallery, but not explicit)
If you search on his name (plus gay porn or similar) you can also find him on 
Instagram, Fur Affinity - and Patreon of course.

I have to own up to fiddling with this artist's work. No not like that! Well yes, that as well.
In his original, the kids draw cat's whiskers and a penis on the sleeping sun-bathers face, also the men who take advantage of him write 'whore' in the sand. I have edited these out because I don't like degradation of that sort, it's a step too far beyond humiliation. My apologies to the artist for debasing his art, but I hope he appreciates the free plug.

For other posts like this at mitchmen fetish blog, click on the labels below.

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Tips For Your Holiday - No 8


When visiting foreign lands be careful how you dress for the beach.

In some cultures, the loin cloth is the uniform of servitude

and locals are always on the lookout for opportunities to make money from tourists.

photo: Bruce of LA

for other holiday tips or enslavement fantasies click on the labels below

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Tips For Your Holiday - No 7

Kyle was hoping that the men in this beautiful country would be as exotic as everything else.
A barman tipped him off about a cruising area and he went looking for it without telling his friends.
And he just disappeared, they never even found his speedos.


Holiday Tip:  Don't assume that the resort environment is the same as at home.

When seeking out the gay cruising areas in foreign lands,
Make sure you know which routes are best to avoid.
Don't wander off the beaten track


This is Holiday Tip No 7, for others click on the label at the foot of this post

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Tips For Your Holiday - No 6

 Remember that gay beaches and other haunts are often in places that are difficult to access. 

Plan your route well and wear sensible clothes.

It's a good idea to pack local tide tables in your luggage.

(above) Shot from the movie "Wild" (Braven)
For more 'mitchmen' Holiday Tips click on the label below 

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Tips for Your Holiday - No 5

At the beach you'll now need to use subtle, distanced ways to signal the other guys.
Make sure they can see you like to have fun
and would maybe hang out and root around, 
when the coast is clear.

For other Holiday tips click on the label below

Monday, 28 September 2020

Amalaric - 'A Barque Full Of Briefs' (with narrative by Mitchell)

Amalaric - A Barque Full Of Briefs

The men of Lickchester Rugby Club were disappointed with their Caribbean Cruise. Admittedly it had been very cheap and it was certainly an atmospheric 'experience'. The dress code had come as a bit of a shock, but they'd got used to it after a few days and it did seem a sensible solution to the sweltering, tropical heat and the crowded accommodation. However, the food was terrible and the crew wouldn't tolerate any larking about or misbehaviour. They'd been unexpectedly harsh with the prop forward who'd helped himself to an extra ration of bread from the storeroom while no-one was looking. 

Fortunately, the Team were used to strict discipline from their Coaches and were still looking forward to a few weeks of complete relaxation in the sun at their ultimate destination - The Old Demerara Plantation Resort. Situated on a remote island that didn't appear on any maps, privacy from the prying eyes of the press was guaranteed. Apparently the management always laid on lots of strenuous activities for their guests, but most of the guys were planning to just crash out by the pool,

......after all nobody was going to be cracking the whip, were they?

Narrative by Mitchell (mitchmen)

Holiday Tip: Look before you book! 


This image was especially created by Amalaric to commemorate the currently on-going review of his work here at mitchmen. It reflects our shared enthusiasm for men clad only in traditional white underwear and inspired me to create this Rugby Team storyline to accompany it. It's a fantasy which owes something to the story of the Raytown Softball Team (published at  Telemachus12). 

You can substitute a team from your own preferred sport.

The Art of Amalaric resumes with Part 6 shortly 

Friday, 6 December 2019

Tips for your Holiday - No 4

If you're hoping to hook up with those hunky guys at the pool,
try not to make it too obvious you're a couple. 

click on the label below for more tips

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Tips For Your Holiday - No 3

Remember that the gay nudist beaches and cruising areas
will be less crowded out of season

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Tips for your Holiday - No 2

When camping and exploring the forest in Winter, 
be sure to take a plentiful supply of underwear,
in case you encounter a hungry bear.

Photo: model Frank Carter (see more of him)

See also Tip No 1

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Tips for your Holiday - No 1

Always take something to occupy you on the beach

Photo - Daniel @ Captured Guys