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The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label G-Strings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label G-Strings. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 February 2025


 The mystery deepened when Ben complained to the manager. They didn't have a room laundry service, who might have taken his clothes, he said, but he would investigate what the CCTV had picked up. Meanwhile, Ben would have to vacate his room since it was already booked by someone else that night. However, he could stay in the resident's lounge for as long as it took, free of charge. That was just as well, since Ben didn't have money to pay his bill or even a phone to call anyone any more. The hotel had a phone, of course, but who remembers other people's numbers these days? Ben didn't. He just had to wait and see what the Manager came up with. The idea that this might take days rather than hours disturbed him.

It wasn't as though they were comfortable panties either, the lace felt very rough on Ben's nether regions. If he didn't keep still, it rubbed his balls mercilessly. The narrow string up the back did the same thing to his crack, because it was stretched tight by his efforts to keep his junk contained in the tiny pouch at the front. It didn't feel much more comfortable if he stood up and walked around either, and then he knew everyone was looking at him and probably thinking things about him, which he'd rather they didn't. 
The Resident's Lounge was surprisingly busy considering it was a bright, sunny day outside. The hotel seemed to have a disproportionate number of ageing gentlemen as residents, many of whom thought slapping his bottom playfully as he passed would cheer him up. When he was out of his seat, he had to keep a vigilant lookout to see if anyone was creeping up behind him.

He hovered around the Manager's Office for a while, hoping for a development. There seemed to be much jollity going on inside, but no news about his missing belongings. He couldn't even go for a walk to pass the time, and no-one offered to lend him clothes to wear, except one old man who offered an unappealing, dirty raincoat. There wasn't any shortage of people wanting to talk to him, of course, he constantly had to shoo away loiterers, but all the attention made him feel worse. He returned to his seat to find it occupied. None of the others were vacant either, although several gentlemen kindly offered him their knee to sit on. He thought it best to decline these offers and found a newspaper to read, leaning with his back to the wall.

As the day wore on, the prospect of spending the night in the lounge loomed larger and larger, and he became increasingly agitated and sought out the manager again, demanding he do something. Eventually the Police were called and one arrived an hour later - in plain clothes, surprisingly. Naturally, they had other priorities on a Friday night, he said. He advised him not to go out after dark. Folks round here don't go in for that sort of thing, he said, nodding at Ben's lacy bulge. Ben flushed with embarrassment. 
Ben had no choice but to reconcile himself to spending the night on a settee in the Guest Lounge. The room was still quite crowded with old men, but he found a safe seat and watched TV until 'News at Ten', hoping that when it finished, they would all disappear to bed. But they didn't, there was some sort of discussion going on, quite heated. Eventually, one of them approached him and offered him the chance to take a shower in his room. Ben accepted gratefully, taking the chance to wash out his G-string in the warm, refreshing spray. 
When he emerged, the gentleman was already in his double bed, asleep. Ben stole to the door, but to his horror found it was locked. "I wouldn't go back down there" his host advised sagely from the bed, "it's not safe for you". Something in his tone suggested he wasn't just talking about tactile sleepwalkers. "You'll be much safer staying here with me" he said, most emphatically, and his words struck Ben quite forcefully. "Just take my word for it" the man said gravely as he peeled open the cover on the unoccupied side of the bed.
Ben stared at him and the bed. But his courage failed him. He looked round for the door key but couldn't see it. He tried the door again, hoping it had changed its mind about being locked. Finally, thinking about the cold, dark lounge downstairs, he looked back at the inviting bed. 

"Come on lad, you must be feeling tired, get into bed", the gentleman said kindly, "I won't eat you".
But he did, and that wasn't all he did, but he did it so nicely, it didn't seem to matter to Ben.
The night sped by in the strangest manner. 
For other 'Targets' at mitchmen, click on the post label below

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Vintage Targeting

Irwin Horwitz captured by Eddie Williams (WPG)

 An unusually daring bondage image from WPG. The subject of abduction itself is controversial in any age and this image is realistically modelled compared with most contemporary imagery, with the wrist restraint looking snug and the ropes held by the abductor stretched tight. All this with both models completely naked.

Irwin Horwitz fights Eddie Williams (WPG)

This image, possibly from the same series, shows Irwin holding his own against Eddie, an older man with superior size and muscle development. It's not obvious that it's the same location, but Eddie, at least, is still pouched here. Irwin seems to have a vicious hammerlock on his left arm. 

Irwin Horwitz (WPG)

Irwin's somewhat boyish appearance in the duals with Eddie, detract from their appeal for me, but this studio image portrays him in a much more desirable light, with decent, light musculature and a sexy smattering of body hair, especially in the lower regions. 

Perhaps Irwin was trained and buffed up after being captured and this is him on his big day at the saleroom. He presents well.

And if you're wondering whether Eddie managed to fulfil his capture quota that day, 
up in them, thar hills, the image below may give you the answer.

Eddie Williams in chains (WPG)

Eddie appeared in the same auction catalogue as Irwin, as Lot 112.
He protested to the end and this image captured the moment when he had to be whipped
to make him go onto the stage and mount the rostrum.
That sort of behaviour is counter-productive, it attracts the worst kind of bidders, the harsh disciplinarians and men who don't want the slave as a worker at all, just as a target for their venom.


I have added this post to the 'Vintage Bondage' and 'Targeted' series.

Click on the labels below for related posts (mitchmods for more captions)

Monday, 16 December 2024

Vintage Bondage - Leonard Chambers chained, roped and nude

 Leonard Chambers was the subject of the very first Vintage Bondage post at mitchmen blog, back in 2015. Those images were chosen because they had more of a sense of a restraint about them than was usual in the 1950's. I added some more images from the same shoot to it not so long ago so you might like to check them out using the link just above.

Leonard Chambers in chains 1 (AMG)

The original post featured rope bondage on a bench. These images feature chains and upright poses but they also capture the special qualities of this popular model. His canted head in the image above conveys a sense of thoughtfulness and sadness, as though he's a man contemplating his choices and the punishment for them. There's a better sense of his luxurious physique than in the first set, nicely oiled. The position of his hands obscures enough of his pouch to give a good sense of nakedness (with scope for lewder interpretations of what's going on out of sight). 

Leonard Chambers in chains 2 (AMG)

This picture obliquely suggests that the punishment might be a visit to the whipping post. Chambers strikes a proud, or you might say arrogant, defiant pose while facing the prospect of a barrage of pain. His raised arms give another a great view of  his torso. The often maligned, posing pouch is fully visible but has the virtue of looking as if there is something inside it, neatly packaged. It's a puzzle to me why photographers didn't opt for a loin cloth design for images like this, when it was a common enough sight in the 'Sword and Sandals' movies of the time.

These images seem much influenced by traditional, medieval notions of martyrdom. That association may help to make them look more convincing but you have to give a lot of credit to the model here for creating a dramatic moment, when it is apparent on closer inspection that he is not secured to the post at all but holding it up and the supposed 'marble pillar' looks suspiciously like a roll of floor covering. 

Leonard Chambers in chains 3 (AMG)

He adopts the same look for this pose, but arguably looks more annoyed than defiant, perhaps because the level of restraint here is barely rudimentary. The chains don't look as if they'd withstand much force and even if convincingly secured it would be more symbolic than real. Just like the prison bars at the back, to be fair. Despite such quibbles, it's still a great image of a captive muscle hunk. The loop of chain brushing the front of his pouch adds an erotic frisson.

Leonard Chambers - Sheath 1

This extraordinarily atmospheric image is not an example of bondage exactly but the model has swapped his posing pouch for a 'sheath' that encloses his sex organ in fashion that seems to anticipate the chastity devices of recent years - symbolically again but still rather sexy. Notice that the background has become a classical ancient building, conjuring up fantasies of enslavement. It's the best image yet of Leonard's physique, when it's his turn to stand on the rostrum, he should fetch a good price!

Leonard Chambers - Sheath 2

In this open-legged frontal pose, Leonard looks more youthful, waiting with barely controlled agitation. His abs are tensed, clenched even, producing a startling effect of connectivity running down and disappearing into the sheath, which you can now see has a simple, draw-string hem, like a purse of olden days. It's a matter of taste whether this clever effect turns you on but it brings out something more widely appreciated - that the model's lower torso is shaved completely smooth for as far as the eye can see. The sheath may provide a cloak of modesty, but it draws attention to this nakedness. He is now seated before a Moorish arch raising the spectre of a different style of enslavement. No wonder he looks worried.

Leonard Chambers - Nude 1

After the tantalising sheath, a genuine, frontal, fully nude shot posed before a classical column.
We are fortunate that quite a lot of AMG images of Leonard like this have survived.
He looks relaxed and confident here having comfortably passed the male nudity size test.

Leonard Chambers - Nude 2

This image posed with a curtain pole brings out the full extent of Leonards shoulder development and upper body bulk. Model's training techniques in those days seemed to produce physiques with a natural, most attractive 'plushness'. Once again there's a vague connection with the bondage theme of this post, 
the pole keeps the model's hands out of the way behind him and leaves his treasure trove unprotected. You only have to image his wrists being tied to the pole.

Leonard Chambers - Nude 3

This image creates a dramatically different torso effect. With Leonard's arm raised we see the intensely detailed muscles and stand-out veins of a body-builder training for competition by shedding fat. Presumably this is the same shoot as Nude 1, but the effect couldn't be more different. 
Again there's a hint at bondage restraint, tied to the column.

Leonard Chambers - Rope 1

There's a strange affinity between naked men and thick rope. I suppose it hints at masculine labours. Leonard here looks back fearfully as if expecting a whiplash any minute to make him pull harder. 
Rope also has a phallic quality for those inclined to see it (especially when it's dangling just in front of the model's pouch). It alludes to bondage fetish too although this one is really too thick for that purpose.

Leonard Chambers - Sailor with Rope 

Ropes like this are also inextricably linked with with sailing ships and sailors and few gay models escaped from beefcake posing sessions without having had to don the US Navy's distinctive sailor cap. This image was probably inspired by the many War movies of the era which showed bare chested, hunky sailors sweating under the pacific sun. Leonard looks as if he's trying to diligently perform a routine task in the nude (acting on perverse orders) but without losing his modesty. It makes a charming image, suggesting a man of sensitivity, needing protection and whom anyone might fall for. 

Leonard Chambers - Nude 4

This was the barely legal nude in the 50's. It can be seen as a prissy, slightly feminine pose but Leonard gives it a great deal of dignity, preserving his modesty with a slightly anxious expression that suggests he's waiting for the call which will may oblige him to reveal all. Maybe an instruction to mount the rostrum he's standing on. His oily skin lends his lean physique a harder look here. The absence of hair on his flat, lower abdomen again creates a subtly erotic accent of total nudity. 

Leonard Chambers - Pouch

This version of the sitting pose is rather less dignified, positively coquettish, but it's interesting to see a very typical 50's glamour pose for ladies performed by a male. The angling of the lower body modestly obscures a woman's 'sensitive' areas but makes a man look uncharacteristically coy without hiding anything. The pouch too is less much elegant than a bikini but looks sexily loaded. If you've fallen in love with him, this image won't change your mind!


For more vintage bondage and related mitchmen posts click on the labels below

Saturday, 16 November 2024

More Art by Reitorachi

Following on from my post of Reitorachi's Captivity images,
another selection of other work by this artist, some vanilla, some not 

I don't know whether you'd call this vanilla or not, but it must be one of the best images ever of the tentacle genre, not so much for what it shows but for what it doesn't show, and what you think it should show in a few minutes time. A hero in trouble, having his already skimpy clothes pulled off, but he is not quite in an inescapable predicament, not just yet. There's only one tentacle, not the usual, multi-pronged attack, so it's more focussed and to my mind, more effective. 

But there are other delights. The wet, 'fundoshi' loin cloth with it's gleaming rounded contents. It's twisted, rope-like under-strap is vaguely suggestive of a string of pleasure balls. And those ass cheeks look distinctly rosy. Is this an 8-armed spanker? There's even a cute foot being proffered if you like to partake of such delicacies.

There's a similar sense of vulnerability about the man in this image, upside down, semi-suspended, and unclad from the shoulders down. His exposed cheeks are spattered with something, but the close proximity of a beer bottle and the respectably clad state of the adjacent captor means there's an element of uncertainty about the exact nature of the fluid. There's also a question about what he is going to do with the empty bottle. To the right a second captor is up to more mischief, it's left to the viewer to imagine whether it's painful or just plain rude. 

There's no such mystery in this reworking of the same suspension idea, but the nature of the threat posed by this hero's fantasy attacker is much more dependant on the viewer's imagination. 

The dense detail and styling makes this image harder to take in, it reminds me of old engravings where devilish creatures were set upon sinners. Non-Western cultures don't have the same, extreme viewpoint about such beasts and dragons get a better press these days. 

Nevertheless, the bird-like claws and beaks of these creatures do look scary and the depiction of the bony, hammerlock grip on the hero's arm (at the left) is very powerful. The advantage of fantasy creatures is that everything can be exaggerated and the artist has taken full advantage of that with the creature's tongues which are not only very long but prehensile too. They don't seem to be using them for the usual pleasuring and intrusion, but to plant two egg-shaped objects in the captive's rectum. (The second one is being held by the one on the left, next to it's beak). I'm not sure how the hero is prevented from ejecting them, but his angry expression at the violation seems quite justified. 

Tonguing is this creature's game too and it uses it's many, multicoloured tentacles to restrain it's captive in a most imaginative and accessible way. It places a degree of physical stress on him and he's already sweating. His earphone-mike combo suggests he is a Chris Redford-style, enforcement agent of some sort, which lends an acute irony and pathos to his restraint and to the exploitation of his nudity - nudity which couldn't look more complete. This dynamic pose is much better than the stereotypical sitting down/open legged, floating posture of the tentacle genre. 

I have doctored this image to tone down the censorship squiggle 
and it has fortuitously turned into a secondary tentacle envelopment.

A strong sense of vulnerability and exposure is created here by a pseudo-medical machine which comprehensively restrains the patient from the front, while presenting  his rear end to a variety of probing devices (which also seem to have a fluid injection capability). This is a much more elegant way of gaining access than the birthing leg-lifter so beloved of video makers. 

There's a second layer of restraint down below, linked to a milking feature - or a draining device, to be more precise. The milking is actually precipitated by the action of the probes.  

This image repurposes the suspension pose seen in Part 1 of this article. The bondage itself is economical but it's a fairly challenging restraint position with doubled back limbs and asymmetrical rigging stretching and stressing the captive, whose arched torso is sweating profusely. It's this that makes the image so striking. 

There's a wealth of supplementary detail. A cock sheath performs unseen manipulations on his pride and joy (and keeps the censor at bay). Thin lines attached to nipple pads provide further stimulation and another is pulling open his mouth to receive a fluid dripping from above (a tricky alignment I would have thought, it's hard to imagine him remaining still). He seems to be wearing virtual reality goggles and is therefore unaware that he is surrounded by a lustful audience observing the effects of all these attachments on him, but ultimately unable to participate in his adventure.

This image of a man reclining on a beach (or beside a pool) also has layers of interest.  His cigar and cocktail suggest maturity and sophistication. Also wealth. He has a chunky, well-built figure and is clad in sexy form-fitting briefs so you wouldn't have imagined that he'd be short of admirers and yet he's brazenly holding a fan of banknotes in his hand as if wanting to attract service of the paid-for kind. 

That detail seems to transform him. The voluminous smoke starts to suggest an element of arrogance and selfishness, the cocktail ('with all the trimmings') becomes showy and tacky, the youthful haircut seems terribly inappropriate and sad and even those alluring briefs a little too much. 


Most of this artist's images seem to avoid sensualising the male body but this image makes you wonder why. It's a classic, stretching, male model pose with the face and luxurious tresses suggesting a man of sensitivity and delicacy. A touch of femininity perhaps, which the side-tied G-string also contributes to. 

His body conveys the opposite message, it gets bigger and more muscular the lower your eyes drop with the bikini pouch nestling between tree trunk thighs befitting the butchest of rugby players. On a woman the G-string conceals, on a man it contains and here it seems to hook underneath and bring his tackle forward in a tantalisingly graspable, rounded bulge, offered up for closer inspection. The model's stance suggests he won't impede a closer look, but I can't resist imagining chains on his wrists, just to make sure. After all, men like this only exist in fantasy, catch them while you can.

The appeal of lithe muscularity is an easy win but I applaud any artist who can see the attractions of older and chunkier men and this charming, domestic sketch succeeds in making this man exactly that. On him the rounded muscle shapes are amplified and exaggerated without losing their essential shapeliness or proportions. The model seems suspicious of the enterprise as if sensitised to negative comments about his figure, but he need not have worried, the artist has done him proud.   

This young man sits (nervously) at the  opposite end of the scale, rather like a model in the early years of beefcake photography, persuaded to pose naked but suddenly feeling rather uncomfortable about it, especially after placing his bare flesh on the cold surface of a wooden (milking!) stool in a pose that opens him wide. He has a rather large posterior for a young man and if you look back you'll see this is a recurring feature in this artist's work.

It also seems as if this might be a punishment scenario, 'the naughty stool', for there seems to be a tear trickling down his cheek or maybe it's anticipatory sweat. His backward glance suggests there's more to come. The coquettish flash of spiky hair spells bravado, but it's about to be tested.

Just another day at the Office! 
Pure fantasy but a nice image. I like the open shirt.
Getting on doesn't always require hard work, just application.

 I frequently feature wrestling at this blog but not bearhugs very often, because they don't always seem convincing, especially when the recipient is seen resting his knees on his opponent's thighs

This picture shows bearhugs as they should be - a truly muscular embrace from a villainous-looking heel and a squashed victim, arms and all, lifted off his feet and howling in misery. Well, I say misery but he has ejected copious quantities of cum over his opponents torso, which suggests it's not all bad for him. The cock between his legs may have caused this over-excitement but his submission will not be the end of the matter.

The background seems like  a spooky cave-like setting with gelatinous fluid dripping from the ceiling, so I suppose the young man is an adventurer on a mission, probably not expecting to stumble on the lair of a superannuated luchador during his quest.


More by this artist at pixiv, where his name is 冷凍ライチ (Frozen lychee)
He also posts at 'X'

For other mitchmen posts on related subjects, please click on the labels below 

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Eye of the Tiger

 Sebastian thought the 'Safari Adventure for Over-21's' sounded like a great way to spend his vacation and widen his horizons. He expected lots of wacky, drinking games and late nights and was not disappointed about that, but it turned out the organisers had some very unusual ideas for exciting, day time entertainment. 

The Tiger Hunt was all in keeping with the Safari theme, involving an ironic, role reversal for the Tiger that appealed to the young holiday-makers enormously. The 'costuming' of the Tiger was an event in itself, not a silly zip-up suit as Sebastian had expected, but something simpler that reflected the naked vulnerabilty of hunted animals. Cast out into the jungle wearing only a lurid pouch, Sebastian set out anxiously for the 'safe place' feeling like he had a target on his back. When he stopped to get his breath back, anxiously listening to the forest murmurs, he realised with a flush that the bulls balls eye, was actually between his legs. 


For more mitchmen captions, click on the 'mitchmods' label below

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Sailors Duped

A sailor on shore leave takes his buddy to beauty spot he knows,
A cruisy place where they can just relax together as friends.
But it's changed a bit since he was last there, not much cruising going on
But there are lots of new facilities to take advantage of.


The Navy sent out a Patrol to find the two AWOL sailors,
but in the end the ship had to sail without them.
By that time the boys were miles away.
Still catching the rays together in their free, sun-bathing pouches 
But hard at work, shifting stones in a quarry.


The original photo is by AMG of course, 
the guy on the left looks like Dick Dubois....? 

Friday, 2 February 2024

mitchmen club at Adonis Male

Joe Lynes by WPG (1950's)

Come On Jerry! (Bringing home a runaway slave)
Boy will he get it when I get him back where he belongs.


 You may know that Adonis Male is presently off the air following a catastrophic hardware failure.
Consequently the mitchmen club there is not presently accessible

They are working hard to restore the site but it looks as if recent updates (since May 2023) will be lost.
That includes memberships taken out since then as well as content.

I will restore missing content when AM returns but cannot fix lost memberships. If you are a recent joiner, try logging in first and if that doesn't work I'm afraid you will have to join again.

Obviously I am watching the situation closely.

Worst case: If the site fails to return will have to find a new home for the archive
but I am optimistic that will not happen

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Be Careful What You Wish For - 11

 Sigfried & Hans Latschkowski by Bruce of LA ca 1961

Muscle buddies hanging out together in the local cruising area

For more mitchmen captions or wishes click on the mitchmods label below

Monday, 5 June 2023

Saint Sebastian at the Royale Gallery


This image of Royale model, Ron Wiltshire, tied to a column as Saint Sebastian
 is amongst a number of recent posts at the Royale Archive.

This picture wasn't actually taken by Royale, but probably by Domenique.
He had a reputation in his day for coming on to his models,
Maybe this is how he did it!

For those into the background of Royale's operation, a catalogue sheet from the Hussar period which I recently discovered has filled in information about this later period, notably the 'Sailors in the Rigging' sets which have been very elusive up until now. 

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Art Inspired by Fallout-4 - Part 3

Continuing the mitchmen survey of fantasy Fan Art inspired by Fallout-4 
You can also start reading from Part 1

soldier in skimpy thong strapped in body harness
SavrenX- Strapped Up
Imagine living in a place where men roam like this roam!
Maybe a Post-Apocalypse world won't be so terrible!
Assuming you survive the pocalypse bit of course.
It looks like French kisses behind the bike sheds will be out though.

SavrenX - Warrior Searching

It's counter-intuitive that soldiers should be so skimpily dressed 
in an environment which is presumably full of harmful stuff like germs and radiation.
Maybe this building is hermetically sealed.

This hunk's skimpy thong is struggling to contain his most interesting weapon.
But if it's OK for him, it's OK by me too.

SavrenX - Warrior Searching

The rear section of this uniform (or should it be called battledress?) 
does not even make an attempt at containment.
It might have the advantage of distracting any ambusher lurking behind. 
Or perhaps not, maybe that's why these guys seem to hunt alone.

Everbane - Warriors Have Needs

The holocaust may have reduced the supplies of more than just clothing.
But even the bravest, most forceful of Warriors still have their needs.

The crop top this warrior is wearing resembles those worn by female athletes but there's a more masculine association in the tops worn by the muscle hunks in the old, 90's 'Gladiators' TV show
 which I believe is returning in 2023. 
However history suggests that revival of old formats isn't always a good idea.

Savren-X - Intruders dealt with

Unfortunately other, less inspiring inhabitants also abound in the new world.
This engineering facility had been taken over by insect and lizard-like mutants.
The scantily clad patrol have valiantly reclaimed it for humanity
However, their next problem seems to be figuring out how it all works.

SavrenX offers a variety of different uniform options with this group
Thigh-length leggings are a popular choice.

Darnexx - The Joy of Freedom

An ex-warrior celebrates his liberation from the confines of service discipline
and the suffocating restriction of his demob suit (see Part 2 Paladin Danse).
Even with nothing to wear he can glory in the sheer joy of being alive.

Sit - The Wanderer

I'm not sure it's a great idea to go wandering off dressed like that though.
You never know who you might run into.

Everbane - Sinister Duo

In the outside world there are Mercenaries, Mutants, Ghouls, Criminals and plain weirdos.
Not to mention armies who still want to fight over what is left.

These two might look like fetish enthusiasts into role play.
But I would hazard a guess that they mean trouble.
Unruly hair, shifty eyes, I've watched my Mad Max!

The skimpy thong here has been degenerated into a cock-holster sagging under the bulk.
I suppose a full range of sizes is probably unavailable now, shops too for that matter.

 InoOnew88 - Inhabitant

 When the inhabitants don't wear very much it's not easy to tell what camp they are in!
Let alone what their intentions or inclinations might be.
This one is wearing a similar uniform to the marauders, but is less intimidating.
His straining thong looks inviting.

 InoOnew88 - Unconscious

The pretty ones are always fair game.
The unconscious version looks even more alluring,
and the chain round his neck tells us he's in deep trouble.

 InoOnew88 - Indecision

The attractive young hiker's captor is dressed in remarkably similar fashion,
except that he's wearing steam-punk style goggles. Perhaps a symbol of seniority.

Carried off to a cellar the victim is strapped down and well secured. 
The chain round the neck is a particularly powerful symbol of restraint.
His captor ponders what he might do next. Doh!

 InoOnew88 - Excitement

The power of bondage to arouse seems undimmed by the catastrophe that has befallen the world.
Sadly the modern tendency of women to barge in on inter-hunk fun has survived as well.

Everbane - Service Corps 1

I like this group's take on the cropped-top uniform
The threadbare garments barely containing their bulk
The symbols on their chests seem to be their identities.
All very sexy but the earphones suggest a highly organised unit, 
under some sort of a central control.

Everbane - Service Corps 2

If they are acting under direction this result is very pleasing
the last thing you'd expect from intense, motivated muscle hunks.

Everbane - Service Corps 3


Read this mitchmen Fallout-4 series from Part 1

These pictures were found on a Fallout 4 artists forum.