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Message updated 9th Feb 2025
Showing posts with label Targeted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Targeted. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 March 2025


Colin's in a fix after being kidnapped at gun-point on a quiet country road.
Not only abducted but his tighty-whitey's ripped to shreds in the process.
Now, collared and chained, he finds himself up for sale to the highest bidder.
The solid gold collar they gave him suggests these are very wealthy buyers
It's scary, but kinda exciting too. All these people want to buy him!
They'll never believe it when he tells them about it, back at work. 
 They've even promised he can keep the collar, no word about new briefs, though.

This photo-manip is by Herodotus, whose work can be found at Telemachus 12 
Telemachus 12's site boasts an incredible collection of gay art with edge

Tuesday, 25 February 2025


 The mystery deepened when Ben complained to the manager. They didn't have a room laundry service, who might have taken his clothes, he said, but he would investigate what the CCTV had picked up. Meanwhile, Ben would have to vacate his room since it was already booked by someone else that night. However, he could stay in the resident's lounge for as long as it took, free of charge. That was just as well, since Ben didn't have money to pay his bill or even a phone to call anyone any more. The hotel had a phone, of course, but who remembers other people's numbers these days? Ben didn't. He just had to wait and see what the Manager came up with. The idea that this might take days rather than hours disturbed him.

It wasn't as though they were comfortable panties either, the lace felt very rough on Ben's nether regions. If he didn't keep still, it rubbed his balls mercilessly. The narrow string up the back did the same thing to his crack, because it was stretched tight by his efforts to keep his junk contained in the tiny pouch at the front. It didn't feel much more comfortable if he stood up and walked around either, and then he knew everyone was looking at him and probably thinking things about him, which he'd rather they didn't. 
The Resident's Lounge was surprisingly busy considering it was a bright, sunny day outside. The hotel seemed to have a disproportionate number of ageing gentlemen as residents, many of whom thought slapping his bottom playfully as he passed would cheer him up. When he was out of his seat, he had to keep a vigilant lookout to see if anyone was creeping up behind him.

He hovered around the Manager's Office for a while, hoping for a development. There seemed to be much jollity going on inside, but no news about his missing belongings. He couldn't even go for a walk to pass the time, and no-one offered to lend him clothes to wear, except one old man who offered an unappealing, dirty raincoat. There wasn't any shortage of people wanting to talk to him, of course, he constantly had to shoo away loiterers, but all the attention made him feel worse. He returned to his seat to find it occupied. None of the others were vacant either, although several gentlemen kindly offered him their knee to sit on. He thought it best to decline these offers and found a newspaper to read, leaning with his back to the wall.

As the day wore on, the prospect of spending the night in the lounge loomed larger and larger, and he became increasingly agitated and sought out the manager again, demanding he do something. Eventually the Police were called and one arrived an hour later - in plain clothes, surprisingly. Naturally, they had other priorities on a Friday night, he said. He advised him not to go out after dark. Folks round here don't go in for that sort of thing, he said, nodding at Ben's lacy bulge. Ben flushed with embarrassment. 
Ben had no choice but to reconcile himself to spending the night on a settee in the Guest Lounge. The room was still quite crowded with old men, but he found a safe seat and watched TV until 'News at Ten', hoping that when it finished, they would all disappear to bed. But they didn't, there was some sort of discussion going on, quite heated. Eventually, one of them approached him and offered him the chance to take a shower in his room. Ben accepted gratefully, taking the chance to wash out his G-string in the warm, refreshing spray. 
When he emerged, the gentleman was already in his double bed, asleep. Ben stole to the door, but to his horror found it was locked. "I wouldn't go back down there" his host advised sagely from the bed, "it's not safe for you". Something in his tone suggested he wasn't just talking about tactile sleepwalkers. "You'll be much safer staying here with me" he said, most emphatically, and his words struck Ben quite forcefully. "Just take my word for it" the man said gravely as he peeled open the cover on the unoccupied side of the bed.
Ben stared at him and the bed. But his courage failed him. He looked round for the door key but couldn't see it. He tried the door again, hoping it had changed its mind about being locked. Finally, thinking about the cold, dark lounge downstairs, he looked back at the inviting bed. 

"Come on lad, you must be feeling tired, get into bed", the gentleman said kindly, "I won't eat you".
But he did, and that wasn't all he did, but he did it so nicely, it didn't seem to matter to Ben.
The night sped by in the strangest manner. 
For other 'Targets' at mitchmen, click on the post label below

Thursday, 19 December 2024

By Royal Command

A Ballet Troupe has been performing at the Palace
'The Nutcracker', of course

The King is known for his intense interest in Ballet

But what the King is really thinking is.....

Of course he is much too well-bred to say so.

Reluctance feeds the fires of desire.

Looks like a hot end for one man
and a happy ending for the other.


 The splendid, original AI image was generated by muscleandboots
captions by mitchmen blog

click on mitchmods below for more captions

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Vintage Targeting

Irwin Horwitz captured by Eddie Williams (WPG)

 An unusually daring bondage image from WPG. The subject of abduction itself is controversial in any age and this image is realistically modelled compared with most contemporary imagery, with the wrist restraint looking snug and the ropes held by the abductor stretched tight. All this with both models completely naked.

Irwin Horwitz fights Eddie Williams (WPG)

This image, possibly from the same series, shows Irwin holding his own against Eddie, an older man with superior size and muscle development. It's not obvious that it's the same location, but Eddie, at least, is still pouched here. Irwin seems to have a vicious hammerlock on his left arm. 

Irwin Horwitz (WPG)

Irwin's somewhat boyish appearance in the duals with Eddie, detract from their appeal for me, but this studio image portrays him in a much more desirable light, with decent, light musculature and a sexy smattering of body hair, especially in the lower regions. 

Perhaps Irwin was trained and buffed up after being captured and this is him on his big day at the saleroom. He presents well.

And if you're wondering whether Eddie managed to fulfil his capture quota that day, 
up in them, thar hills, the image below may give you the answer.

Eddie Williams in chains (WPG)

Eddie appeared in the same auction catalogue as Irwin, as Lot 112.
He protested to the end and this image captured the moment when he had to be whipped
to make him go onto the stage and mount the rostrum.
That sort of behaviour is counter-productive, it attracts the worst kind of bidders, the harsh disciplinarians and men who don't want the slave as a worker at all, just as a target for their venom.


I have added this post to the 'Vintage Bondage' and 'Targeted' series.

Click on the labels below for related posts (mitchmods for more captions)

Tuesday, 10 December 2024


 You might be lucky, maybe he only wants your underpants!

click on the mitchmods label below for more captions

Wednesday, 4 December 2024


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Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Targeted - Night Visitor by Oliver Frey

Night Visitor by Oliver Frey

 Oliver Frey's comic strips pound with sexy excitement but the individual images are often out of kilter when looked at as stand alone pictures. This image is an impressive exception and has a very different feel, calm but simmering with menace.

see also mitchmen A-Z of fetish artists - Oliver Frey 
For Mitchell's 'Night Visitor' or 'targeted' images click on the label below

Monday, 11 November 2024


 This doesn't look like Brooklyn, Toto!

The concept of this image, which I stumbled across in CFNM Guys at Adonis Male will be familiar to regular readers of mitchmen blog. It joins a growing list of brazen abductions of unfortunate males who are led away on the end of a rope or chain, often, but not always, by horsemen (see below). 

The kidnapped man in this case has been stripped naked which adds a sense of permanency and discomfort to his predicament. So too the empty wasteland across which he is being dragged, clearly to his bemusement. It all says there will be no going back. The female abductor is a first in this series and it certainly adds a different nuance, a different kind of threat somehow. Her captive has a splendid ass, which might not appeal to everyone but looks highly suitable for heavy work, like pulling a plough.

The last example of this sort of image was by Planet Gay, a beautiful upgrading of .Etienne's classic picture of two abducted sailors being led across the desert for a sticky date (not the fruity kind!) with their new Master in  'Sailors Beware'.

We have also had:-

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Life At the Shallow End - Targeted

One of life's dilemmas:
If you are caught wandering the streets in your swimming costume,
Is it better to be interviewed by Police for the prank?
or to be referred to the medical team for analysis?
The shallow end or the deep end?


Produced by Mitchell using the 'Playground' AI engine
click on the labels below for related posts at mitchmen blog

Wednesday, 14 August 2024


John was a petrol head who fixed small engines to fund his obsession.
It was an occupation that brought him into contact with the 
amazing things that people kept in their garden sheds and boat houses. 
Also quite a lot of bored housewives.

Unfortunately his curiosity for gadgets and boy's toys proved his undoing one day.
When an outraged, cuckold husband hatched a cunning plan to teach him a lesson.
He booked him in to service his equipment in the shed.


Tuesday, 2 July 2024


The Party's Over

In another place a long way away, Gavin has discovered the truth.
The visitors just keep coming, admiring him and feeling his mound.
It has been mounded up (much to his embarrassment) with a tight cock-strap.
They all tell him what they want to do with him, when he's fully available.

The Rugby Club owner told him he was a prima donna with a reputation as a trouble maker.
He was a liability to the team and no-one wanted to play with him.
But the only way to get back what they'd paid for him was to sell him outside the transfer system.
In fact they had already sold him, he said. On the dark web, cutting out his agent. 

It was hard to take in. His playing days were over.
He protested, of course, it wasn't right, they couldn't do it, not to him.
Then two thugs entered the owner's office, overpowered him and tied him up.
They bundled his trussed-up, wriggling body into a van and took him away.

He'd never seen his new owner, just the minions who prepared him for public viewing.
He still had plenty of fans and many had already come, wanting to see him in the flesh.
They'd already worn out several sets of his special kit with their rubbing and mouthing.
Those with more money had pre-booked for a longer slot, a private session with him later.

Apparently his schedule was already booked up months and months ahead.
The true test of his popularity would be how long that state of affairs lasted.
When the fans forgot him and stopped coming he'd lose his star status.
Then he'd be farmed out for casual body rent - as long as his charms lasted.

After that a life of hard, manual labour was all he could look forward to.


Image by Cybertied

For more targets click on the label below

Monday, 27 May 2024


At Last! He's Mine! All Mine!

Another sportsman, a rugby player, being tied up on the field of play (see Supersaver)
He was the only one who turned up for training, defying the miserable weather.
In the dull light he'd not noticed the figure in black approaching until it was too late.

This does not look like a run of the mill, criminal kidnap (if there is such a thing).
The attacker's shiny, black kit looks highly professional (and just a bit kinky)
It's as if the Special Forces have come to take out an important, 'person of interest',
intending to put him under extreme interrogation at a secret, military base.

It's hard to imagine why a  muscular and very handsome Rugby player would be hunted down by the Army like this. (Oh I don't know though).The mud on his kit suggests he didn't surrender easily, but somehow this skilled operator persuaded him to sit calmly on a bench so that his arms could be tightly clamped behind his back with dense, neat roping. 

His mouth is tightly gagged, it's more symbolic than practical, but nevertheless it muffles his protests and makes him feel uncomfortable and restrained. The same applies to the ropes tied around his thighs. They don't seem to have a restraining purpose, they don't prevent the man from using his legs, but they do restrain the muscles, severely restricting his ability to walk and run. This means the kidnapper can walk him to his vehicle rather than carrying him, but hobbling is a simpler way to do this.

The rain buckets down depressingly. The captive gazes upwards as if resigned to his fate - perhaps he's a deserter, a military offender of some sort whose past has finally caught up with him. Or perhaps he's trying to work out, what's going on, why me? You see, something's not quite right here. His attacker has not hidden his face with a balaclava as you would expect to keep his identity secret. The captive can see it's not someone known to him, pursuing a grudge. He looks more mature than would be expected of a professional kidnapper. Obviously, though, he's still good enough to take out a fit, rugby player. But then again the over-elaborate restraint has taken up a lot of time when you'd think he'd be keen to get away with his catch. Obviously he's done his homework and the filthy weather gives some insurance against being seen, but there's no accounting for the obsessive routines of joggers and dog walkers, so why take the risk? 

The alarming explanation that seeps into the Rugby player's mind at this point is that he's enjoying all this, overpowering him, tying him up, gagging him. It's too late now, his attacker moves to lift him off the bench, in what looks like a precursor to hoisting the guy over his shoulder, commando style, and sprinting off into the wood with him .


I'll give links to this artist (Cybertied) in a fuller review scheduled for mid-June

for more 'targets' and similar posts at mitchmen fetish blog, 
click on the labels below

Monday, 29 April 2024


A few hours ago he was he was hard at work, digging on a construction site,
he was looking forward to a dirty weekend with his girlfriend.
But suddenly he was grabbed and manhandled into the back of a van.
Two burly thugs stripped him of his shirt, boots and jeans.
and now he faces a very different weekend.


 Credit: Max Duran models underwear for Jessy Ares

Click on labels below for similar posts including more 'targets'

Sunday, 24 March 2024




Adapted from 'Morning Glory' by Breyette

for more 'targets' click on the links below

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Castaway Targeted

 15 minutes of fame is all you get.
Plus a lifetime of regrets for making yourself visible.

photo by CMNM