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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 23 August 2024

Experiment with a Swimmer

A visit to the clinic can be a worrying time for butch men!  


This astonishing image resulted from one of my explorations at the AI-art site 'Playground' where you can generate pictures by inputting a text description. It's a fairly restrictive site in terms of creating sexy imagery (as it's name suggests it might be) so I requested a swimmer to create a bit of interesting, inoffensive nudity (in briefs otherwise it put shorts on them). I may have asked for a muscular one, I can't remember exactly. Then I simply asked it to juxtapose the swimmer with a medic and a table. 

The two figures on the left create an interesting situation full of erotic potential - as I hope my caption brings out. The blue uniform is nicely ambiguous, it he a medic or someone more in authority like a security man or a cop? The relative mis-sizing of these two figures creates a delicious contrast!

However, I was astonished when the medic on the right popped up with no pants on beneath his white coat, without any prompting from me! This AI engine seems to have a near-mitchmen sense of humour!

Image generated by Mitchell of mitchmen


otherguise said...

All this 'AI' is a 'work in progress'. Does it respond to suggestions for amendments? Like the weirdness on his right foot, and that the massage table only has its right-side, so just hanging in the air! I know...nobody's looking at the table!!!
But I'd love to see the secret photo studio where they've got the actors ready to assume any scenario requested ;-)

Mitchell said...

Yes, this engine does allow amendments to be specified, but it doesn't necessarily do exactly what you think you said! Sometimes it ignores you. Sometimes it produces something completely different. I believe the creators of this engine come from a language background with a different syntax to English, and it doesn't translate readily. Like you, I'd be fascinated to see the source images.

RioGreen carioca said...

You should try "". It's way better and very simple to use for beginners and the images can be explicit. Also, "" is more complete but it requires a lot of learning, but it pays off. I am still learning but already acomplish to make some very decent images.

Mitchell said...

Thanks for this tip, I will try it. I have experimented with a number of engines but they can be time-consuming as you point out. These 'Playground' efforts are quite old now, but there's a certain charm in the random sexiness it produces sometimes.