To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Thursday 29 October 2020

Monday 26 October 2020

Enslavement Art by Etienne - Sailors Beware!

Amalaric's tales of enslavement, which I am currently exploring as part of a running series on his art have an eminent, vintage forerunner in Etienne's story called 'Sailor Beware'.

Like Amalaric in 'Marrakech', Etienne finds fertile ground for this yarn in the arid deserts of the Middle East. A US warship docks in the port of Salalal on a courtesy call and Cal and Jake get a liberty pass to explore the town and get a break from the ship's routine. In the course of getting wasted, they wander into the 'Yanqui Bar' which Etienne describes as 'notorious'. It's an expression that's fallen out of of use these days along with dock-side taverns.

I remember many years ago seeing three US Sailors in full dress whites on a similar mission to enjoy the historic town where I lived. They were tall, handsome and full of smiles and I was forever smitten with the species. I didn't have the good fortune to see them stripping off their tops, as Jake does here to show off his muscles, but I don't blame Ahmed, the bar tender, for falling for the drunken antics of these two buddies. He spikes their drinks in order to detain them. 

You'll notice Ahmed is a bit of a hunk himself (like many barmen) and he dresses to please.


Once the boys are out for the count, Ahmed checks out their erotic credentials by relieving them of them of their shoes (feet and sweaty socks were a major fetish for Etienne) and naturally he also opens up their pants to see what's on offer there. Then he ties them up. Jake is hog-tied and gagged on the floor when he comes to and sees Ahmed in the process of tying up his blond buddy, Cal. 

The arching hog-tie pose given to Jake is a bit of a favourite for this artist. It shows off the vulnerable torso splendidly but it doesn't quite work in terms of perspective (in fact drawings by other artists and even photographs of this position often appear oddly out of kilter or 'hovering' too - see example). By contrast, Cal's sprawling figure is a little gem!



Ahmed bundles his captives into the cellar and chains them up so he can ceremonially rip off the rest of their uniforms by candlelight, leaving them wearing only their socks, dog-tags and crumpled caps. This is an arousing process of course, but Ahmed has already decided to sell Jake and Cal into slavery so he resists temptation in the hope of securing the 'virgin premium' for unspoiled goods. 

I like Etienne's assumption that these sailors are innocent virgins, under the parental protection of the US Navy. It must be the white uniforms that plant that idea!


In Amalaric's universe, all men ear-marked for slavery are automatically given an introductory flogging, to 'mark their cards' as it were and let them know who's the boss. Ahmed does the same, partly out of frustration. He chains them together to draw their hips forward into complimentary, alluring arched positions. This adds a new dimension of discomfort to the sting of the lash and makes it a truly shared experience. He completes their humiliation by emptying his bladder over them.


Oscar Wilde said, 'I can resist anything except temptation'  and unsurprisingly, Ahmed's venting of all this energy on the two Sailors' naked bodies simply intensifies his lust. He chooses cute, blond Cal to be the recipient of his generous endowment. The figure of Jake in the background makes a nice contribution to the scene. He is spared Cal's fate but has to watch as his (virgin?) buddy is given a demanding master class. To his own chagrin he finds himself aroused by it as well.

Notice Cal's giant feet and the phallic-shaped socks lying on the floor 



Ahmed's impetuous invasion gives him a new dilemma, he has to leave the boys alone and wait for them to heal if he's to get the best price for them. But he also knows the Navy will be actively looking for the two men who are now absent without leave. He organises a private auction where the two men find there is no shortage of interest in them. Chained to raised auction blocks, the pre-sale 'viewing' proves almost as bad as the humiliating sell-off itself. The two men look deliciously youthful here.

Ahmed turns out to be something of a pro in the Slave Selling world, not only has he got fully equipped storage cellars and auction rooms, he also offers a MOSLA-like delivery service. Cal and Jake find themselves tethered behind a horse and led across the desert (naked of course) on the way to their new homes. They can count themselves lucky to be still together, most of Amalaric's men never see their friends or family again after the hammer goes down. You'll notice that their dog tags, symbolising their membership of the US Navy, have now gone.

This image is a dead ringer for Chirenon's 'New Life for Air Force Boys' and it's better in some ways as the two Sailors find they have to contend with troublesome restraints as well as the desert heat and feet-scouring sand.



 Ahmed's after-sales service even extends to loosening the boys up in readiness for their new master. The jewel encrusted dildos he's been given to use, suggest they will have a relatively elevated status in the days to come.

This drawing is one of Jake's 'best bits' in this story, despite some dubious upper body detail. Cal's spread-suspension is another of Etienne's signature images. Note the phallic architecture

 Jake and Cal meet their new lord and master who turns out to have a fetish interest in 'fem' accessories like pearls and chiffon pants (the earrings would have caused comment in the 1960's but scarcely register these days). The two boys look great in their fetters with Jake gaining attention by presenting himself in a military manner. Their manliness is enhanced by the Sheik's lower, almost passive position, he's relying on something else to impress them! The simplicity of this image, cementing without undue erotic distractions the notion that they are now his helpless slaves, makes for a surprisingly powerful scene. 


The Sheik loses no time in putting his new toys to use and once again it's Cal who is the 'pathfinder' but Jake's honeymoon respite is not destined to last and if this is to be his first experience he's going to remember it for a long time!

Etienne's skilful depiction of men's feet is showcased in this image, I'm not a slave to this fetish but I often think his feet look more enticing than the real thing!


Cal and Jake soon learn that their life is not to be the idleness of a male harem. They are put to work ploughing the fields, possibly a less than fulfilling occupation in this arid part of the world where the adverse soil conditions only give the overseer more excuses to whip them. You'll notice that Jake's harness is a fairly unforgiving arrangement too. Cal gets off more lightly.

This image lifts the story briefly out of the realms of a pure sexual slavery fantasy, adding a dimension of harsh reality to the buddies plight which might otherwise seem like a gay man's dream. It has the added benefit of maintaining their fitness too. It's an element that features in some of Amalaric's stories too, notably Rob in 'Hunting Jarheads' but his days of pointless toil and unfair punishments are rarely lightened by sexual fulfilment of any sort.



 However, there is much sexual service to be demanded of these two men and Jake gets a chance to shine and look immensely cute here. You can tell that the Sheik is impressed with his efforts. A noose provides a slightly sinister tether between his bobbing head and poor Cal's cock. 

Cal's splendid suspension pose isn't a perfect match to the scene below but the technical integration is perfect. It's the notable forerunner of similar, memorable images by Ulf and Zamok.



As the days pass the boys grow resigned to their fate and begin to enjoy it to some degree, no doubt realising that an enthusiastic performance brings perverse rewards. Here Etienne is simply treading the hoary, gay conversion route as an excuse for maltreatment. To coin a phrase: 'You like it, really don't you?' After 4 years of servitude, the boys escape and shack up together in the US.


It's quite startling to see how much this vintage story resembles those of Amalaric. Except that is  for the prevalence of sex and the slightly pantomime world of fancy dress and racist stereotyping that jars today. However the  underlying erotic predicament is just as engaging as Amalaric's harsher readings. Etienne drawings are sometimes erratic in quality but he sustains a good standard in this piece which contains, as I have pointed out, some outstanding scenes and details*.

*Since writing this post, I have discovered an earlier version, less graphic in nature (note added Dec 2023). I've also discovered a near identical predecessor in the Royale Storyettes - Shanghai'd Sailor

More Etienne articles  featured in this blog

Thursday 22 October 2020

Art by DooSoo (aka rntentn)

This Korean artist seems to specialise in big men and I quite like this series of a handcuffed, chunky guy grovelling on the floor and being abused by his captor. It's nice clean artwork. The images are called 'Humiliation Floor' and obviously come from a comic strip but don't have full details, it's included not at the outlets below. The debris scattered around is suggestive of private eye or adulterous situation to me, but I'm guessing. The heart-motif underwear pops up quite a lot in modern renders which suggests it has roots in a game series.


Doo Soo can be found @rtentn on Twitter also DooSoo on pixiv and rntentn on Deviant Art 

These collections vary, try Deviant Art first 

Monday 19 October 2020

Soccer Bondage Humiliation


Images of soccer players in bondage are not exactly uncommon, but they often posed either by excessively young or else overly burly men and rarely seem to embody the essence of the professional footballer that captures our interest on the field. That is, a man who is typically mid 20's with a fit, lean physique, powerful thighs and, more often than not, an eye-catching, trendy hair style. These pictures are an exception and come from an unexpected source, BreederFuckers.


The model is shown changing into (above) and (top) wearing the Argentina Football Kit which has the great advantage of being an authentic-looking and relatively traditional design, uncluttered by garish advertising logos. Argentina have the good fortune that their flag provides attractive colours for their National team to wear, colours that always flatter a man, especially one with dark skin.

As usual with this studio the model is lured by the promise of a professional modelling assignment which quickly leads to captivity and humiliating bondage. For once he is allowed to keep his clothes on as he is tied up and gagged. You can see already that his physique is a good fit for the role of footballer.

In the UK, Argentine Football is forever associated with Diego Maradona's 'Hand of God', an illegally handled goal that helped put England out of the 1986 World Cup Finals. Because of that, seeing a supposed member of that team lying on the floor of a changing room, tied up as though being kidnapped, is a not unpleasant sight and the bridle gag he has been subjected to is perhaps not inappropriate either.

It goes without saying that nipple pegging is good too, but this image featuring a torso-revealing shirt lift (Step 3 in the Amalaric lexicon of forced undressing) and invading hands groping underneath it is full of erotic triggers anyway. The shorts meanwhile are screaming to come off.

In this marvellous image Liam achieves the feat of looking submissive while he's lying on the ground.

The scrunched up half-mast shorts look a hundred times better in this position and have revealed some attractive white briefs with a very touchable lump visible. Liam's abs have also shifted into some nice shaping but, oh, those thighs! These are thighs truly worthy of a professional footballer and their bulk helps to push Liam's tackle into a more prominent position. The glimpse of stocking top further down adds further to the sense of leg bulk on this man.

The lowering of those briefs and shorts to ankle level does not disappoint us either, confirming the model's delicious man-shaping whilst adding a twist of humiliation to spice an old rivalry.


The footballer's thighs look even more impressive in this view but they can't shield his tackle from a bit of intimate anchoring and meanwhile a sneak attack is mounting him from behind. I'm glad they lifted his shirt to show his (no doubt throbbing) nipple.

There's a marvellous sense of awkward helplessness here as his discomforts multiply


 I'm not the biggest fan of the 'dick on a stick' beloved by BF and, but I'm still drooling over those marvellous thighs and dishelled shorts. There's also a nice bit of under-shirt action on those tenderised nipples.


There's a shirtless sequel to the 'fully dressed' episode above, a change of direction possibly made out of respect for the expensive replica kit! Here the model submits to a more restrictive arms tie (it was just wrists before). That's augmented (below) by neck roping that adds a dark, little, extra twist alluding to slave collars and the noose.

This rerun of the capture gives the opportunity for a different shorts-lowering sequence and for me this 'forced undressing' moment is actually much more erotic than it seems to have a right to be.

That's partly because of that perilous 'nearly gone' position they've created, supplemented by waistband-manipulating hands and a glimpse of the underwear inside (Stage 8 of the Amalaric Index). It's also down to the model's tight restraint position which presents an unexpectedly fleshy torso and some sexy plunging curves accentuating the shape of his belly and disappearing 'mysteriously' inside his underpants. 

The renewed attack on his nipples is a bit of a distracting, side show for me, perhaps warranting a separate closer image. The hand holding the chain here could be profitably be transferred to the abdominal area, emphasising the erotic 'reveal' and making a single point of invasion.

Underpants are always a welcome sight although, sadly, the model's previous excitement seems to have subsided. Those tugging hands play a nice supporting role (or I suppose I should say a dislodging role).


It's a good opportunity to examine the catch more closely. 

I love the simplicity of this image. Nice body shaping.

 Gagging the man again forces him to lower his head into a submissive position and his hands tied behind lift, emphasising the restraint. I will concede that the swinging nipple chain here adds to the sense of mounting pressure on the captive, whose football socks and boots seem deliciously incongruous.


I used this picture in a previous 'BF' post, (Taken Off The Streets 5), it's just so sexy and the sequencing following the shorts and underwear images creates a powerful sense of sudden nudity where it matters! 

The cropping produces a slightly odd image, but gives it a sense of a snatched, unguarded moment not intended to be seen by vicarious spectators.

The muddy boot studs cleverly suggest that this guy's just been snatched off the pitch. 
He's subjected to further new bondage and which has an increasingly ominious sense about it.

Needless to say there's an awful lot more invasive nastiness inflicted on him in the course of these proceedings which you can explore at the links below.


Afterwards, there's just time for a bit of physiotherapy. 

A great naked view which casts a new perspective on the traditional 'baby on a fluffy rug pose'

This man looks far more appealing to me than any new-born baby!


 The model in this set of images is called 'Liam', an Irish name that jars somewhat with the role he's playing here, but he certainly looks the part of a Latin, playboy sportsman. 

He's actually of Indian descent so I've added this post to my long-running 'Asian Festival' celebrating men of Asian Heritage (see label at foot of this post). 

 See more of Liam at Scally Guy: Liam's Argentine Kit, or more generally Liam at Breeder Fuckers with onward links to the Studio.

Thursday 15 October 2020

The Art of Amalaric, Part 7 - Institutional Slavery

 For some of us, enslavement is the ultimate homo-erotic fantasy and the mass abductions carried out by 'MOSLA' and their associates (reviewed in Part 1 of this series) make entertaining reading, although the industrial scale of their (illegal) operations would be (thankfully) almost impossible in the modern world of surveillance and social connection. However in the Rodeo and Stud Hunting stories, reviewed in Part 5, Amalaric seems to take for granted the existence a legal framework for enslavement, allowing for public exhibition, sale and even the freeing of some deserving captives without any consequences. In the '1001 Nights' series and other stories he develops this idea into an entire, alternative social and labour system where no man is safe.

701 Joe Connolly's First Day

We visited this fictional realm previously in the discussion of Image 418 in Part 4b, which showed Rod Lancaster undressing at a processing centre for new slaves, having been selected as one of the 'winners' of the official, Government Enslavement Lottery. Joe Connelly (above) suffers a similar fate in his story except that in his part of the Union new slaves are dis-robed before they even leave home to be taken to the processing centre. Joey is reduced to total nudity on his parent's front lawn, in front of all the neighbours.

The lottery system of selection described by Amalaric is totally random and indiscriminate, not unlike compulsory Military Service in many respects, except that the enslavement is permanent and founded on an altogether different concept of discipline and obedience. The economic and social rationale for it (oh yes, there is one!) is fleshed out in both Rod Lancaster's story (see 123rd of '1001 Nights') and Joe Connelly's (link below). Rod's story covers the reception process and the legalities that flow from his change of status, Joey's focusses on the 'pick-up' and the grading system for slaves.

Joey's removal from home provokes both sympathy and pride amongst the on-lookers. Sympathy for the upending of his life and the humiliation of being publicly deprived of clothes, but pride in his manly bearing through the ordeal, not least because being reduced to total nudity means he has been assigned to the most select slave classification of all, the top 10% who can be sold with a 'No Limitations On Use' clause in their papers. Joey only learns that is to be his fate himself when he's ordered to remove his underpants. He and his acquaintances know that life with that elevated status will be far from easy but, perversely, it's seen by his fellow citizens as a recognition of very special qualities and that commands their respect. In due course it will also guarantee a substantial premium on his price at auction.

Alone in his bare cell (above) Joe has a brief moment to weep for the life he has lost and the trials that lie ahead for him.

The 24th of 1001 Nights at Aquadude Bunker

702. Intensive Training

It's not easy for parents to relinquish their off-spring to this system, but even if it's not demanded of them by the law, financial circumstances sometimes dictate that prized family assets must be surrendered to pay the bills. Here a father bids farewell to a son who recently celebrated the age of majority only to discover his adulthood had long been mortgaged to a loan company.

One of the first surprises for Rod Lancaster at his induction ceremony (see 'The 123rd of '1001 Nights') was the introductory whipping, a process which is automatically inflicted on all newbies regardless of whether they've done anything to deserve it. This lad will soon encounter this quaint custom too. In fact he faces weeks of intensive training and firm discipline intended to prepare him for the rest of his life as a slave and to reconcile him to that fate.

This image shows the catacomb-like depths of a slave training facility where the young man is already being taught to pay attention and be obedient. He wears only the traditional white underwear he arrived in, signifying a status where there are legal limitations on how he can be used and treated. However he has also discovered that this 'safe' style of dress (featuring a delightful ball-bulge in this classic, Amalaric, underwear image) is capable of attracting attentions of a sort he'd never even thought about before. Especially when his hands aren't free. His father here seems to be belatedly giving advice on such matters. The oriental lantern and monolithic wall in the background ominously link the scene to the most ancient and exotic of secret rites.

From The 195th of 1001 Nights at Aquadude Bunker

703 Drug Dealer Auctioned Off

As well as the individuals chosen through the Lottery, serious criminals and wrong-doers soon become a natural shoo-in for the 'slave experience' as well. Few upright citizens would quarrel with the sentence of 'a lifetime of servitude' imposed on this convicted Drug Dealer from LA. Chained naked to a post on the auction block he can look forward to a simpler life, dedicated to repaying his debt to society in a more useful, albeit less than comfortable, role.

704 Ricky Castor, Reckless Driver, up for Auction

On the other hand, eyebrows were raised (and other parts too) when Ricky Castor came up for sale at the same auction. He'd been given the same punishment after running over the Mayor's puppy in his car. But at least he was allocated to the lowest grade of slavery, restricted to forced labour with limited punishment options. He's even allowed to keep his jeans on (most of the time). His disbelief and dismay at the harsh sentence was understandable, but it did no harm to the price he realised.

It's usual for for men being sold to mount the rostrum bare chested (like Toby in Part 4, image 409). But it's also common for them to be stripped naked in the course of the bidding (as in image 703 above) in order to achieve the best price. Some men will strip themselves on demand, but Ricky had to be cajoled into providing a Stage 7 display (704, above) for the bidders and he baulked at the full Monty. The handlers quickly stepped in, restrained him to a post and removed his clothes for him, much to the crowds delight.

(The auction dress code for 'The Slave Emporium' is discussed in The 38th of 1001 Nights )

Ricky and the Drug Dealer were just two of the 30 or so men who went under the hammer in The 245th of 1001 nights at Aquadude Bunker. Their notes illustrate the wide variety of offences and misfortunes that can bring men to the auction block. They ranging from illegal immigration to child support defaults and more are being added all the time, so beware!

Notice that the artist here uses an identical image for the auctioneer of both sales, it's just a role and the men will scarcely notice him anyway in their anxiety to find out where the process is taking them.

705 Wayward Slave Learns Discipline

For some men this auction is not to be their last, but is just a stepping stone to their ultimate destination. Promising individuals may be purchased by an intermediary who will seek to add value by developing their 'kerb appeal' with exercise and hard work and by taming wayward spirits for owners who want productive workers not entertaining challenges. As you might expect resentment, rebelliousness and bad attitude amongst compulsorily indentured men is not unusual, but it's likely to rebound on the perpetrator by attracting the sort of buyer who will happily teach them the meaning of discipline.

This X-spread punishment has an air of improvisation and haste about it that seems to be reflected in the slave's confused wriggling. The restraint arrangement lacks the formality and gravitas of Amalaric's favoured, weighty X-frame but there are practical advantages in terms of accessibility. The extreme spread is a testing stretch for the captive and imposes an awkwardness on him which piles humiliation on top of the inflicted pain. It has the ring of a punishment for an immature action.

From The 194th of 1001 Nights at Aquadud Bunker

706 Retribution In 5 Movements

When it comes to sheer simplicity, this hands-above-the-head restraint outdoes even the X-spread. It also suggests a serious intent to punish, rather than simply rebuke. That's borne out in the extract below. We do not know the nature of this man's infraction but he will certainly be learning not to do it again in future. Judging by the streams of perspiration trickling down his body, he already is.

Amalaric tells us: “Strung up stark naked under the bright lights, the prisoner was whipped steadily for twenty- minutes...(then) after a forty-five minute period of reflection and recuperation, the second of the five flogging sessions would then proceed”.

The concept of a break for rest is a sensible practice since, as the author points out in the 262nd Night, flogging is quite strenuous activity for both parties and the opportunity for them both to think about where the punishment and their relationship are going is not without merit. This man can rarely have looked more desirable to his master than he does here and there's a hardening hint that the experience is not without compensations for him too.

From The 208th of 1001 Nights at Aquadude Bunker

707. The Beast Tamed

Of course there are men who cannot be induced to obey simply by violence and the paradox of erotic enslavement is that few 'owners' want a man reduced to a totally emasculated subservience. They would rather he retains his essential maleness but accepts that, like it or not, it is now his lot in life to obey his master - in whichever form of service is required of him.

'The Beast' in this image is a man who was 'acquired' in a hunting expedition rather than by formal legal process and his rage at that is understandable and uncontrollable. Bringing such a fearsome man to accept repeated punishment, let alone intimate handling is a tall order but it could bode ill for his future if he stays angry.

Fortunately for him, Amalaric conjures up a sort of 'Man Whisperer' with mysterious powers to calm and tame recalcitrant stallions where conventional training has failed. With patience and skilled handling even the most spirited of beasts can be tamed and this image records the magical breakthrough moment where 'The Beast' freely submits to another man's touch in a decidedly ticklish area.

However there's still some way to go, he's not got his jeans off yet!

From The 226th of 1001 Nights at Aquadude Bunker


708. Lot 101 Reality Dawns

In time the reality of permanent enslavement will dawn on a captive - that there's no escape from the manacles and discipline. This man's emergence from darkness into light in this rather beautiful picture seems to represent that realisation.

This man's adjustment was doubly difficult, since surprising as it might seem, he didn't measure up to MOSLA's lofty product standards. Rejection is a blow to anybody's pride but it's potentially a blessing in disguise if it means he lands a less 'exacting' position.

For whatever reason he was off-loaded to a less discriminating establishment, 'Cost Cutters' where men are simply priced for sale by the kilo, surely the ultimate insult. It's hard to imagine this man being dismissed so casually but someone may have got a bargain out of it and as you know bargains make us feel good and that surely can't do his future prospects any harm if he's clever about it.

The 101st of 1001 Nights at Aquadude Bunker

709. Personal Examination

At MOSLA, as sale day approaches, Platinum Clients are given access to the conditioned bucks to examine them. Men who have painfully reconciled themselves to serving a lifetime of hard, physical labour and have trained hard in preparation for that manly destiny, may discover at this point that their dedication has unwittingly forged qualities of a different sort, ones that are desirable in their own right. Those fanciful rumours of more intimate services being exacted from them may turn out to be true after all.

The simple act of transferring this image from a 'Gigolo' porn movie to the darkness of the MOSLA dungeons illustrates that the boundary between rent boys and slaves is a fragile one.

The 155th of 1001 Nights at Aquadude Bunker


710 On The Block

On sale day, lesser mortals get a chance to view and assess the offerings close up and it's not hard to examine the excitement that would be generated by being allowed to be in the close proximity of large quantities of succulent male flesh, deliberately presented in the most appealing way and trained to serve. Even the Auctioneer (see image 703) has descended from his rostrum to get a better look and assist the potential buyers in their appraisal of the product (see link below).

Nor is it hard to understand the discomfort of the offerings themselves as the weird and wonderful, the wealthy and wishful encircle them and visually devour them. It would be only natural to close your eyes and wish you were somewhere else, but soon enough one of these men will become your owner and master and then you will have to look him in the eye.

More at 'On The Block' at Aquadude Bunker which has several more images.

711 Tighty Whitey Night

In this arena, there's more to marketing than simply butching up the goods, gimmicks also have their place although resorting to such practices is hardly flattering to the natural attributes of the men who go up for sale. However, 'Tighty Whitey' auction nights have been a great success at 'The Slave Emporium', a phenomenon which probably needs no explanation. The rule is that underpants are removed only after the fall of the hammer and there's a strict 'no returns' policy too. So buyers have to decide whether that bulge is authentic and does the restraint of that man imply there's still some spirit in him, some aggression demanding to be tamed - or is it simply a sales ploy to excite them? That is the gamble they must take.

In this image Amalaric uses a different, suaver-looking auctioneer whom you might imagine could draw higher values from the punters. Like his colleague in previous pictures, he too is re-cycled in other images pretty much without change (as is the room). If the slave's unique identities have ceased to matter in this nightmare, their 'purveyors' are even more anonymous.

The 133rd of 1001 Nights at Aquadude Bunker


712 2-for-1 Sale

The gimmick of a 'two for the price of one' sale is a nice idea particularly with men like this involved. It wouldn't really work in the context of an auction where it's the bidders who set the price. However, it's not unusual in auctions to offer one of a group of similar items on it's own, with the winning bidder for that one having the option of buying the others at the same price. It's a clever way of levelling up prices but would potentially generate a cruel situation if, for example, these men are inseparable buddies or brothers. If the winning bidder rejects the option to buy number 2, he'll be sold to a different buyer at a different, probably lower price.

Amalaric says that every effort is made to send slaves to the auction block in prime condition, well groomed and oiled. These men make that point very well and buyers can expect them to be fitter and healthier than most men their age. The industrial setting here subtly spices their unique appeal, it's very clever marketing! Fortified by the presence of a buddy, you sense they must feel a sense of pride in the admiration that comes their way on the block, even revelling in mutual nudity. It's a brief moment of genuine glory before they move on to a lifetime of humbling labour under the threat of the lash.

The different auctioneer and surroundings here help to add to the impression of streams of men going under the hammer one after another on an industrial scale. At the same time the auctioneer's barely changing poses indicate that it's a routine, repetitive job to him and the individuals who go through his hands (as if!) mean no more to him than the commission earned on their sale price.
Amalaric's frivolous fantasy is full of uncomfortable truths.

There's a delicious companion piece for this image in '2 for 1 sale' at Aquadude Bunker

713 Customisation

At the conclusion of the auction, the newly sold slaves will meet their new owners for the first time. It's common in this world for the sellers to offer customisation services such as tattoos, piercing, circumcision or branding, whether as permanent evidence of ownership or simply for decorative or practical purposes. Even gelding may be sought for particular usages (if the slave's category permits it). These practices represent a measure of the commitment of the buyer to his purchases, but it's a painful gesture and one they probably won't appreciate very much.

You may recognise the man on the right, previously seen skulking about in the Rodeo scenes in Part 5. I suspect he's not the actual purchaser here but simply the man who does the honours with the irons, which at least reassures the anxious slave that he's dealing with a professional.

It's fun trying to spot where Amalaric sources his images, this one's easier than some (answer at the end) 

From 'Customisation' at Aquadude Bunker

Related posts: 'The Fifth of 1001 Nights' , 'Seventieth of 1001 Nights' and 'Peasant Rebel' all at Aquadude Bunker. Also 'Backyard Branding' at Telemachus, plus Garage Sale (link below)

714 Waiting His Turn

This buyer has also made a double purchase, but not in the pressured, hurly burly of the auction room but directly from the Slave Emporium showroom, where there is no competition and less risk of getting carried away. Of course it's usually pricier and one is more susceptible to the sales assistant's cajoling, which in this case was fired up when he found he had a first time buyer on his hands.

It was relatively easy to sell him some customisation choices from the catalogue, not least because he was keen to observe the process himself. It's recommended that buyers introduce themselves to their purchases and establish their authority from the outset by administering a initial token punishment in situ. As a first timer he was also offered a demonstration of the latest training aids and practical instruction in using them for creative discipline.

Since this man has purchased two men, each must witness the other being put through this intense acquisition ritual and it's hard to know which situation might be worse:- not knowing what is coming or watching it and then getting the same yourself. In the image, No 2 turns away, unable to look and doing his best to maintain a manly demeanour as the procedure drags painfully on.

From 'Waiting His Turn' at Telemachus



 715. The Stud Depot

Where there's a buck to be made you can be sure that some cut-price, glossy superstore will muscle in on the action and it has to be admitted that there are synergies with the DIY business of supplying tools for doing work, although having a slave is the exact opposite of DIY if you think about it.

Introducing Amalaric's Stud Depot where trained workmen are sold alongside the tools of their trade and as you probably know there's always a good selection of useful hardware accessories available too, chains, ropes and fixings to make your new acquisition feel at home.

I have no doubt that if this was available as a legal route to acquiring a pliable (Todd-like!) workman it would be raging success.

From 'Home Depot' at Aquadude Bunker

716. Garage Sale 2 (at Telemachus)

This beautifully simple picture is based on a fantastic, unintended consequence which flows as inevitably as night follows day from the premise of a world in which men can be sold like chattels. Where such a market exists, there will always be shady characters who will move to exploit the demand it creates, but without following the legal channels and regulations supposed to control the business. We've seen how MOSLA operates on a fantastic scale on the edges of the legal market but this takes us into the very extreme, yet most domestic of black market operations, public and yet clandestine - selling slaves, no questions asked, in a Garage Sale.

Jeb, the subject of this story, was previously served up to us as the dishy Ryan in the story of 'Bobby' (Part 3). Indeed it's not too hard to imagine this tragic episode following on from that memorable comeuppance as Ryan seeks to drown his sorrows. However, it's actually Jeb in the official storyline who finds himself at a loose end one evening and wanders into a sleazy bar he's not visited before. There he falls in with group of rogues who spike his drink and cart him off in their van. After a difficult night of softening up, he ends up hungover and hanging from the rafters of their garage with a price tag in his ear, like a pig. The clue is in the title if you know Amalaric's work

Jeb’s blue eyes widened in sudden comprehension as the garage door opened to full sunlight and the first of the day’s early bargain hunters.”

This image is populated by a number of Amalaric's stock characters we've seen before - the burly, slave-master type at the back and a selection of typical buyers, ranging from the urbane to the slightly weird. I particularly like the way that the seated man is looking up at Jeb with a mixture of lust and genuine admiration. Such is the paradoxical status of a slave, unenviable but worthy of respect (a bit like a refuse operative). Regardless of that, other men's plans for Jeb seem to have been foiled by an unseen, more generous purchaser who's in the process of removing him to his new home. Of course, Jeb is really a fake as slaves go, he doesn't have the right papers, although the official-looking brand he's been given (did I mention that?) will fool some of the people. But as long as he's kept secure and away from prying eyes it doesn't make much difference what papers he's got.

See Garage Sale at Telemachus

Same story, different, less-boyish stud in The 196th of 1001 Nights at Aquadude Bunker

Of course, it wasn't like this in the old days.....

717 Somewhere South of Marrakech

For some the 'old days' never went away. Here the artist visualises a bustling, traditional, slave 'market place' with an assortment of characters on offer. I wonder if any of these have been illicitly shipped out to take advantage of the less regulated environment of the Middle East, or were they sourced locally?

The secret of collage is selecting good quality ingredients and most Amalaric images have at least one stunning representative of manhood, this one has several. Some stand around waiting to be sold, others are restrained, perhaps out of necessity or simply to allow unhindered inspections. The bandaged knee of the chap in the background is an unexpectedly frank presentation technique, no doubt the trader has a tale to tell about it, perhaps he's an Olympic athlete ('ex-' I should say).

Rebellious spirit is not necessarily a deterrent to buyers and the man in the frame, may have been chosen to be a demonstration 'piece' for exactly that reason. Somewhat surprisingly 'try before you buy' is integral element of the slave trading fantasy, the whip lays ready just in front of him.

At the right a soldier keeps order and I dare say offers protection from those who would steal the trader's wares. He gives the proceedings a stamp of respectability, or at least official recognition and his presence will have extinguished a few lingering hopes of rescue. The captive in underwear may be one of those, he thoughtfully eyes the weighty manacles that symbolise his future – or is he wondering why everybody else is naked?

From 'The Souk At Marrakech” at Telemachus

Amalaric's cumulative detailing of the customs and regulations of his Sci-Fi, modern slave system builds across many separate pieces into an impressively complete edifice (somewhat like the erotic, naked body building world created in the IFNB blog does). Punishment episodes form a major part of these writings and of the experiences of the unfortunates caught up in them but there's a lot of pleasure to be had in simply getting to grips with how the complex jigsaw all fits together. It's intended as erotic entertainment but it also gives us surprising insights into how slavery works (from both side's points of view) and why we are drawn to it.

Next Time – A Slave's Life

Read this series from Part 1

Quiz answer: 'Customisation' is derived from a 'Russian Captured Guys' image